1 research outputs found

    Territory and abiotic resources between 33 and 15.6 ka at Vale Boi (SW Portugal)

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    The environmental shifts during the Late Pleistocene had major influences in the landscape and, consequently, in the available resources. This had direct impact on human behavior and ecology, requiring people to constantly adjust to new economical conditions. In coastal areas, the retreat of the shoreline during the colder phases might have made available presently underwater raw material sources in the form of outcrops and gravels, eventually making it easier to gather lithic raw materials.In this paper, we present our preliminary results on the diachronic variability of raw materials in Vale Boi. Vale Boi is a coastal site, located 2.5 km from the present coastline, in the margins of a freshwater stream. The site has three different loci, all rich in lithics, fauna (including marine), bone tools, adornments, charcoal, and ochre, and evidence of continuous human occupation from c. 33 to 15.6 ka cal BP. This chronostratigraphic record makes it a perfect study case for the understanding of coastal populations' behavior and economy throughout the Upper Paleolithic.Our objective is to infer the territory of resources exploitation, landscape, and economic patterns. Raw material sources are usually fixed points on the landscape (in contrast to other resources such as fauna and flora) and, therefore, are one of the best ways of understanding how people moved in the landscape and, consequently, to infer past human behavior. We used a macroscopic approach in both the archaeological and the geological record in order to correlate sources and artifacts. Despite the absence of detailed quantitative data on each chert type, our results show that the hunteregatherers who occupied Vale Boi during the Upper Paleolithic not only used several raw materials but also a variety of sources of the same raw material. This happened both diachronically and synchronically, suggesting that not only the complete sequence as well as each archaeological layer seem to have had a considerable economic complexity with the use of adjacent and distal sources. With this paper, we aim to present updated information on the variability of raw materials at Vale Boi, including the chert assemblages, along with new chert sources in order to establish a basis for a future detailed study on the raw material sourcing at the site. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved