2 research outputs found

    Stability of omega-3 fatty acids in fortified surimi seafoods during chilled storage

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    Physical, chemical, and sensory properties of cooked surimi seafood gels (crab analogue) fortified with omega-3 fatty acids (FA) were monitored during chilled storage. Three sources of stabilized omega-3 FA (fish oil concentrate, menhaden oil, and a purified marine oil) were each incorporated into gels to an omega-3 FA content of 1.5 or 2.5%, w/w. Omega-3 FA stability, development of off-flavors, and changes in color and texture were monitored during chilled storage for 2 months. Gels with fish oil concentrate developed fishy flavor and aroma within 30 days and were eliminated from the study. Gels containing menhaden oil and purified marine oil exhibited little change in sensory properties or oxidation products throughout 2 months of storage. Relative polyene index values (ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids) indicated that the omega-3 FA were stable at both levels of addition. Omega-3 fortified gels were whiter than control gels, and gel texture was modified when menhaden and purified oils were added but not significantly affected by the level of omega-3 addition.The research was funded (in part) by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the use of trade names does not imply endorsement or criticism of similar ones not mentioned. Additional support is acknowledged from the University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program and the National Fishery Institute. M.P.-M. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD)-Fulbright Program for the postdoctoral fellowship that sponsored her.Peer Reviewe