24,558 research outputs found

    Preprosti poskusi v interaktivnem fizikalnem laboratoriju: dijakova notranja motivacija in razumevanje

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    Experiments in different forms can certainly be suitable tools for increasing student interest in physics. However, educators continuously discuss which forms of experimenting (if any) are the most beneficial for these purposes. At the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, two different forms of physics experiments are offered to upper secondary students: hands-on experimental work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory, and physics demonstration shows where the students watch experiments conducted by a lecturer. Our research focuses primarily on student feedback about their immediate attitudes towards these two projects. Data collection was undertaken using questionnaire research based on the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. This research was subsequently supplemented with a qualitative study examining the influence of students’ experimental work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory on their understanding of selected physics concepts. The results of the main research show that the two projects do not exhibit significant differences in terms of student interest and perceived usefulness; nevertheless, students felt the need for significantly more effort and experienced pressure during their work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory. One interesting finding, which goes against our original hypothesis, is that grades in physics are quite a strong predictor of students’ assessment of the projects: better grades indicate more positive assessment of both projects as well as less pressure felt during hands-on activities in the laboratory. (DIPF/Orig.

    Odnos in motiviranost mlajsih ucencev do ucenja tujega jezika

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    This paper focuses on young foreign language learners’ attitudes and motivations. An overview is given of the main issues in this research area, based on key European studies. Approaches to studying these affective learner characteristics are described. Some attention is devoted to data elicitation techniques and the importance of triangulation. Research findings are presented through overviews of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies carried out in different European settings. The latter are presented in more detail, because their findings seem to be more revealing of the early foreign language learning process. The overall conclusion of this review paper is that young foreign language learners’ attitudes and motivations are not stable learner characteristics but change over time, creating layers of complexity that warrant further research. Suggestions about possible future directions in researching young foreign language learner attitudes and motivations, and the application of its findings are also made. (DIPF/Orig.

    Motivacija -pojam i temeljne pretposavke

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    Ovim radom prikazuje se upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima kroz motivaciju, te je objašnjena vaţnost uloge motivacijskog faktora za zaposlenika i njegovo zadovoljstvo. Produkt istog je kvalitetniji rad, te veća kreativnost. Kada se govori o motivaciji, uvijek se ukazuje na pokretaĉke sile u pojedincu. Te pokretaĉke sile mogu biti pozitivne i negativne. MeĊutim, iako su u biti razliĉite, obje sile pokreću i podrţavaju odreĊeno ponašanje kod ĉovjeka. Misao i akcija pojedinca odraz su njegovih potreba i ciljeva. Potrebe i ciljevi pojedinca stalno se razvijaju i mijenjaju. Maslow je izloţio svoju teoriju specifiĉnog redoslijeda u razvoju potreba u kojoj objašnjava kako „više“ potrebe ne mogu biti izraţene ako prije toga nisu zadovoljene „niţe“. Rad je podijeljen u nekoliko cjelina. U uvodu je ukratko opisana motivacija zaposlenika. U drugoj cjelini objašnjen je pojam motivacije, navedeni zadaci menadţera ljudskih potencijala, opisano nagraĊivanje ljudskih potencijala, stres kao faktor suprotan motivaciji i upravljanje njime, zatim su navedene implikacije za menadţere, a sve navedeno pojašnjeno je primjerom motivacije zaposlenika. U sljedećim cjelinama navedene su i objašnjene teorije motivacije, od kojih imamo rane teorije i suvremene teorije motivacije

    Which affects affect the use of new technologies? Italian adaptation of the Internet Motive Questionnaire for Adolescents (IMQ-A) and criterion validity with problematic use and body dissatisfaction

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    Given the negative role of problematic use of new technological devices (NTD) in behavioral and psychological domains, the aim of the study is the Italian adaptation and validation of the Internet Motive Questionnaire for Adolescents (IMQ-A) in order to understand the motivation for the use of NTD. A total of 769 students 10-19 aged (M = 13.22, SD = 1.56) completed the IMQ-A, the Collins Figures Rating Scale, and two measures regarding the problematic NTD use, focused on overuse during the night and during meals. The IMQ-A showed adequate internal consistency with regard to its four subscales: Coping (α = .84), Social (α = .80), Enhancement (α = .80), and Conformity (α = .68) motives. However, with regard to factorial structure, a threefactor model (excluding Conformity subscale) showed slightly better fit indices than the original model. Coping motive was correlated with problematic NTD use and succeeded in predicting higher scores in body dissatisfaction as evidence of criterion-related and external validity. The Italian adaptation of the IMQ-A can be useful in both research and clinical fields, in order to propose alternative strategies for coping to users and to improve emotion regulation facets

    Neki prediktori motivacije za učenje kod budućih učitelja/učiteljica

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    Ovo je istraživanje, kao dio šireg ispitivanja razvoja profesionalne uloge budućih učitelja, imalo za cilj ispitati ulogu akademskog samopoimanja, temeljnih psiholoških potreba, motivacije za poučavanje i samoefikasnosti za učenje kao potencijalnih odrednica intrinzične motivacije za učenje kod studenata prve godine učiteljskih studija. Rezultati pokazuju da je intrinzična motivacija za učenje budućih učitelja značajno povezana s akademskim i verbalnim samopoimanjem, samopoimanjem vezanim uz rješavanje problema, samoefikasnošću za učenjem, potrebama za autonomijom i povezanošću s drugima, te s intrinzičnom i identifikacijskom motivacijom za poučavanje. Prema regresijskoj su se analizi značajnim prediktorima intrinzične motivacije za učenje pokazali akademsko samopoimanje, samoefikasnost za učenje te povezanost s drugima. Studenti kojima je učiteljski studij bio prvi izbor su u većoj mjeri intrinzično motivirani za učenje i poučavanje u odnosu na one kojima taj studij nije prvi izbor. U zaključku, ovo je istraživanje pokazalo niz teorijski smislenih veza između različitih komponenata samopoimanja i motivacije budućih učitelja koje mogu djelovati na njihov akademski uspjeh i na uspješnost u budućem zanimanju. (IN ENGLISH: The research reported here is a part of the larger study on professional role development of student teachers during their pre-service education. The aim of the study was to explore the role of academic self-concept, basic psychological needs, motivation for teaching and self-efficacy for learning and performance as potential determinants of intrinsic motivation for learning in first-year student teachers. Results indicate that intrinsic motivation for learning significantly correlates with academic, verbal and problem-solving self-concept, self-efficacy for learning and performance, with needs for autonomy and relatedness and with identified and intrinsic motivation to teach. Regression analysis reveals that intrinsic motivation for learning was significantly predicted by academic self-concept, self-efficacy for learning and basic need for relatedness. Students who enrolled teacher studies as their first choice reported higher intrinsic motivation for learning and teaching compared to their peers who selected teaching as their second-choice career. In sum, our study reveals conceptually meaningful relations between various components of self-concept and motivation in student teachers that could influence both their academic success and future performance in teacher profession.

    Providing quality of the business processes through motivation and establishing efficient communication with the employees

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    Motivacijata i efikasnata komunikacija se su{tinski stolb vo gradeweto na sistemot za obezbeduvawe na kvalitetot. Za da se izgradi dobar sistem za obezbeduvawe kvalitet i informacionen potsistem, neophodna e motivacija kako zaedni~ki poim za site vnatre{ni faktori koi ja konsolidiraat intelektualnata i fizi~kata energija, iniciraat i organiziraat individualni aktivnosti, go naso~uvaat odnesuvaweto na vrabotenite i ja odreduvaat nasokata, intenzitetot i traeweto. Proektiraweto na komunikaciski sistem vo kompaniite zna~i drasti~na promena vo odnesuvaweto na vrabotenite, radikalni promeni vo organizacionata postavenost, jasno definirawe na pravata, obvrskite i odgovornosta na sekoj poedinec, so {to se sozdava zna~ajna motorna sila za ostvaruvawe na sistemot za totalen menaxment na kvalitet. Vo ovoj trud se dadeni metodologii za proektirawe na sistem za motivacija i metodologija za efikasnost vo komunikacijata na site menaxerski nivoa

    Spolne razlike u odnosu između praštanja i depresije/sreće

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    Being unable to forgive produces two motivational states: revenge motivation and avoidance motivation. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of gender in the relationship between these two types of motivation and well-being. The sample consisted of 600 college students. There were 300 females and 300 males who ranged in age from 19 to 28 years. The students responded to two self-report questionnaires. Forgiving was measured with the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations (TRIM) Inventory, and well-being with Short Depression-Happiness Scale. Regression analyses showed that both revenge and avoidance motivation were significant predictors of depression for males, while for females only revenge motivation proved to be significant. Neither revenge nor avoidance motivation predicted happiness. It can be concluded that being prone to revenge and avoidance can be related to depression, but that does not mean that less avoidance and revenge will be necessarily related to more happiness.Nesposobnost opraštanja proizvodi dva motivacijska stanja: motivaciju za osvetom i motivaciju za izbjegavanjem. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati ulogu spola u odnosu između ove dvije vrste motivacije i dobrobiti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 600 ispitanika, od toga 300 studentica i 300 studenata u dobi od 19-28 godina. Primijenjena su dva upitnika. Opraštanje je mjereno TRIM upitnikom a dobrobit kratkom Skalom depresivnosti i sreće. Regresijske analize pokazale su da su za studente značajni prediktori depresivnosti bili i motivacija za osvetom i motivacija za izbjegavanjem, dok je kod studentica značajan prediktor bila samo motivacija za osvetom. Kada je u pitanju sreća ni motivacija za osvetom ni motivacija za izbjegavanjem nisu bili značajni prediktori. Može se zaključiti da sklonost ka neopraštanju može biti povezana s depresivnošću, ali istovremeno manja sklonost osveti i izbjegavanju nije nužno povezana s većom razinom sreće

    Motivacija za rad, radna uspješnost i razvoj karijere kao instrumenti upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima – percepcija policijskih službenika

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    Motivacija za rad, radna uspješnost i razvoj karijere kao instrumenti upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima – percepcija policijskih službenik

    Spolne razlike u odnosu između praštanja i depresije/sreće

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    Being unable to forgive produces two motivational states: revenge motivation and avoidance motivation. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of gender in the relationship between these two types of motivation and well-being. The sample consisted of 600 college students. There were 300 females and 300 males who ranged in age from 19 to 28 years. The students responded to two self-report questionnaires. Forgiving was measured with the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations (TRIM) Inventory, and well-being with Short Depression-Happiness Scale. Regression analyses showed that both revenge and avoidance motivation were significant predictors of depression for males, while for females only revenge motivation proved to be significant. Neither revenge nor avoidance motivation predicted happiness. It can be concluded that being prone to revenge and avoidance can be related to depression, but that does not mean that less avoidance and revenge will be necessarily related to more happiness.Nesposobnost opraštanja proizvodi dva motivacijska stanja: motivaciju za osvetom i motivaciju za izbjegavanjem. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati ulogu spola u odnosu između ove dvije vrste motivacije i dobrobiti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 600 ispitanika, od toga 300 studentica i 300 studenata u dobi od 19-28 godina. Primijenjena su dva upitnika. Opraštanje je mjereno TRIM upitnikom a dobrobit kratkom Skalom depresivnosti i sreće. Regresijske analize pokazale su da su za studente značajni prediktori depresivnosti bili i motivacija za osvetom i motivacija za izbjegavanjem, dok je kod studentica značajan prediktor bila samo motivacija za osvetom. Kada je u pitanju sreća ni motivacija za osvetom ni motivacija za izbjegavanjem nisu bili značajni prediktori. Može se zaključiti da sklonost ka neopraštanju može biti povezana s depresivnošću, ali istovremeno manja sklonost osveti i izbjegavanju nije nužno povezana s većom razinom sreće