2 research outputs found

    Influence of temperature on the galvanic current induced by a localized repair when using primers to the reinforcement in slightly chloride contaminated concrete

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    Publicaci贸n versi贸n impresa: marzo de 2008Abstract An electrochemical macrocell between repaired and adjacent unrepaired zones has been reported when a local concrete patch is performed. This macrocell seems to lead to the corrosion of neighboring not repaired zones. Previous experiments of the authors in slightly chloride contaminated concrete have shown that the macrocell activity lasts very short time (only during the curing). In present paper the effect to rise the temperature to 40掳C maintaining the RH, typical of tropical climates, is studied. The results show that the galvanic effect is not enhanced while the corrosion rate does it, which confirms the independence of the galvanic current from the corrosion rate.The authors acknowledge the partial support from CINVESTAV, CONACyT, CSIC and CNPq. M. Balanca麓n helped with the artwork. The opinions and findings are those of the authors and not necessarily of the supporting organizations.Peer reviewe