31 research outputs found

    Distributed Graph Automata and Verification of Distributed Algorithms

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    Combining ideas from distributed algorithms and alternating automata, we introduce a new class of finite graph automata that recognize precisely the languages of finite graphs definable in monadic second-order logic. By restricting transitions to be nondeterministic or deterministic, we also obtain two strictly weaker variants of our automata for which the emptiness problem is decidable. As an application, we suggest how suitable graph automata might be useful in formal verification of distributed algorithms, using Floyd-Hoare logic.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, includes a condensed version of the author's Master's thesis arXiv:1404.6503. (This version of the article (v2) is identical to the previous one (v1), except for minor changes in phrasing.

    Automaton theory approach for solving modified PNS problems

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    In this paper a modified version of the Process Network Synthesis (PNS) problem is studied. By using an automaton theoretical approach, a procedure for finding an optimal solution of this modified PNS problem is presented

    On Supergraphs Satisfying CMSO Properties

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    Let CMSO denote the counting monadic second order logic of graphs. We give a constructive proof that for some computable function f, there is an algorithm A that takes as input a CMSO sentence F, a positive integer t, and a connected graph G of maximum degree at most D, and determines, in time f(|F|,t)*2^O(D*t)*|G|^O(t), whether G has a supergraph G\u27 of treewidth at most t such that G\u27 satisfies F. The algorithmic metatheorem described above sheds new light on certain unresolved questions within the framework of graph completion algorithms. In particular, using this metatheorem, we provide an explicit algorithm that determines, in time f(d)*2^O(D*d)*|G|^O(d), whether a connected graph of maximum degree D has a planar supergraph of diameter at most d. Additionally, we show that for each fixed k, the problem of determining whether G has a k-outerplanar supergraph of diameter at most d is strongly uniformly fixed parameter tractable with respect to the parameter d. This result can be generalized in two directions. First, the diameter parameter can be replaced by any contraction-closed effectively CMSO-definable parameter p. Examples of such parameters are vertex-cover number, dominating number, and many other contraction-bidimensional parameters. In the second direction, the planarity requirement can be relaxed to bounded genus, and more generally, to bounded local treewidth

    The monadic second-order logic of graphs I. Recognizable sets of Finite Graphs

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    The notion of a recognizable sef offinite graphs is introduced. Every set of finite graphs, that is definable in monadic second-order logic is recognizable, but not vice versa. The monadic second-order theory of a context-free set of graphs is decidable. 0 19W Academic Press. Inc. This paper begins an investigation of the monadic second-order logic of graphs and of sets of graphs, using techniques from universal algebra, and the theory of formal languages. (By a graph, we mean a finite directed hyperedge-labelled hypergraph, equipped with a sequence of distinguished vertices.) A survey of this research can be found in Courcelle [ 111. An algebraic structure on the set of graphs (in the above sense) has been proposed by Bauderon and Courcelle [2,7]. The notion of a recognizable set of finite graphs follows, as an instance of the general notion of recognizability introduced by Mezei and Wright in [25]. A graph can also be considered as a logical structure of a certain type. Hence, properties of graphs can be written in first-order logic or in secondorder logic. It turns out that monadic second-order logic, where quantifications over sets of vertices and sets of edges are used, is a reasonably powerful logical language (in which many usual graph properties can be written), for which one can obtain decidability results. These decidability results do not hold for second-order logic, where quantifications over binary relations can also be used. Our main theorem states that every definable set of finite graphs (i.e., every set that is the set of finite graphs satisfying a graph property expressible in monadic second-order logic) is recognizable. * This work has been supported by the “Programme de Recherches Coordonntes: Mathematiques et Informatique.

    Descriptive Complexity Theories

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