4,771 research outputs found


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    The main issues of this research is how the influence of morning exercise on the health of kindergarden children. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a significant influence between morning exercise and children health. The research method used is quasi experimental research method. The sample of the research is 36 male children of kindergarden Pangkalan Kabupaten Bandung. The results showed that there was a significant influence between morning exercise and the health of kindergarden childrenas many as 20 children. Morning exercise needs to be done consistently before beginning classroom learning. There needs to be a more adequate increase in sport facilities and infrastructure in kindergarden

    Low-energy kindergarden

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    Diplomová práce na téma Nízkoenergetická mateřská škola je zpracována ve formě projektové dokumentace k provedení novostavby. Objekt je navržen na parcele 1350/5 v obci Petrovice u Karviné, katastrální území Karviná. Jedná se o třípodlažní stavbu s jedním podzemním a dvěma nadzemními podlažími. Budova je zděná, částečně podsklepená, zastřešena plochou vegetační střechou a plochou pultovou střechou. V objektu se nachází dvě třídy pro celkově 48 dětí. Stravování je zajištěno pomocí dovozu.The master’s thesis on the topic Low- energy kindergarten is processed in the form of project documentation for the implementation of the new building. The building is designed on a plot of 1350/5 in the cadastral Karviná. It is the kindergarten with a basement and two floors. The building contains two classes for a total of 48 children. Food is provided by imports.


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    Formal music education influences various aspects of cognitive development such as perception, memory and language skills. There are elements that suggest that music contributes to people's mental health by having a positive impact on pregnancy and adulthood while additionally creating higher brain function in those who are familiar with music in general. This paper will refer to inquiries about the contribution of music and a digital music lesson will be presented that was held in a kindergarten classroom with the participation of parents highlighting ICT’s contribution.  Article visualizations

    Final Evaluation Report: Early Childhood Connections Program (ECCP) Parent Interviews

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    Presents findings from interviews with guardians referred to developmental or behavioral programs for their children through the ECCP about their use of and satisfaction with services and suggestions for improvement

    Hubungan Pola Asuh Demokratis Terhadap Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Kelompok B Di TK 'Aisyiyah Gonilan Kartasura Gonilan Kabupaten Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh demokratis terhadap kemampuan bahasa pada anak di TK’Aisyiyah Gonilan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak di TK ‘Aisyiyah Gonilan Kartasura dengan jumlah total 100 anak kelompok B. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 30 siswa kelompok B TK ‘Aisyiyah Gonilan. Sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah cluster random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data adalah dengan lembar kuisioner. Data yang diambil adalah data primer untuk variabel pola asuh dan data sekunder untuk kemampuan berbahasa anak. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian ini adalaha rhitung 0.682 dengan rtabel 0,349 sedangkan nilai signifikan 0,000 nilai ini lebih kecil dari taraf signifikan 0,01. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pola asuh demokratis dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa anak di kelompok B TK ‘Aisyiyah Gonilan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo tahun ajaran 2014/2015

    Risk Factors for Invasive Haemophilus influenzae Disease among Children 2-16 Years of Age in the Vaccine Era, Switzerland 1991-1993

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    Mūhlemann K (Institute of Medical Microbiology, Friedbūhistrasse 51, University of Berne, CH-3010 Berne, Switzerland), Alexander E R, Weiss N S, Pepe M, Schopfer K and the Swiss H.Influenzae Study Group. Risk factors for invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease among children aged 2-16 years of age in the vaccine era, Switzerland 1991-1993. International Journal of Epidemiology 1996; 25: 1280-1285. Background Continued surveillance, and detailed investigation of direct and indirect effects of conjugated vaccines and risk factors for invasive H. Influenzae serotype b (Hib) disease in the vaccine era are important Methods 143 cases with invasive disease between 1991 and 1993 aged 2-16 years were selected retrospectively from a large incidence trend study. Controls (n = 336) were recruited from local vital registries and matched to cases for age, gender, and residence. Hib vaccination histories among study subjects and their siblings and other sociodemographic variables were obtained by questionnaires completed by the parents of these children. Adjusted odds ratio (OR) estimates were calculated by conditional logistic regression analysis. Results Most vaccinated subjects had received the Polysacchande-Diphtheria Toxoid vaccine and estimated vaccine efficacy was high (95%; 95% confidence interval [Cl] 60-99%). Also, the results suggested that protection afforded by vaccination against Hib extended to the family members of vaccinated children. School attendance was found to be protective against invasive Hib disease (OR : 0.33; Cl : 0.14-0.75). Cases more often than controls reported sufferring from asthma and allergies (OR : 4.8; Cl: 1.2-19 4). Conclusions Post-licensure vaccine efficacy is high among children ≥2 years of age. The observed association between asthma and epiglottis is novel and deserves further investigatio

    Linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the interpretation of children's early utterances

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    Bestimmte seit den sechziger Jahren zur Analyse früher kindlicher Äußerungen benutzte Beschreibungsmodelle unterschätzen die sprachliche Kompetenz des Kindes, indem sie die Struktur seiner Äußerungen auf Distributionsphänomene der Oberflächenstruktur reduzieren, andere Modelle überschätzen diese Kompetenz, indem sie kindlichen Äußerungen mehr sprachliche Information zuschreiben, als sie enthalten. Wenn außersprachliche Information auf systematische Art und Weise in die Untersuchung der sprachlichen Kommunikation zwischen Kind und Erwachsenem einbezogen wird, findet einerseits die Tatsache eine Erklärung, daß diese Kommunikation in so erstaunlichem Maße erfolgreich ist, andererseits erlaubt diese Beschreibungsweise es aber, frühe kindliche Äußerungen als sprachlich so undeterminiert darzustellen, wie sie sind

    Pembiasaan Membaca Surah Dan Artinya Dalam Mengenalkan Pendidikan Agama Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Tk Islam Harapan Indah

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    This research aims to information about to habbituation reading surah and its meaning in defining religion education in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarden Islam Harapan Indah Pontianak.Knowing how the steps habbituation reading surah and its meaning to child, used study media, study given and also resistance faced by teacher. This reseach is done in the form of qualitative and descriptive nature. The result showed habbituation reading surah and its meaning in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarden Islam Harapan Indah Pontianak, where is was that children can reading surah and its meaning well although there are those have not seen the fluent reading

    "The Royal Family"

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    Indoor portrait of a woman seated on a couch in a dark urban dress and a man in military uniform with insignias of honour; standing between them there are a boy and a girl in urban clothes. The woman is holding the girl's hand; the boy is resting his arm on the man's knee. Printed title in Bulgarian.King Boris III (January 30, 1894 – August 28, 1943), son of Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria 1918-1943, his wife Joanna of Italy (November 13, 1907 – February 26, 2000) the last Tsaritsa of Bulgaria, and their children: Princess Maria Louise of Bulgaria (born January 13, 1933, Sofia) and Simeon Borisov of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Tsar Simeon II (born June 16, 1937)

    Princess Eudoxia of Bulgaria with children from the kindergarden named after her

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    Outdoor photograph of a woman in a dark urban greatcoat with a hat, holding a bunch of flowers in her left hand, surrounded by children in kindergarden uniforms. In the background there are women in dark urban clothes standing in front of a building with a board with inscription in Bulgarian: "Daily kindergarden Princess Eudoxia / Sofia municipality".Princess Eudoxia of Bulgaria (January 5, 1898, Sofia – October 4, 1985, Württemberg) was the eldest daughter and third child of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria and his first wife Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon-Parma. After September 9, 1944, Princess Eudoxia was arrested by the Communists but later released and allowed to flee the country with the rest of the royal family. She later settled in Germany