16,528 research outputs found

    Um olhar crítico sobre a educação ambiental : a Geografia como instrumento para construir novas perspectivas

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    Este trabalho se propõe a discutir os paradigmas da Educação Ambiental (EA) posicionados no ensino básico brasileiro e a fomentar o debate acerca de novas formas de pensar a EA a partir de um olha r geográfico da paisagem. Para isso, a metodologia de pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas: a revisão da literatura e a análise teórica; a análise documental, que consiste no estudo interpretativo da concepção de Edu cação Ambiental levantada pelo texto da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) para o componente curricular de Geografia nos A nos F inais do Ensino Fundamental; e, por fim, a análise da prática docente através de uma experiência de observação participa nte em uma escola de Ensino Fundamental (EF) no município de Gravataí - RS. Através da investigação teórica e documental, percebeu - se a necessidade de repensar os paradigmas da EA posicionados atualmente, visto que o ensino ambiental parte, muitas vezes, d e uma perspectiva naturalista e conservacionista que acaba por conservar ideais hegemônicos de desenvolvimento. Pensando nisso, propõe - se a reflexão sobre novas formas de se fazer a Educação Ambiental a partir da contribuição da G eografia E scolar para a construção de uma visão não só natural, mas também social e cultural da temática ambiental.This study aims t o discuss the paradigms of the E nvironmental E ducation established in the Brazilian basic education and nurture the debate about the new ways of understanding E nvironmental E ducation regarding a geographic point of view of the landscape . To do so, the research methodology was divided in three steps: the review of literature and theoretical analyses, the documental analyses, which consists in a imperative study of the conception of E nvironmental E ducation guided by the Base Nacional Comum Curricular for the element of Geography in the fina l years of elementary school , and , at least, the analyses of the educational practices through an observational partaken experience partaken in an elementary school in the city of Gravataí - RS. Through the theoretical and documental analyses, it is noticed the need to rethink the paradigms of E nvironmental E ducation nowadays placed, seen that the E nvironmental E ducation comes, many times, of a naturalist and conventionist perspective, which ends to perpetuate hegemonic ideas of development. Thinking of so, is purposed a reflection about new ways of doing E nvironmental E ducation since the contribution of school geography, to the building of a point of view not only natural, but also social and cultural environmental themes

    The Monster in Our House: Racial Incidents on College Campuses

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    Reports of racial incidents on college campuses have risen dramatically in the past four years. Data from recent surveys indicate that minority students, specifically blacks, will experience some form of discrimination during their academic careers.[1] Recent data from other studies reveal that racial and ethnic violence has occurred on at least 70 U.S. college campuses.[2] Efforts to assert one racial/ethnic group over another have often created social conflicts. These social disagreements may take several forms, usually imitating behavior outside of school: shouting discriminatory remarks or becoming physically aggressive or violent

    Visual Literacy and New Technologies

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    This body of research addresses the connection between arts, identity and new technology, and investigates the impact of images on adolescent identities, the relationship between online modes of communication and cyber-bullying, the increasing visualization of information and explores the way drawing and critical analysis of imagery develops visual literacy. Commissioned by Adobe Systems Pty Ltd, Australia (2003) to compile the Visual Literacy White Paper, Bamford’s report defines visual literacy and highlights its importance in the learning of such skill as problem solving and critical thinking. Providing strategies to promote visual literacy and emphasizing the role of technology in visual communication, this report has become a major reference for policy on visual literacy and cyber-bullying in the UK, USA and Asia