277,066 research outputs found

    Working to Scale

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    ‘Working to Scale’ explored how techniques traditional to Chinese ceramic manufacture could inform contemporary work. Aylieff focused on the decorative technique of Famille Rose enamel painting: Fencai. Aylieff’s research into Fencai included studying historical sources and object collections to understand the origins and development of this decorative technique, and the structure of imagery and patterns associated with its use. She also undertook practical investigations into the traditional means of applying and firing the enamels. This research underpinned the contemporary pieces Aylieff produced, which referenced traditional forms and surface patterns of Fencai techniques in their surface decoration. The use of Fencai had traditionally been restricted to modestly sized vessels. Owing to its firing requirements, it was not previously thought possible to deploy it on a larger scale. Aylieff chose to innovate in this direction, a decision that entailed her having to master the demands of large-scale porcelain production. She also developed ways of applying extensive areas of enamel and complex firing cycles to accommodate the scale of the works and the multiple firings Fencai requires. Aylieff undertook the research, practical testing and manufacturing of the vessels in ceramic workshops in Jingdezhen, China. The resulting pieces were technically innovative and also created a new relationship with the viewer owing to their overall monumental quality and the extent of the ‘ceramic canvas’ each work displayed. The research culminated in a solo exhibition of six monumental and six small vessels at Contemporary Applied Arts (CAA), London, between October and November 2009. A catalogue of Aylieff’s oeuvre was published to coincide with the CAA exhibition, funded by the Arts Council and with an essay by Ann Elliott. As a further development, two new works using this process of Fencai were acquired by the Cheltenham Museum (supported by the Art Fund, 2013)

    Étude sur Les Perceptions et les Attentes des Professionnels de SantĂ©, des BĂ©nĂ©voles et des Familles des Malades dans le Cadre de la Prise en Charge des Soins Palliatifs

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    This qualitative study, conducted in three metropolitan areas, Champagne Ardenne, Ile-de-France, and Languedoc-Roussillon explores current palliative care practices in 37 facilities, both for dependent elderly (nursing homes) and for adults and children with severe disabilities (MAS and IME). The study confronts the viewpoints of the different actors that revolve around a patient: doctors, nurses and other health professionals (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.), relatives, volunteers and patients themselves. 40 cases of sick children and adults were observed. From the analysis of the interviews, it appears that the palliative approach is still not fully adopted by teams that are reluctant to deal with the end of life and postpone the most difficult cases. Among the priorities to be developed are: the harmonization of the initial training of caregivers and ongoing training and the mobilization of specialist palliative care that could better support and assist caregivers in this sector

    Flora and Fauna in East Asian Art

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    Flora and Fauna in East Asian Art is the fourth annual exhibition curated by students enrolled in the Art History Methods course. This exhibition highlights the academic achievements of six student curators: Samantha Frisoli ’18, Daniella Snyder ’18, Gabriella Bucci ’19, Melissa Casale ’19, Keira Koch ’19, and Paige Deschapelles ’20. The selection of artworks in this exhibition considers how East Asian artists portrayed similar subjects of flora and fauna in different media including painting, prints, embroidery, jade, and porcelain. This exhibition intends to reveal the hidden meanings behind various representations of flora and fauna in East Asian art by examining the iconography, cultural context, aesthetic and function of each object.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/artcatalogs/1025/thumbnail.jp

    Family Structure and Reproductive Health Decision Making among the Ogu of Southwestern Nigeria: A Qualitative Study

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    This study examines the structure of the Ogu family and its influence on reproductive health decision-making using a qualitative approach. Data were sourced through nine focus groups organized in the study area among married men and women. The data reveal that the family structure in the study area is changing, although the dominant pattern remains extended. The findings of the study suggest that there are on-going internal transformations that tend to enhance gender equity in reproductive health decision-making between husbands and wives. These changes may be attributed to the widespread influence of western culture and the spread of education in the study population, which are necessary concomitants of economic, political and cultural changes taking place in the society.Cet article examine la structure de la famille Ogu et son influence sur la prise de d\ue9cision en mati\ue8re de sant\ue9 de la reproduction. Les donn\ue9es utilis\ue9es sont des donn\ue9es qualitatives obtenues \ue0 partir de 9 "Focus Group" organis\ue9s entre hommes et femmes mari\ue9es du milieu d'\ue9tude. Les donn\ue9es montrent que la structure de la famille dans ce milieu d'\ue9tude \ue9volue bien que le type dominant reste la famille \ue9largie. Les r\ue9sultats de l'\ue9tude montrent que des transformations internes tendant \ue0 promouvoir l'\ue9galit\ue9 entre les genres en mati\ue8re de prise de d\ue9cision concernant la sant\ue9 de la reproduction entre \ue9poux et \ue9pouses sont entrain de s'op\ue9rer. Ces \ue9volutions peuvent \ueatre dues par l'influence croissante de la culture occidentale et la g\ue9n\ue9ralisation de l'\ue9ducation dans la population \ue9tudi\ue9e qui accompagnent n\ue9cessairement les transformations \ue9conomiques, politiques et culturelles en cours dans la soci\ue9t\ue9

    French Canadian Participation in the War of 1812: A Social Study of the Voltiguers Canadians

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    During the War of 1812, the participation of French Canadians in colonial militia units such as the Voltigeurs Canadiens was of great importance for the defence of Lower Canada. The colony’s lack of regular British toops combined with threats of American invasion rendered crucial to the mobilization of the local populace, most of which was of French descent. Although lacking the discipline and structure of British regular soldiers. Lower-Canadian militiamen were able to neutralize numerous American invasion attempts. Altogether, this impressive participation in the war effort helped redefine the military character of French Canadians. It also dissipated the British authorities’ fears that French Canadians were disloyal subjects. This study analyses the military organization of the Voltigeurs Canadiens to demonstrate the importance of French Canadian participation in the war, especially in Lower Canada, their military campaigns and how the Voltigeurs’ victories became the pride of all French Canada

    L’analyse dĂ©mographique et la famille : prĂ©misses d’une autocritique

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    Dans cet article, l’auteur montre que ce qui caractĂ©rise la dĂ©mographie de la famille, c’est que l’unitĂ© statistique y est la famille, et non l’individu, comme en dĂ©mographie gĂ©nĂ©rale. Par ailleurs, les dĂ©mographes se sont jusqu’ici intĂ©ressĂ©s davantage Ă  la famille « biologique » qu’à la famille « statistique », ce qui suppose une adaptation des mĂ©thodes traditionnelles d’analyse. Les Ă©vĂ©nements dĂ©mographiques familiaux qui modifient le nombre de familles statistiques font habituellement l’objet d’un enregistrement qui permet l’analyse. Dans une perspective longitudinale, l’auteur dĂ©coupe l’histoire de la famille en sĂ©quences successives qu’on peut appeler le calendrier dĂ©mographique de la famille. Cependant, les variables permettant l’étude de ce calendrier ne font pas l’objet d’un enregistrement appropriĂ©, particuliĂšrement les intervalles et les durĂ©es. En dĂ©pit de son intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©vident, la dĂ©mographie de la famille est peu dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Les dĂ©faillances de l’observation de certains Ă©vĂ©nements (sĂ©parations, migrations, dĂ©parts des enfants) ont grandement nui Ă  l’émergence d’une dĂ©mographie de la famille. De plus, la dĂ©mographie s’est intĂ©ressĂ©e jusqu’ici Ă  l’étude des phĂ©nomĂšnes contribuant directement au renouvellement quantitatif de l’ensemble de la population, dĂ©laissant l’analyse sur une base familiale. L’essor d’une vĂ©ritable dĂ©mographie de la famille nĂ©cessitera la gĂ©nĂ©ralisation et la systĂ©matisation de l’utilisation du couple et de la famille comme unitĂ©s d’observation et d’analyse
