1,954 research outputs found

    Short and long term results of the laparoscopic Heller–Dor myotomy. The influence of age and previous conservative therapies

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    Analisi dei risultati della terapia chirurgica dell'acalasia esofagea con tecnica di Heller-Dor laparoscopica in pazienti anziani con e senza dilatazione pneumatica pregress

    Water, air and fire at work in Hero's machines

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    Known as the Michanikos, Hero of Alexandria is considered the inventor of the world's first steam engine and of many other sophisticated devices. Here we discuss three of them as described in his book "Pneumatica". These machines, working with water, air and fire, are clear examples of the deep knowledge of fluid dynamics reached by the Hellenistic scientists.Comment: Hero of Alexandria, Hellenistic physic

    Historical development of the windmill

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    Throughout history, windmill technology represented the highest levels of development in those technical fields now referred to as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and aerodynamics. Key stages are described in the technical development of windmills as prime movers; from antiquity to construction of the well known Smith-Putnam wind turbine generator of the 1940's, which laid the foundation for modern wind turbines. Subjects covered are windmills in ancient times; the vertical axis Persian windmill; the horizontal axis European windmill (including both post mills and tower mills); technology improvements in sails, controls, and analysis; the American farm windmill; the transition from windmills to wind turbines for generating electricity at the end of the 19th century; and wind turbine development in the first half of the 20th century


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    Abstrak: Modernisasi dan globalisasi tak hanya memberi dampak positif, namun dapat menjadi ancaman bagi jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Arus perubahan sosial budaya membawa krisis bagi pewarisan budaya nasional. Tokoh lokal terlupakan dan tergantikan dengan idola-idola baru produk modernisasi. Begitu juga kehidupan sosial budaya di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yang kaya budaya dan cerita rakyat yang memuat kisah inspiratif. Hal ini mendasari tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yaitu mengembangkan karakter anak melalui literasi budaya berbasis cerita rakyat NTB. Tim MT. Al-Kahfi Unram bermitra TBM Literasi Lumbung Lombok melaksanakan Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D) atas pendanaan Dirjen Belmawa Kemendikbud berupa pelatihan mendongeng dan penyelenggaraan Festival Cerita Rakyat NTB. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut ialah terbentuknya kelompok pelatihan mendongeng, terciptanya Buku Cerita Rakyat NTB, peserta mengenal cerita rakyat NTB (70%), terimplementasi nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat NTB dengan sangat baik (84%), peserta memiliki keterampilan berbahasa dengan baik (72%), tumbuhnya minat baca yang sangat tinggi (86%), dan peserta dapat membaca dengan lancar (75%).Abstract: Modernization and globalization not only have a positive impact, but can also be a threat to the identity of the Indonesian nation. The flow of socio-cultural changes brought a crisis to the inheritance of national culture. Local figures are forgotten and replaced with new idols of modernization products. Likewise, the socio-cultural life in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), which is rich in culture and folklore, contains inspirational stories. This underlies the purpose of service activities, namely developing children's character through cultural literacy based on NTB folklore. MT. Al-Kahfi Unram Team partnered with TBM Literasi Lumbung Lombok to carry out the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) with funding from the Director General of Belmawa of the Ministry of Education and Culture in the form of storytelling training and organizing the NTB Folklore Festival. The results of these activities were the formation of a storytelling training group, the creation of an NTB Folklore Book, participants were familiar with NTB folklore (70%), the implementation of the character values contained in NTB folklore very well (84%), participants had language skills with good (72%), the growth of interest in reading is very high (86%), and the participants can read fluently (75%)

    The crucible of formation : the theological milieu wherein giants grew

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    This study will seek to give a bird's eye-view of certain more conspicuous aspects of the theological milieu during the period which spans the pontificate of Leo XIII right down to that of Pius XI. The confluence consists mainly of the encounter between two contrasting currents - on one hand, the Neo-Scholastic revival, especially in the wake of Leo XIII's landmark encyclical Aeterni Patris (1879), and on the other, the theological Ressourcement, especially the Liturgical Movement. This interesting and stimulating context indeed turned out to be an effective crucible in the formation of the future giants.peer-reviewe


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    The study was entitled "The Role of Social Capital as a Strategy in the Development of the Weaving Handicraft Industry in Sukarara Village". The development of the weaving industry has been started since the 1980s, but the process of developing the weaving industry is still relatively slow and has low competitiveness with handicraft industries is in Central Lombok. This study uses the theory and concept of social capital from Putnam. This study also uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The main source in this study is the weaving craftsmen. The research location is Sukarara Village, Jonggat District, Central Lombok Regency. This research is a qualitative research which aims to explain and discover the role of social capital that is owned by the community in the development process of the weaving industry in the village of Sukarara. The focus of this research is identifying the role of social capital and knowing the obstacles in the development process of the weaving industry. This study aims to determine the role of social capital and its obstacles in the development process of the weaving industry in Sukarara Village.Keywords: Social Capital, Strategy, Weaving Craft


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    Poverty, for some people, is not always followed by low education. This is evidenced by the experience of the gula gending sellers who can send their children to higher education. This research was completed using a qualitative descriptive method with the help of the social construction theory of Peter L. Berger and Luckman. Sources of data used are primary and secondary data. Bringing up the title "Asa in the strains of Gula Gending: A Study of the Views of the People of Kembang Kerang Daya Village on the Ability of Gula Gending Sellers to Send Children to Higher Education", describing the limitations of parents in terms of education, skills, and access to employment, has actually become a motivator for parents to change the future for the better. Children are believed to be an investment in the future, both in the hereafter and in the world, for gula gending sellers, so educating them to have a strong motivation in education is part of worship and struggle. In the results and conclusions, we describe the discussion: (1) gula gending in Kembang Kerang Daya Village, (2) the seller of gula gending and children's education, (3) the views of the people from Kembang Kerang Daya Village on the ability of the gula gending seller to send their children to higher education. And (4) the potential for culture and education that can be a potential for community empowerment. Keywords: Seller’s Expectations, Gula Gending, The Meaning of Educatio

    Vacui ratione. Observability and Causal Powers of a Nonentity

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    The notion of the vacuum is transmitted to early modern natural philosophy mainly in two versions: macroscopic void space, as a component of standard atomist theories; and microscopic void spaces interspersed within matter, that according to the pneumatic literature can be forcefully collected into artificial vacua of the first sort. Both kinds of natural vacua are directly or indirectly connected to causal effects, that may be attributed to different causal powers, directly or indirectly pertaining to the vacuum itself. The question also arises whether the purported physical vacuum ought to be observable, either directly or through the presence versus the testable absence of the same causal powers. In contrast to natural philosophy, within the medical discourse—more open to different interpretations of phenomena connected with the vacuum—even the question of observability might present unexpected facets

    Perempuan Bima dan Strategi Adaptasi Pasca Bencana Banjir Bandang (Studi Kasus Peran Perempuan di Kabupaten Bima, NTB)

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    The research titled “Bima\u27s Women and Post Disaster Mitigation Adaption Strategy for flash floods (Case Study of Women in Maintaining family Economics After The Flash Floods Disaster in Bima)” Takes place in Nisa Village, Woha Subdistrict, Bima District. By doing this research, the researcher are expected to be able to: (1) knowing in depth the adaptive strategy done by women in reconstructing their social life after flash floods disaster, (2) knowing the change of life after flash floods, (3) knowing the obstacles faced by women in the implementation post flash floods adaptive strategy. This research uses explorative qualitative research method. The research location is located in Nisa Village, Woha District, Bima District, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The subjects of this study were women housewives and Nisa village apparatus. Data were collected through interviews and observations to collect information on adavtive strategies, changes in post-flash floods life, and the constraints faced by women in implementing adaptive strategies after the flash floods disaster. Further data analysis by performing several stages that include data collection, data classification, interpretation to the writing of research reports. The results of this research show that (i) Nisa village women experiencing changes in economic, social and cultural life after the disaster flash floods. (ii) adaptive strategies implemented by Nisa village women in sustaining their household economies, among others, by active strategies in the form of exploiting natural resources and human resources from close relatives, extending working hours, and working to reduce family economic expenditure. The network strategy undertaken by Nisa village women is by owing the banks and neighbors. (iii) the constraints faced by women in Nisa village in carrying out an effective strategy are the loss of some natural resources that can support economic recovery , large losses due to flood disaster become an obstacle in economic recovery, and lack of acces to village economic institutions
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