10,505 research outputs found

    Contribution of agricultural Ioading to the deterioration of surface waters in Finland

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    Maatalous vesistöjen tilan muuttajana Suomess

    Suomen maatalous 1996

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    The early part of summer 1996 was rainy and cool, and the crop outlook was not too good. Instead, in August it was very warm and dry, which seems to have been favourable for agriculture, because the yield rose to the normal level. The cereal yield was 3.7 bill. kg, and the total yield measured as fodder units was 5,663 mill. f.u., which exceeds the yield of 1995 by 3 %. The cultivated area grew by almost 10 % from the previous year, which explains the increase in the total yield. The set-aside area decreased and it was only 10 % of the total arable land area. The earlier trends continued in livestock production. Milk production fell by about 1.5 %, and about 2,000 milk producers quit their production every year. The total of the farm quotas exceeds the national quota granted to Finland by 5-6 %, and the farm quotas will be cut by this amount in the beginning of April, 1997. The trade on quotas will become administered again in order to be able keep the costs of the expanding dairy farms in control. Pigmeat production grew by 3 % in 1996, and the market situation was quite good. The market prices were on the increase almost throughout the year as the meat consumption was transferred from beef to pigmeat. In Finland beef production stayed at about the same level as earlier, and the BSE disease did not influence the Finnish beef markets. The consumption of poultry meat continues to grow, and in 1996 the production increased by 18 %. There has been some increase in the foreign trade of meat. Pigmeat, in particular, is being imported and exported to an increasing extent. No major changes occurred in the consumer prices and, consequently, consumption stayed at about the same level as earlier. Like in the past few years, cheese consumption grew to some extent, and poultry meat consumption also continued to grow very strongly. Instead, there was some decrease in the egg consumption. According to a preliminary estimate, agricultural income fell by about 7 %. This was mainly caused by the decrease in the amount of aid by about FIM 1.0 bill. Agricultural income calculated at the market price rose by FIM 0.5 bill., mainly as a result of the increase in the amount of cereals entering the markets. The crop was good and stocks were discharged. The second year did not bring along any significant changes in the agricultural production or prices. However, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the future among the producers. The number of farms decreases quite rapidly, and this has aroused speculations about the collapse of agriculture especially in the more remote areas. However, no alarming changes are foreseen in the production, and investments have also been made, which indicates that there is still faith in the Finnish agriculture.vMTT Taloustutkimus (MTTL

    Inclufar Inklusiivinen maatalous

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    Uuden-Seelannin elintarvikeketju - hallitusta tuotantoympäristöstä kansainvälisille markkinoille

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    Uusi-Seelanti on kokonsa, väkilukunsa ja elintasonsa puolesta hyvin Suomen kaltainen maa. Lisäksi se on kaukana kaikesta. Maatalous kuitenkin poikkeaa suomalaisesta. Yli puolet maapinta-alasta on maatalouskäytössä ja yli puolet maan vientituloista saadaan elintarvikeketjusta. Maatalous toimii myös täysin ilman minkäänlaisia tukia. Maatalouden tuottavuutta pyritään lisäämään jopa 50 %. Tuotantoa ja ympäristö-, laatu- sekä jäljitettävyyskriteereitä suunnataan vientimaan erityisvaatimusten perusteella. Sen sijaan kansallinen sääntely on minimoitu.vo

    Effects of sowing time on pink snow mould, leaf rust and winter damage in winter rye varieties in Finland

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    Disease infection in relation to sowing time of winter rye (Secale cereale) was studied in southern Finland in order to compare overwintering capacity of modern rye varieties and to give recommendations for rye cultivation. This was done by using three sowing times and four rye varieties in field trials conducted at three locations in 1999–2001. The early sown rye (beginning of August) was severely affected by diseases caused by Puccinia recondita and Microdochium nivale, whereas postponing sowing for two weeks after the recommended sowing time resulted in considerably less infection. The infection levels of diseases differed among rye varieties. Finnish rye varieties Anna and Bor 7068 were more resistant to snow mould and more winter hardy than the Polish variety Amilo, or the German hybrid varieties Picasso and Esprit. However, Amilo was the most resistant to leaf rust. In the first year snow mould appeared to be the primary cause of winter damage, but in the second year the winter damage was positively correlated with leaf rust. No significant correlation between frit fly infestation and winter damage or disease incidence of snow mould or leaf rust was established. The late sowing of rye (in the beginning of September) is recommended in Finland, particularly with hybrid varieties, to minimize the need for chemical plant protection in autumn

    The accession negotiatiations on agriculture between Poland and the EU as an example of two - level game model

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.The aim of this thesis is to describe and understand international bargaining process between Poland and the European Union (EU) over the issue of direct payments, which is one of mechanisms of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The research had been conducted within the two-level game model according to which the negotiatior has to addrres the two imperatives at the same time, domestic and international. The methodological principle of research on international negotiations is to multiply the number of observations within the analyzed case what allow for the reliable scientific testing. Methodologically, level games seem to solve the level – of analysis problem by taking into account both domestic and international variables to explain outcomes. Nevertheless within the model were applied the factors of comparative analysis and discourse analysis. The results obtained: 1. Two-level game becames difficult when applied to the EU because of its structural complexity. The EU does not speak with the one voice while conducting accession negotiations. 2. The internal division of domestic faction can be both creative and destructive. 3. The state can gain strenght out of weakness by picturing to the opposing side the growing costs of domestic 'no-agreement'. 4. The role of the Commisssion during the accession negotiations was recognized as passive. 5. The most profound negotiation tools are: linkage issue, side-payments,package deals and tradeoffs. The most significant startegies: 'tight hands', 'take it or leave it', yielding, contending and problem-solving. The tools stated above had the biggest impact on the course of negotiations

    Suomen maatalous 1997

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    Vuosikatsauksessa luodaan yleiskuva Suomen maataloustuotantoon, hintoihin, kulutukseen, tuloihin sekä nykyiseen maatalouspolitiikkaan hinta- ja tukijärjestelmineen. Myös rakenne-, ympäristö- ja sosiaalipolitiikkaa käydään julkaisussa läpi. EU:n komission Agenda 2000 -esityksen peruslinjat tuodaan esiin niin ikään.The crop of 1997 was in accordance with the long-term trend, despite the cold early part of the summer, which delayed the sowing. After June the weather was hot and the growth was more rapid than usually. The total amount of cereals harvested was 3.8 bill. kg, and this exceeded that of 1996 by 2.7%. The total yield measured as fodder units was 3% higher than in 1996. There was some increase in both the area and the average yields. The area under set-aside decreased by almost 10%. Milk production started to grow in 1997. The quantities produced on farms that continued their production grew considerable, because the number of milk suppliers fell by 1,900. The average yield/cow grew by almost 200 l. In terms of the structural development the high price of milk quotas has been considered problematic, and partly administered quota trade was introduced in 1997. Pigmeat production grew by 5%. The market prices started to rise in June. There was some increase in beef production, too, but the price of beef decreased from the previous year. Poultry meat consumption continued to grow, and the production also grew by almost 10%. The decrease in egg production was not large enough to solve the serious market problems due to oversupply. Both agricultural imports and exports grew in 1997. Dairy products, meat, and cereals were imported more than in the previous year. Cereal imports decreased clearly, but the imports of more highly processed foods grew. There were no major changes in the consumer prices or in the consumption. Cheese consumption started to decrease slightly, which is contrary to the trend in the past few years. The consumption of eggs and pigmeat fell, too. The agricultural income in 1997 was about FIM 6.6 bill., which is about 1% lower than in 1996. The production volume grew, but the agricultural aid declined. The prices of production inputs rose by about 2%, and the producer prices fell a little over 1%. More investments were made in agriculture than for a long time. Investments were encouraged by public aid. In 1997 loans and subsidies were granted for altogether 15,000 projects, and the cost estimates of these totaled FIM 4.2 bill. The aid amounted to over FIM 900 mill. Investment aid was mainly directed to increasing the farm size and environmental investments. The small size of Finnish farms affects their competitiveness on the single market, and environmental aid requires considerable investments in livestock production. The year 1997 did not bring along any major changes in agricultural production or prices of the products. The future of Finnish agriculture involves a great deal of uncertainty. National aid consists of many different measures, and the decision on the continuation of many of these must be decided on in the negotiations before the end of 1999. The proposals of the Commission for a reform of the common agricultural policy are difficult for Finland, where agriculture operates in extremely adverse natural conditions.vokMTT Taloustutkimu

    Suomen maatalous 1995

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    vokKirjasto Aj-

    Suomen maatalous vuonna 1982

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    Ajankohtaista maatalousekonomiaa : maatalous vaikeissa olosuhteissa

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    Sisältö. Matias Torvela: Tervetuloa Suomen, Puolan ja Unkarin maatalousekonomian seminaariin Saariselälle / Kimmo Korpi: Maatalouden ja maaseutuelinkeinojen mahdollisuudet Lapissa / Jouko Sirén: Valtion rooli ja maatalouspolitiikka Pohjois-Suomen maataloudessa / Veikko Huttu-Hiltunen: Suomen porotalous / Matias Torvela: Viljelijöiden toimeentulonäkymistä Pohjanmaall
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