2 research outputs found

    Modificaci贸n temporal de la ritmicidad card铆aca del Nephrops norvegicus en relaci贸n al estr茅s de captura por arrastre

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    [EN] The effects of trawling on cardiac rhythmicity of Nephrops norvegicus (L.) are still mostly unknown. Ultradian rhythms reported in previous studies may result from trawling capture stress, thus disappearing following acclimatisation to laboratory conditions. To test this hypothesis, 34 time series of cardiac activity data recorded in constant darkness were studied by Fourier analysis. Spectral decomposition of time series was obtained by defining the fundamental or circadian harmonic (CH) in 24-h together with 9 submultiples of this period. The power content (PC) of each harmonic was estimated in data segments of 24-h duration (days), giving graphic matrices of PC values over consecutive days. Values of PC for 9 submultiples were summed and studied in a block named ultradian band (UB). The modification in the PC of the CH and of the UB was evaluated during laboratory acclimatisation. A significant increase in the PC of the circadian harmonic component (CH) over consecutive days of testing was observed. These findings suggest that, rather than being a product of dim light environmental fluctuations experienced by the animals from the deep waters of the continental slope, ultradian periodicity could well be caused by the stress of capture[ES] Los efectos de la pesca de arrastre sobre la ritmicidad card铆aca de Nephrops norvegicus (L.) son a煤n desconocidos y los ritmos ultradianos descritos en estudios previos podr铆an ser consecuencia del estr茅s de captura por el arte de pesca de arrastre, desapareciendo 茅stos al continuar la aclimataci贸n en el laboratorio. Para probar esta tesis, 34 series temporales de datos de actividad card铆aca registrados en oscuridad constante fueron estudiadas mediante an谩lisis de Fourier. Se obtuvo la descomposici贸n espectral de las series definiendo el arm贸nico fundamental o arm贸nico circadiano (CH) en 24 h junto con 9 subm煤ltiplos de este periodo. Se estim贸 el contenido de potencia (PC) de cada arm贸nico en segmentos de datos de 24 h de duraci贸n (d铆as) obteni茅ndose matrices gr谩ficas de valores del PC en d铆as consecutivos. Los valores del PC de los 9 subm煤ltiplos fueron sumados y estudiados en un bloque llamado banda ultradiana (UB). Fue evaluada la modificaci贸n diaria del PC del CH y de la UB durante la aclimataci贸n en el laboratorio. Se observ贸 un incremento significativo en el PC del componente arm贸nico circadiano (CH) durante los d铆as consecutivos. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la periodicidad ultradiana no ser铆a producida por las fluctuaciones ambientales de luz tenue experimentadas por el animal em aguas profundas del talud continental, sino que estar铆an provocadas probablemente por el estr茅s de capturaSpecial thanks are due to Dr. F. Sard脿, Chief Investigator of the project NERIT (MAR98-0935) funded by the Spanish CICYTPeer reviewe