1 research outputs found

    Utilizaci贸n del cobre en dietas hipograsas

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    The objective of this study was to investigate both the dietary copper utilization and the body copper content in rats fed either low fat diets (2%) or normal fat diets (8%) containing olive oil, sunflower oil and palm oil (olein fraction), by two different balance techniques. 
 Seven groups of Wistar rats were used. One group was killed on the first experimental day being utilized as control of initial body copper content. Six groups of rats were fed, over 15 days, semipurified diets varying only in the fat level, three of them containing 8% of fat, and the other three 2%. The overall copper balance was studied by calculating differences between the initial and final body copper content. During the last week, another copper balance was carried out by monitoring intake and faecal copper excretion. Body mass, and liver, spleen, skin, erythrocytes and serum copper contents were also examined. 
 The copper utilization was lower in 2% fat rats, this was caused by food intake decrease but also by the lower copper bioavailability in 2% fat diets. The corporal, liver and spleen copper contents were reduced, and liver, skin and serum copper concentrations also decreased in the rats fed on 2% fat diets.
 Palm olein (8%) versus olive and sunflower oil produced a lower efficiency of copper absorption.<br><br>Se propuso estudiar la influencia del consumo de dietas pobres en grasa a base de aceite de oliva, girasol o aceite de palma (fracci贸n ole铆na) sobre la utilizaci贸n del cobre diet茅tico por dos t茅cnicas diferentes de balance, as铆 como sobre sus contenidos corporales. Se utilizaron siete grupos de ratas Wistar, uno de ellos sacrificado el d铆a primero del experimento, sirvi贸 como control del contenido c煤prico corporal inicial; seis grupos de ratas fueron alimentadas durante 15 d铆as con dietas semisint茅ticas, tres de ellos con las grasas al 8% y los otros tres al 2%. En ellos se estudi贸 el balance global del cobre mediante diferencia entre los contenidos corporales iniciales y finales del elemento y en la 煤ltima semana por control de la ingesta y la excreci贸n fecal del micronutriente. Se control贸 tambi茅n el peso y los contenidos de cobre en carcasa, h铆gado, bazo, piel, eritrocitos y suero.
 Las dietas hipograsas mermaron la utilizaci贸n del cobre mediante una disminuci贸n de su ingesta y tambi茅n por deterioro de la biodisponibilidad del elemento en ellas. Se deprimi贸 su contenido corporal total, el del bazo y el del h铆gado y las concentraciones en este 煤ltimo 贸rgano, en la piel y en el suero. 
 El aceite de palma (fracci贸n ole铆na) (8%), frente a los otros dos, produjo un descenso en la digestibilidad del cobre