49 research outputs found

    Le jardin comme environnement numérique

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    De nos jours, nous sommes dans l’un des contextes les plus dynamiques dans lesquels nous avons existé en tant que société. Les progrès et le changement sont partout. Le milieu éducatif et le secteur économique essaient d’être à l’avant-garde et de promouvoir le développement technologique. Nos appareils intelligents s’éloignent de plus en plus de la forme carrée de l’écran à laquelle ils étaient traditionnellement liés et ils s’intègrent dans notre quotidien, dans nos espaces. Une nouvelle voie se dessine : quels aspects adoptera la technologie maintenant ? De quelle façon ces nouvelles présentations changeront-elles notre rapport à la technologie ? Le jardin comme environnement numérique est un projet de recherche-création qui prend le jardin comme champ d’exploration pour aborder ces questions et le transforme en une métaphore qui évolue et change en fonction de l’échelle à laquelle elle est examinée. Ainsi, depuis une perspective poétique, je présente une proposition sur la forme que la technologie pourrait prendre dans notre quotidien et sur la manière dont elle pourrait modifier nos rapports entre nous comme avec nos espaces. L’intention de cette recherche n’est pas de faire une dissertation sur ce que la technologie devrait être ou sur le rôle qu’elle devrait prendre dans nos vies, mais d’ouvrir et de proposer une conversation continue sur ce sujet à travers une pratique de l’art et du design. Ce mémoire d’accompagnement montre le parcours et la méthodologie utilisés pour mener la recherche théorique et pratique qui a conduit à l’élaboration du projet de recherche création. Pour conclure, l’exposition La récolte est présentée, et j’expose de quelle manière ce projet peut contribuer au développement de ma pratique, en tenant compte de ses limitations et des voies qui pourraient induire de nouvelles recherches

    Musicyarn: Tangible music system using conductive braids

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    近年, パソコンやスマートフォンなどの電子機器の普及により,複雑な機能を持つコンピュータとインタラクションをするための, 様々なインタフェースが出現している. それに伴って複雑で多様な操作やデバイスの規格の違いにより, ユーザーは電子機器を習得する時間も長くなった. 今まで以上に人間の動作に注目した自然なインタラクション手法が注目されるようになった.タンジブルユーザインタフェースは,形のない情報を直接触れることができる,より実体感のあるインタフェースである. 従来, 音楽を制御するデバイスは, 主にボタンやツマミなどで制御するものが多い. 人々にとってボタンやツマミは一般的なインタフェースではあるが, より直感的なインタフェースによって, 音楽操作の意図を自然に表現できるメリットがあると考えた. そこで音楽の特性をメタファーしたタンジブルな音楽制御システムを検討した.本研究は, 身の回りの日常動作である, 「結ぶ」, 「挟まる」, 「引っ張る」などロープに対する操作に着目し, ひもに導電糸を編み込んだ, 独自の組ひもを使用して直感的に入力できるインタフェース検出方法を開発した. またそのシステムを使用した応用例として, 日常生活にある人々が慣れた動作で操作できるタンジブル音楽システム「Musicyarn」を提案する.音楽がもつ特別な「持続性」と「時間性」は, 他の芸術に対して優越性を持つと思われる. 「音楽がロープに沿って流れる」という動作を, ロープをチューブに考え, 音楽を水に考え, 「水がチューブに沿って流れる」に表現できると考えてシステムをデザインした. 導電糸とウールやアクリル糸を編むことで, 市販された導電糸とウールやアクリル糸を組み合わせることでコンダクターニットメインロープを制作した.コンダクターニットの位置により抵抗値と電圧値が違うため, アイテムがロープについている位置を検出できる. アイテムに導電テープをつけることで導電性を持たせた. メインロープにつけたアイテムは右に行くほど音が鳴るタイミングが遅くなる. システム全体は四つのメインロープがあり, メインロープが高いほど, アイテムをつけた時に流れる音楽サンプルの音域が高くなる.音楽を楽しむ方法は二つがある. 一つは, アイテムをつけたロープを視覚で認識し, 自然なデコレーションで作られた曲を聴覚で認識することである. 視覚と聴覚と繋げ, 自分や他の人もその作品をさらに楽しむことができる. もう一つはロープの形を変更して音楽を演奏することである. ロープの形の変化により, 音楽サンプルを鳴らすタイミングが変化する. 検出された電圧データはパソコンにあるProcessingで処理し,リズムのタイミングを計算し,読み込んだ音楽サンプルを鳴らす.システムの有効性を検証するため, 評価実験を実施した. 評価内容を回答方式として, 実際にユーザーフローにしたがって体験させた. その結果は, 作品は理解しやすく, 操作方法は面白いという評価が得られた. 最小限の機能だけを実装するのが面白さを最大限に引き出す可能性があると思われる.本システムを社会に応用する可能性を検討した.児童教育に応用する場合,Musicyarnシステムにおいて子供は普段の「ひも通し」という動作を楽しみながら,色や形と一緒に音楽というさらなる刺激を受けると思われ, 子供の音楽勉強や音楽創作にも効果があると考えられる.日本文化を視覚と触感で鑑賞できる「飾り結び」に応用する場合, 結びに対応する音が流れ, 曲として鑑賞できるようになった. つまり周りの人と交流しながら好きな曲を創作したり, 他人が創作した音楽をアレンジしたり,音楽によるコミュニケーションを楽しむことができ, ソーシャルコミュニケーションを促進することにつながる.「Musicyarn」システムはネックレスやブレスレットなど, 新しいウェアラブル楽器を可能にするため, このシステムを活用することで新しい芸術方式やコミュニケーション方式が生まれるかもしれない.今後はエンターテイメント分野での製品化を目指し, 量産できるシステムの構造をデザインする. さらにアイテムに圧力センサーなど他次元のセンサーをつけることで, 新しく音楽サンプルを編集する機能を実装することもできる. 課題として, 多くの分野に応用できる新たな可能性を検討し, 新しい体験を作り出す有用性の検証が必要である.In recent years, with the widespread use of electronic devices such as personal computers and smartphones, various interfaces for interacting with computers having complicated functions are emerging. Natural interaction method focusing on human motion more than ever has been drawing attention. thought that there is a merit that it ispossible to express intention of music manipulation naturally by a more intuitive interface. Therefore, we studied a tangible music control system which metaphor the characteristics of music. In this research, I focused on operations on ropes such as "tie", "pinching", "pulling", which are the daily activities, intuitively using a unique braided cord knitted with conductive thread to the string. In addition, we propose "Musicyarn" a tangible music system that peoplecan operate with the familiar operation.首都大学東京, 2019-03-25, 修士(芸術工学)首都大学東

    The design of personal ambient displays

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-59).The goal of this thesis is to investigate the design of personal ambient displays. These are small, physical devices worn to display information to a person in a subtle, persistent, and private manner. They can be small enough to be carried in a pocket, worn as a watch, or even adorned like jewelry. In my implementations, information is displayed solely through tactile modalities such as thermal change (heating and cooling), movement (shifting and vibration), and change of shape (expanding, contracting, and deformation). Using a tactile display allows information to be kept private and reduces the chance of overloading primary visual and auditory activities. The display can remain ambient, transmitting information in the background of a person's perception through simple, physical means. The specific focus of this thesis is to create a number of these tactile displays, to identify and implement applications they can serve, and to evaluate aspects of their effectiveness. I have created a group of small, wireless objects that can warm up and cool down or gently move or shift. Users can reconfigure each display so that information sources like stock data or the activity of people on the internet are mapped to these different tactile modalities. Furthermore, in this thesis I consider the implications that human perception have on the design of these displays and examine potential application areas for further implementations.Craig Alexander Wisneski.S.M

    Amplifying Actions - Towards Enactive Sound Design

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    Recently, artists and designers have begun to use digital technologies in order to stimulate bodily interaction, while scientists keep revealing new findings about sensorimotor contingencies, changing the way in which we understand human knowledge. However, implicit knowledge generated in artistic projects can become difficult to transfer and scientific research frequently remains isolated due to specific disciplinary languages and methodologies. By mutually enriching holistic creative approaches and highly specific scientific ways of working, this doctoral dissertation aims to set the foundation for Enactive Sound Design. It is focused on sound that engages sensorimotor experience that has been neglected within the existing design practices. The premise is that such a foundation can be best developed if grounded in transdisciplinary methods that bring together scientific and design approaches. The methodology adopted to achieve this goal is practice-based and supported by theoretical research and project analysis. Three different methodologies were formulated and evaluated during this doctoral study, based on a convergence of existing methods from design, psychology and human-computer interaction. First, a basic design approach was used to engage in a reflective creation process and to extend the existing work on interaction gestalt through hands-on activities. Second, psychophysical experiments were carried out and adapted to suit the needed shift from reception-based tests to a performance-based quantitative evaluation. Last, a set of participatory workshops were developed and conducted, within which the enactive sound exercises were iteratively tested through direct and participatory observation, questionnaires and interviews. A foundation for Enactive Sound Design developed in this dissertation includes novel methods that have been generated by extensive explorations into the fertile ground between basic design education, psychophysical experiments and participatory design. Combining creative practices with traditional task analysis further developed this basic design approach. The results were a number of abstract sonic artefacts conceptualised as the experimental apparatuses that can allow psychologists to study enactive sound experience. Furthermore, a collaboration between designers and scientists on a psychophysical study produced a new methodology for the evaluation of sensorimotor performance with tangible sound interfaces.These performance experiments have revealed that sonic feedback can support enactive learning. Finally, participatory workshops resulted in a number of novel methods focused on a holistic perspective fostered through a subjective experience of self-producing sound. They indicated the influence that such an approach may have on both artists and scientists in the future. The role of designer, as a scientific collaborator within psychological research and as a facilitator of participatory workshops, has been evaluated. Thus, this dissertation recommends a number of collaborative methods and strategies that can help designers to understand and reflectively create enactive sound objects. It is hoped that the examples of successful collaborations between designers and scientists presented in this thesis will encourage further projects and connections between different disciplines, with the final goal of creating a more engaging and a more aware sonic future.European Commission 6th Framework and European Science Foundation (COST Action

    Tangible interfaces for interactive point-of-view narratives

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 143-145).This thesis presents three storytelling systems for interactive point-of- view narratives using tangible interface technology. The focus is the design and development of computational story models and interfaces that enable users to experience new forms of interaction with stories in the digital medium. Specifically, I propose that having multiple tightly related character viewpoints can be used as a means of structuring comprehensive and coherent interactive story experiences. Furthermore, I also claim that by using tangible interfaces that are tightly integrated into the narrative model and story content, users can have rich interactive story experiences in which the interaction/interface does not distract from their engagement in the story.Alexandra Mazalek.S.M

    Sistemas interativos tangíveis e processos de mediação tecnológica: hipóteses sobre agência, significação e cognição a partir da investigação do MIT Tangible Media Group

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    A presente dissertação toma a investigação em sistemas de interação tangível do MIT Tangible Media Group como objeto, a pretexto da sua inclusão na edição de 2016 do Festival Ars Electronica, sob o tema Radical Atoms: The Alchemists of Our Time. Pretende-se compreender quais os pontos de contato da investigação do grupo com os estudos dos media, de forma a localizar a sua relevância para a programação do festival. O enquadramento nos estudos dos media é feito pela localização de um conjunto de termos-chave no trabalho do grupo, os quais evocam questões afetas à fenomenologia, filosofia da tecnologia e mediação tecnológica. Conclui-se que estes sistemas de interação tangível ativam processos particulares de constituição de agência, significação e cognição. Na ausência de outros materiais que explorem estas relações no contexto do festival, a dissertação apresenta-se assim como complemento à leitura do tema Radical Atoms: The Alchemists of Our Time.This dissertation thesis takes the research of the MIT Tangible Media Group as its object, by occasion of its inclusion in the 2016 edition of Ars Electronica Festival under the theme Radical Atoms: The Alchemists of Our Time. The aim is to understand what are the common points between the group's research and media studies, in order to locate this object's relevance to the festival programming scope. The framing within media studies is done by surveying a set of keywords from the group's research, which evoke topics from phenomenology, philosophy of technology and technological mediation. It's concluded that these tangible interactive systems activate specific processes of agency, signification, and cognition. Given the lack of materials which explore these relationships within the context of the festival, the dissertation presents itself as a supplement to the reading of the Radical Atoms: The Alchemists of Our Time theme

    Exploring human-object interaction through force vector measurement

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2019Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 101-107).I introduce SCALE, a project aiming to further understand Human-Object Interaction through the real-time analysis of force vector signals, which I have defined as "Force-based Interaction" in this thesis. Force conveys fundamental information in Force-based Interaction, including force intensity, its direction, and object weight - information otherwise difficult to be accessed or inferred from other sensing modalities. To explore the design space of force-based interaction, I have developed the SCALE toolkit, which is composed of modularized 3d-axis force sensors and application APIs. In collaboration with big industry companies, this system has been applied to a variety of application domains and settings, including a retail store, a smart home and a farmers market. In this thesis, I have proposed a base system SCALE, and two additional advanced projects titled KI/OSK and DepthTouch, which build upon the SCALE project.by Takatoshi Yoshida.S.M.S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Science

    Taking advantage of distributed multicast video to deliver and manipulate television

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2001.Includes bibliographical references (p. 57-60).Protocols exist to scalably multicast data to any number of clients. Scalability problems exist because some systems unacceptably increase the load on the server as more clients are added. Scalability can be achieved by hierarchically partitioning the network and by handling error correction between clients. One application for network multicasting is the distribution of video in the same way that television is delivered, replacing the standard antenna or cable service with a digital network using IP. However, clients using multicast implementations, such as the Scalable Media Delivery System, are not equipped to handle display of video in real time. Flaws in the current multicast implementation are identified, and methods of optimization are explored and tested for effectiveness. These optimizations will allow video to be displayed in real time over a network and to appear to the end-user to act like a cable TV system. Accessing the video on clients is done with an innovative interface that allows the user to "carry" the video with him as he travels to different physical locations in the network.by Constantine Kleomenis Christakos.S.M