32 research outputs found

    An Exploration of the Cisco Online Courses: A Basis for the Development of a Learner’s e-Workbook in Introduction to Network Technology

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Cisco Online Course vis-à-vis the conduct of the regular course in Introduction to Network Technology in terms of contents, learning materials and assessment. This study made use of a descriptive survey method to assess the effectiveness of the alternative mode of delivery of the course along the criteria mentioned. The data were gathered with the aid of a questionnaire addressing certain areas. The results of the study revealed that no significant difference was noted as far as the contents of the course are concerned. However, significant differences were noted on the use of learning materials and assessment. As an output, a learner’s e-workbook in Introduction to Network Technology was developed to augment the present study materials and to improve the learning experience of the students. Keywords: online learning, face-to-face methodology, e-workbook, Computer-Aided Assessment (CAA), Introduction to Network Technolog


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    In the EFL, ESL, ESP and in the ELT classes, students are taught their courses with different kinds of methods and approaches. Cognitive learning styles are the most essential styles in foreign language education. In this paper, the positive effects of cognitive learning styles will be handled. The benefits of these styles will be highlighted. Games on cognitive learning styles will be explained. Sample classroom activities will be shared. Useful books, videos and websites on cognitive learning styles will be suggested.  Article visualizations

    Педагогическата ползваемост при разработване на електронни дидактически материали в обучението по съвременни езици : Автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен Доктор в област на висше образование 1. Педагогика професионално направление 1.3. Педагогика на обучението по чужд език научна специалност 05.07.03. Методика на обучението по съвременни езици (английски)

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    Дисертационният труд въвежда и обсъжда концепцията за педагогическа ползваемост на електронни дидактически материали в чуждоезиковото обучение. Направен е критичен, интердисциплинарен анализ на научната литература в областите дидактика и методика на чуждоезиковото обучение, педагогическа психология, педагогически дизайн, информационни и комуникационни технологии, потребителска ползваемост, визуални изкуства, за да се изясни същността на педагогическата ползваемост. Сравняват се със статистически методи експертните оценки на преподаватели от различни националности с мнението на студенти за разработени електронни дидактически материали по английски език. Извежда се концептуална рамка за педагогическата ползваемост при разработване на електронни дидактически материали. Разработена e таксономия с интерактивни упражнения, която дава по-цялостна представа за възможностите, които съвременният софтуер може да предложи на преподавателите при разработване на дидактическо съдържание, като в същото време е отправна точка при планирането на учебно съдържание. Резултатите от направените изследвания са пряко приложими в чуждоезиковото обучение. Разработена е методология за оценка на електронни дидактически материали. Разработени са насоки за изработването на електронни дидактически материали с дескриптори в отделните измерения от гледна точка на педагогическата ползваемост, които са приложими не само в чуждоезиковото обучение, а и в обучението по други академични дисциплини

    GRMN 301.R01: Studies in German Literature

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    Integrating IRT analysis into LMS for item pool optimization

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    Due to the computerization of assessment tests, the use of Item Response Theory (IRT) has become commonplace for educational assessment development, evaluation, and refinement. When used appropriately by a Learning Management System (LMS), IRT can improve the assessment quality, increase the efficiency of the testing process, and provide in-depth descriptions of item and test properties. This paper introduces a methodological and architectural framework which embeds an IRT analysis tool in an LMS so as to extend its functionality with assessment optimization support. By applying a set of validity rules to the statistical indices produced by the IRT analysis, the enhanced LMS is able to detect several defective items from an item pool which are then reported for reviewing of their content. Assessment refinement is achieved by repeatedly employing this process until all flawed items are eliminated

    A Tribute to Nathie Lee Marbury

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    Extending LMS to Support IRT-Based Assessment Test Calibration

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    Developing unambiguous and challenging assessment material for measuring educational attainment is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process. As a result Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) tools are becoming widely adopted in academic environments in an effort to improve the assessment quality and deliver reliable results of examinee performance. This paper introduces a methodological and architectural framework which embeds a CAA tool in a Learning Management System (LMS) so as to assist test developers in refining items to constitute assessment tests. An Item Response Theory (IRT) based analysis is applied to a dynamic assessment profile provided by the LMS. Test developers define a set of validity rules for the statistical indices given by the IRT analysis. By applying those rules, the LMS can detect items with various discrepancies which are then flagged for review of their content. Repeatedly executing the aforementioned procedure can improve the overall efficiency of the testing process

    Digitale prøver – et litteraturstudie

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    Digitale prøveformer bliver efterhånden mere og mere udbredte. Denne artikel er baseret på et litteraturstudie foretaget for at få indsigt i primært forskningslitteraturen om digitale prøveformer. I artiklen præsenterer vi de forskellige typer digitale prøver, der omtales og diskuteres i litteraturen, og vi beskriver de potentielle fordele af bl.a. økonomisk, administrativ og pædagogisk karakter, der ifølge litteraturen kan opnås ved at bruge digitale prøver. Vi beskriver endvidere de udfordringer og potentielle ulemper, der kan være forbundet med indførelse af digitale prøver. Det drejer sig bl.a. om udfordringer hvad angår prøvesystem, organisation, teknologi, kompetenceudvikling og uddannelseskultur. Vi beskriver i artiklen en række konkrete eksempler på digitale prøver, og vi præsenterer resultater fra undersøgelser af underviseres og studerendes oplevelser med digitale prøveformer. Against the backdrop of the rapid spread of digitized tests and exams, this article sets out to present some of the results of a literature study carried out with the aim of gaining insight into the research literature on this topic. The article presents different types of tests, focusing on the financial, administrative, and pedagogical advantages described and discussed in the literature as potentially attainable through the use of digitized exams. In addition, the challenges and potential problems connected with the introduction of digitized tests are described. Among these are challenges related to the test system or to competence development as well as organizational, technological, and cultural challenges. Finally, the article provides concrete descriptions of tests and presents results from select studies of teacher and student experiences of digitized tests

    Elementary General Education Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Effective Math Instruction for Students with Disabilities

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    Abstract Barriers to implementing effective math instruction have been a focus of scholars because they are a problem in supporting students with disabilities. Researchers have demonstrated that general education teachers often have little knowledge about effective interventions for students with disabilities and the barriers to achieving such instruction. The purpose of this study was to investigate and understand general education teachers’ perceptions of effective math instruction, and barriers to it, for fourth and fifth grade students with disabilities. The conceptual framework was based on Baroody’s stages of math fact acquisition, which predicates that three developmental stages should be the basis for developing basic math fact fluency for students with disabilities. The research questions were used to investigate participants’ knowledge of barriers to effective math instruction in a large school system in a southeastern state. Using a basic qualitative design, data from interviews with 11 general education teachers were collected and analyzed using open and axial coding. The results indicated that participants are aware of (a) the need for training for effective math instruction, (b) the need for more time to teach and implement math strategies, (c) the need for resources to meet math needs, (d) learning disabilities as barriers to teaching effective math instruction, and (e) challenges with curriculum when implementing math strategies. This study contributes to positive social change because administrators and other stakeholders may gain a greater understanding of teachers’ perceptions of effective math instruction for students with disabilities. This will ultimately help to improve math experiences for these students