1 research outputs found

    Inter- and intra-specific differences in euryhalinity determine the spatial distribution of mysids in a temperate European estuary

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    12 páginas, 5 páginas, 1 tabla.Mysids are an important component of estuarine hyperbenthos and a major prey item in the food web of many estuaries. Understanding the abiotic and biotic mechanisms determining mysid distributions is therefore important to comprehend the general processes structuring estuarine communities. We carried out field surveys and exposure-survival experiments for three species of mysids, Neomysis integer Leach Mesopodopsis slabberi van Beneden and Rhopalophthalmus tartessicus Vilas-Fernandez, Drake and Sorbe, to link salinity tolerances of different sex and life stages (adults and juveniles) to their spatial distributions within the Guadalquivir estuary, SW Spain. Despite being euryhaline, the three species of mysids were unevenly distributed along the saline gradient, with salinity being the environmental variable which best explained structure changes in the estuarine mysid assemblage. R. tartessicus remained confined to the outer and more marine part of the estuary and showed a higher temporal variation in its salinity-related distribution (position within the salinity gradient). M. slabberi and N. integer displayed wider estuarine distributions but remained associated with intermediate and low salinities, respectively. We found considerable inter- and intra-specific differences in tolerance to sudden salinity changes: N. integer, and juveniles of M. slabberi and R. tartessicus, showed a high tolerance to sudden salinity changes, whereas adults of M. slabberi and R. tartessicus were only tolerant to salinities close to their isosmotic points. For the less euryhaline species M. slabberi and R. tartessicus acclimation to unfavourable salinities decreased survival after exposure to sudden salinity changes. Both location and strength of the salinity gradient were important factors in determining spatial distribution, either directly to avoid osmotic stress and mortality risk (R. tartessicus and M. slabberi) or indirectly to reduce inter-specific mysid competition (N. integer). We suggest inter- and intra-specific euryhalinity differences determine the spatial distribution of mysids and the specific strategies they use to maintain this spatial structure in a highly variable environment.The study was supported by the Spanish MCYT project REN2000-0822 MAR, the Environmental and Fishery Agency of Autonomous Andalucia Government (“Consejería de Medio Ambiente” and “Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca: Junta de Andalucía”) and grants to C.V. from Spanish MCYT Pre-doctoral Fellow Program (FPI 2001-2005) and Post-doctoral Fellow Program (2006-2008) from the Spanish foundation Fundación Alfonso Martin Escudero.Peer reviewe