4,806 research outputs found

    The relationship between levels of physical activity of parents and their children

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    Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio istražiti povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti roditelja i razine tjelesne aktivnosti djece, utvrditi postoji li povezanost pretilosti djece mlađe školske dobi s razinom njihove tjelesne aktivnosti, postoji li povezanost dobi i razine obrazovanja roditelja s razinom tjelesne aktivnosti te jesu li djeca već u vlastitim domovima upoznata s obrascima ponašanja koji uključuju optimalnu razinu tjelesne aktivnosti. Istraživanje se provelo u trećim i četvrtim razredima osnovnih škola, a mjerni instrumenti korišteni u istraživanju bili su upitnici, IPAQ – SF za roditelje te PAQ – C za učenike i učenice. Važno je naglasiti kako je tjelesna aktivnost od iznimne važnosti za rast i razvoj svakoga djeteta, ali i za održavanje dobrog zdravlja tijekom cijeloga života. Upravo se kontinuiranost tjelesne aktivnosti može povećati uključivanjem djece u razne sportske klubove, izvannastavne sportske aktivnosti i sl., sve s ciljem stvaranja radne navike vježbanja i pozitivnih stavova prema sportu te brizi o vlastitome zdravlju.This thesis focuses on the relationships between levels of physical activty of parents and their children, it analyses the connection between obesity of school – age children and the level of their physical activity. Also, it analyses the connection between age and level of education of the parents with the levels of physical ativity of their children and investigates familiarity with optimal physical activity patterns of behaviour transferred from home. The study was conducted in the grades three and four and in the city of Osijek. A questionnaire was distributed to both parents and children. The instruments used in this thesis were IPAQ – SF for the parents and PAQ – C for the children. The results reveal the importance of the physical activity for the growth and development od every child and maintaining good health throught life. Continuity of the physical activity can be increased by joining children into different sport clubs, extracurricular activities, etc.with the aim of creating work habits and positive attitudes towards sport and exercising in general

    Folk music introduction in early childhood education

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    Folklor predstavlja tradiciju i kulturu svakog naroda. Razlikuje se od naroda do naroda po svojim običajima, sadržajima, nošnjama, pjesmama i plesovima koje su stvarali ljudi i djeca. Prenosi se s generacije na generaciju, a danas je poznat i zastupljen u svakom kraju Hrvatske. U dječji folklor ubrajaju se brojalice, uspavanke, igre s pjesmom, folklorne pjesme i plesovi te sviranje na tradicijskim instrumentima. Upravo zbog svoje raznolikosti sadržaja dječji folklor je zanimljiv i interesantan djeci. Osim toga ima brojne pozitivne utjecaje na djecu i njihove sposobnosti. Potiče razvoj brojnih sposobnosti, osjećaja za pokret, ritam, potiče maštu i kreativnost te osjećaj sreće i vedrine. Tema ovog rada je dječji folklor, njegov sadržaj i njegova zastupljenost u dječjim vrtićima. Provedeno je istraživanje u nekoliko dječjih vrtića na području grada Vinkovaca. Ispitano je 41 odgojitelja, a rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako većina odgojitelja provodi više puta mjesečno folklorne sadržaje u radu sa svojom djecom. Najviše provode brojalice, igre s pjesmom, uspavanke i folklorne pjesme. Njih 90% ispitanih smatra kako njegovanje dječjeg folklora treba započeti u predškolskom odgoju te polovina ispitanih smatra kako se ne radi dovoljno na tome.Folklore represents the tradition and the culture of every nation. It is different from country to country by its customs, content, costumes, poems and dances which were created by people and children. It is transfered from generation to generation, and today it is known and represented in every part of Croatia. There are many form of folkloric music such as counters, lullabies, song games, folk songs, dances and playing on traditional instruments. Because of its variety of contents, children's folklore is interesting to children. In addition, there are numerous positive impacts on children and their abilities. It promotes the development of many abilities, feelings of movement, rhythm, stimulation of imagination and creativity and a sense of happiness and serenity. The subject of this work is children's folklore, its content and its representation in kindergartens. A survey was conducted in several kindergartens in the area of Vinkovci. 41 educators were surveyed, and research results showed that most educators spend several times a month on folkloric content in working with children. Numbers, song games, lullabies and folk songs are most popular. 90% of those surveyed believe that child folklore nursing should begin in pre-school education, and half of surveyed think it is not working enough on child folklor

    Ženski „glumački tekst”1 i njegova „arhivska groznica”

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    The discussion of the ways one conceives of and reflex upon the procedures of archiving the opus of actresses active in the socialist period represents one of the urging tasks of both theatre studies and feminist criticism in Croatia, given the relative scarcity of interest for this area of research within Croatian theatre academia. This study presents the results of a research done on the work of one of the leading Croatian actresses after WWII, Neva Rošić, which mostly rely on the discourse analysis of theatre reviews, interviews, personal letters, articles written by the actress herself and other media reports on her major successes on the stage. A whole array of sources is thus summoned to corroborate the thesis that the female acting practice in this period, belonging as it does to the poetics of impersonation, could figure as an interesting ground for the analysis of both the issues of female acting authorship, and the cultural construction of gender norms, as well as the means and outcomes of their performative subversion.The discussion of the ways one conceives of and reflex upon the procedures of archiving the opus of actresses active in the socialist period represents one of the urging tasks of both theatre studies and feminist criticism in Croatia, given the relative scarcity of interest for this area of research within Croatian theatre academia. This study presents the results of a research done on the work of one of the leading Croatian actresses after WWII, Neva Rošić, which mostly rely on the discourse analysis of theatre reviews, interviews, personal letters, articles written by the actress herself and other media reports on her major successes on the stage. A whole array of sources is thus summoned to corroborate the thesis that the female acting practice in this period, belonging as it does to the poetics of impersonation, could figure as an interesting ground for the analysis of both the issues of female acting authorship, and the cultural construction of gender norms, as well as the means and outcomes of their performative subversion

    Predstava Dokaz

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    Prikaz predstave Dokaz koja je igrala u Maloj sceni

    Relation between the level of physical activity and motor abilities and skills of students in primary school

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na 30 učenika 2. razreda osnovne škole u Osijeku. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi relacije između razine tjelesne aktivnosti te motoričkih sposobnosti i vještina. Mjerne instrumente činili su međunarodni anketni upitnik za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti djece (PAQ-C) te šest testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da postoji povezanost tjelesne aktivnosti i razvijenosti motoričkih sposobnosti antropometrijskih karakteristika te da dodatno tjelesno vježbanje pozitivno utječe na razvoj istih

    Children's play in Turopolje: the past and the present

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    Igra je aktivnost tipična za period ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Ona predstavlja metodu i odgojnu filozofiju djeteta te dobi. Samim time zauzima najvažnije mjesto u djetetovom životu. Uključuje sva osjetila i trebala bi utjecati na sve aspekte razvoja djeteta: komunikaciju, govor, socijalne vještine, spoznajni razvoj, razvoj motoričkih vještina i dr. Kroz igru možemo prepoznati i regulirati dječje emocionalne potrebe čime se uz ostalo podržava i njegovo samopoštovanje. Igra je jedan od najvažnijih načina učenja i služi i očuvanju kulturne baštine. Dijete kroz igru uči o baštini svojih predaka, o sebi, a istodobno o različitim kulturama, o drugom i drugačijem kao nezamjenjivom izvoru duhovnog bogatstva čovječanstva. Upravo tradicionalnim igrama naših djedova i baka koje prenosimo na najmlađe naraštaje nastavljamo tradiciju i očuvanja tradicionalnih vrijednosti zavičaja.Play is an activity typical for preschoolers. It presents method and educational philosophy of children at that age. She takes the most important place in children life. Play includes all senses and it should affect all aspects of child development: communication, speech, social skills, cognitive development, development of social skills and other. Through play, we can identify and regulate children's emotional needs, which, among other things, supports their self-esteem. Play is one of the most important ways of learning and also serves to preserve cultural heritage. Through play children learns about the heritage of their ancestors, about themselves and at the same time about different cultures, about another and different as an irreplaceable source of the spiritual wealth of humanity. We continue the tradition and preserve the traditional values of our homeland with the traditional games of our grandparents that we pass on to our youngest generations

    Povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti i razvijenosti motoričkih vještina učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti i razvijenosti motoričkih vještina učenika 4. razreda osnovne škole te ispitati postoje li spolne razlike u razini tjelesne aktivnosti i motoričkim vještinama. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 52 učenika, 28 dječaka i 24 djevojčice prosječne starosti 10,06 godina (SD=0,31), jedne osnovne škole u urbanoj sredini. Motoričke vještine učenika procijenjene su pomoću Bruininks Oseretsky test of motor proficiency - kratke verzije, koja uključuje 14 čestica, a za procjenu razine tjelesne aktivnosti korišten je Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C). Za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti upitnika korištena je test-retest metoda s razmakom od sedam dana između anketiranja. Korelacijska analiza pokazala je povezanost rezultata motoričkih testova i razine tjelesne aktivnosti. Analizom razlika (Kruskal Wallis anova) značajne razlike između skupina ispitanika u motoričkim vještinama prema razini tjelesne aktivnosti dobile su se u varijablama: ukupan rezultat (TS) H=6,097, p= 0,047; odbijanje loptice od tla rukama naizmjenično (DB-AH) H = 10,556, p = 0,005 i bacanje i hvatanje loptice objema rukama (DCB-BH) H = 7,315, p = 0,025. Učenici s višom razinom tjelesne aktivnosti postigli su bolji ukupan rezultat u testu za procjenu motoričkih vještina. Spolne razlike u razini tjelesne aktivnosti nisu dobivene, a u motoričkim testovima značajna razlika dobivena je u tri čestice, fina motorička preciznost (presavijanje papira) i manipulativne vještine (prenošenje novčića) u korist djevojčica te u bilateralnoj koordinaciji (skokovi na jednoj nozi u mjestu) u korist dječaka.The aim of this thesis was to explore the relationship between physical activity level and motor skills development among primary school pupils, grade 4 and to examine whether there are any gender differences in physical activity level and motor skills development. The study included a sample of 52 pupils, 28 boys and 24 girls, from an urban area primary school. The average pupils' age was 10,06 years old (SD=0,31). Pupils' motor skills were assessed by Bruininks Oseretsky test of motor proficiency-short form that includes 14 particles and Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) was used to assess physical activity. The test-retest method with seven days interval between the surveys was used to establish the reliability of the questionnaire. Correlation analysis has shown the relationship between motor skills test results and physical activity level. Significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis anova) among pupils' motor skills according to physical activity level were found in the following variables: total score (TS) H=6,097, p= 0,047; dribbling a ball-alternative hands (DB-AH) H = 10,556, p = 0,005; dropping and catching a ball both hands (DCB-BH) H=7,315, p=0,025. The pupils with the higher level of physical activity have achieved higher total score at the motor skills assessment test. Gender differences in the physical activity level were not detected while in the motor skills test the significant difference was found in three particles: fine motor precision (folding paper) and manual dexterity (transferring pennies) in favour of girls and in bilateral coordination (one legged stationary hop) in favour of boys

    Učenička percepcija uključenosti očeva u njihov odgoj: primjer zadarskih srednjoškolaca

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    For the last 20 years or so, fathers and mothers have been considered as equal participants in upbringing. The topic of this paper is to investigate the experiences of secondary school students in Zadar about their father’s involvement in education. 470 students from the second grades of secondary schools in Zadar County participated in the research. The questionnaire consisted of 26 closed questions and one open-ended question. The results indicate that fathers are the most engaged in the issue of child control in the sense of giving warnings, while they are rarely involved in activities related to help in mastering school material, listening and understanding the child’s needs. More than half of the fathers never or very rarely attended parent-teacher meetings, while 71% of them never or very rarely went to individual meetings with the child’s class teacher. All of this points to the need for the additional sensitization of society regarding the involvement of the father in the upbringing of the child and support for fathers in performing their parental role.Posljednjih 20-ak godina o očevima i majkama govori se kao o ravnopravnim sudionicima u odgoju. Tema ovog rada je istražiti kakva su iskustva zadarskih srednjoškolaca o uključenosti njihova oca u odgoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 470 učenika drugih razreda srednjih škola Zadarske županije. Anketni upitnik se sastojao od 26 pitanja zatvorenog i jednog pitanja otvorenog tipa. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su očevi najangažiraniji po pitanju kontrole djeteta u smislu davanja upozorenja, dok se rijetko uključuju u aktivnosti vezane za pomoć u savladavanju školskog gradiva, slušanje i razumijevanje djetetovih potreba. Više od polovice očeva nikad ili vrlo rijetko posjećuje roditeljske sastanke, dok 71 % njih nikad ne odlazi ili vrlo rijetko odlazi na individualne razgovore s razrednikom. Sve ovo ukazuje na potrebu za dodatnom senzibilizacijom društva po pitanju uključenost oca u odgoj djeteta te podrškom očevima u obavljanju roditeljske uloge

    History of traditional folk games

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    Cilj ovoga rada je proučiti kako i koliko tradicijske igre kroz radost i zadovoljstvo, stimuliraju cjelokupan razvoj djeteta. Djeca se kroz igranje igara s drugom djecom ili odraslima, potiču u različitim razvojnim područjima. Igra pruža kontekst u kojem djeca doživljavaju temeljno učenja kroz integraciju intelektualnih, fizičkih, moralnih i duhovnih vrijednosti i upućuje ih i dalje učenje, razvoj i rast. Dok se igraju, djeca usvajaju široki raspon društvenih vještina. Pored toga što igra predstavlja kontekst u kojem se u dječjem životu odvija većina učenja potrebnog za razvoj djeteta, igre djeci pružaju omogućuju upoznavanje vlastite kulture i kulturnih vrijednosti. Tradicionalne igre odražavaju naše kulturne vrijednosti i pravila ponašanja i ujedno njeguju tradiciju i univerzalne kulturne vrijednosti - potiču zdravo natjecanje, vještine razmišljanja za suočavanje s problemima, stav kako prihvatiti poraz ili dostojanstveno pobijediti, hedonizam i međusobnu toleranciju. Rad sadrži teorijska polazišta te pregled nekih istraživanja u području dječjih tradicionalnih igara.The aim of this paper is to study how and how many traditional games through joy and pleasure stimulate the overall development of the child. Children are constantly encouraged by playing games with other children or adults in different development areas. The game provides a context in which children experience fundamental learning through the integration of intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual values and leads them to further learning, development and growth. While playing, children adopt a wide range of social skills. In addition to the fact that the game represents the context in which children's learning takes most of the child's development needs, children's games allow them to discover their own culture and cultural values. Traditional games reflect our cultural values and rules of behavior and also nurture tradition and universal cultural values - encourage healthy competition, problem-solving skills, attitude to accepting defeat or dignity to win, hedonism and mutual tolerance. The paper contains theoretical starting points and an overview of some research in the area of children's traditional games