2 research outputs found

    Estudio multivariante de la composici贸n de triglic茅ridos de la grasa subcut谩nea del cerdo ib茅rico en relaci贸n con la alimentaci贸n y el genotipo

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    The triacylglycerol (TGs) composition of 1, 560 samples of subcutaneous fat of Iberian purebred and crossbred (iberianxDuroc) pigs reared extensively on three different feeding systems: montanera (M), cebo (C) and recebo (R), were determined. Seventeen TG species were identified by Gas Chromatography and six of them (POO, PSO, POL, OOO, SOO, OOL) accounted for 75 %. Significant differences (p < 0.01) were found for the majority of TG species among the three types of feeding. The effect of the duration of montanera on the TG composition was also explored and a significant positive correlation (p < 0.05) was found with the following TGs: OOO, SOL, OOL and OLL. After 110 days of Montanera, all the samples showed a percentage of OOO and OOL over 9.5 % and 4.5 % respectively. Genotype also showed a significant effect (p < 0.01) on the TG composition. Principal Component and Linear Discriminant analyses were applied to the data set. No clear separation among the three groups (M, R and C) according to the TG profile was achieved. Only M and C groups were clearly separated according to their TG composition.Se ha determinado la composici贸n de trigliceridos (TGs) en 1560 muestras de grasa subcut谩nea de cerdo ib茅rico puro y cruzado (ibericoxDuroc) criados en r茅gimen extensivo en tres sistemas de alimentaci贸n: montanera (M), cebo (C) y recebo (R). Diecisiete TGs se han identificado mediante Cromatograf铆a de Gases, y seis de ellos (POO, PSO, POL, OOO, SOO, OOL) representan el 75 %. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p < 0.01) para la mayor铆a de los TGs entre los tres tipos de alimentaci贸n. Tambi茅n se investig贸 el efecto del tiempo de montanera sobre la composici贸n de TGs, encontr谩ndose una correlaci贸n positiva (p < 0.05) con los siguientes TGs: OOO, SOL, OOL y OLL. Tras 110 d铆as de Montanera, todas las muestras presentaron % de OOO y OOL por encima del 9.5 % y 4.5 % respectivamente. El genotipo tambi茅n mostr贸 un efecto significativo (p < 0.01) sobre la composici贸n de TGs. Se aplic贸 An谩lisis de Componentes Principales y An谩lisis Lineal Discriminantes a los datos obtenidos. No se obtuvo una buena separaci贸n entre los tres grupos de alimentaci贸n (M, R y C), s贸lo para los grupos de M y C se obtuvo una clara separaci贸n en base a la composici贸n de TGs