19,584 research outputs found

    Inovacije su ključ budućnosti

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    Inovacije za mlade

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    History of mathematics in education and history of mathematics education – mathematical education cultures. Special issue: Teaching innovations, Vol. 27 No. 3

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    The history of mathematics and its uses of in mathematics education have been identified and described many times in the last century or so. More recently, in the past decade, they have been classified and identified both in terms of the uses in the classroom, and the uses of the history of mathematics in mathematics teacher education and training

    Social Innovations as a Contribution to Strengthening Social Cohesion and Mitigating Social Crisis in European Urban Social Programs

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    U radu se razmatra potencijalni doprinos socijalnih inovacija jačanju socijalne kohezije i ublažavanju učinaka krize. U politikama i programima financiranja Europske unije socijalne inovacije prepoznaju se kao važan doprinos jačanju socijalne kohezije, koja slabi uslijed krize i povećane socijalne ranjivosti. Istovremeno, pokazuje se da su socijalne inovacije u hrvatskom kontekstu i dalje slabo poznat koncept priređivačima politika, stručnjacima i široj javnosti. Nalazi i zaključci rada temelje se na empirijskom istraživanju provedenom u okviru međunarodnog FP7 projekta WILCO – Welfare Innovations at Local Levels in Favour of Cohesion, unutar kojeg su studirani izabrani gradovi (u Hrvatskoj su to bili Zagreb i Varaždin); obilježja njihovih socijalnih sustava te su analizirani identificirani primjeri socijalnih inovacija. Lokalni socijalni sustavi gradova u istraživanju tek djelomično odražavaju karakteristike nacionalnih socijalnih režima, a otvorenost i podrška lokalnih vlasti ključna je za razvoj i održivost socijalnih inovacija. Većina istraživanih inovacija je u području usluga, iako se inovacije prepoznaju i u inovativnim instrumentima regulacije i socijalnih prava, novim oblicima vladavine te novim modalitetima rada i financiranja organizacija te one mogu utjecati na postupne promjene samih lokalnih socijalnih sustava. U hrvatskom kontekstu razlikujemo tri tipa socijalnih inovacija: (1) inovacije koje nastaju u javnom sektoru, uz podršku stručnjaka izvan sektora, (2) inovacije koje dolaze iz inozemstva, kao rezultat inozemnih financijskih programa te (3) inovacije koje dolaze iz civilnog društva, temeljem samoorganizacije građana. Dok se u primjerima nekih zapadnoeuropskih gradova javni sektor sa svojim profesionalnim kapacitetima prepoznaje kao važan proizvođač socijalnih inovacija, u Hrvatskoj prijašnja iskustva te istraživanja provedena u projektu sugeriraju da većina socijalnih inovacija dolazi iz civilnog društva, pri čemu je razina kulturnog i socijalnog kapitala važan preduvjet razvoja i uspjeha inovacija.This paper discusses a potential contribution of social innovations to strengthening social cohesion and mitigating the effects of the crisis. In EU funding policies and programs, social innovations are recognized as an important contribution to strengthening of social cohesion, which has weakened due to the crisis and increasing social vulnerability. At the same time, it is shown that social innovations in the Croatian context are still a concept poorly understood by policy creators, experts, and the general public. The findings and conclusions of the paper are based on the empirical research conducted within the international FP7 project WILCO - Welfare Innovations at Local Levels in Favour of Cohesion, which studied the selected towns (in Croatia Zagreb and Varaždin) and characteristics of their social systems, and which analyzed identified examples of social innovations. Local social systems of cities included in the research reflected the characteristics of national welfare regimes only partially, and the openness and support of local authorities is crucial for the development and sustainability of social innovations. Most of the studied innovations were in the field of services, although innovations were also recognized in innovative instruments of regulation and social rights, the new forms of governance and new modes of work and funding of organizations, and they can have an impact on the gradual changes of the local social systems. In the Croatian context, three types of social innovations can be distinguished: (1) innovations occurring in the public sector, with the support of experts from outside the industry, (2) innovations that come from abroad, as a result of foreign financial programs, and (3) innovations coming from civil society, based on the self-organization of citizens. While in the examples of some Western European cities the public sector with its professional capacity is recognized as an important producer of social innovations, in Croatia, past experiences and the research conducted within the project suggest that most social innovations come from civil society, where the level of cultural and social capital is an important prerequisite for the development and success of innovations

    Social Innovation 2015: Pathways to Social Change Research, Policies and Practices in European and Global Perspectives

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    Percepcija potrošača o ekološkim inovativnim uslugama vezanima za namještaj

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    Innovations and eco-innovations are effective in building relationships with current and potential customers. One of the possibilities is to innovate in a way that can “materialize” services and at the same time turn them into ecological ones. Such eco-innovations promote sustainable development. The paper focuses on the eco-innovation in services related to furniture. These innovations include ideas such as long-lasting design, maintenance and repair services, remanufacturing of used furniture, and servitization of furniture that includes furniture leasing and renting. The research applied through the Kano model points out the most accepted service innovations in the area of furniture by Slovak respondents. The results present the differences in preferences of customers regarding the individual provided services. It follows that the popularity of individual services is connected with their perception either as traditional innovations or radical ones. Slovak customers prefer financial services supporting purchase of furniture, transport, second chance service, and services related to furniture maintenance and repair.Inovacije i ekološke inovacije na području proizvodnje namještaja učinkovite su za izgradnju odnosa s postojećim i potencijalnim kupcima. Jedna od mogućnosti inoviranja usluga jest da se one „materijaliziraju” te da istodobno budu ekološke. Spomenute ekološke inovacije promiču održivi razvoj. Ovaj je rad usmjeren na ekološke inovacije usluga vezanih za namještaj. Takve inovacije podrazumijevaju ideje kao što su dugotrajni dizajn, usluge održavanja i popravaka, obnovu rabljenog namještaja te upotrebu namještaja uz plaćanje naknade (npr. leasing i najam). U radu su primjenom Kanoov modela prikazane preferencije inovativnih usluga vezanih za namještaj u Slovačkoj. Rezultati predočuju razlike u preferencijama korisnika glede pojedinih usluga. Pokazalo se da je popularnost određenih inovativnih usluga povezana s percepcijom ispitanika ovisno o tome smatraju li te inovacije tradicionalnima ili radikalnima. Kupci iz Slovačke financijski preferiraju usluge koje podržavaju kupnju namještaja, prijevoz, ponovnu upotrebu te usluge povezane s održavanjem i popravkom namještaja

    Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science (Alien-CSI)

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    There is no sign of saturation in accumulation of alien species (AS) introductions worldwide, additionally the rate of spread for some species has also been shown to be increasing. However, the challenges of gathering information on AS are recognized. Recent developments in citizen science (CS) provide an opportunity to improve data flow and knowledge on AS while ensuring effective and high quality societal engagement with the issue of IAS (Invasive Alien Species). Advances in technology, particularly on-line recording and smartphone apps, along with the development of social media, have revolutionized CS and increased connectivity while new and innovative analysis techniques are emerging to ensure appropriate management, visualization, interpretation and use and sharing of the data. In early July 2018 we launched a European CO-operation in Science and Technology (COST) Action to address multidisciplinary research questions in relation to developing and implementing CS, advancing scientific understanding of AS dynamics while informing decision-making specifically implementation of technical requirements of relevant legislation such as the EU Regulation 1143/2014 on IAS. It will also support the EU biodiversity goals and embedding science within society. The Action will explore and document approaches to establishing a European-wide CS AS network. It will embrace relevant innovations for data gathering and reporting to support the implementation of monitoring and surveillance measures, while ensuring benefits for society and citizens, through an AS CS European network. The Action will, therefore, increase levels of participation and quality of engagement with current CS initiatives, ensuring and evaluating educational value, and improve the value outcomes for potential users including citizens, scientists, alien species managers, policy-makers, local authorities, industry and other stakeholders

    Subvencije v tehnološko opremo in uspešnost podjetij

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