632 research outputs found

    Saša Jazbec: Man taucht in eine andere Welt ein ...

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    Numerical modelling of figure-8 coil in electroporation induced by time-varying magnetic field

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    S klasično elektroporacijo danes dosegamo dobre rezultate na različnih področjih uporabe, od elektrokemoterapije, genskega transferja do pasterizacije hrane in elektrozlivanja. Zaradi izpostavitve celice električnemu polju se namreč v celični membrani začnejo dogajati spremembe, ki pod določenimi pogoji omogočajo prehod ionov in molekul, katerim je ob normalnih okoliščinah vstop onemogočen. Kot alternativa elektroporacije z pulznim električnim poljem pa se v zadnjem času poraja ideja o permeabilizaciji celične membrane z uporabo izmeničnega magnetnega polja. Ta metoda še ni dokončno raziskana, vendar je zelo uporabna predvsem v primerih, kjer je dostop z navadnimi elektrodami onemogočen ali prenevaren. V svoji magistrski nalogi sem med izbranimi omejitvami s pomočjo numeričnega modeliranja poiskala najboljšo tuljavo v obliki številke osem (ang.: figure-8 coil), s katero bi lahko ustvarili inducirano električno polje. Tuljava v obliki osmice nam ponuja boljšo osredotočenost področja stimulacije, sama globina dosega pa je še vedno vprašljiva. Težko se je odločiti, katera tuljava je na splošno najboljša, saj so se nekatere omogočale vzpostavitev večje jakosti elektičnega polja, druge pri gostoti magnetnega pretoka in tretje pri večji globini dosega. S predlagano tuljavo dosežemo v sredini tuljave električno poljsko jakost 101,76 V/m in gostoto magnetnega polja 855,49 mT, s čimer smo sicer zadovoljni, vendar bi se dalo primernejšimi vhodnimi parametri rezultate še izboljšati.Nowadays we achieve good results with classical electroporation in various fields of use from electrochemotherapy, gene transfer to pasteurization of food and electrofusion. Due to exposure of the cell to the electric field, changes in the cell membrane begin to occur. These changes, under certain conditions, allow transition to ions and molecules, which is in normal circumstances prevented. As an alternative to electroporation with a pulsed electric field, the idea of permeabilizing the cell membrane using an alternating magnetic field has recently been raised. This method has not yet been fully explored, but it is very useful especially in cases where access to ordinary electrodes is disabled or too dangerous. In my master\u27s thesis, I found the best figure-8 coil through numerical modelling among the selected constrains, with which we could create an induced electric field. Figure-8 coil offers us a better localization of stimulation area, but the depth of reach remains questionable. It is difficult to decide which coil is generally the best, since some have proved to be better at the strength of the electric field, the other at the density of magnetic flux and third at a greater depth of reach. In the middle of the coil the electric field strength of 101.76 V/m and a magnetic field density of 855.49 mT is reached. We are satisfied with those results, but with better input parameters, the results could be further improved

    Flow state and recreatinol athletes

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    Zanos je lahkotnost, preprostost gibanja, harmonija uma in telesa,… V svojem bistvu je zanos karakteriziran kot popolna prevzetost osebe s tistim, kar počne, in se kaže v izgubi občutka za prostor in čas. Zanos v športu je za posameznika pomemben, saj športnik med doseganjem cilja uživa in s tem zagotavlja boljšo kakovost izvedbe gibov. Da športnik doživi zanos, je pomembno, da so njegove sposobnosti uravnotežene z izzivom, ki ga ponuja izbrani šport. V primeru, da so športnikove sposobnosti na višji ali nižji ravni, kot jih zahteva izziv, lahko pride do apatičnosti in dolgočasja, oz. do anksioznosti. Ko je športnik v zanosu ima občutek, da vse teče, da je gibanje skoraj avtomatično. Področje zanosa v športu še ni dobro raziskano, zato smo v diplomski nalogi raziskali koncept zanosa na vzorcu študentov Fakultete za Šport v Ljubljani. Zanimalo nas je kako na doživljanje zanosa vplivajo različne spremenljivke, kot so spol, starost, vrsta športa (ekipni / individualni), ter nivo športa (rekreativni / tekmovalni). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 112 športnikov, od tega 67 moških in 56 žensk. Testiranje smo izvedli z uporabo FSS-2 in DFS-2 vprašalnika, ki sta bila posebej zasnovana za ocenjevanje zanosa na področju športa in fizične aktivnosti. Vsak vprašalnik vsebuje 36 postavk in meri devet dimenzij zanosa, to so: ravnovesje med izzivi in sposobnostmi, zlitje z izvedbo, jasnost ciljev, jasnost povratne informacije, osredotočenost na trenutno nalogo, občutek kontrole, izguba samozavedanja, transformacija časa in avtotelična izkušnja. Dobljene rezultate smo nato statistično obdelali s programom SPSS. Končni rezultati so pokazali, da ni statistično pomembnih razlik pri doživljanju zanosa med moškimi in ženskami, prav tako do nobenih pomembnih razlik ni prišlo pri ekipnih in individualnih športnikih, oz. pri tistih, ki se s športom ukvarjajo rekreativno ali tekmovalno. So pa rezultati pokazali statistično pomembno povezanost med starostjo in globalno stopnjo zanosa.Flow is lightness, simplicity of movements, harmony of the body and mind… In its essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one\u27s sense of space and time. Flow sport is important for the individual because the athlete enjoys in achieving his goals and that offers him better quality of movement. For the athlete to achieve flow it is important thet his skill level is balanced with the challenges offerd in sport. If the challenge is on a higher or lower level than athletes skills, the filings of apathy, boredom or anxiety may occur. Athlete in flow feels that he moves almost automatically, the feeling of flow in movement. Field of flow in sport is not jet well researched, so in this thesis we researched concept of flow in students of Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana. We wanted to determine the effect of different variables such as gender, age, type of sport (team / individual), and rank of sport (elite /recreational) on experiencing flow. 112 athletes participated in this study, of which there were 67 males and 56 females. To test the participants we used FSS-2 and DFS-2 questionnaire, which was developed specifically for use in sport and physical activity settings. Each questionnaire comprises 36 questions relating to the nine dimensions of the flow state experience which are: challenge and skill balance, merging of action and awareness, clear goals, unambiguous feedback, concentration on the task, sense of control, loss of self-consciousness, distortion of the sense of time and autotelic experience. The data was then statistically analised with SPSS program. The end results have shown that there is no statistically relevant differences in experiencing flow between males and females, as well there are no relevant differences between team and individual sport, or between elite athletes and recreational athletes. But the results revealed signifficant correlation between age and global flow factor

    Standard ISO 9001:2000 and geodesy

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    ISO 9001 Standard is the world's most common standard for quality management systems. It is suitable for small, as well as big, enterprises in production or service sector. Standard is used by organizations that want to improve their product and service quality. Geodesy, as a market activity, shouldn't be an exception in this. For this reason, ISO 9001:2000 Standard and its application possibilities in geodesy are the theme of my Thesis. Moreover, application of ISO 9001 Standard is also recommended by Eurogeographic – an organization which brings together national mapping agencies. The results have shown that in some national mapping agencies quality management system is already based on this standard. The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia is aware of the significance of the standard; however, it is not ready yet for its certification. The latter is probably doe to its special position and the lack of competitive market structures. Implementation of ISO 9001 is a common practice in geodesy and we can also learn from a wide range of examples from abroad. Demand for its implementation has to come from the top of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, though