3,739 research outputs found

    Vladimir Geiger and Suzana Leček, Krivnja i kazna: Politika odmazde i sudski proces ministru u Vladi NDH Živanu Kuveždiću 1948.ā€“1949. [Guilt and Punishment: The Retribution Policy and the Trial of Živan Kuveždić, a Minister in the Government of the Independent State of Croatia, 1948-1949] (Slavonski Brod: Hrvatski institut za povijest ā€“ Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje, 2018)

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    Summary of the book in English (Vladimir Geiger and Suzana Leček, Krivnja i kazna: Politika odmazde i sudski proces ministru u Vladi NDH Živanu Kuveždiću 1948.ā€“1949. [Guilt and Punishment: The Retribution Policy and the Trial of Živan Kuveždić, a Minister in the Government of the Independent State of Croatia, 1948-1949] (Slavonski Brod: Hrvatski institut za povijest ā€“ Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje, 2018)


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    Liječničke greÅ”ke moguće klasificirati prema različitim kriterijima s tim da osnovna podjela kreće od onih koji su nastali činjenjem i onih koji su nastali nečinjenjem. Liječničke pogreÅ”ke možemo joÅ” podijeliti i na grube ili teže i lakÅ”e; na greÅ”ke po stadijima medicinske intervencije, dijagnostičke, terapijske, profilaktičke; na tehničke i taktičke; na opće, elementarne, u organizaciji rada, u informiranju itd. Jedno od oblika liječničke pogreÅ”ke nastale nečinjenjem (propuÅ”tanjem) je i nepružanje medicinske pomoći. Kod ove vrste liječničke greÅ”ke ključno je pitanje: kada nastaje obveza liječnika da ukaže liječničku pomoć? Radi se o nepružanju neodgodive medicinske pomoći osobi kojoj je takva pomoć potrebna zbog izravne opasnosti za njezin život. Liječnička radnja u danoj situaciji nameće se kao hitna, neizostavna, neizbježna, čije propuÅ”tanje može dovesti do ugrožavanja pacijentovog života. Autori ovog rada nastoje prikazati koji su elementi ovog oblika liječničke pogreÅ”ke i način njihova ostvarivanja, budući je to od izuzetne važnosti zbog velikog broja dvojbi o postojanju ili nepostojanju liječničke pogreÅ”ke u praksi.Medical malpractice can be classified according to different criteria, provided by that the basic divisions ranging from those that were created by acts and those incurred by omission. Medical errors can still divide and on rough or difficult and easier; on-error stages of medical intervention, diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic; the technical and tactical; in general, elementary, organized labor, the information and so on. One of the forms of medical errors caused by omission (failing) is lack of medical care. Key issue is: when the doctors obligation to take care of pacient starts. It is the failure to provide immediate medical care the person from whom such care is required because of direct threats to her life. Medical action in a given situation imposed as urgent, indispensable, unavoidable, whose failure can lead to compromising the patient\u27s life. The authors seek to show that the elements of this form of medical malpractice and way of their realization, as it is of the utmost importance because of the large number of doubts about the existence or non-existence of medical malpractice in practice


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    From previous exposure can be concluded that in the harmonization process of Croatian industrial property rights with the of the provisions of the Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights, has been made a significant change in the capabilities of clam submission, and in most cases extended the circle of people that in infringement proceedings can be found in the position of the defendant. This attitude of the legislator is quite justified because in violation of the rights of industrial design is still working on specifcs that only with such a broad set of possible defendants cicle can justify its purpose. If you looked at the criterion the rights of action (subjective, objective) recent amendments expanded the responsibility of the violator by the principle of causality, especially when it is of commercial use. Through analysis of the claims it can be concluded that the right of action by the principle of objective criteria may be made in all cases of infringement of industrial design, except the claims for reimbursement of actual damages. When submitting the claim to pay for the actual damages right of action should be determined on the bais of the subjective responsibility. Regardless of whether it is a commercial level or not, because the cases of liability for damages by objective criteria are explicitly mentioned in Law on obligations.Implementacijom odredbi Direktive 2004/48/EZ o provedbi prava intelektualnog vlasniÅ”tva u hrvatski pravni sustav nastale su određene nedoumice i pitanja na koje će su ovom radu pokuÅ”ati naći adekvatni odgovori. Među istima se ističe pitanje pasivnog legitimiteta povreditelja zaÅ”tićenog prava, a s tim u vezi i pitanje subjektivne odnosno objektivne odgovornosti povreditelja. Zbog svoje posebnosti navedena pitanja će se proučavati u slučajevima građanskopravne zaÅ”tite industrijskog dizajna

    Coping with Guilt and Shame

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    Prepoznavati osjećaje koji otežavaju uspostavljanje odnosa s drugima važno je za psihičko i duhovno blagostanje osobe jer kada se upoznamo s njima i postajemo svjesni kako utječu na život, moguće ih je mijenjati radi punijega odnosa s drugima. S tom nakanom u naÅ”em radu istražujemo složene osjećaje krivnje i srama, prepoznajući u njima potencijal za sazrijevanje osobe u odnosu prema sebi, drugima i Bogu. Oba osjećaja prisutna su od samih početaka pisane riječi o čovjeku, no njihova aktualnost i danas ima svoje značenje u psihologiji i teologiji. I jedan i drugi značajno utječu na prekid odnosa, a odnos prepoznajemo kao temeljnu potrebu čovjeka kao druÅ”tvenoga bića, te je stoga bitno vidjeti kako osobi pomoći u obnovi, kultiviranju i unaprjeđivanju odnosa. PromiÅ”ljali smo o tim dvjema stvarnostima kako bismo ponudili konkretne i specifične prijedloge u suočavanju i integriranju istih.To identify the feelings that make it difficult to establish relationships with others is important for the physical and spiritual well-being of a person, because when we do identify them and become aware of how they affect our lives, then we can change them in order to achieve fuller relationships with others. To this end, in this paper we will analyze the complex feelings of guilt and shame, recognizing their potential for helping people to mature in their relationships with themselves, with others and with God. Both of these feelings are present from the beginning of the written word about man, but their topicality makes them significant for psychology and theology even today. Both guilt and shame significantly affect the termination of relationships, which are recognized as a basic need of man as a social being, therefore it is important to see how can we help a person to restore, cultivate and improve their relationships. We have meditated on these two realities to offer concrete and specific proposals on how to address and integrate them

    Depression in the Light of Some Psychoanalytic Theories

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    Cilj je ovoga selektivnog preglednog članka sažeti neke od najpoznatijih psihoanalitičkih teorija o depresiji. Od Freudovog Tugovanja i melankolije 1917. psihoanaliza je ostvarila značajne iskorake u tumačenju depresije. Depresija je tumačena kao očajnički krik za ljubavlju, autoagresija, konflikt ega, fiksacija na iskustva bespomoćnosti, ekspresija neurotične strukture ličnosti i patoloÅ”ki ishod depresivne pozicije. Depresija je često povezana s agresijom, anksioznoŔću, krivnjom i narcizmom. U klasičnom psihoanalitičkom pristupu depresiji oralnost igra značajnu ulogu. S razvojem psihoanalitičkih teorija pojavili su se neki važni pojmovi: kognitivna trijada kao važna varijabla u depresiji koja uključuje negativnu percepciju sebe, svijeta i budućnosti, ā€žsociotropneā€œ (druÅ”tveno ovisne) i ā€žautonomneā€œ vrste depresije, dominantni drugi i uloga terapeuta koji može postati dominantni ili značajni treći. Psihoanalitičke teorije s kraja 20. stoljeća dijele depresiju na anaklitnu i introjektivnu. U 21. stoljeću autori su opisali neurohormonsku, neurokemijsku i neuroimunoloÅ”ku pozadinu depresije potvrđujući na određen način neke od klasičnih psihoanalitičkih teorija.The aim of this selective review article is to summarize some of the best-known psychoanalytic theories regarding depression. Since Freudā€™s Mourning and Melancholia in 1917, psychoanalysis has made considerable steps forward in the interpretation of depression. Depression was seen as a despairing cry for love, aggression towards the self, a conflict of the ego, a fixation on experiences of helplessness and powerlessness, an expression of the neurotic personality structure, and depressive position. Depression is often linked with aggression, anxiety, guilt, and narcissism. In the classic psychoanalytic view of depression, orality plays a significant role. As psychoanalytic theories evolved, some important concepts emerged: the cognitive triad, which includes negative perceptions of the self, world, and future as an important variable in depression, ā€œsociotropicā€ (socially dependent) and ā€œautonomousā€ types of depression, the dominant other, and the role of the therapist who can become the dominant or significant third. Psychoanalytic theories from the end of 20th century divide depression into anaclitic and introjective based on psychopathology. Authors in the 21th century showed the neurohormonal, neurochemical, and neuroimmunological background of depression, in a way confirming some of the classic psychoanalytic theories
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