31 research outputs found


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    Pri gradnji hlevov za govedo je vedno več poudarka na zdravju, udobju in dobrem počutju živali. Upoštevati moramo zoo-higienske normative in živalim omogočiti njihovo naravno vedenje. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo preučili različne sisteme uhlevitve krav molznic in se seznanili s sodobnimi sistemi molzišč. Preučili smo funkcionalne elemente, ki jih sodoben hlev s prosto rejo govedi mora vključevati. V drugem delu naloge predstavljamo trenutno stanje na družinski kmetiji Bebar. Na kmetiji se ukvarjajo s prirejo mleka in vzrejo govejih pitancev. Stalež živali na kmetiji se giblje okoli 90 glav. Reja krav molznic poteka v zastarelem hlevu na vezano rejo. Pripravili smo idejni načrt rekonstrukcije hleva, ki bo živalim predstavljal večje udobje, hkrati pa zmanjšal ročno delo ljudi. Predlog je, da se obstoječemu hlevu dozida prizidek, v katerem bo 40 globokih ležalnih boksov za krave molznice in molzišče ribja kost 2 x 3. Tla hleva bodo betonska in se bodo čistila z mehanskimi pehali. V novem hlevu bo krmilna miza, porodnišnica in prostor za bolne živali ter boksi za mlado živino. Novorojena teleta bodo nameščena v individualnih boksih zunaj hleva. V nalogi je poleg hleva za krave molznice, podan tudi predlog uhlevitve mlade živine.Building cattle barns nowadays focuses more and more on health, comfort and well-being of the animals. Since we need to take the zoo-hygienic norms into consideration and enable the animals to express their natural behaviour. In the first part of diploma thesis we studied various housing systems for dairy cattle and got familiar with modern milking systems. We studied the functional elements, which need to be included in a modern free barn for the cattle. In the second part of this thesis I present the current state on the family farm Bebar. The main focus of the farm is milk production and fattening of bulls. On the farm we have always around 90 cattle. The rearing of dairy cows is currently happening in the old barn, with a tied-in housing system. We prepared a design for the reconstruction of the barn, which will raise the well-being and comfort of the animals while simultaneously lowering the amount of labour needed for maintenance. The proposal is to build an extension to the existing barn, with 40 deep lying cubicles for dairy cows, as well as a fishbone milking station 2x3. The floor of the barn will be concrete, which will enable us to clean it with mechanical manure pushers. The new part of the barn will hold the feeding area, calving area as well as a separate room for sick animals as well as cubicles for young cattle. New-born calves will be accommodated in separate cubicles outside of the barn. The thesis consists of the dairy barn design as well as the proposal of the young cattle enclosures

    Usage of an elevated platform under organic housing conditions for goats of Alpine breed

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    V Sloveniji se število ekološko usmerjenih kmetij in tudi zanimanje za ekološke izdelke povečujeta. Ekološko kmetijstvo stremi k naravi prijaznemu kmetovanju in vse večji poudarek daje dobremu počutju živali. Prav zato smo se odločili narediti poskus, v katerem smo opazovali uporabo dvignjene površine v ekološki reji koz srnaste pasme. Koze so živali, ki rade ležijo, stojijo ali se gibajo na površinah, ki so dvignjene od tal, ker se tam dobro počutijo. Opazovali smo čredo rogatih in nerogatih koz. Na sredini boksa za koze je bila pritrjena dvignjena lesena površina dimenzij 0,6 m × 1,5 m, od tal je bila dvignjena 0,5 m. Koze so imele prost prehod na pašnik. Živali smo opazovali 10 dni prek video posnetkov, in sicer v 12-urnih časovnih intervalih. Rezultati so pokazali, da so koze dvignjeno površino uporabljale vsak dan, kar potrjuje, da dvignjena površina pripomore k dobremu počutju koz in k njihovemu naravnemu obnašanju. Dvignjeno površino so živali v 96 % uporabljale za ležanje, in sicer največkrat v zgodnjih jutranjih urah, najmanjkrat pa v zgodnjih večernih urah. Na dvignjeni površini so se večinoma zadrževale rogate koze, pod podestom pa nerogate koze. Z rezultati smo potrdili, da so rogate koze dominantne, saj imajo po definiciji dostop do najboljših resursov. Menimo, da je dvignjena površina dober in uporaben element v reji koz, je cenovno ugoden in omogoča izražanje kozam specifičnega obnašanja ter ugodno vpliva na zdravstveno stanje živali.In Slovenia, the number of ecological farms and the interest for organic products have increased. Ecological farming strives for a nature-friendly system and emphasizes the welfare of animals. Following this, we carried out a study with wich we observed the use of an elevated platform in organic farming for goats of the Alpine breed. Goats are animals that lie, stand and move on an elevated platform, because that is where they feel good, this is their natural behaviour. Our herd of horned and dehorned goats had a wooden elevated platform in the middle of a box, measuring 0.6 m x 1.5 m and was elevated 0.5 m from the floor. Goats also had a free access to the pasture. We observed the animals for 10 days using a video footage, of 12-hour intervals. The results showed that our goats used the elevated platform every day, confirming that platforms contribute to a better goat welfare and promote natural behaviour. Animals used the elevated area in 96% for lying, most often in the early morning and very little in the early evening. Horned goats mostly spent their time on the platform, whereas dehorned goats preferred to be underneath it. Horned goats are generally more dominant since they have better access to the best resources. We believe that the elevated platform is a good and useful element in goat housing, which is also affordable and enables the expression of a goat specific behaviour and has a beneficial effect on the state of animal health

    Etiopathogenesis of abomasal displacement in cattle

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    Abomasal displacement presents topographic gastropathy, where this organ has changed its position, and there is simultaneous dilatation which can vary in intensity. The incidence of this disorder in herds of high-yield dairy cows varies to a great degree (1 to 18 %). Abomasal displacement was established in herds of East-Frisian cows in 1 to 3% animals, and in Holstein cow herds in 5 to 18 % animals. The most frequent abomasal displacement is to the left (88%). There is significant seasonal variation in the incidence of abomasal displacement. About two-thirds of cases of abomasal displacement are diagnosed from October until April. The disorder appears more frequently in cows with repeated lactations. It has been established that it appears after the first calving in 27.8% cases, after the second to fifth calving in 66.7% cases, and after the sixth and seventh calving in 5.5% of the cows. The response of endocrine pancreas B-cells for insulin secretion to hyperglycaemia caused by applying an excess-glucose test is reduced in cows with left abomasal displacement, and there is constant hyperglycaemia in cows with right abomasal displacement. The excess-glucose test indicates a disrupted function of the endocrine pancreas in diseased animals. It has been determined through examinations of Aml genotypes in Holstein cow herds in connection with the appearance of abomasal displacement, that the occurrence of this disorder cannot be attributed to a genetic predisposition

    Vodna imena na doberdobskem Krasu

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    This articles discusses the hydronyms associated with Lake Doberdo, Lake Pietrarossa, the Sablici Marsh, and the Mucille Lakes, presents findings and explanations of the names to date, and draws attention to typical hydronyms such as Črepola/Črepolo, P’č, Počka, Rebok, Rošta, Roja, and Pivka.V članku obravnava avtor vodna imena Doberdobskega, Prelosnega in Sabeljskega jezera ter Močil, navaja dosedanje ugotovitve in razlage imen ter opozarja na značilne hidronime, kot so Črepola/Črepolo, P'č, Počka, Rebok, Rošta, Roja in Pivka

    Etiopatogeneza promene položaja sirišta goveda

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    Abomasal displacement presents topographic gastropathy, where this organ has changed its position, and there is simultaneous dilatation which can vary in intensity. The incidence of this disorder in herds of high-yield dairy cows varies to a great degree (1 to 18 %). Abomasal displacement was established in herds of East-Frisian cows in 1 to 3% animals, and in Holstein cow herds in 5 to 18 % animals. The most frequent abomasal displacement is to the left (88%). There is significant seasonal variation in the incidence of abomasal displacement. About two-thirds of cases of abomasal displacement are diagnosed from October until April. The disorder appears more frequently in cows with repeated lactations. It has been established that it appears after the first calving in 27.8% cases, after the second to fifth calving in 66.7% cases, and after the sixth and seventh calving in 5.5% of the cows. The response of endocrine pancreas B-cells for insulin secretion to hyperglycaemia caused by applying an excess-glucose test is reduced in cows with left abomasal displacement, and there is constant hyperglycaemia in cows with right abomasal displacement. The excess-glucose test indicates a disrupted function of the endocrine pancreas in diseased animals. It has been determined through examinations of Aml genotypes in Holstein cow herds in connection with the appearance of abomasal displacement, that the occurrence of this disorder cannot be attributed to a genetic predisposition.Dislokacija sirišta predstavlja topografsku gastropatiju, pri kojoj postoji promena položaja ovog organa, a istovremeno i dilatacija koja može da ima različit intenzitet. U zapatima visoko-mlečnih krava pojavljivanje bolesti varira u širokom rasponu (od 1 do 18 %). U zapatima krava istočno-frizijske rase dislokacija sirišta je dijagnostikovana u 1 do 3 posto životinja, a u zapatima krava holštajn rase ustanovljena je kod 5 do 18 posto životinja. NajčešćI oblik dislokacije sirišta je promena položaja na levu stranu (88 %). Postoji značajno sezonsko variranje u pogledu pojavljivanja dislokacije sirišta. Oko dve trećine slučajeva dislokacije sirišta dijagnostikuje se od oktobra do aprila. Bolest se češće javlja kod krava sa više laktacija. Tako je utvrđeno da se kod prvotelkinja pojavljuje kod 27,8 posto, od drugog do petog teljenja kod 66,7 posto, a posle šestog odnosno sedmog teljenja kod 5,5 posto krava. Odgovor ćelija endokrinog pankreasa za lučenje insulina na nastalu hiperglikemiju, pri primeni probe opterećenja glikozom, smanjen je kod krava kod kojih postoji promena položaja sirišta na levo, a kod promena položaja sirišta na desno postoji stalna hiperglikemija. Primenjena proba opterećenja glikozom ukazuje na poremećaj funkcije endokrinog pankreasa kod obolelih životinja. Ispitivanjem AmI genotipova u zapatu krava holštajn rase u odnosu na pojavljivanje dislokacije sirišta utvrđeno je da nastanak ove bolesti ne može da se pripiše genetskoj predispoziciji

    Toponymy of the village Prapatnice in Vrgorska krajina

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    U radu se opisuje toponimija sela Prapatnice kraj Vrgorca u Dalmatinskoj zagori. Opisani su toponimi u samom selu, kao i imena obližnjih mjesta te oronimi. U članku se ukratko opisuje i štokavski govor Prapatnica.In this paper, the toponymy of Croatian village Prapatnice (near the town of Vrgorac in Dalmatia) is presented. The toponyms included are the toponyms of the village itself, as well as the names of the neighbouring villages and nearby oronyms. A short sketch of the Štokavian dialect of Prapatnice is given in the article as well

    Reconstruction of cattle barn

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    Na kmetiji Pr\u27 Kalan se je pokazala potreba po rekonstrukciji hleva. Na kmetiji redimo krave molznice, goveje pitance in mlado živino v sistemu vezane reje. Na kmetiji bomo ohranili stalež živali, zato potrebe po novogradnji hleva trenutno ni. Želimo si ohraniti obstoječi hlev in le-tega preurediti na prosto rejo, da si bomo olajšali delo. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo prikazali prednosti in slabosti različnih sistemov ureditve hlevov za krave molznice, goveje pitance, mlado živino in sesna teleta. V drugem delu smo predstavili za nas najbolj optimalne rešitve glede prostora, ekonomike in delovne sile pri rekonstrukciji obstoječega hleva. Da bi živalim zagotovili dovolj prostora, smo kot najprimernejšo rešitev predlagali izpust ob hlevu in v njem ležalne bokse za krave molznice. Ekonomsko stališče rekonstrukcije smo poskušali rešiti z najmanjšimi stroški, z uporabo lastne delovne sile in pomoči prijateljev ter uporabo lesa, ker ga je na kmetiji na voljo dovolj. S preureditvijo hleva za krave molznice in mlado živino pričakujemo boljše počutje živali, saj bodo le te uživale večji komfort, nekoliko lažje delo za rejca ter ugodnejši pogled na rejo s strani potrošnikov. &#8195On family farm “Pr\u27 Kalan”, which breeds dairy cows, fattening bulls and young cattle in a tied-in housing system, they need to make a reconstruction of the cattle barn. Since the number of cattle on the farm is to remain unchanged, there is no actual need to build a new barn. Our aim is therefore to preserve the existing barn and adapt it to free stall barn to make breeders’ work easier. The first part of the B. Sc. thesis thus presents the advantages as well as disadvantages of different housing systems for dairy cows, fattening bulls, young cattle and calves. The most optimal solutions regarding space, economy and labour in the reconstruction of the existent barn are presented in the second part of the thesis. In order to provide enough space for the animals, the outlet of the barn and the lying pens for the dairy cows are proposed as the most suitable solution. To minimize the costs, the reconstruction is to be carried out by the owners themselves with their friends’ help and using wood since there is an abundance of it available on the farm. With the reconstruction of the existing barn is expected to improve dairy cows’ and young cattle’s welfare as they will enjoy greater comfort, make the breeders’ work a bit easier, as well as help to shape a more favourable view on the farming process from the consumers perspective

    Toponymy of the village Prapatnice in Vrgorska krajina

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    U radu se opisuje toponimija sela Prapatnice kraj Vrgorca u Dalmatinskoj zagori. Opisani su toponimi u samom selu, kao i imena obližnjih mjesta te oronimi. U članku se ukratko opisuje i štokavski govor Prapatnica.In this paper, the toponymy of Croatian village Prapatnice (near the town of Vrgorac in Dalmatia) is presented. The toponyms included are the toponyms of the village itself, as well as the names of the neighbouring villages and nearby oronyms. A short sketch of the Štokavian dialect of Prapatnice is given in the article as well

    The ǂinfluence of the farming method on levels of oxytocine and cortisol in goats milk

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    Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati, kako sistem reje in način odvzema mleka vplivata na koncentracijo oksitocina in kortizola v kozjem mleku. V raziskavo smo vključili 20 koz slovenske srnaste pasme, ki jih redijo v PRC Logatec, kjer je poskus potekal. Vzeli smo 10 koz iz ekološke in 10 iz konvencionalne reje. Posamezna koza je bila vključena v poskus štiri zaporedne tedne. Vsak teden smo odvzeli po dva vzorca mleka – med molžo in med sesanjem, tako, da smo ob zaključku poskusa imeli po 8 vzorcev mleka na kozo, 4 vzorce odvzete med molžo in 4 med sesanjem. Vsebnost kortizola in oksitocina v vzorcih mleka so izmerili na Veterinarski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Rezultati so pokazali, da so koze iz ekološke reje »srečnejše«, saj so v povprečju imele višje koncentracije oksitocina in nižje koncentracije kortizola v mleku, kar pomeni, da je ekološka reja za koze manj stresna kot konvencionalna. V nadaljevanju smo ugotovili, da predstavlja molža za koze večji stres kot sesanje, saj so bile vrednosti kortizola med sesanjem značilno nižje kot med molžo. Proti pričakovanjem pa je bila med molžo, v povprečju, tudi višja raven oksitocina v mleku, kar pa bi lahko pripisali enemu izmed glavnih sprožilcev »sreče« pri domačih živalih - krmi, ki je naznanjala začetek molže. Tudi kozliči koz, katerih raven oksitocina v mleku je bila višja in katerih raven kortizola je bila nižja, so priraščali hitreje – te rezultate smo dobili s podatki dnevnih prirastov, ki smo jih izračunali iz vmesnih tehtanj. Ugotovili smo tudi, da na raven oksitocina in kortizola v mleku statistično značilno vpliva tudi število somatskih celic v mleku, zaporedna laktacija in število kozličev na kozo.The aim of B. Sc Thesis was to investigate how the farming method and the method of taking milk from the Alpine goats, affects the milk oxytocin and cortisol concentrations. There were 20 Alpine goats included in our study, from which there were 10 from organic and 10 from conventional farming. The goats were located at PRC (Pedagogical Research Centre) Logatec. Each goat participated in the study for 4 consecutive weekseach week we took two samples from each individual. We therefore had 8 samples per goat– 4 taken during milking and 4 during suckling. The measurements were taken at the Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana. Our results showed that goats from the organic farming are »happier« and under less stress, based on a higher oxytocin concentrations and lower cortisol concentrations, compared to the conventional farming. Milking caused higher stress response in goats than suckling with cortisol concentrations being significantly higher. In contrary to our expectations, the oxytocin concentrations during milking were higher than during suckling. This phenomenon could be explained with the »main source of happiness« in domestic animals – food, which may represent the trigger before milking started. The kids of goats, which had higher levels of oxytocin and lower levels of cortisol grew faster than kids of goats with reverse values – calculated from daily gain, which was calculated from the intermediate weighing. There were additional factors that influenced the milk hormonal concentrations, such as: the number of somatic cells, the successive lactation and the number of kids per goat

    Терминологија производње дрвеног угља у селу равна гора

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    U radu su date etimologije i areali termina žežnica, klič,rauna/ravunka, štup i štetina