5,784 research outputs found

    Social sustainability as a goal in urban development : how dialogue with citizens can promote it

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    Jag Àmnar med denna uppsatsen att vidga min egen förstÄelse om vad social hÄllbarhet Àr samt vilka svÄrigheter och utmaningar som finns i samband med att anvÀnda social hÄllbarhet som mÄl inom hÄllbar stadsutveckling. Uppsatsen kommer inledningsvis ge en kortfattad redogörelse för begreppet hÄllbar utveckling och de nyanser som utmÀrker begreppet. DÀrefter kommer begreppet social hÄllbarhet att tas upp, samt olika tolkningar och förhÄllningsÀtt till begreppet lyftas. Vidare, med kunskap om dessa begrepp samt deras begrÀsningar, kommer begreppet social hÄllbarhet som mÄl inom stadsutveckling att granskas, varefter uppsatsen frÀmst kommer begrÀnsa sig till hur begreppet anvÀnds inom stadsplanering i stÀder, samt hur det identifieras inom stadsutvecklingen. DÀrefter kommer begreppet medborgardialog att lyftas, med exempel pÄ hur det kan frÀmja parametrar för social hÄllbarhet, samt medförda risker. Utöver detta tillkommer bidrag frÄn hur tvÄ svenska arkitektbyrÄer arbetar med medborgardialoger och uppföljning av socialt hÄllbarhetsmÄl. Slutligen, efter ovannÀmnda begrepp har lyfts och nyanserats tillrÀckligt för diskussionsÀndamÄl kommer social hÄllbarhet som mÄl inom stadsutvecklingen diskuteras, samt kopplas till vilken mÄn medborgardialogen kan frÀmja det.With this thesis, I intend to broaden my own understanding of what social sustainability is and what challenges exist in relation to using social sustainability as a goal in sustainable urban development .The thesis will initially give a brief account of the concept of sustainable development and the nuances that characterize the concept. Thereafter, the concept of social sustainability will be addressed, and various interpretations and approaches to the concept will be raised. Furthermore, with knowledge of these concepts and their limitations, the concept of social sustainability as a goal in urban development will be examined, after which the thesis will mainly be limited to how the concept is used in urban planning in cities and identified in urban development. Thereafter, the concept of citizen dialogue will be raised, with examples of how it can promote parameters for social sustainability, as well as the risks involved. In addition, there are contributions from two Swedish architectural firms, giving examples of how one can work with citizen dialogues and follow-up on social sustainability goals. Finally, after the above-mentioned concepts have been raised and nuanced sufficiently for discussion purposes, social sustainability as a goal of urban development will be discussed, and linked to the extent to which the citizens' dialogue can promote it

    Social sustainability in urban planning processes : a case study of Mary Andersson’s park, Malmö

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    Begreppet hĂ„llbar utveckling, tillika den sociala dimensionen av hĂ„llbarhet Ă€r komplexa begrepp utan entydig definition och som prĂ€glas av konflikt sett till intresse, mĂ„l och vĂ€rde. Bortom debatten om innebörd Ă€r social hĂ„llbarhet idag ett centralt begrepp inom politiken och har en viktig funktion i diskussioner om mĂ„l och syften gĂ€llande planering och samhĂ€llsutveckling. Syftet med denna studie var att förstĂ„ hur olika aktörer arbetar med och förhĂ„ller sig till social hĂ„llbarhet i planeringen av offentliga rum genom litteraturstudier och en exempelstudie av planeringsprocessen av Mary Anderssons park i Sorgenfri, Malmö. Exempelstudien utgjordes av tre semi-strukturerade intervjuer och dokumentstudier. UtifrĂ„n litteraturstudien delades social hĂ„llbarhet upp i tvĂ„ huvudkategorier för en teoretisk förstĂ„else av vad som kan ses som social hĂ„llbarhet i den fysiska planeringen; social rĂ€ttvisa och social sammanhĂ„llning. Mary Anderssons park kan ses ett framgĂ„ngsrikt projekt som pĂ„ flera sĂ€tt relaterar till en socialt hĂ„llbar utveckling av offentliga rum. LĂ€rdomar frĂ„n projektet innefattade bland annat att omfattande dialog och planeringsprocesser krĂ€ver lĂ„ngsiktighet, resurser, drivande aktörer samt grĂ€nsöverskridande samarbete. Dialog och samskapande genererade och upprĂ€tthöll engagemang, nĂ„got som bidrar till att platser kan ses som socialt hĂ„llbara över tid. Att ta vara pĂ„ invĂ„narnas idĂ©er och platsens lokalhistoria genererade en lokal stolthet och förankrade platsen i omrĂ„det. LĂ€rdomarna kan sammanfattas till en brist pĂ„ övergripande direktiv som underlĂ€ttar för den hĂ€r typen av grĂ€nsöverskridande planeringsprocesser och att sociala vinster inte alltid Ă€r mĂ€tbara.The concept of sustainable development, as well as the social dimension of sustainability, are complex concepts without a clear definition and characterized by conflict in terms of interest, goals and value. Beyond the debate on meaning, social sustainability is today a central concept in politics and has an important function in discussions about goals and aims regarding planning and social development. The purpose of this study was to understand how different actors work with and relate to social sustainability in the planning of public spaces, through literature studies and an example study of the planning process of Mary Andersson’s park in Sorgenfri, Malmö. The example study consisted of three semi-structured interviews and document studies. Based on the literature study, social sustainability was divided into two main categories for a theoretical understanding of what can be seen as social sustainability in physical planning: social justice and sustainability of community. Mary Andersson’s park can be seen as a successful project that in several ways relates to social sustainable development of public spaces. Lessons from the project included, among other things, that extensive dialogue and planning processes require long-term perspectives, resources, driving actors and crossborder cooperation. Dialogue and co-creation generated and maintained involvement, something that contributes to that places can be seen as social sustainable over time. As well as taking advantage of the residents' ideas and the local history of the place generated a local pride and anchored the place in the area. The lessons can be summed up in a lack of comprehensive directives that facilitate this type of cross-border planning processes and that social gains are not always measurable

    The mixed-use city as a planning ideal for a socially sustainable city development : an insight in gentrification and segregation processes

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    Agenda 2030 föresprĂ„kar för en socialt hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling pĂ„ global nivĂ„. För att kunna utvĂ€rdera arbetet med hĂ„llbarhetsmĂ„len undersöks effekterna av dagens samhĂ€llsplanering utifrĂ„n fem centrala begrepp: social hĂ„llbarhet, planeringsprinciper, segregation, gentrifiering och blandstaden. För att kunna implementera hĂ„llbarhetsmĂ„len i praktiken pĂ„ nationell skala har blandstaden antagits som planeringsideal i Sverige. Det gĂ„r att se som en motreaktion pĂ„ funktionsseparatisktiska ideal frĂ„n miljonprogrammets era under 1960- och 70-talen, och har starka kopplingar till internationella ideologier som nyurbanism och mixed-land use. Uppsatsen har pĂ„visat att blandstaden Ă€mnar skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för en tĂ€t struktur gĂ€llande infrastruktur och bebyggelse, med ett varierat utbud gĂ€llande funktion och upplĂ„telseform. Blandstaden avser ocksĂ„ skapa förutsĂ€ttningar som bidrar till en socialt hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling genom att exempelvis skapa mötesplatser för interaktion mellan invĂ„nare i samhĂ€llet. Dock förekommer planeringsidealet ofta i relativt retroaktiva sammanhang i stadsplaneringen, som ett medel för att motverka segregationen i samhĂ€llet. Uppsatsen visade emellertid att blandstaden kan bidra till bĂ„de önskad och oönskad gentrifiering, vilket i sin tur kan orsaka ytterligare segregerande processer i samhĂ€llet. SĂ„ledes kan blandstaden i olika grad bĂ„de bidra till och motverka segregation. För att kunna utvĂ€rdera hur blandstaden fungerar ur ett socialt hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv, undersöks Ă€ven teorin i fysiska stadsbyggnadssammanhang. Tre referensstudier med utgĂ„ngspunkt i Malmö stad visade att arbetet med social hĂ„llbarhet ser annorlunda ut i olika stadsdelar, dĂ„ ett varierat fokus pĂ„ system- och social integration finns mellan omrĂ„dena. En tematisering bidrog till en utvĂ€rdering av hur blandstaden möter samhĂ€llets sociala utmaningar samt vilka utmaningar som Ă„terstĂ„r med idealet. Resultatet blev en slutsats kring att blandstadens effekter kan se olika ut beroende pĂ„ faktorer som exempelvis befintlig fysisk struktur samt lokala sociala sammanhang. Aktivt arbete mot gentrifiering sker i sĂ€rskilda stadsdelar i Malmö stad, medan den förblir okommenterad pĂ„ andra platser. Ett antal kĂ€llor framför riskerna med att förlita sig för mycket pĂ„ geografisk determinism, och att förĂ€ndringen av mĂ€nniskors fysiska förutsĂ€ttningar inte rĂ€cker för att uppnĂ„ social hĂ„llbarhet. Samtidigt visar andra kĂ€llor att utformningen av den fysiska miljön Ă€r avgörande för att det ska finnas utrymme för sociala interventioner. De tvĂ„ angreppssĂ€tten mĂ„ste sĂ„ledes leva i symbios med varandra för att uppnĂ„ bĂ€sta resultat.Agenda 2030 advocates for a socially sustainable city development on a global level. To be able to evaluate the work towards the sustainability goals, an assessment of the effects of today’s city planning is made based on five central terms: social sustainability, planning principles, segregation, gentrification, and the mixed-use city. To be able to implement the sustainability goal in practice on a national scale, the mixed-use city has been adopted as the planning ideal in Sweden. It can be viewed as a counter reaction against the functionally separatist ideal that derived from the Million Program era during the 1960-70’s, and has strong connections to international ideologies such as new urbanism and mixed-land use. The essay shows that the mixed-use structure intends to create conditions that enforces a dense structure regarding infrastructure and settlements, with a varied offering of function and tenure. The mixed- use city also intends to create conditions that enhance the social sustainability, for example by contributing with physical spaces for interaction between people. However, the planning ideal seems to often occur in relatively retroactive contexts in city planning, as a strategy to work against existing segregation. Furthermore, the essay showed that the mixed-use structure can actually contribute to both intended and non-intended gentrification processes, which in and of itself can lead to further segregation. Thus, the mixed-use city can both lead to and work against segregation processes in different ways. In order to evaluate how the mixed-use city functions from a socially sustainable perspective, the theory is assessed in a physical context of city development as well. Three reference studies were developed with the municipality of Malmö as the focal point. They showed that the work towards social sustainability varies in different parts of the city, and that the focus on integration shifts differently between a system based and social approach. By using a thematizing method I was able to further evaluate how the mixed-use city meets the social challenges that our society is facing, but also what challenges that still remain after adopting said ideal. The result was the conclusion that the effects of the mixed-use city can look different depending on factors such as existing physical structures and local social relations. An active effort to minimize the effects of a gentrification process is made in certain parts of the city, while the gentrification stays unmentioned regarding its appearance in other parts. A number of sources mention the risks of relying too much on geographic determinism. While some sources claim that the changing of peoples physical setting is not enough to reach social sustainability, some claim that the design of the physical environment is vital to ensure that there is space for social interventions. Thus, the two approaches must coexist with each other, in the context of city development, in order to reach the most optimal resul

    Urbana grönytors bidrag till vÀlbefinnande och stadsklimat

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    In this master thesis, I have studied the beneficial effects that nature has on the urban climate and our well-being – and why it has an effect on us, as well as sustainable urban planning and ecosystem services. How can we preserve and contribute to biodiversity, and the urban ecosystem services that is necessary to secure the ecological links in cities? To answer the questions, the regional council of Scania County and Lund’s municipality have been surveyed to find out how the work of green infrastructure looks like in practice at a regional and municipal level. Their work is compared to EU:s requirements and directives on the work of green infrastructure. Today, cities are expanding fast, and it is resulting in a loss of urban green space and nature. At the same time, cities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to environmental changes such as droughts, floods, heat stress, extremely cloud-burst and other natural disasters. A loss of nature means not only a vulnerability to environmental changes in cities, but it has negative effects of urban people’s wellbeing as well. It also results in loss of biodiversity which is important for all ecosystem services. How can we, as planners, design for a sustainable city? What is a sustainable city development?I detta examensarbete har jag undersökt effekter som naturen har för stadsklimatet och vĂ„rt vĂ€lbefinnande – varför det har effekt pĂ„ oss, samt hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling och ekosystemtjĂ€nster. Hur kan vi bevara och bidra till den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden, och dĂ€rmed ekosystemtjĂ€nster i stĂ€der som kan sĂ€kra upp de ekologiska sambanden? För att svara pĂ„ frĂ„gorna har Region SkĂ„ne och Lunds kommuns arbete av grön infrastruktur studerats pĂ„ en regional- samt kommunal nivĂ„. Detta jĂ€mförs med EU:s krav och direktiv kring arbetet av grön infrastruktur. Idag expanderar stĂ€der fort vilket resulterar i en förlust av grönomrĂ„den och natur. Samtidigt blir stĂ€derna alltmer sĂ„rbara för miljöförĂ€ndringar som torka, översvĂ€mningar, vĂ€rmespĂ€nning, skyfall och andra naturkatastrofer. En förlust av natur innebĂ€r inte bara en sĂ„rbarhet för miljöförĂ€ndringar i stĂ€der, utan Ă€ven ett sĂ€mre vĂ€lmĂ„ende för stadsmĂ€nniskor. Det resulterar ocksĂ„ i förlust av biologisk mĂ„ngfald som Ă€r viktig för alla ekosystemtjĂ€nster. Vilka metoder kan vi som stadsplanerare arbeta med för hĂ„llbar utveckling? Vad Ă€r hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling

    Housing of horses in Swedish breeding farms for warm-blooded riding horses

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    Young riding horses should be able to move freely in large areas when growing up to develop a sustainable body for the future. The Swedish breed warm blooded riding horses are seen as healthy and durable in the sport. The structure of Swedish breeders back to 25 years ago is well known. However, their choice of housing system of young riding horses has not been investigated. Therefore, the aim was to identify and investigate today’s structure of Swedish breeders and their choice of housing system for young and growing horses. This work can be a basis for future investigations of housing system for young horses and the young horses’ future health. Further, this work can be used in education for Swedish breeders in housing systems for young horses. Three questions were answered in this essay: How has the structure of Swedish breeders changed over the last 25 years? How do the Swedish breeders choose a housing system for their youngster looks and how do the access to outdoor living look for Swedish breed young horses? This essay is based on a survey sent to breeders of Swedish warm blooded riding horses. The survey contained 22 questions of different character. The questions were chosen according to breeders, housing of horses, outdoor living for youngsters and marketing. For statistical analysis Microsoft Excel 2019 and chi2-test was used. The result showed that 79% of Swedish breeders were women and the majority were in the age 31 to 50 years. Most of the breeders, independent of age, had learned about breeding from friends. According to the answers of the survey breeders in the age group 31-60 years often used individual housing in stable. Individual housing in stable was also the choose for majority of the men and for breeders in the northern and the west part of Sweden. In the summer, 85% of the breeders had their horses out in pasture and kept in groups of two to four and five to eight horses. Availability of free movement and social contact among horses were the most important criteria for the breeders choose of housing system for young horses. The structure of Swedish breeders for warm blooded riding horses was similar to the structures of 1995 and 2010. Women in middle age (31-50 years and 51-60 years) is dominating the Swedish breeding meanwhile the men become fewer and older. Half of the Swedish breeders are housing their young horses in loose housing systems in the winter. In summertime four out of five breeders had their young horses out in pasture. In summertime, the horses were placed in pastures with a size of most commonly three to five hectares. In the winter, the horses were placed in paddocks with a size of most commonly one to two hectares. All the time during outdoor living the horses had social contact with other conspecifics.Den svenska varmblodiga ridhĂ€sten marknadsförs som hĂ„llbar. NĂ„gonting som Ă€ven Ă€r beskrivet i dess avelsmĂ„l. För att uppnĂ„ detta Ă€r det bland annat viktigt att ge den unga hĂ€sten sĂ„ bra förutsĂ€ttningar som möjligt, tidigt i livet, med fri rörelse pĂ„ stora öppna ytor. Hur ser det ut bland uppfödarna i Sverige? Inhyses hĂ€starna i Sverige som det marknadsförs? För att undersöka hur inhysningen av den unga varmblodiga ridhĂ€sten ser ut idag och hur den kan pĂ„verkas undersöktes uppfödarstrukturen. Idag kan vi se att uppfödarstrukturen domineras av kvinnor i medelĂ„ldern (31–50 Ă„r till 51–60 Ă„r). Resultatet visade Ă€ven att mĂ€nnen har blivit fĂ€rre och Ă€ldre under de senaste 25 Ă„ren. Uppfödningen bedrivs i de flesta fall pĂ„ landsbygden som hobbyverksamhet. Cirka hĂ€lften av uppfödarna i Sverige hĂ„ller idag sina hĂ€star pĂ„ lösdrift under vinterhalvĂ„ret och drygt fyra av fem uppfödare har hĂ€starna pĂ„ bete sommartid. PĂ„ vintern Ă€r det mest vanligt förekommande med en hagstorlek pĂ„ en till tvĂ„ hektar. PĂ„ sommarhalvĂ„ret Ă€r hagar med en storlek pĂ„ tre till fem hektar mest vanligt förekommande. Vid utevistelse har samtliga individer sĂ€llskap av artfrĂ€nder i mindre grupper. I Norra Sverige och VĂ€stsverige Ă€r inhysning enskilt pĂ„ box det mest vanliga inhysningssystemet. Uppfödare i medelĂ„ldern inhyser till största del sina unghĂ€star enskilt pĂ„ box. Med detta resultat visas att det Ă€r i dessa mĂ„lgrupper kunskapen om inhysning behöver utvecklas. Detta för att belysa kunskap om inhysning kopplat till hĂ„llbarhet samt att öka möjligheten att uppnĂ„ det uppsatta avelsmĂ„let samt underbygga marknadsföringen. För att komma fram till resultatet i arbetet skickades en enkĂ€t ut vilken innefattade 22 frĂ„gor om uppfödarstrukturen och uppfödarnas val av inhysningssystem. EnkĂ€ten skickades ut med hjĂ€lp av SWB till deras medlemmar. För delar av resultatet anvĂ€ndes Ă€ven tidigare forskning

    Real estate agent views on wooden multistorey construction : a comparison of real estate roles

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    Sverige har en vĂ€l utvecklad tradition att bygga smĂ„hus i trĂ€ och mycket resurser till detta. Trots det sĂ„ Ă€r andelen flerbostadshus i trĂ€ pĂ„ marknaden lĂ„g. Tidigare studier visar att konsumenterna inte har sĂ„ stor kunskap om dessa bostĂ€der i trĂ€. Dialogen mellan alla inblandade aktörer, myndigheter och politiker mĂ„ste förbĂ€ttras för att frĂ€mja hĂ„llbar utveckling och flerbostadshus i trĂ€. Lagkrav om klimatdeklaration för nyproduktion frĂ„n regeringen leder till konsekvenser för byggbranschen. Valet av material mĂ„ste analyseras mer ingĂ„ende för att pĂ„verka miljön sĂ„ lite som möjligt. Denna studie syftar till att identifiera faktorer som pĂ„verkar hur mĂ€klare arbetar för att frĂ€mja flerbostadshus i trĂ€. För att identifiera dessa faktorer genomfördes en kvalitativ fallstudie med tre registrerade fastighetsmĂ€klare för tvĂ„ olika projekt av flerbostadshus i trĂ€. Studien avser att förstĂ„ och ge uttryck Ă„t respondenternas uppfattning om flerbostadshus i trĂ€ och dess position pĂ„ marknaden vilket lett till att ett teoretiskt ramverk tagits fram. Ramverket utformades utifrĂ„n teoretiska begrepp inom omrĂ„det. Dessa begrepp Ă€r institutionell teori, service dominant logic och varumĂ€rkesterritorium. LitteraturgenomgĂ„ng genomfördes för att fĂ„ en uppfattning om tidigare studier inom omrĂ„det. Empirin för studien baseras pĂ„ objektsbeskrivningar för projekten och skriftliga intervjuer med ansvarig fastighetsmĂ€klare. Empirin analyseras med det teoretiska ramverket. DĂ€refter tas empirin upp i diskussionen i dialog med tidigare forskningsresultat. Studien visar att respondenterna inte förmedlar nĂ„gon gemensam nĂ€mnare för vilka mervĂ€rden de förmedlar till kunden. De anger att kunden har ett större intresse för priset Ă€n konstruktionsmaterialet. I studien framgĂ„r det att mĂ€klarens roll i att frĂ€mja flerbostadshus i trĂ€ inte Ă€r omfattande. I detta fall tyder empirin istĂ€llet pĂ„ att de som kan pĂ„verka positionen pĂ„ marknaden frĂ€mst Ă€r byggbranschen.Sweden has a well-established tradition of building wooden houses and has a lot of resources suitable for this. Despite that, the proportion of wooden multistorey construction on the market is low. Previous studies show that the consumers lack knowledge of these kinds of buildings. To promote sustainable development and these wooden buildings, the dialogue between all the involved actors, governments and politicians needs to be improved. Legal requirements from the government of climate declaration for new production leads to consequences for the construction industry. The choice of material will have to be analyzed in depth to reduce the negative effect on the environment. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect how real estate agents work to promote multistorey wooden constructions. To identify these factors, a qualitative case study was implemented. The case study consists of three registered real estate agents for two different projects. The study refers to understand and give expression to the respondents’ perception of wooden multistorey constructions and its position on the market. Based on the purpose of the study, a theoretical review was conducted and a conceptual framework was selected. The framework is based on theoretical concepts for the subject area. These concepts are; institutional theory, service dominant logic and brand territory. The literature review was also made to get an understanding of previous studies of the subject. The empirical part of the study is based on descriptions of the real estate objects and written interviews with the responsible estate agents. The descriptions of the objects and the interview-answers were analyzed based on the conceptual framework. After the analysis, the findings are discussed in dialogue with results from previous studies in the discussion chapter. In conclusion, the study shows that the respondents do not have any common understanding of what added values they mediate to the customer. The respondents' answers also show that their understandings of the customers’ interests of apartments focuses on the price rather than of what material the building is made of. The study shows that the role of the real estate agent to promote wooden multistorey constructions is not well founded. In this case, the results instead suggest that the constructions industry are the ones that can affect the position on the market for wooden multistorey constructions
