2,042 research outputs found


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    This study examines contemporary processes of harmonization and unification of law and the relationship between these processes and the natural right to difference which all individuals have. The author tries to find the source of natural individual's right to difference and to find the philosophical foundation of this right as well. Philosophers Immanuel Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel wrote about the Reason, the Freedom and the natural right to difference. From the fact that the man is reasonable being it follows necessarily the right to difference, uniqueness and individuality of all individuals. The fact is, the Reason and the Freedom are the birthplace of the natural right to difference. The author puts into the limelight the question of whether this right - the right to difference belongs also to the nations and whether this right stems from the right to a proper national legislation. From the analysis it follows the conclusion that right to difference belongs both to individuals and nations, but nations are entitled, whether spontaneous or organized, to harmonize their national legislation with the right of others nations or international communities.Autor se u tekstu bavi savremenim procesima harmonizacije i unifikacije prava, ali samo kao polaznom osnovom za postavljanje ključnog pitanja koje se tiče odnosa između ovih procesa i prirodnog i neospornog prava na razlikovanje. Autor nastoji da nađe izvorište prirodnog prava pojedinaca na razlikovanje i različitost, kao i da ukaže na filozofsko utemeljenje ovog prava. O prirodnom pravu na razlikovanje pisali su poznati filozofi kao što je Imanuel Kant, Artur Šopenhauer i Georg Vilhelm Fridrih Hegel. Iz činjenice da je čovjek umno biće nužno proizilazi i parvo svakog pojedinca na razlikovanje, jedinstvenost i individualnost. Um i Sloboda su “rodno mjesto" prirodnog prava na razlikovanje. Autor u centar pažnje, ipak, stavlja pitanje da li ovo pravo – pravo na razlikovanje, pripada i narodima i da li iz njega proizilazi i pravo na vlastito, nacionalno zakonodavstvo. Iz analiza slijedi zaključak da pravo na razlikovanje pripada kako pojedincima tako i narodima, ali da narodima iz ovog ovog osnovnog derivira i pravo da odlučuju o načinu i obimu usklađivanja svog nacionalno zakonodavstvo sa nacionalnim zakonodavstima drugih naroda ili nadnacionalnih zajednica


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    Harmonisation of Serbian law with that of the European Union is an obligation undertaken unilaterally by Serbia so as to accomplish its goal of joining the European Union. By far the most important document Serbia has signed in this process so far is the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. The paper analyzes the Agreement provisions prescribing rules on free movement of companies from Serbia and the EU and underlines the importance of being familiar with the European Court of Justice jurisprudence on this matter. Furthermore, the author analyzes the degree to which Serbian company law rules are harmonised with that of the EU and outlines the expected developments in law and practice in both areas.Usklađivanje propisa Srbije sa pravom Evropske unije jednostrana je obaveza koju je Srbija preuzela radi ostvarivanja cilja - pristupanja Evropskoj uniji. Svakako najznačajniji dokument koji je Srbija do sada potpisala u tom postupku jeste Sporazum o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju. U radu se analiziraju odredbe Sporazuma kojima se propisuju pravila o slobodnom kretanju privrednih društava iz Srbije i Unije, i ukazuje na značaj poznavanja prakse Evropskog suda pravde u vezi sa ovim pitanjem. Nadalje, autorka analizira stepen usklađenosti domaćih propisa iz oblasti kompanijskog prava sa odgovarajućim propisima Evropske unije i ukazuje na očekivane pravce daljeg razvoja prava i prakse u obe oblasti

    Harmonizacija propisa Republike Srbije u oblasti zaštite životne sredine sa pravom EU

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    U okviru procesa pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji, Republika Srbija je započela ambiciozni poduhvat usklađivanja nacionalnog zakonodavstva sa propisima EU. Reč je o usvajanju pravnih tekovina EU poznatih kao acquis communautaire, kroz izmene važećeg zakonodavstva i donošenje novih usklađenih zakona, te njihovu pravilnu u praksi. Ovaj zadatak zahteva političku volju i podršku, budući da je započet pre formalnog sticanja obaveze usklađivanja propisaza Republiku Srbiju. Od marta 2012. Srbija usklađuje svoje propise kao država kandidat za članstvo u Evropskoj uniji. Jedno od važnih poglavlja acquis communautaire-a jeste poglavlje 27 koje se odnosi na zaštitu životne sredine. U procesu usklađivanja propisa iz ove oblasti Republika Srbija je ostvarila značajan napredak. Međutim, kako acquis communautaire-a nije statična kategorija, to je neophodno obezbediti dalju političku i finansijsku podršku, te ojačati administrativne kapacitete za primenu propisa. Takođe, klimatske promene predstavljaju ozbiljan izazov za Srbiju kao državu kandidata

    Organ Accompaniment Practices of Uneducated Cantors in Small Villages of Carpathian Basin = Prakse Orgelske Spremljave pri Nešolanih Kantorjih v Vaseh Panonske Nižine

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    Cantors uneducated in music are usually outside the church hierarchy, but inside the community in small Christian villages of east-central Europe. Their organ playing and accompaniment may preserve characteristics from previous centuries and can be regarded as proof of a formerly widespread harmonization method, but may also appear within music learning as a certain degree of musical knowledge, offering an anthropological explanation of the entire phenomenon. Using the inductive method, the results of case studies from the Carpathian Basin can be considered more or less valid for the larger European region (i.e., east-central Europe) with similar history, social development, and cultural circumstances.Glasbeno nešolani kantorji navadno niso del cerkvene hierarhije, so pa del skupnosti krščanskih vasic v vzhodni Srednji Evropi. Način njihovega igranja in spremljave na orgle lahko ohranja značilnosti igranja prejšnjih stoletij ter tako ponazarja nekdaj razširjeni način harmonizacije, lahko pa se pojavlja tudi pri samem učenju glasbe, in sicer kot določena raven glasbenega znanja, ki prispeva k antropološki razlagi celotnega pojava. Izsledki študij primerov v Panonski nižini, pridobljeni na podlagi induktivne metode, bolj ali manj veljajo tudi za druge kraje na širšem evropskem območju (tj. v vzhodni Srednji Evropi) s podobno zgodovino, družbenim razvojem in kulturnimi okoliščinami


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    In the first part of the article the author explains the Good law doctrine built in the comparative jurisprudence and the documents of the European Union, that has for the purpose to achieve legislation as good as possible and, particularly, explains fundamental criteria of the good law. In the second part of the article the author explains fundamental principles of enhancing the legislative process as the system in which good law is created, with particular regard to the principles and the recommendations of the European Commission and the OCDE that he suggests for adoption in Serbia and; in the end, he suggests specific suggestions for modifications of the legislative process in Serbia.U prvom delu članka autor objašnjava doktrinu dobrog prava koja je nastala u uporednoj sudskoj prakse i dokumentima Evropske Unije, čiji je cilj da se postigne što kvalitetnije zakonodavstvo i posebno iznosi osnovne kriterijume dobrog prava. U drugom delu članka autor objašnjava osnovne principe za unapređenje zakonodavnog procesa kao sistema u kome nastaje dobro pravo, s posebnim osvrtom na principe i preporuke Evropske Komisije, OECD-a koje predlaže za usvajanje u Srbiji, te na kraju iznosi specifčne predloge za izmene zakonodavnog procesa u Srbiji


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    Institutions in the form of so called formulating agencies have greatly contributed to the harmonization of international trade law. Their efforts in fnding common principles in different national trade laws are all in the service of providing international trade flow, increased law certainty and prevention of legal disputes. To achieve those goals, formulating agencies use different normative methods, both traditional (hard law) and alternative (soft law) sources. However, imprecise allocation of jurisdiction between these international organisations leads to unreasonable wastage of intellectual and fnancial capacities, but also to a serious problem of doubling legal acts with purpose of regulating the same questions at the international level. Influence of formulating agencies on modern normative processes is steadily growing, yet still there are steps to be taken in terms of clear coordination and separation of their activities.Izuzetan doprinos harmonizaciji međunarodnog trgovinskog prava daju institucije u vidu tzv. agencija za formulisanje koje čine ogromne napore u pronalaženju zajedničkih načela pojedinih nacionalnih trgovinskih prava, a sve zarad olakšanja sprovođenja međunarodne trgovine, povećanja pravne sigurnosti i sprečavanja nastajanja sporova. U tom cilju koriste se različitim normativnim instrumentima koji pripadaju i tradicionalnim i alternativnim metodama, odnosno tzv. hard law i soft law izvorima. Međutim, usled nejasne raspodele nadležnosti navedenih međunarodnih organizacija dolazi do neracionalnog rasipanja intelektualnih i finansijskih kapaciteta, ali i do ozbiljnog problema dupliranja propisa kojima se uređuju istovetna pitanja na internacionalnom nivou. Uticaj agencija za formulisanje na moderne normativne tokove sve je veći, pa ipak je potrebno preduzeti korake u pravcu jasne koordinacije i razgraničenja njihovih aktivnosti

    Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe

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    Jedan od zadataka projekta 16ENV04 Preparedness jeispitivanje pasivnih dozimetrijskih sistema namenjenih za merenje operativne dozimetrijske veličine H*(10). Cilj ovog zadatka je evaluacija i harmonizacija procedura koji koriste laboratorije u Evropi a odnose se na merenje ambijentlnog ekvivalenta doze,a u vezi eventualne primene ovakvih doziemtrisjkih sistema u kontekstu dleovanja u vanrednom događaju.One of the outstanding tasks of the project 16ENV04 Preparedness, is to investigate the use of passive dosemeters aimed for measurement of operational quantityH*(10). The aim of this task is to develop a rationale to harmonize the procedures used by European measuring bodies and authorities, which provide services or fulfil tasks in radiation protection by using passive H*(10) area monitoring systems. Procedures used by European measuring bodies and services for environmental monitoring using passive area dosemeters are investigated, with a goal to investigate the applicability of passive dosimetry systems in the aftermath of a nuclear event.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј


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    In the process of adopting and implementing legisaltion which apply on the territory of the European Union, the Republic of Serbia has to fulfill the highest European standars in the field of food safety and veterinary policies. By accomplishing this, the Republic of Serbia would ensure not only the competitiveness of Serbian products on the European market, but also satisfaction and consumer protection. The paper analyses the commitments of the Republic of Serbia in this field by giving the general view of European Union regulations and measures and up to now harmonised regulations of the Republic of Serbia concerning this field, and also by indicating the main differences with Serbia’s traditinal rules. Analysis shows that the European Union itself has undergone many reforms before gaining nowadays, functional set of regulations and, therefore, the author concludes that the Republic of Serbia should follow a successful, European scheme which will enable market survival for Serbian products.U procesu usaglašavanja sa propisima Evropske unije, Republika Srbija mora da ispuni najviše evropske standarde u oblasti bezbednosti hrane i veterinarske politike, čime bi obezbedila konkurentnost svojih proizvoda na evropskom tržištu, kao i zadovoljstvo i zaštitu potrošača. Predmet rada je analiza obaveza Republike Srbije u ovoj oblasti, kroz pregled propisa Evropske unije i do sada donetih propisa Republike Srbije u ovoj oblasti, uz ukazivanje na razlike u odnosu na tradicionalna pravila koja su važila u Republici Srbiji. Analiza pokazuje da je i sama Evropska unija prešla dug put pre nego što je došla do današnjih, funkcionalnih propisa i, stoga, autor zaključuje da bi i Republika Srbija trebalo da prati proverenu evropsku shemu koja će joj omogućiti izlazak na evropsko tržište


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    It is easy when a person lives in an individual house. Then the way of life dependsonly on him and his family members. But the comfort of living is not such a simple andeasy thing when the common roof have to be shared with people from different provinces,cultures, education and habits. The large number of owners of separate parts of the building,the differences between them, as well as the low level of awareness of community andcoexistence, complicate the way the building is managed and maintained. It is a verydifficult and sometimes impossible mission for these people to come together, harmonizeand decide together in the management of the building in condominium ownership. Thecommon life in the building, the use and management of the common parts and the land andtheir efficient maintenance, inevitably imposes the need for detailed rules that regulate theseissues. Failure to follow the rules of cohabitation and non-fulfillment of obligations can turncommunity life into unbearable chaos. In conditions of construction expansion and a largenumber of newly built buildings, apartments and business premises, care must be taken fortheir maintenance and ensuring energy efficiency. Otherwise, very soon there will be ruin ofbuildings, malfunction of elevators, neglected entrances and corridors, unhygienic and otherside effects that will make living together difficult. Therefore, the good legislation for themanagement and maintenance of the buildings is of great importance. Аlso its observance andimplementation in practice in which the condominium owners should have an active role, aswell as the state and the municipalities. This is because the quality and standard of collectivehousing is not only a matter of private, but also of wider public interest. In the paper, theauthor makes a detailed analysis of the legislation governing the condominium management,as well as problems in practice in order to answer the question of necessary reforms and new solutions in the legislation