1 research outputs found

    Degradation of LIM domain-binding protein three during processing of Spanish dry-cured ham

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    Extensive proteolysis takes place during the processing of dry-cured ham due to the action of muscle peptidases. The aim of this work was to study the degradation of LIM domain binding protein 3 (LDB3), which is located at the Z-lines of the sarcomere, at different times during the Spanish dry-cured ham processing (2, 3.5, 5, 6.5, and 9 months). A total of 107 peptides have been identified by mass spectrometry, most of them generated from the first region of the protein sequence (position 1-90) providing evidence for the complexity and variability of proteolytic reactions throughout the whole process of dry-curing. Methionine oxidation has been observed in several peptides by the end of the process. The potential of some of the identified peptides to be used as biomarkers of dry-cured ham processing has also been considered. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.FPI Scholarship BES-2011-046096 from MINECO (Spain) to M.G. and grant AGL2010-16305 from MINECO and FEDER funds are fully acknowledged. JAEDOC CSIC postdoctoral contract to L.M. is also acknowledged. Capital infrastructure funding from the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) is acknowledged for purchase of the MS equipment. L.M. and P.D.F. are grateful to the EU-FP7 Marie Curie IEF scheme (FOOSAF project) for financial resources.Peer Reviewe