261 research outputs found

    JÀmstÀllda poliser? En studie av polisers syn pÄ förÀldraledighet utifrÄn Hirdmans begrepp genuskontrakt och genuskonflikt

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    JĂ€mstĂ€llda poliser? ∿ En studie av polisers syn pĂ„ förĂ€ldraledighet utifrĂ„n Hirdmans begrepp genuskontrakt och genuskonflikt. Författare: Madeleine Jeppsson Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01, 15hp Internet Abstract Författare: Madeleine Jeppsson Titel: JĂ€mstĂ€llda poliser? En studie av polisers syn pĂ„ förĂ€ldraledighet utifrĂ„n Hirdmans begrepp genuskontrakt och genuskonflikt. Kandidatuppsats: SOCK01 (Ht13/Vt14) Handledare: David WĂ€sterfors Sociologiska institutionen, vĂ„rterminen 2014 Problem/bakgrund: Den hĂ€r studien handlar om hur poliser i NordvĂ€stra SkĂ„ne ser pĂ„ förĂ€ldraledighet, konsekvenser och reaktioner vid förĂ€ldraledighet samt hur lagstiftning om fler â€Ă¶ronmĂ€rkta” dagar för pappan skulle pĂ„verka myndigheten. Syfte: Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur de anstĂ€llda vid polisen i NordvĂ€stra SkĂ„ne resonerar kring förĂ€ldraledighet och lagstiftning. UtgĂ„ngspunkter och upplĂ€gg: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod dĂ€r jag har intervjuat Ă„tta poliser: sex mĂ€n och tvĂ„ kvinnor. För att analysera mitt material har jag tagit hjĂ€lp av begreppen genus, genussystem och genuskontrakt/genuskonflikt. I min analys utgĂ„r jag frĂ„n tre teman: polisernas genus, isĂ€rhĂ„llning och genuskontrakt. Slutsatser/Resultat: De intervjuade poliserna Ă€r positivt instĂ€llda till att kollegor blir förĂ€ldralediga men instĂ€llningen beror pĂ„ nĂ€r förĂ€ldraledigheten tas ut. Det har Ă€ven framkommit att poliser har lika lön för lika arbete men Ă€ndĂ„ Ă€r det kvinnorna som tar ut den lĂ€ngsta förĂ€ldraledigheten. I uppsatsen diskuteras polisernas resonemang med hjĂ€lp av Yvonne Hirdmans och Simone de Beauvoirs perspektiv. Det verkar finnas ett underförstĂ„tt genuskontrakt i polisorganisationen som gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att nĂ„got fler kvinnor hamnar i inre tjĂ€nst i samband med att de blir förĂ€ldrar och att ökat ledighetsuttag bland mĂ€nnen skulle bli svĂ„rt att hantera. Även en viss isĂ€rhĂ„llning mellan könen verkar finnas. De intervjuade poliserna försvarar dagens ordning och föredrar att sjĂ€lva bestĂ€mma över ledigheten framför ny lagstiftning

    "Vi har till och med tvÄ gubbar som hjÀlper till med stÀdningen"

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    Föreningslivet pĂ„ landsbygder genererar mĂ„nga olika vĂ€rden, sĂ„ vĂ€l sociala som ekonomiska. DĂ„ mĂ„nga föreningar arbetar för lokalsamhĂ€llets utveckling och framtid, blir det angelĂ€get att undersöka hur genus görs inom dessa sammanhang. Denna uppsats syftar dĂ€rför till att undersöka hur genus görs inom byautvecklingsföreningar. Undersökningens material bygger frĂ€mst pĂ„ intervjuer och observationer och Ă€r hĂ€mtat frĂ„n tre olika föreningar i orterna Gravmark, Holmön och Norrmjöle i UmeĂ„ Kommun. Med hjĂ€lp av analytiska begrepp frĂ„n den feministiska forskningen har materialet sedan teoretiserats ur ett genusperspektiv. Resultatet visar frĂ€mst att mĂ€n och kvinnor separeras genom olika ansvarsomrĂ„den, arbetsuppgifter och genom bilden av mĂ€n och kvinnor som essentiellt olika. Denna bild skapar ocksĂ„ en kĂ€nsla av att segregeringen mellan könen hör till sakernas naturliga tillstĂ„nd. Detta riskerar att legitimera och cementera orĂ€ttvisor mot bĂ„da könen. Uppdelningen mellan könen omfattar ocksĂ„ en viktig maktaspekt dĂ„ olika slags ansvar ger möjlighet till olika slags handlingar och dĂ€rmed faktisk pĂ„verkan. SjĂ€lva isĂ€rhĂ„llandet av kvinnor och mĂ€n möjliggör dĂ€rför görandet av genus.Local voluntary associations in rural areas generate both social and economic values. Many of these associations are, in different ways, striving for a sustainable future for their communities. This in itself is a strong reason for examining how gender is constructed in these particular contexts. This bachelor thesis is based on interviews and observations from three different local voluntary associations in Gravmark, Holmön and Norrmjöle in UmeĂ„ Municipality. The material has then been theorized from a gender perspective. The results show that men and women are separated by different areas of responsibility, different job tasks and by the underlying thought that men and women are essentially different from each other. This thought also creates a conception that the segregation between the sexes is the ”natural order”; a nature’s law. This can then be used as a legitimate reason for justifying inequities for both sexes. The segregation between men and women also covers an important aspect of power, as different responsibilities provide possibilities for different actions. The segregation between men and women enables, and recreates, the construction of gender

    Madonna-figuren och lattepappan - En kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys av de mest lÀsta bloggarna i Sverige

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    Abstract Author:Erica Johansson Title: The Madonna‐figure and the latte‐father –A qualitative content analysis of the most read blogs in Sweden using a gender perspective [Translated title] Supervisor: Gabriella Scaramuzzino Assessor: Carina Tigervall The purpose behind this paper was to do a content analysis of six of the most read blogs in Sweden and how they portrait men, women and gender. Three of the blogs is written by men, and the other three by women. By using the theories of Yvonne Hirdman a study was made, totaling one month of blog posts from each blog. The results of the analysis was that the blogs convey a stereotypical image of men and women. Women appearance and sexuality is the focus point, and men is portrayed as free, strong and independent beings. They are each others opposites. Although this result was not consistent. In some blog posts there were some attempts to break the gender stereotyping by discussing subjects that is not typically related to the specific gender, like women discussing sex and men writing about caregiving. Keywords: Femininities, masculinities, blogs, gender, Sweden, stereotyp

    Anhörig - de som stÄr bredvid ett missbruk : En kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys av fem sjÀlvbiografiska böcker.

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    The aim of this study was to examine the feelings experienced by family members of someone with a substance abuse. A qualitative approach has been used and the study was based on five autobiographical books, written by Swedish authors, both female and male. The focus was the authors’ described narrative, experiences and behaviors. The empirical material was analyzed using a gender perspective and Goffmans’ dramaturgical perspective as a complement. By using these perspectives, it became possible to understand the roles and relationships within the families and to see if the experiences differed whether described by a male or female author. Some of the key findings of this study were that the substance abuse has a big impact on both the user and the people around them and that it affects the roles and relationships within the family in various ways. The narratives reveal ambivalent feelings towards both the narrator and the person with the substance abuse, such as anger but also love and loyalty. As a conclusion of this study it was found that it isn’t possible to identify differences in descriptions regarding feelings between female and male authors. Another conclusion of the study was that substance use affects the people living close to it, in similar ways regardless of gender

    FramstÀllningen av mÀn och kvinnor i media - En analys av tidskrifterna King och Solo

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    Men and women in media - an analysis of the magazines King och Solo The purpose of the study was to analyze how men and women are portrayed in media. Specifically how the magazine King portrays men and how the magazine Solo portrays women. The similarities and differences have been identified and analyzed. To be able to compare the two magazines they have been analyzed through text analysis and discourse analysis of different articles. Five different issues of each of the magazines were chosen and analyzed through an analysis schedule, which contained eleven different topics. The initial eleven topics were then divided into four major themes. The four themes were; career, appearance, consumption and finally relationship and family. The articles were analyzed by using the theory about gender, the gender system and the gender contract. All the themes analyzed in this study were present both in articles regarding men and in articles regarding women, but men and women were portrayed differently in the different articles. The theme, which had the least differences between men and women, was appearance. Both men and women were objectified in the different articles. When men were portrayed in King the focus was mainly on career and work and when women were portrayed in Solo the focus was on fashion, beauty and appearance. The conclusion of the study was that there are both similarities and differences on how men and women are portrayed in King and Solo. By utilizing the gender contract it is possible to negotiate the rolls of men and women and what falls under the category of masculine and feminine. Another conclusion was that the norm in media, King and Solo, is still to view the man as the stronger of the two genders and the woman as a housewife and inferior to the man. Combining these results with prior research shows that the norm has been unaltered during the last ten to fifteen years

    Vanligt missbruk och kvinnligt missbruk : en studie om hur uppfattningar gÀllande den sociala könstillhörigheten hanteras inom missbruksvÄrden

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    Abstract We have done a study about how gender is constructed in substance abuse care. The aim is to see the constructions of gender on treatment centers by seeing how the staff, organization and treatment constructs gender. Our range is strategically selected to be able to answer the questions we had. Respondents represent seven people in three different treatment centers. To get answers to our questions, we have used qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. When we analyzed our empirical data, we used a social constructionism perspective using gender theory. When we analyzed the empirical data gained by our interviews with our respondents, we could draw a few conclusions. Activities, both mandatory and offered, depends on gender. The staff on the treatment centers are working with the same problem in different ways depending on the gender of the occupants. The staff often see the two sexes as their opposites

    Kvinnans roll i Indien: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga socialarbetares upplevelser av kvinnans roll i Indien

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    The aim of this study was to research how some female social workers in India, from a professional view, viewed the woman’s role and situation in India, since there are various laws against gender inequality. Research has shown that the implementation of the law, PWDVA, has not been sufficient, as some women still aren’t aware that the law exists. We wanted to find out if they, as professionals, think that the law has done any change for the women’s situation in India. We have done a qualitative study and interviewed six women in an organization in New Delhi, India. The women described that the society in India still has patriarchal values and therefore discrimination against women. We’ve been told about the difference in the gender roles, and that it starts at an early age. What the women told us cannot generalize for all the women in India; it is only the experience of six women. We analyzed our data through gender studies and the conclusion of our survey is that the women have a specific gender role in India and are not as important as a man. Some of the women are working hard to change this, and some women are satisfied with their roles. The awareness levels of women’s rights are low, and therefore the women need to be sensitized

    Where is my girl? : personal advertisements in the rural magazine Land 1979-2019

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    Jag har undersökt kÀrlekssökande pÄ landsbygden genom att studera 605 kontaktannonser i tidningen Land. Studien omfattar perioden mellan 1979 till 2019 vilket har varit en tid av stora förÀndringar pÄ landsbygden. Inte minst har lantbrukarna blivit fÀrre. Tidningen Land Àr LRF:s medlemstidning men ocksÄ en familjetidning som riktar sig till alla som bor och verkar pÄ landsbygden. Det betyder att kontaktannonserna i tidningen innefattar bÄde lantbrukaren och landsbygdsbon som kÀrlekssökare. MÄlet har varit att fÄ en bild av vilka idealbilder och normer som blir framtrÀdande om mÀn, kvinnor och den heterosexuella relationen. Materialinsamlingen och analysen har gjorts genom innehÄllsanalys, narrativanalys och den kontaktannonsanpassade metoden ego- och altarbeskrivning. Resultatet visar att mÀn och kvinnor framstÀller varandra och sig sjÀlva genom idealbilder dÀr ett genuskontrakt framtrÀder. Genuskontraktet upprÀtthÄlls av annonsörernas uppfattning om genusroller som i kontaktannonserna visar sig genom idealbilder och normer kring vad som Àr manligt och kvinnligt. Bland annat önskar sig vissa kvinnor hÀndiga mÀn med ett intellektuellt sinne medan vissa mÀn önskar sig kvinnor som rör sig i samma intressesfÀr som de sjÀlva.In this essay I have been studying the love-seeking of people living in the rural areas of Sweden using 605 personal advertisements in the magazine Land. The study covers the period between 1979 and 2019, which has been a time of major changes in the rural Sweden. The weekly magazine Land is for members of LRF (the federation of Swedish Farmers) but also for people who work and live in the rural areas. This means that the personal advertisements in the magazine include both farmers and rural residents as love seekers. Material collection and analysis have been done through content analysis, narrative analysis and also a method adjusted for studies about personal advertisements called ego and altar descriptions. Results shows that men and women have ideal images of each other in which gender roles emerges. It also appears that there is a gender contract that is maintained by the personal advertisements through recreation of ideal images and norms about what males and females are supposed to be like. Among other things, some women seem to want men with practical skills and an intellectual mind, and some men tend to want women who have the same interests as themselves

    "SÄn naturlig grej att man mÄste vÀl ta p-piller liksom." -Resonemang kring preventivmedel av heterosexuella i parrelationer.

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    Abstract Authors: Maria Kronvall, Sofia Kuczkowski Titel:”Such a natural thing, that you have to be on the pill.” –Reflections on contraceptives among heterosexuals in relationships. Supervisor: Tove Harnett Assessor: David Hoff The aim of this study was to examine attitudes and preferences regarding contraceptives among heterosexuals in relationships. It examines how men and women choose contraceptives and why they make these choices in their relationship. We have interviewed 11 women and men in the ages between 21-33. 10 of them were interviewed as couples. All of the interviews were semi-structured and we followed a structure of different themes during the interviews. The informants were asked to describe their experiences with different contraceptives, and how they decided on their current method. We have organized the informants' answers in different categories such as; safety, side effects, cost and comfort. We found that most of the couples did not make their decision about contraceptives together as a result of a discussion. The priorities and the choices were mostly made by the women and they were also the ones who mainly took the responsibility and initiative regarding contraceptives. The majority of the women in this study had used birth control pills at some point in their current relationship. Most of the women felt skeptic and worried about taking hormones, but some continued to use the pill anyway. Compared to their girlfriends, the men talked very little about worrying. The women changed to another kind of birth control pill or tried a different method only if they experienced negative side effects, or were strongly against taking hormones. Condoms were only used as a second choice and in many cases as a last resort. It was mostly seen as a temporary contraceptive in periods of being single, or in the beginning of a relationship. Both men and women agreed with the perception that men don't like to use condoms. Men who see condoms as a long term contraceptive were seen as exceptions

    Barnfri - En kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys av kvinnors berÀttelser om att leva utan barn

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    The aim of this study is to utilize a qualitative content analysis in order to examine the stories of twelve childfree women featured in the anthology "Nobody's Mother" [translated title] (2013). When designing this study we have focused on the reasons to why these women have chosen not to have any children and how they experience social expectations related to motherhood. Swedish welfare policy is designed to benefit families with children and is thus inherently pronatalistic, resulting in a strong connection between public policy, family and reproduction. The coding process highlighted several salient themes which were then analyzed according to Hirdman®s gender system and Goffman®s theory of stigma. The women testify that the environment stands adverse to their choice and that they experience themselves as being deviated from the norm. This can according Goffman®s theory be seen as stigmatization of childfree women in today®s society. Hirdmans gender system visualized the gendered stereotypes in the women’s stories regarding their motives to be childfree. It also visualized their experiences of the pronatalistic norm, which show that women and motherhood are strongly interconnected
