42 research outputs found

    Sustainable urban development today : a study of The Delegation for Sustainable Cities’ work towards a more sustainable Sweden and a practical example

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    I dagens samhĂ€lle Ă€r hĂ„llbar utveckling ett mycket aktuellt Ă€mne som diskuteras sĂ„vĂ€l nationellt som lokalt. Till följd av vĂ€xande klimathot och ökande urbanisering har den hĂ„llbara staden blivit en vision att strĂ€va mot. År 2008 tillsatte regeringen en delegation, Delegationen för hĂ„llbara stĂ€der, med uppgiften att skapa ett forum att verka för hĂ„llbara stĂ€der, samhĂ€llen och tĂ€torter. Regeringsuppdraget slutfördes 2012 och har resulterat i ett antal rapporter och underlag för Sveriges fortsatta arbete mot mer hĂ„llbara stĂ€der. I denna uppsats lĂ€ggs fokus pĂ„ hur vi i Sverige arbetar med att skapa mer hĂ„llbara stĂ€der genom att undersöka vad som framkommit i de rapporter som Delegationen för hĂ„llbara stĂ€ders regeringsuppdrag resulterat i. Syftet Ă€r att ta reda pĂ„ hur arbetet med hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling definieras, vilka omstĂ€llningar som krĂ€vs i samhĂ€llet och hur det fortsatta arbetet ser ut. Genom litteraturstudier av Delegationen för hĂ„llbara stĂ€ders rapporter har de viktigaste aspekterna av hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling plockats fram, och det visar sig tydligt att det behövs en övergripande nationell politik som behandlar hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. Det har ocksĂ„ kunnat urskiljas att en viktig del i arbetet mot mer hĂ„llbara stĂ€der Ă€r att fĂ„ stĂ€dernas invĂ„nare att bli engagerade och intresserade av att vilja delta i arbetet med hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. Det krĂ€vs dĂ€rför bĂ€ttre förutsĂ€ttningar för att stĂ€dernas invĂ„nare ska kunna göra hĂ„llbara val. En studie av omrĂ„det Fullriggaren i Malmö har utförts eftersom omrĂ„det av Delegationen för hĂ„llbara stĂ€der anses ligga i framkant vad gĂ€ller hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling och beskrivs som ett gott föregĂ„ngsexempel. I Fullriggaren har man bland annat arbetat med öppen dagvattenhantering, gröna tak och vĂ€ggar och miljöer som gynnar insekter och djur. Detta Ă€r bara nĂ„gra exempel pĂ„ hur hĂ„llbarhet kan utformas i praktiken och det Ă€r ocksĂ„ hĂ€r som landskapsarkitekturen kommer in i bilden. I en avslutande diskussion diskuteras arbetet med att i Sverige stĂ€lla om till mer hĂ„llbara stĂ€der och ocksĂ„ var landskapsarkitektens roll ligger. Slutsatsen Ă€r att det krĂ€vs en rad omstĂ€llningar pĂ„ vĂ€gen mot mer hĂ„llbara stĂ€der och detta gĂ€ller bĂ„de pĂ„ politisk nivĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l som för stĂ€dernas invĂ„nare. Genom god stadsplanering och gestaltning av vĂ„r urbana miljö kan landskapsarkitekten vara med och bidra till mer hĂ„llbara stĂ€der.In today's society, sustainable development is a current topic discussed both nationally and locally. As a result of growing climate change and increasing urbanization, sustainable cities have become a vision to strive for. In 2008, the government appointed a delegation, Delegation for Sustainable Cities, whose mission is to constitute a forum to promote sustainable cities, villages and towns. The government commission was completed in 2012 and has resulted in reports and data for Sweden's continued efforts towards more sustainable cities. This essay is focusing on how Sweden as a nation is working to create more sustainable cities by examining what has transpired in the reports Delegation for Sustainable Cities' government mandate resulted in. The aim is to find out how the Delegation defines the process of sustainable urban development, what is required of the society in the transition and what the future work looks like. Through literature studies of the Delegation for Sustainable cities' reports the most important aspects of sustainable urban development have been pointed out, and it shows clearly the need for a comprehensive national policy on sustainable urban development. It has also been distinguished that an important part of the process towards more sustainable cities is to get urban residents to become more involved and interested in sustainable urban development. It therefore requires better conditions for the urban residents to be able to make sustainable choices. A study of the area Fullriggaren in Malmö have been performed since the area is considered by the Delegation for Sustainable Cities to be at the forefront of sustainable urban development and is described as an good example. The area presents open storm water management, green roofs and walls and environments conducive to insects and animals, to name a few examples of how sustainability can be designed in practice and this is also were the landscape architecture takes part. In the final discussion the process of switching to more sustainable cities are discussed and also the landscape architect's role. The conclusion is that a series of transitions towards more sustainable cities are necessary, and this applies both at the political level as well as the urban citizens. Through good planning and design of our urban environment, landscape architects can be involved and contribute to more sustainable cities

    Fullriggaren Malevik, a Swedish School

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    This paper examines a modem Swedish school, Fu1lriggaren Malevik. The school is located on the west coast of Sweden, a few miles south of Gothenburg. This paper explores the history of the school, from its start in 1992 to the present. This paper is divided into several parts based on different functional areas. This paper gives examples of how the Swedish school system works, compared to the new way of teaching at Fu1lriggaren Malevik. Fullriggaren Malevik uses new kinds of teaching methodologies, which are integrated into the different classes. This paper examines the effectiveness of Fullriggaren Malevik in comparison to other schools in Sweden.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    UtvÀrdering av matavfallskvarnssystem i kv. Fullriggaren, VÀstra Hamnen i Malmö

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    To collect, treat and use food waste is desirable in society in order to recycle and efficiently use all resources. One stage of one of the Swedish environmental goals is to collect and treat 50 % of the food waste biologically in year 2018. A useful product from this treatment is biogas, which can be used for fueling vehicles, heating and producing electricity. Biogas could be produced from food waste by anaerobic digestion. Fullriggaren is a neighborhood consisting of 600 apartments in the Western Harbor in Malmö. Food waste disposers were already installed during the construction in 2012. The food waste disposers are installed directly in the kitchens sinks and all water from the kitchen is lead and pumped into the tank. There are two tanks and the area is split into two systems; east and west. This report is a continual evaluation of the neighborhood Fullriggaren based on an earlier study. The aim was to investigate if there is a difference in methane potential in the two systems. The existing mass balance needed to be improved with new background levels. Therefore a small literature study regarding nutrients from kitchen sinks was performed. An investigation about the avoidable food waste in kitchen sinks included an estimate of the distribution of every product in each waste category. This was based on the result from a report where the amount of avoidable food waste was poured into the sink and then measured in randomly selected households. The purpose with this study was to obtain a reliable background value to use in the mass balance. The methane potential was measured in three bio methane potential (BMP) tests. The food waste from the western system generated more methane than the food waste from the eastern system, 593 respectively 543 Nml CH4/g VS. During the three performed BMP-tests, differences between the eastern and the western tank were observed. Compared to earlier studies, the result shows the opposite with highest methane production in the eastern tank. The conclusion is that the amount methane gas varies in different time occasions and seems to depend on the composition of the food waste during each sampling. Information about nutrients in kitchen sinks was found in literature but most of the references were old and the studies had been performed in different ways and in different countries, which made it difficult to compare them. Values from a Swedish report in 1994 were considered the most reliable ones and were later used in the mass balance. An attempt to improve the existing mass balance, which was initiated in a previous study, was conducted. New values, from both literature and new analysis were therefore used. The result indicated large differences for nitrogen but low differences for phosphorous. The mass balance also showed that the majority of TS and COD were transported away in the outflow. Except for more analysis at Fullriggaren, updated research about nutrients in Swedish kitchens sinks would be necessary to further improve the mass balance since values that were used in this mass balance were from a day care center in 1994. Investigations of food waste from households in present time would further increase the reliability.Matavfallskvarnar Ă€r ett smidigt sĂ€tt att samla in matavfall pĂ„. Med nya system behöver matavfallet inte transporteras till reningsverket utan kan istĂ€llet lagras i tankar för att sedan köras direkt till biogasanlĂ€ggningen. HĂ€r produceras biogas av matavfallet genom rötning. Biogas Ă€r en förnybar energikĂ€lla som bland annat kan anvĂ€ndas som fordonsbrĂ€nsle, uppvĂ€rmning och elproduktion. Genom att röta matavfall kan biogas framstĂ€llas. Den vanligaste metoden för att samla in matavfall i Sverige Ă€r med papperspĂ„sar. Matavfallskvarnar Ă€r Ă€nnu ovanligt i Sverige och mĂ„nga stĂ€der tillĂ„ter inte att de installeras pĂ„ grund av att ledningarna inte klarar större mĂ€ngder matavfall. Ett annat sĂ€tt att samla in matavfallet frĂ„n matavfallskvarnarna Ă€r att leda det till nergrĂ€vda tankar för att sedan regelbundet tömma dessa med en slamsugbil. I kvarteret Fullriggaren i VĂ€stra Hamnen i Malmö installerades ett sĂ„dant system redan vid nybyggnationen Ă„r 2012. PĂ„ grund av det stora antalet lĂ€genheter Ă€r systemet uppdelat i tvĂ„ slingor, vĂ€stra och östra. Tankarna Ă€r uppbyggda pĂ„ olika vis. Den vĂ€stra tanken har en stor försedimenteringstank medan den östra tanken endast bestĂ„r av en sedimenteringstank. För att utvĂ€rdera detta system och speciellt för att se om det finns nĂ„gon skillnad mellan vĂ€stra och östra tanken har prov tagits ut. Detta gjordes med ett lĂ„ngt rör som fördes ner i tanken för att provet skulle bli sĂ„ representativt som möjligt. III Rötförsök gjordes för att mĂ€ta hur mycket biogas som matavfallet kan generera och det visade sig att matavfallet frĂ„n de tvĂ„ tankarna producerade olika mycket biogas. Även jĂ€mfört med tidigare studier som gjorts i samma omrĂ„de varierade resultaten. Slutsatsen blir att tankarnas olika uppbyggnad inte pĂ„verkar biogaspotentialen. Det Ă€r snarare sĂ„ att det Ă€r matavfallets innehĂ„ll som spelar roll och detta beror ju pĂ„ vad de boende Ă€ter och sedan spolar ner i köksavloppet. Analyser gjordes pĂ„ matavfallet samt pĂ„ utloppet frĂ„n tanken. Med dessa siffror samt med kompletterande data frĂ„n litteratur kunde en massbalans göras. HĂ€rifrĂ„n kunde det ses att majoriteten av torrsubstansen matavfall transporterades ut frĂ„n tanken via utloppet. Det finns mĂ„nga faktorer som gör att denna iakttagelse inte behöver stĂ€mma till fullo. Till exempel togs prover frĂ„n utloppet ut precis innan tanken tömts. DĂ„ var tankarna helt fulla vilket kan ha bidragit till att mycket material transporterades vidare i utloppet. I en rapport frĂ„n 2014 redovisas en statistisk undersökning dĂ€r slumpmĂ€ssigt utvalda hushĂ„ll i nĂ„gra dagar fick registrera hur mycket onödigt matavfall de spolar ut i sitt köksavlopp. UtifrĂ„n resultatet i denna rapport gjordes en analys pĂ„ mĂ€ngden nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen som detta onödiga matavfall genererar. Det visade sig att mejeriprodukter var den kategori som genererar största mĂ€ngden nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen i form av torrsubstans, kvĂ€ve och fosfor

    Review of the Effects of Developments with Low Parking Requirements

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    Parking management and planning can be used to address several issues related to sustainable urban development. For example, parking availability affects both car ownership and usage, and parking planning can affect both land use and building costs. A tool used in several countries is minimum parking requirements (MPR) and lowering these could be a pathway to more sustainable mobility. However, the actual effects of lower MPR have not systematically been studied. In this paper we present the results of a review of sixteen developments with low MPR in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Existing research and reports have been analyzed to compare these and draw conclusions on the effect of MPR on mobility patterns and mobility services. In addition, interviews were conducted with representatives from municipalities and developers. Our results indicate that the mobility patterns of individuals in the studied projects are more sustainable than in nearby projects. However, the causality of MPR and mobility is hard to establish due to the risk of self-selection and that all of the studied projects have good prerequisites for sustainable mobility practices. Many of the studied evaluations are also of poor quality with, for example, lack of appropriate control group

    Bilpool till boendet - en jÀmförande fallstudie av bilpooler i anslutning till nybyggda bostadshus i Malmö

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    The inclusion of car-sharing services into new residential areas has lately been introduced in several places around Sweden. This case study reviews car-sharing in new residential areas in the city of Malmö; in the central area of Fullriggaren and the more peripheral area of Kalkbrottet. The study seeks to explain the importance of local conditions and local policies for the establishment of car-sharing as an alternative to private car ownership in Malmö. It is based on theories on technological transitions and different modes of climate governing through local policy. The empirical material consists of interviews with representatives from the municipality, developers and car-sharing operators involved in the studied areas, as well a document analysis on documents from the city of Malmö regarding traffic and parking. The study concludes that the local conditions in the studied areas give car-sharing services the opportunity to solve different problems such as the freeing up of valuable space in Fullriggaren and a reduction in the number of journeys made by car in Kalkbrottet. However, car-sharing in central areas could also encourage unnecessary travel by car as local conditions do not require the use of that mode of transportation. To further ensure a positive development for car-sharing in Malmö, the municipality’s parking policy should take the construction phase in new areas into greater consideration, as well as the time after the introduction of the car-sharing service

    Avvikelsehantering pÄ byggarbetsplatser med hjÀlp av mobila datasystem

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    Att klargöra hur avvikelsehanteringen pÄ byggarbetsplatser kan effektiviseras med hjÀlp av mobila datasystem, samt att utreda vilka förutsÀttningar som krÀvs för detta

    Elektrifiering av vÀgtrafik - Tre fallstudier i Malmö

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    Sweden’s road traffic is responsible for a great part of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the country. Conventional vehicles, driven by fossil fuels, have low efficiency and emits environmentally destructive particles. Electric vehicles can be the solution! Electric vehicles have no local emissions while driving and the electric motors of today have an efficiency of above 90 %. But there are some disadvantages. This master’s thesis investigates the electric car market in Sweden and the different charging techniques that exists today. An examination of where Malmö stands regarding a future transition towards electric road traffic is also made. Electric roads are a possible charging technique for the future. An electric road is modelled between Malmö and Lund, this constitutes case study 1. Dimensions and cost analysis of the distribution grid for the electric road is performed. Case study 2 and 3 examines the impact on substations, in form of transformer load, due to a growing electric car fleet. The electric road study shows that the total investment cost for a distribution grid is relatively low and the combined energy consumption from the traffic is manageable. The result from case study 2, which looks at uncontrolled static charging in households, shows that overload in substations can occur in areas with high shares of electric heating systems. Case study 3 investigates static charging at workplaces. The result from this study shows that a high and concentrated load can occur in substations, due to fixed working hours. The conclusions from this master’s thesis are that the electric car market is very good and that static charging dominates today. Electric roads have a great potential, the electric cars can go down in battery size and time can be saved due to charging while driving. To decrease the load in substations, from static charging, companies have to invest in intelligent measurement and control systems.Elbilars utveckling gĂ„r fort framĂ„t och fler vĂ€ljer att investera i en. Vilka olika laddningstekniker finns det? Hur kommer laddningen av elbilar pĂ„verka vĂ„ra elnĂ€t? Kraftdistribution till en elvĂ€gsstrĂ€cka modelleras för att pĂ„visa kapacitetskrav och kostnader. Studien visar Ă€ven hur hemmaladdning och arbetsplatsladdning kan pĂ„verka belastningen i elnĂ€tet om reglering uteblir

    US city planners can learn lessons from the successes of MalmĂ¶â€˜s eco-districts

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    With the decline and demise of manufacturing industries in many areas across the US, city planners now have an opportunity to introduce policies to make cities more sustainable. Joan Fitzgerald looks at lessons in sustainability from the Swedish city of Malmö which used its industrial decline in the 1990s as an opportunity to create an eco-district. She writes that through a participatory planning process city planners were able to test the effectiveness of green technologies while building the social infrastructure of neighborhoods. She argues that much of the city’s success is a story of effective urban planning and these lessons can be applied anywhere

    Den eko-effektiva staden

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    MĂ€nniskan Ă€r i allt större utstrĂ€ckning urban och nĂ€r stĂ€derna förtĂ€tas Ă€r det ofta friytorna som gĂ„r förlorade. Detta trots att grönska har flertalet positiva effekter som att förse oss mĂ€nniskor med livsnödvĂ€ndiga ekosystemtjĂ€nster. För att Ă„stadkomma ett hĂ„llbart stadsliv mĂ„ste stadens friytor planeras pĂ„ ett medvetet sĂ€tt som gör dem attraktiva och hĂ€lsosamma för mĂ€nniskor, djur och vĂ€xter. Att integrera ekosystemtjĂ€nster i planeringssammanhang Ă€r ett angreppssĂ€tt som anvĂ€nds allt mer för att frĂ€mja en hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. I Malmö som berĂ€knas vĂ€xa med 100 000 invĂ„nare de nĂ€rmsta tjugo Ă„ren finns en ambitionen om en tĂ€t och samtidigt grön stad. För att nĂ„ dit krĂ€vs strategier, dĂ€r grönytefaktorn Ă€r en av dessa. Genom att tillĂ€mpa grönytefaktorn ska fungerande ekosystemtjĂ€nster sĂ€kras. FrĂ„gan Ă€r dock om grönytefaktorn Ă€r ett framgĂ„ngsrikt planeringsverktyg för att skapa tĂ€ta stĂ€der med fungerande ekosystemtjĂ€nster? Syftet med detta examensarbete Ă€r att svara pĂ„ denna frĂ„ga genom att kritiskt granska de direkta effekterna av grönytefaktorn i förhĂ„llande till urbana ekosystemtjĂ€nster. Rekreation, lokalklimat, luftrening, bullerreducering, urban odling, samt dagvattenhantering Ă€r alla ekosystemtjĂ€nster med relevans för urbana omrĂ„den och som ingĂ„r i denna studie. Genom en fallstudie granskas dessa nĂ€mnda ekosystemtjĂ€nster pĂ„ totalt 20 fastigheter företrĂ€desvis belĂ€gna i Malmö stad, för att undersöka grönytefaktorns relevans i sammanhanget.The amount of people is increasingly urban, and when cities are densified it’s often the open spaces that are lost. This is made despite the several positive effects that come with greenery, which provide humans with essential ecosystem services. Open spaces have to be planned in a deliberate way to achieve a sustainable urban living, in order to reach attractiveness and healthiness for humans, animals and plants. The approach of integrating ecosystem services into a planning context is increasingly applied to promote sustainable urban development. In Malmö, the number of inhabitants is expected to grow by 100 000 people in a period of twenty years. The ambition is to develop a dense and at the same time green city. To achieve this objective it’s important to have relevant strategies, where the biotope area factor is used as one of those. By applying the biotope area factor functioning ecosystem services will be secured. The question is though, whether the biotope area factor is a successful tool for creating dense cities with functioning ecosystem services? The objective with this final thesis is to give an answer to this question, by critically examining the effects of the biotope are factor in relation to urban ecosystem services. Recreation, local climate, air purification, noise reduction, urban farming and storm water management are all ecosystem services relevant for this study. A case study is made in order to examine these ecosystem services on a total amount of 20 properties, mainly located in the city of Malmö, and furthermore to investigate the relevance of the biotope area factor in this context. The result shows that the only ecosystem services that are affected by the biotope area factor is storm water management and noise reduction, whilst it’s impossible to make a connection between the biotope area factor and the rest of the services mentioned above. Thus, the conclusion is that the desirable effect of the biotope area factor isn’t big enough on all of these urban ecosystem services. Despite if the city of Malmö want to apply the biotope area factor continuously on projects, the inquires is why? If the keeping objective is to meet functioning ecosystem services, the sub-factors included in the biotope area factor requires adjustments. Sammanfattning Abstrac

    SkeppsportrĂ€tt och kaptenstavlor i Sjöhistoriska institutets vid Åbo Akademi samlingar

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    I och med grundandet av Sjöhistoriska Museet vid Åbo Akademi den 3 januari 1936 pĂ„börjades en intensiv insamling av föremĂ„l och arkivalier till museet. Dels mottogs mĂ€ngder av donationer, dels köptes bl.a. ett stort antal skeppsportrĂ€tt och kaptenstavlor in av bĂ„de privatpersoner och antikhandlare. Tanken var att det sjöhistoriska museet i Åbo inte bara skulle representera staden och Åboland utan ocksĂ„ beakta sjöfarten pĂ„ riksplan och representera hela landet. I dag bestĂ„r samlingen, som Ă€r unik pĂ„ vĂ„ra breddgrader, av över 210 verk förestĂ€llande segel- och Ă„ngfartyg mellan Ă„ren 1775 och 2001. Den Ă€ldsta kaptenstavlan i samlingarna har en datering frĂ„n 1775 och förestĂ€ller Conjuncturen med Matts Issberg frĂ„n möjligtvis Wasa som skeppare