2,408 research outputs found

    A Phoenician past and present

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    Colonial engagements in the global Mediterranean Iron Age

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    The Phoenician practice of adapting Greek drinking vessels (Skyphoi and Kotylai)

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    Over the past 25 years a lively debate has been going on as to the correct interpretation of the Phoenician / Punic adaptations (also termed ›copies‹) of Greek drinking vessels, in particular the skyphoi and the kotylai. This contribution to the debate brings in new statistical evidence, mainly from excavations in Carthage, leading to five conclusions: 1) these adaptations are mainly a phenomenon of the 7th and first half of the 6th century BCE, 2) they were made for a primarily non-Greek, Phoenician / Punic clientele, 3) they were made by Phoenician / Punic potters and painters, 4) they do not copy Thapsos class or Euboean Late Geometric drinking cups, neither formally nor stylistically, and definitely not contemporarily, and 5) the paces of introduction and varying levels of popularity of skyphos and kotyle adaptations in different Phoenician settlements may be explained by varying levels of access to Greek originals

    A Mediterranean Mosaic: The Archaeological Evidence for Ethnic Diversity at Pithekoussai

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    Santuarios y fortalezas: cuestiones de indigenismo, helenización y romanización en torno a Emporion y Rhode (S. VI - I a.C.)

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    Se presentan diversas cuestiones de la relación entre los modelos helénicos de las colonias de Emporion y Rhode y las costumbres indígenas evidenciadas en los yacimientos ibéricos de su entorno. Los cultos de Artemis y Apolo como dioses protectores de la emporía arcaica de los foceos, el urbanismo de Rhode en el siglo III a.C., los cultos emporitanos, la interpretación del yacimiento de Pontós, la mezcla de cultos griegos y celtas en Ullastret y Pontós y un cálato excepcional en un campo de silos al pie de S. Julià, se estudian como evidencias de esta relación. En el siglo II a.C., Roma implantará un nuevo orden político y económico del que Emporion será la gran beneficiada.In this paper we present different aspects of the complex interaction between the Hellenic models found in the colonies at Emporion and Rhode, and the indigenous customs as shown in the Iberian sites surrounding them. As evidences of this interaction we will study the cult of Artemis and Apollo as protector deities of the archaic Phocean emporia, the urbanism in Rhode during the 3rd century BC, the cults at Emporion, the interpretation of the Iberian site at Mas Castellar de Pontós, the blend of Greek and Celtic cults in the indigenous sites at Ullastret and Pontós, and an unique decorated Iberian pottery kalathos found in an underground grain silos field close to the site at S. Julià de Ramis. During the 2nd centrury BC Rome imposed a new political and economic order in which Emporion would become the greatest beneficiary

    L'arqueologia grega a Empúries. Un discurs en construcció.

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    The Greek presence on the east coast of the Iberian Peninsula: Colonial establishments and rhythms of trade with Iberian societies

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    The Greek presence along the Mediterranean coastline of the Iberian Peninsula is a phenomenon that we can trace from the Archaic Period until the beginning of the Roman Empire. Even though the earliest Greek trade contacts with the west have been dated from the 8th century BC, it was not until the 6th century BC, when the Phocaeans founded Massalia and Emporion, that these contacts began to intensify in the northeast and eastern seaboard of the Iberian Peninsula. Throughout the 5th century BC, the Greek commercial contacts with the Iberian world and the role of Emporion solidified until they reached their peak in the 4th century BC, when Greek products spread massively around the coastline, dovetailing with the rise in Punic trade and broader Greek settlement in the territory with the newly-founded Massalian settlements of Alonis and Hemeroskopeion (known solely through sources) and Rhode (Roses), which would export its own ceramics in the 3rd century BC

    Rhode, Rosas, la ciudad más antigua de Cataluña

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    "Emporion", una revista de la Bisbal, divulgadora de l'avantguarda daliniana

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