782 research outputs found

    Prvih 100 godina nastave ortopedije na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

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    In Croatia, hospitals where patients with diseases of the locomotor system were cared for date from more than 100 years ago. However, we consider the beginning of orthopaedics in Croatia to be the year 1908 when Božidar Špišić (1879 - 1957) founded the first Orthopaedic Institute in Zagreb. In 1917, the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb was founded, and when the first students were in their fifth year of studies, the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was established on December 15, 1922, and Božidar Špišić became an Assistant Professor. From that date until today, Orthopaedics has been an independent department within the School of Medicine. The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery was primarily established for the education of medical students. Another important activity of the Department was the training of orthopaedic surgeons and specialists in overlapping fields with orthopaedics. In 1973, the department made a program of postgraduate studies in orthopaedics. The department also participated in postgraduate studies of other professions overlapping with orthopaedics and held numerous post-graduate courses and continuous medical education for doctors. Also, the department organised both domestic and international meetings, symposia, and congresses. Within the scientific post-graduate and doctoral studies, the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery members are lecturers in many courses. This article presents the work and development of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in the first 100 years of orthopaedics education at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and clinical work as a part of the University Hospital Centre Zagreb. It is a presentation of time periods under nine heads of the department, starting from Professor Božidar Špišić all to the current head Professor Domagoj Delimar.Premda su i ranije u Hrvatskoj postojale bolnice u kojima su se zbrinjavali bolesnici s bolestima i ozljedama lokomotornog sustava, organiziranim početkom rada ortopedije u Hrvatskoj smatra se 1908. godina kada je Božidar Špišić (1879. - 1957.) u Zagrebu osnovao prvi Ortopedski zavod na slavenskom jugu. 1917. godine utemeljen je Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, i kada prvi studenti dolaze na petu godinu studija medicine, utemeljuje se i Katedra za ortopediju, a dr. Božidar Špišić postaje docent 15. 12. 1922. godine. Od tog datuma pa sve do danas ortopedija je samostalan predmet i Katedra u okviru Medicinskog fakulteta. Katedra za ortopediju prvenstveno je osnovana za edukaciju studenata medicine, dok je slijedeća značajna djelatnost Katedre za ortopediju bila i ostala izobrazba specijalista ortopeda i specijalista struka koje se preklapaju s ortopedijom. 1973. godine Katedra za ortopediju započela je provoditi plan i program postdiplomskog studija iz ortopedije, a održava i mnogobrojne postdiplomske tečajeve te tečajeve trajnog usavršavanja liječnika. Također, Katedra organizira domaće i međunarodne sastanke, simpozije i kongrese. Na znanstvenom postdiplomskom i doktorskom studiju članovi Katedre za ortopediju voditelji su mnogih kolegija. Prikaz rada i razvoja Katredre za ortopediju u proteklih 100 godina djelovanja u okviru Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Klinike za ortopediju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb podijeljen je na više vremenskih odsječaka, počevši od prvog pročelnika profesora Božidara Špišića sve do današnjeg, devetog pročelnika Katedre za ortopediju i predstojnika Klinike za ortopediju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb profesora Domagoja Delimara

    Ground Reaction Force Analysis in Traumatic Transtibial Amputees’ Gait

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    The study gives up findings of ground reaction force (GRF) measurement in traumatic transtibial amputees (TT) equipped with prosthesis. Results disclose significant asymmetries between the amputated and healthy legs, as well as between transtibial amputees and non-disabled persons. Decreased GRF of prosthesis (max. horizontal force Fx2 and medio-lateral Fy1 (p<0.05), max. vertical force Fz1 during the loading response phase and Fz 3 – max. vertical force in late terminal stance; Fx 1 – max. horizontal force and Fy 2 – max. lateral force) were registered in comparison to healthy legs of amputees. The only exception represents vertical force Fz2 showing larger magnitude on prosthetic legs (p<0.1). Nearly all forces (Fz1 and Fz3 – max. vertical force, Fx1 and Fx2 – max. horizontal forces and Fy1– max. medial force) were decreased for prosthetic legs in comparison to the healthy legs of amputees and to able-bodied persons

    Spatial, Temporal and Kinematic Characteristics of Traumatic Transtibial Amputees\u27 Gait

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    Presented study gives findings of temporal-spatial kinematic gait analysis in 12 male adults, war trauma transtibial (TT) amputees fitted with prosthesis compared to 12 able-bodied persons. Results disclose asymmetries between the amputated, prosthetic and healthy legs of amputees, as well as between TT amputees and non-disabled persons. Amputees in comparison with able-bodied persons, generally, showed significantly increased swing-time (ms) (p<0.01). Prosthetic, right legs of amputees showed decreased stance-phase (ms and % GC) (p<0.01) and increased swing-time (ms) (p<0.05), compared with right legs of able-bodied persons while statistical significance was reached (p<0.01) for decreased stance-time (% stride and ms), increased swing-time (% stride and ms), decreased swing velocity (m/s), increased anterior step length and decreased stride length (p<0.05), compared with contra lateral, left legs of amputees. Our conclusion is that instrumented kinematic gait analysis study is able to provide assessment about the way prosthetic TT amputees walk

    Application of therapeutic physical exercises and massage in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with muscular torticollis

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    The paper presents recommendations for the use of physical exercises and massage in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients withmuscular torticollis. Recommendations are intended for surgeons, doctors and exercise instructors with higher and secondary education, massagetherapists and paediatricians hospitals and clinics


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    The tendency to staining and the ability for stain retentivity of polyester fabrics can be decreased by basic treatment and tenside modification. The inflammability and risk of accidence of these textiles can also be reduced. This characteristic is also reflected in the rate of burning

    An algorithm for the automatic identification of the key points in head soft tissues

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    The scope of this BSc thesis is to describe the algorithm that traces the soft tissue silhouette of a face on STRGV image (skull lateral X-ray) and then locates key points of soft tissue like tip of the nose, chin and soft tissue nasion. In order to make an informed decision on orthodontic treatment or orthognatic surgery, dentists- orthodontist and dental surgeons use various tools. This tools provide relevant information for diagnosis and help establish an appropriate treatment plan. Goals of the treatment are functional and aestethic improvements. Cephalometric analyses are one of these tools. The goal of this thesis is to find the most appropriate methodology for automatic recognition of key reference points on soft tissue of the head in order to simplify and speed up the process of creating cephalometric analyses in AxCeph software [1]

    An algorithm for the automatic identification of the key points in head soft tissues

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    The scope of this BSc thesis is to describe the algorithm that traces the soft tissue silhouette of a face on STRGV image (skull lateral X-ray) and then locates key points of soft tissue like tip of the nose, chin and soft tissue nasion. In order to make an informed decision on orthodontic treatment or orthognatic surgery, dentists- orthodontist and dental surgeons use various tools. This tools provide relevant information for diagnosis and help establish an appropriate treatment plan. Goals of the treatment are functional and aestethic improvements. Cephalometric analyses are one of these tools. The goal of this thesis is to find the most appropriate methodology for automatic recognition of key reference points on soft tissue of the head in order to simplify and speed up the process of creating cephalometric analyses in AxCeph software [1]

    Ortopedija prve življenjske dobe

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    Primerjava kliničnega izida vstavitve totalne endoproteze kolka preko anteriornega in lateralnega pristopa: sistematični pregled z metaanalizo

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    Izhodišča: Totalna endoproteza kolka velja za enega najuspešnejših posegov v ortopedski kirurgiji. Pomemben dejavnik vpliva na izid je izbira kirurškega pristopa. Trenutno je v svetu najbolj razširjen stranski pristop, v zadnjem času pa postaja zaradi manj poškodb mehkih tkiv vse bolj priljubljen sprednji pristop. Metode: V sistemski pregled smo vključili randomizirane kontrolirane raziskave iz podatkovnih baz PubMed in Cochrane Library ter raziskave, prijavljene pri Clinical Trials. Iskanje smo opravili decembra 2019. Zabeležili smo podatek o državi, velikosti vzorca, posegu, izidu in času spremljanja. Metaanalizo smo opravili s programom Review Manager 5.3. Rezultati: V metaanalizo smo vključili 7 randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav s 723 preiskovanci. Med sprednjim in stranskim pristopom totalne endoproteze kolka ni razlik v funkcionalnem stanju, vrednotenem po Harrisu ob koncu spremljanja, v oceni bolečine po vizualni analogni lestvici tako v zgodnjem kot poznem obdobju po operaciji, v izgubi krvi, v potrebi po transfuziji, v trajanju bolnišnične oskrbe in v pojavnosti zapletov med operacijo in po njej. Zaključki: Primerjava sprednjega in stranskega pristopa kaže, da med pristopoma ni statistično pomembnih razlik v funkcionalnem stanju ob koncu spremljanja, v oceni bolečine tako v zgodnjem kot poznem obdobju po operaciji, v izgubi krvi, v potrebi po transfuziji, v trajanju bolnišnične oskrbe in v pojavnosti zapletov med operacijo in po njej. Trenutno ne poteka nobena randomizirana kontrolirana raziskava, ki bi primerjala izid sprednjega in stranskega pristopa z natančno zastavljenim protokolom spremljanja