11,408 research outputs found

    О курсе риторики черниговского коллегиума «Informator…» [Информатор] (1718)

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    У статті описується рукописний підручник риторики Чернігівського колегіуму «Informator...» [Інформатор...] (1718). Подається його повна назва латиною і в перекладі українською мовою, назви розділів і підрозділів (параграфів) із посиланнями на відповідні аркуші рукопису. У трактаті простежуються деякі паралелі як із єзуїтськими курсами, так і з підручниками Києво-Могилянської академії. Приклади-вправи засвідчують суперечливість духовного світу автора риторики.The article describes a handwritten textbook on rhetoric from the Chernihiv Collegium «Informator...» [Informant…] (1718). The full title in Latin and translated into Ukrainian, the sections and subsections titles with references to relevant sheets of the manuscript are given. The parallels between this textbook, Jesuit courses and textbooks of Kyiv Mohyla Academy in the treatise are drawn. Examples-exercises demonstrate the inconsistency of the spiritual world of the author of the rhetoric.В статье описывается рукописный учебник риторики Черниговского коллегиума «Informator...» [Информатор...] (1718). Приводятся его полное название на латыни и в переводе на украинский язык, названия разделов и подразделов (параграфов) со ссылками на соответствующие листы рукописи. В трактате прослеживаются некоторые параллели как с иезуитскими курсами, так и с учебниками Киево-Могилянской академии. Примеры-упражнения свидетельствуют о противоречивости духовного мира автора риторики

    Katedra Bibliotekoznawstwa i Informacji Naukowej

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    Informator ECTS : Wydział Nauk Historycznych : informator dla studentów na rok akademicki 2001/2002

    Managerial Profiles and Careers

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    This paper investigates the correlation between managerial careers and managerial profiles. Research is based on the results of surveys conducted among final year students of Higher Schools of Business (HSB). Two parallel surveys were carried out, one with questions pertaining to building careers, and the other with questions for determining managerial profiles. A representative sample (250 respondents) was surveyed in two locations. The study confirms the hypothesis claiming that managerial careers and profiles are closely linked and that one conditions the other.career, managerial profile, survey, correlation, sample, hypothesis

    "Wage Differentials and Wage Inequality in Croatia, 1970-2008: Assessing the Labor Market Impact of Economic Transformation"

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    In this paper, we examine wage inequality and wage differentials in Croatia from 1970 to 2008. We focus especially on changing income inequality related to educational and vocational attainment, changing income inequality within those groups, and how these two components of inequality were affected by the economic transformation from Socialism to capitalism. We find that income inequality between groups was relatively stable, while overall inequality trended upward in the post-transformation period. This finding is consistent with a growing importance of individual rather than group productivity in labor market compensation, a change broadly consistent with the economic transformation of the Croatian labor market.Croatia, Economics of Transition, Inequality, Gini coefficient

    Tax administration reform in transition: the case of Croatia

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    This Occasional Paper reports the research results of a project on the tax administration in Croatia conducted by the Institute of Public Finance in Zagreb for the Croatian Tax Administration. The project team report was finalised in summer 1997 and it includes ten papers which are published in Croatian in the Institute’s journal “Financijska praksa”, Volume 22 , Number 1-2 (April 1998). This paper is the summary of the project written by Katarina Ott (Institute of Public Finance)

    "Croatian Wage Inequality and Wage Differentials, 1970-2008: Measurement and Determinants"

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    We use newly-available data on income by educational and vocational attainment and grouped income-interval data to examine wage inequality and wage differentials in Croatia between 1970 and 2008. This is a time period during which Croatia experienced enormous institutional and structural change, including the fall of socialism, hyperinflation, the Homeland war and the creation of sovereign Croatia. We construct both Gini and Theil measures of inequality, using grouped data. We find a general compression of earnings differences by educational and vocational attainment, but with a slight increase in the capitalist period post-1990. The income interval data shows a clearer pattern of a secular increase in inequality that is sharper in the capitalist period. We also examine within-industry inequality to see whether industries that experienced stronger structural changes also experienced a greater increase in inequality. Our evidence on this is mixed.Croatia, Transition Economy Labor Markets, Inequality, Gini coefficient, Theil Index

    The need for the establishment of a legislative framework for sustainable tourism in Kosovo

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    Having into account trends and dynamics of global contemporary developments in respect to a sustainable economic and tourism development, such social actions are considered essential and are converted into standards and principles that need to be effectively implemented in our life. The tourism as economic activity is considered a very heterogeneous nature activity as in the theoretical study aspect also in its positive and negative reflection that is introduced in post modern world. Certainly, the post modernism and the globalization process itself have determined a rational approach and teamwork for all interested actors in the way that the new logic of new economic developments is based upon the principles of sustainability, balancing, and planned consumption of natural resources. The enormous development of technological techniques and the race to penetrate into global markets, in light of free trade, has caused that the exploitation of resources not just that is becoming very atrocious, but is seriously endangering the biodiversity of the global environment. The new paradigm “ for a sustainable development” requires setting of a legislative framework which requires not only the support of international convention, declaration and actions, in order to be easily implemented and acceptable by the society but to ensure and guarantee effective modern strategy for a development.Economy tourism sustainability strategy international convention declarations conferences

    Tourism and the issue of regulation of tourism with functional legislation in countries of transition - emphasizing specially Kosovo -

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    In this work it is presented the issue of legal regulation of tourism in countries of transition emphasizing specially Kosovo. From this work you can see that tourism and hotels are important economic activities which not always are being treated with appropriate importance within the frame of social and economic development of life. Apart from the development of “massive tourism” and benefits gained by certain countries from these activities, in some countries of South-East Europe are presented serious problems especially in issuance of legislation. This lack of tourism development is a serious gap of development and attraction of foreign investments in Kosovo. Kosovo is a specific case of a transitional society because of many political problems which have generated negative impact with in the frame of economic and legal development. After the end of the last war the gap of overall economic and tourism development was influenced by many subjective and objective factors. This work not only identifies these problems but at the same time offers some measures of urgent matter in order to eliminate them and provide a balanced and qualified development.Tourism tourism legislation trade usages legal contracting relations in the tourism field the contracting right

    Developing a creative foreign language reader: in search of a theoretical approach and didactic techniques

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    The paper discusses different conceptions of creativity in relation to reading in a FL. It looks at psycholinguistic approaches that view creativity as a mentalistic individual creative thought. Further, it discusses sociocultural theories that take in account social, cultural and environmental factors. Special attention is given to a critical aspect of creativity. In the next section, the author looks at how psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic approaches view literacy and what they can offer for both FL/L2 research and pedagogy. The presentation argues for viewing the FL/L2 reading situation as an interaction of cognitive and social factors and emphases the importance of developing skills to critique texts. It suggests a set of tasks to be applied in a FL classroom aiming at improving creative reading skills