1 research outputs found

    Action and fate of natural and synthetic antioxidants during frying

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    The action of antioxidants to delay lipid oxidation in fats and oils is well known although most of the information is related to their effects at room temperature during storage or at the moderate temperatures of the accelerated tests to measure oil stability. However, oxidation at the high temperatures of food processes like frying, is more complex because the availability of air is unknown and both oxidative and thermal reactions are simultaneously involved. In this review, the main studies defining the action of natural and synthetic antioxidants at frying temperatures are summarized. This review has been divided into two main parts concerning the information on natural antioxidants, i.e. tocopherols and other phenolic compounds present in specific oils like olive, sesame and rice bran oils, and on synthetic antioxidants, i.e. BHA, BHT and TBHQ.<br><br>La acci贸n de antioxidantes para retrasar la oxidaci贸n en grasas y aceites es bien conocida aunque la mayor parte de la informaci贸n est谩 relacionada con su actividad a temperatura ambiente durante el almacenamiento o a las temperaturas moderadas de los ensayos de oxidaci贸n acelerada. Sin embargo, su efectividad a la temperatura elevada de procesos como la fritura es m谩s compleja debido a la existencia de reacciones oxidativas y t茅rmicas que tienen lugar simult谩neamente. En esta revisi贸n, se resumen los estudios principales que definen la acci贸n de los antioxidantes naturales y sint茅ticos durante el proceso de fritura. Se ha dividido en dos partes que resumen la acci贸n y los compuestos de degradaci贸n de los antioxidantes naturales, es decir, tocoferoles y otros compuestos fen贸licos presentes en aceites de oliva, s茅samo y salvado de arroz, y de los principales antioxidantes sint茅ticos como BHA, BHT y TBHQ