74 research outputs found

    Surface fatigue initiated transverse defects and broken rails -- an International Review

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    The current report briefly compares some operational experience of cracked and broken rails from China, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, UK and USA. Four key questions are addressed: 1. Is the critical crack length, i.e. the length of a surface initiated crack that causes a rail break (reasonably) constant in an international perspective? 2. Is it (reasonably) constant over a line? 3. Can the depth when a rolling contact fatigue crack deviates to a transverse propagation be estimated? 4. Is it (reasonably) constant in an international perspective? The answers can briefly be summarized as 1. No. Deviations in crack sizes from roughly 10% up to roughly 80% of the railhead area at fracture have been found. 2. Not generally, but for some lines this seems to be the case if fractures at the same season are considered (i.e. climate effects are excluded). 3. There are indications that this depth is in the order of 5 mm with a fair amount of scatter. However it is very difficult to identify from a photo whether an area of the fracture surface actually corresponds to inclined fatigue crack propagation. 4. With a reservation in the considerable scatter, there seems to be some consistency also in an international perspective. Details on how these conclusions were reached are given in the report

    Anpassning till tekniska specifikationer för driftskompatibilitet i Sverige

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    European railways have until recently been built according to each country’s national regulations and needs. This implies an obstacle for today’s wishes of railway transport across the borders within the European Union. The first steps towards an integrated European railway system came around the year of 1990 in purpose of raising the railway’s competitiveness by reducing obstacles to international railway transport. To unite technical regulations the council of the European Union adopted new rules regarding European railways, there among directives on interoperability. Directive is a legal act which requires member states to achieve the results of the directive. Implementation is done by adjustments in national constitutions. To each directive on railway interoperability there is a set of TSIs adopted by the commission, which specifies requirements to achieve the results of the directive. This essay aims to elucidate how Sweden has adjusted to TSIs and directives on interoperability. The directives have been implemented by adjustments in the national constitution. A significant change is a new law regarding railway; Järnvägslagen adopted in 2004. Järnvägslagen introduced a new rule which requires approval of infrastructure before placing in service. TSIs adopted by the commission are legally binding in Sweden through national regulations adopted by the Swedish transport agency. Due to the complexity of the railway system it is divided into subsystems, such as infrastructure and energy. Requirements for each subsystem are specified in one, or several, TSIs. In Sweden, approval of subsystems regulated in TSI follows a process which requires the applicant to apply for approval. The Swedish transport agency issues approval decision in consideration of conformity with TSI. To study how the new railway regulations have been applied in practice, and to identify possible issues, we have conducted a few case studies which together is called a “project study”. In each case we compare parts of selected railway projects with the theory in this essay. Studied projects are: Haparandabanan, Kirunaprojektet, Sösdala station and Ådalsbanan. The selection is based on date of placing in service being preceded by adoption of TSIs. All projects include new infrastructure, either railway line, railway station or power supply. Results of the project study shows issues with inconsequent interpretation of the regulation considered when TSIs should be applied and when applying for exception is called for. The study of Sösdala station shows discrepancy with the regulations. Placing in service was preceded by a limited approval decision which has not been renewed. Sösdala station has since expiration of the approval decision been in service

    Tekniska specifikationer för driftskompatibilitet.

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    Rail transport across national borders is complicated today. European member states do not have the same regulations and structure of the network. The European market is divided into national networks based on different technologies and national regulations, which constitutes an obstacle to a common rail network. In order to improve accessibility in Europe, the European Union has, since the early 1990s, worked to build a unified railway system. The EU has developed different directives to the various subsystems of the railway to reduce the differences between member states. These directives are technical specifications for interoperability, the TSI. Despite these directives and the time they've been around, the railway in Europe is still partly incompatible. Implementation has taken a long time and we still have not reached seamless network that we seek. The study is based on opinions from the rail industry and the study is expected to answer the following questions: • How well implemented are the requirements of the Swedish Transport Authority regulations? • How much knowledge of TSIs in the industry is there? • Have TSIs meant something positive for the industry / business? Two methods were chosen: a qualitative interview and a quantitative questionnaire survey. The results are reported as a shared position of the interviews that were made on the basis of my interpretation. The result of the survey reports the issues that are most relevant in relation to the issues. The result shows that the implementation of the TSI in Sweden has worked reasonably well when it comes to the technical part, but the issues processes that are new and involve new actors have been difficult to handle for Trafikverket. My study points to the need for increased knowledge of TSI and its applications. Lack of knowledge is a challenge for Trafikverket

    Tillgänglighet och regional tillväxt. Vilka konsekvenser ger transportinfrastruktur för nya regioner och vilka är drivkrafterna bakom regional tillväxt?

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    This bachelor thesis investigates how investments in new sets of transportation infrastructures could affect regional development. By using central theories for transportation geography and regional development, empirical comparison and interviews with experts within the field and politicians, this paper answer four different research questions to discuss the purpose of the thesis. The questions are why can accessibility provide opportunities for increased integration of cities and regions? What consequences have previous infrastructure investments given to new regions? What are the main arguments for and against Hyperloop and high-speed rail? What view do politicians and investigators have on new transport infrastructure for urban development? The findings of the study indicates that increased accessibility between cities leads to regional development because larger trade and labor markets gets accessible, which then leads to economic development. There is also proven that there is a significant positive relationship between investments of high-speed rails and regional development. Historical research from Spain and Japan proves that increased land use and accessibility to larger labor markets and new regions favors further economic development. There is however little research done for Hyperloop in this matter and the consequences is therefore harder to predict. But this paper assumes that the consequences would be similar for Hyperloop and high-speed rail. Some of the main arguments for Hyperloop is that it is said to be much cheaper to build and the speed is higher, but the technology is still under development. For high-speed rail the main arguments is that the technology has proved to work and we know the costs and benefits of it. However, it is expensive, takes a long time to build and is noisy. Experts and politicians shares the same thoughts about the importance of new transport networks for regional development but until the costs for Hyperloop is defined, they are reluctant for further investigations and investments

    Jämförelsestudie av höghastighetsbanan mellan Iran och Sverige

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    Denna rapport beskriver utvalda skillnader mellan Irans och Sveriges höghastighetsbana, skillnader som kommer påverka hela grunden i arbetet. Det är hastigheten, klimatanpassningen, topografisk anpassning och spårgeometri

    LED-belysning i plattform, teknisk lösning för passagerarinformation

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    För att resandet med tåg ska vara säkert, tillgängligt och effektivt krävs bra och välfungerande informationssystem. Resenärer bör kunna känna sig säkra i plattformsmiljön och det ska vara enkelt att orientera sig och planera ditt resandeutbyte. Det är också viktigt att sträva efter att hela tiden gå mot en mer tillgänglig kollektivtrafik. Det här arbetet syftar till att ta fram en teknisk lösning som med hjälp av LED-lampor nedfällda i plattformen ska kunna indikera var på plattformen ett tåg kommer att göra uppehåll. Systemet ska även kunna varna väntande resenärer för förbipasserande tåg. Genom att systemet ger information om var tåget stannar skapas förutsättning för att positionera sig på ett sätt som gör ett effektivt resandeutbyte möjligt. Arbetet inleds med genomgång av teori kring resenärers beteende i plattformsmiljö och frågor kring säkerhet kopplat till detta. Relevanta tekniska begrepp inom belysning, styrsystem, fordon och bana tas också upp och förklaras. Genom fallstudier på tre olika stationer i Skåne har mätningar gjorts för att avgöra vilken lösning som är bäst lämpad samt för att studera hur situationen ser ut idag och vilka problem som finns. Intervjuer med lokförare har också genomförts och samtal med olika representanter förts för att anlägga ett brett perspektiv. Fallstudierna visar att indikering av hela tågsättet längs med plattformen är den mest lämpade lösningen och de tekniska delarna i arbetet fokuserar på genomförandet av detta. Tester av de olika komponenterna i systemet har utförts på Beckhoff Automation AB och visar på att den tekniska lösningen är fullt rimlig och genomförbar.To accomplish safe, accessible and effective travel by train, a well-functioning passenger information system is required. This thesis aims at providing a technical solution for a system able to indicate the position of arriving trains at the platform. This will be achieved with the help of receded LED lighting within the inner marking of the safety zone. The lighting system will also give warning to waiting passengers of passing trains. Existing theory on the subject of passenger behaviour in a platform environment is reviewed and analysed. Relevant technical theory in the areas of lighting, logic control systems. Relevant parts of the rail- and train system is also reviewed and explained. Through case studies on three train stations in southern Sweden, a sufficient level of information to be given by the system has been identified. This has been done in regards of passenger behaviour and the accuracy of train stop position. Tests of key aspects of the system and its components have been conducted and the results are first presented then later discussed from a theoretical point of view. A technical solution is suggested, explained and discussed

    LED-belysning i plattform, teknisk lösning för passagerarinformation

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    To accomplish safe, accessible and effective travel by train, a well-functioning passenger information system is required. This thesis aims at providing a technical solution for a system able to indicate the position of arriving trains at the platform. This will be achieved with the help of receded LED lighting within the inner marking of the safety zone. The lighting system will also give warning to waiting passengers of passing trains. Existing theory on the subject of passenger behaviour in a platform environment is reviewed and analysed. Relevant technical theory in the areas of lighting, logic control systems. Relevant parts of the rail- and train system is also reviewed and explained. Through case studies on three train stations in southern Sweden, a sufficient level of information to be given by the system has been identified. This has been done in regards of passenger behaviour and the accuracy of train stop position. Tests of key aspects of the system and its components have been conducted and the results are first presented then later discussed from a theoretical point of view. A technical solution is suggested, explained and discussed

    More robust switches through improved control of the switch rail

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    Current switch rail control detectors are among the most traffic disturbing factors in the Swedish rail network. Figures from Trafikverket from 2017 shows that more than 1021 trains were delayed for more than 257 delay hours. The sensor is not an expensive component, but required sensor adjustments when maintaining the switch is time-consuming, costly and cause further traffic disturbance. The aim of this feasibility study is to evaluate the possibility to enhance the reliability of switch rail control while retaining safety levels. The focus is on the case when foreign objects (e.g., ballast stones) are trapped between the switch rail and the stock rail. This will lead to a rail gauge reduction when the switch rail is closed by the drives. To indicate such a rail gauge reduction that may cause derailments, switch rail control sensors (TKKs) are used in Swedish switches. These control sensors indicate if the switch rail is sufficiently close to the stock rail but are, as mentioned, also major causes of traffic disruptions. It is therefore important to know if, and under which conditions the controls in fact add additional safety. This is the focus of the current feasibility study. The investigation sets out with a detailed review of previous investigations into the use of switch rail controls and concludes that all Swedish investigations are based on a one-page report (M5745/87) from 1987. From a scientific perspective the conclusions of this report can neither be verified nor falsified, a fact that has been further established by studying all available reports and presentations that may provide insight into how conclusions in M5745/87 were achieved. In particular, the background to current regulations to prevent derailments related to narrow rail gauge are two ORE reports. This study shows that these reports are not applicable for the case of reduced rail gauge in switches. The study has further studied deformation of ballast stones and loads from vehicles. Preliminary static calculations have been performed and indicate that a derailment cannot be achieved for the studied “worst normal case”. These conclusions must however be further ensured with simulations, and with tests in track. To this end, it has been ensured that simulations of dynamic switch negotiations can be performed. Also, a tentative test plan to validate analyses has been outlined

    Digitala transport- och kommunikationstjänster görs tillgängliga. Åtgärdsprogram 2017–2021

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    Tyngdpunkten i åtgärdsprogrammet är att allmänna digitala tjänster ska vara lämpliga för så många medborgare som möjligt. Den andra tyngdpunkten är att informationen om fysisk tillgänglighet ska vara tillgänglig och förmedlas till producenter av tjänster. Programmet omfattar både digitala transporttjänster och digitala kommunikationstjänster och är främst riktat till Kommunikationsministeriets förvaltningsområde. Främjande av digitalisering är ett av de viktigaste målen i regeringsprogrammet. De nya digitala tjänsterna bör framöver underlätta vardagen för så många medborgare som möjligt, oberoende av deras funktionsnedsättning, och får inte öka diskrimineringen. Programmet svarar på utmaningen med befolkningens åldrande och internationalisering. Det främjar genomförandet av skyldigheterna i FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning och i den nationella diskrimineringslagen samt de grundläggande rättigheterna i grundlagen, bland annat jämlikheten och yttrandefriheten. Målet för programmet är att genomföra principen Design For All (DFA) och integreringen inom förvaltningsområdet för trafik och kommunikation, att förebygga diskriminering i transport- och kommunikationstjänsterna och att främja flerkanalstjänster och teknikneutralitet. Åtgärdshelheterna i programmet är 1. Ta hänsyn till tillgängligheten inom förvaltningsområdet för trafik och kommunikation i dess dagliga arbete 2. Förtydliga lagstiftningen och uppdatera anvisningar 3. Förbättra definitionerna och tillgången till tillgänglighetsinformation samt öka medvetenheten hos producenterna av mobilitetstjänster 4. Underlätta vardagen för personer som ännu inte kan använda e-tjänster och som riskerar att bli utslagna samt 5. Rikta ämbetsverkens forskning till främjande av lättanvändbarheten och tillgängligheten till e-tjänster och nya medietjänster samt till utveckling av och försök med nya, mer lättanvända tjänster genom sakernas internet och roboti

    Järnväg på bro - Är det lönsamt att bygga järnväg på bro istället för på marken?

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    The thesis questions whether it is possible to justify an elevated railway solution instead of using cut and fill techniques. The report describes the construction techniques followed by different socio-economic effects such as maintenance, barrier effect and land claims. Construction time and construction costs for a number of traditional railway and elevated railway projects are presented in the report. An assessment of the socio-economic impact along with construction costs is made to answer this question