1,635 research outputs found

    Preventive conservation as a systematic and strategic approach to the protection of cultural heritage collections

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    Rad pruža osvrt na povijest preventivne konzervacije, od primjera primjene mjera prevencije u zaÅ”titi vrijednih predmeta ili objekata, do definiranja preventivne konzervacije u smislu prakse i aktivnosti i razvoja metodologije upravljanja rizikom za kulturno nasljeđe. Ova metodologija je nastala kao rezultat razvoja holističkog pristupa u području konzervacije i usredotočenosti na očuvanje vrijednosti umjesto materijalnog vida kulturnog nasljeđa, kao i nedovoljno usmjerenih sredstava za potrebe zaÅ”tite. Ovaj rad bavi se pokretačkim načelima i metodologijom preventivne konzervacije i njenom ulogom u kontekstu zaÅ”tite nasljeđa. Autorica navodi razloge zaÅ”to pristup donoÅ”enju odluka, zasnovanom na konceptu rizika, u području preventivne konzervacije omogućuje optimizaciju raspodjele sredstava za konzervaciju muzejske, arhivske i knjižnične građe. Rad ukazuje na inovativni pristup preventivnoj konzervaciji kao temelju za strateÅ”ko i sustavno planiranje očuvanja kulturnog nasljeđa koje polazi od načela održivog razvoja.This paper gives a review of the history of preventive conservation, from the examples of prevention measures to protect valuable objects or buildings, to defining of preventive conservation as a discipline and development of a risk management methodology for cultural heritage. This methodology has emerged as a result of introduction of a holistic approach in conservation and shifting the focus to the preservation of the value of an object instead of its physical properties, but also the progressive decline in funding the protection of cultural heritage. The paper examines the driving forces, principles and methodology of preventive conservation and analyzes its role in the context of preservation of cultural heritage. The author argues that the risk-based decision making in preventive conservation enables optimal funding allocation for conservation of the museum, archival and library collections. The paper points out that the innovative approach to preventive conservation is a basis for strategic and systematic planning of cultural heritage preservation following the principles of sustainable development

    Dalmatinova Biblija āˆ’ struktura i konzervacija-restauracija

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    Juraj Dalmatinā€™s Bible from 1584 is the first Slovene translation of a complete Bible. It is the greatest achievement of the Reformation period in Slovenia. The book is a Slovene cultural monument of the highest category and is an extraordinary work, considering both the content and the material it was made of. The copy of the Dalmatin Bible presented and analyzed in this paper was in active use for a very long time, the proof of which are the severe signs of damage caused by frequent use and inappropriate storage in the past. The conservation-restoration intervention was necessary because both the text block and the binding were badly damaged. The main purpose of the intervention was to examine the structure and materials, conserve and restore the leaves of the text block, restore the binding and conserve as much as possible the originality of the book.Dalmatinova Biblija iz 1584. prvi je slovenski prijevod cjelokupne Biblije. Najveće je dostignuće razdoblja reformacije u Sloveniji. Knjiga je slovenski kulturni spomenik najviÅ”e kategorije i izvaredno je djelo s obzirom na sadržaj i s obzirom na materijal. Primjerak Dalmatinove Biblije kojim se bavi rad, dugo je vremena bio u aktivnoj uporabi, Å”to su potvrdili brojni primjeri oÅ”tećenja uzorovanih čestom upotrebom i neodgovarajućom pohranom u proÅ”losti. Konzervatorsko-restauratorska intervencija bila je neophodna zbog znatnog oÅ”tećenja knjižnog bloka i uveza. Glavna svrha intervencije bila je ispitati stukturu i materijale, konzervirati i restaurirati listove knjižnog bloka, restaurirati uvez i konzervirati na Å”to je dulje moguće izvornost knjige

    Conservation and restoration of medieval cyrillic manuscripts in conservation laboratory of the National Library of Serbia

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    Narodna knjižnica Srbije ima viÅ”edesetljetnu praksu rada na zaÅ”titi fonda stare i rijetke knjižnične građe, u kojem značajno mjesto zauzimaju srednjovjekovne rukopisne knjige. Ovaj rad opisuje konzervatorski postupak oÅ”tećene ćirilske rukopisne knjige Oktoih napisane na papiru, (razdoblje 15.-16. stoljeće, zbirka manastira Visoki Dečani, inv. br 142), koja se čuva u Arheografskom odjelu Narodne knjižnice Srbije. Rukopis se nalazio u iznimno loÅ”em stanju, oÅ”tećen prije svega mehanički i bioloÅ”ki, oÅ”tećenih korica i knjižnog bloka. Načelo rada konzervatorskog laboratorija Narodne knjižnice Srbije često podrazumijeva minimalne (funkcionalne, ne nužno estetske) konzervatorske i restauratorske intervencije, radi očuvanja autentičnosti predmeta konzervacije. U slučaju oÅ”tećenog rukopisa Oktoih, uslijed prisutnih brojnih mehaničkih oÅ”tećenja, otežanog rukovanja knjigom, tim autora se opredijelio za pun tretman konzervacije i restauracije knjižnog bloka i rekonstrukciju uveza. Cjelokupan postupak izveden je u konzervatorskom laboratoriju Narodne knjižnice Srbije. Liječenje knjižnog bloka sastojalo se od povrÅ”inskoga mehaničkog čiÅ”cĢenja, pranja u otopini alkohola i vode, ojačavanja, ručne restauracije i preÅ”anja listova rukopisa. S obzirom na stanje uveza, napravljen je novi bizantski uvez, po uzoru na izvorni.rukopisna knjiga, oÅ”tećenja papira, konzervatorski postupak, restauracija, bizantski uve

    Dalmatinova Biblija āˆ’ struktura i konzervacija-restauracija

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    Juraj Dalmatinā€™s Bible from 1584 is the first Slovene translation of a complete Bible. It is the greatest achievement of the Reformation period in Slovenia. The book is a Slovene cultural monument of the highest category and is an extraordinary work, considering both the content and the material it was made of. The copy of the Dalmatin Bible presented and analyzed in this paper was in active use for a very long time, the proof of which are the severe signs of damage caused by frequent use and inappropriate storage in the past. The conservation-restoration intervention was necessary because both the text block and the binding were badly damaged. The main purpose of the intervention was to examine the structure and materials, conserve and restore the leaves of the text block, restore the binding and conserve as much as possible the originality of the book.Dalmatinova Biblija iz 1584. prvi je slovenski prijevod cjelokupne Biblije. Najveće je dostignuće razdoblja reformacije u Sloveniji. Knjiga je slovenski kulturni spomenik najviÅ”e kategorije i izvaredno je djelo s obzirom na sadržaj i s obzirom na materijal. Primjerak Dalmatinove Biblije kojim se bavi rad, dugo je vremena bio u aktivnoj uporabi, Å”to su potvrdili brojni primjeri oÅ”tećenja uzorovanih čestom upotrebom i neodgovarajućom pohranom u proÅ”losti. Konzervatorsko-restauratorska intervencija bila je neophodna zbog znatnog oÅ”tećenja knjižnog bloka i uveza. Glavna svrha intervencije bila je ispitati stukturu i materijale, konzervirati i restaurirati listove knjižnog bloka, restaurirati uvez i konzervirati na Å”to je dulje moguće izvornost knjige

    Ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm (Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall)

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    Principles of the conservation of genetic resources of elms (Ulmus spp) do not differ fundamentally from the general principles accepted for the conservation of genetic resources of other common Noble Hardwoods. Efficient conservation can best be achieved through appropriate combination of in situ and ex situ methods, which have distinct advantages. Besides that, ex situ conservation is employed when emergency measures are needed for rare endangered populations and when populations are too small to be managed in situ (e.g. risks of genetic drift and inbreeding). The aim of our research is ex situ conservation of genetic resources of field elm {Ulmus minor Mill) and European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall) through establishment of field genebanks. Sampling was conducted in one population of field elm and one population of white elm. Plant material (buds) from 8 trees of field elm and 10 trees of white elm was used for in vitro production of clones. Obtained clones will be used for establishment of field genebanks on the experimental estate of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment

    Istraživanje arheoloÅ”kog lokaliteta Viničica kod Josipdola (2005.ā€“2010.)

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    U ovom se radu donosi pregled obavljenih arheoloÅ”kih i povijesnih istraživanja lokaliteta Viničica kod Josipdola u razdoblju od 2005. do 2010. godine. Važnost prapovijesnog naselja na Viničici daleko izlazi iz mikroregionalnih okvira. U svojem je dugom postojanju ovo naselje iskoristilo svoj pogodan geostrateÅ”ki položaj i odigralo ulogu posrednika u povezivanju unutraÅ”njosti, jadranske obale, alpskog i balkanskog prostora. Stoga je poduzeto sustavno arheoloÅ”ko istraživanje ovog lokaliteta u razdoblju od 2005. do 2010. godine. Istraživanje će biti nastavljeno i iduće godine. Bogatstvo nalaza potvrđuje tezu da se radi o vrlo bogatom naselju koje je imalo srediÅ”nju ulogu u mikro i makroregionalnom kontekstu. Od 2002. godine do 2010. godine na Viničici su otvorene četiri sonde dimenzija 4 x 4 m (sonde 1, 4, 5 i 6 ), četiri kontrolna rova dimenzija 2 x 6 m (sonde 2, 3, 8, 9) te jedan profil presječene fortifikacije. Od 2005. do 2010. godine dovrÅ”eno je israživanje sondi 4, 8, 9 i profil fortifikacije. Sonda 7 otvorena je 2010. godine i predstavlja zavrÅ”etak faze probnih sondažnih istraživanja te početak otvaranja Å”irih povrÅ”ina istraživanja. Izuzetno brojni nalazi pronađeni tijekom istraživanja, obrađeni su i priređeni za prvu cjelovitu objavu. Istraživanje se nastavlja.The paper presents an overview of archaeological and historical research of the Viničica site near Josipdol which was conducted in the period between 2005 and 2010. The importance of the prehistoric settlement in Viničica far exceeds the micro-regional framework. In the course of its long existence, the settlement took advantage of its convenient geo-strategic position and played the role of a mediator in connecting the interior and the Adriatic coast, the areas of the Alps and the Balkans. This was the reason systematic archaeological excavations of the site were conducted from 2005 to 2010, and will be continued next year. Rich finds attest to the hypothesis that the site contains a very rich settlement which had a central role in a micro and macro-regional contexts. From 2002 to 2010, the archaeological survey included the cutting of four 4x4 m trenches (trenches 1, 4, 5, 6, 8), three 2x6 m control trenches (trenches 2, 3, 9) and one profile of a section of the fortification walls. Excavation of the trenches 4, 8, and 9 was completed in the period from 2005 to 2010. The trench 7 was excavated in 2010 and it marks the final stage of trial trenching and the beginning of excavation of larger areas. Especially numerous finds unearthed during the excavations were analyzed and prepared for the first comprehensive publishing. The research will continue

    Textile Archive at the Ludbreg Conservation Centre of the Croatian Conservation Institute āˆ’ a project of preventive protection of historic textile

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    U tekstu je ukratko opisan projekt Tekstiloteke, zbirke povijesnog tekstila, u Restauratorskom centru Hrvatskoga restauratorskog zavoda u Ludbregu. Na projektu surađuju konzervatori Ministarstva kulture i restauratori Hrvatskoga restauratorskog zavoda. Tekstilni predmeti pohranjeni u Tekstiloteci, prikupljeni su po župama na području SZ Hrvatske jer su mnogi ugroženi zbog loÅ”ih uvjeta čuvanja. Na njima se u sklopu programa Tekstiloteke provodi preventivna konzervacija, a u budućnosti bi trebali postati temelj budućeg Muzeja tekstila. Na taj način bili bi sačuvani od propadanja te postali dostupniji svim stručnjacima koji se bave tim dijelom primijenjene umjetnosti kao i tehnologijom tekstilne proizvodnje.The paper gives an overview of the project of the Textile Archive, a collection of historical textiles at the Ludbreg Conservation Centre of the Croatian Conservation Institute. The project is a collaborative effort of conservators from the Ministry of Culture and the Croatian Conservation Institute. Textile artefacts kept at the Textile Archive were collected from parishes across NW Croatia, with many of them endangered due to poor keeping conditions. They are subjected to preventive conservation as part of the Textile Archive programme, and are designated to become the heart of the future Museum of Textile. This way they could be preserved from deterioration and become more accessible to all experts in this field of applied arts or in the technology of textile production

    Archaeological Excavations of the Medieval Burg of Vrbovec in Klenovec Humski 2008

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    U 2008. godini nastavljena su sustavna arheoloÅ”ko-konzervatorska istraživanja srednjovjekovnoga burga Vrbovca u Klenovcu Humskom, na istočnome dijelu lokaliteta, izvan jezgre burga te u istočnom dijelu dvoriÅ”ta. Izvan jezgre burga definiran je gabarit prostorije, zidane istočno uz palas, istraženo je vanjsko lice istočnoga obrambenog zida burga, a nastavljena su i istraživanja manjeg zida za sada nepoznate namjene i datacije. U dvoriÅ”tu su otkriveni ostaci drvenog objekta iz razdoblja ranoga novog vijeka, stradalog u požaru.The archaeological excavations of 2008 encompassed the area of the eastern zone outside the centre of the burg, where a narrow, long room was discovered (currently its function remains unknown), which can be associated with some form of approach system, i.e. the entrance to the burg at a certain stage of its use. Finds of disposed ceramic pot fragments and animal bones from the deepest excavated layers (SU 176) in that part of the site originated in the first half of the thirteenth century, and the excavations here need to be continued. The south-eastern part of the courtyard was excavated as well, and the existence of a burnt wooden construction was registered. The ruins of the wooden structure lay directly at the south-eastern part of the defence wall of the core of the medieval burg (SU 50), and the stratigraphic situation ā€“ along with other indicators ā€“ clearly suggests the sequence of construction; thus the wooden structure originated in the period after the medieval burg had already fallen into ruin. The remains of this burnt wooden structure are manifested in the form of an upper layer of burnt red earth (SU 172) and a lower layer (SU 180) ā€“ burnt black earth with the remains of several carbonized beams in situ. The inventory of finds from the wooden structure (remains of a tiled stove, richly decorated with tiles representing figures of riders hunting, and tiles with the front perforated tile decorated by architectural motifs in the spirit of the Renaissance) suggests a personage of high rank; probably the commander of a military unit that used this abandoned burg as a control defence point for the broader area in the periods of the Ottoman threat in the sixteenth century

    Effects of the second crop on maize yield and yield components in organic agriculture

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    The second crop use in organic agriculture is a known method of maintaining the soil tilth, soil protection against environmental deterioration, soil nutrients conservation and even the weed control. The nitrogen conservation from previous leguminose crop is even more important, especially in the organic agriculture where use of N-fertilizers is the strictly forbiden, and second crops can be used as a catch crops for nutrients in rotation prior to the crops with the high N requirement. The choice of the proper second crop has, however, been insufficiently investigated, especially for agri-environmental conditions of the Panonian agricultural area in Croatia. The second crop experiment was established in Valpovo, Croatia, in the eutric brown soil type, during the years 2005 and 2006. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effects of different second crops and their combinations on maize (Zea mais L.) yield and yield components in organic agriculture after soybean (Glycine max L.) in crop rotation. The experimental design was set up as a CRBD in four repetitions, with soybean as a previous crop in crop rotation. The six second crop treatments were: O ā€“ Control, without second crop; WW ā€“ winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) second crop; RY ā€“ rye (Secale cereale L.) second crop; FP ā€“ fodder pea (Pisum arvense L.) second crop; WP ā€“ mixture of the WW and FP; and RP ā€“ mixture of RY and FP. The WW treatment had the highest second crop dry mass, whereas FP had the lowest dry mass. The highest plant density was recorded for FP, and it was higher than the RP plant density, which also had the lowest plant height. The achieved maize yields were the highest for RY, but they were not significanlty different from the O, RP, and WW treatments. However, the yield achieved by RY treatment was significantly higher than the yields recorded for WP and FP treatments. The absolute mass and hectolitre mass did not show any statistical differences among treatments

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