1 research outputs found

    Specific GATA factors act as conserved inducers of an endodermal-EMT

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    The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) converts cells from static epithelial to migratory mesenchymal states (Hay, 1995). Here, we demonstrate that EMT in the Drosophila endoderm is dependent on the GATA-factor Serpent (Srp), and that Srp acts as a potent trigger for this transition when activated ectopically. We show that Srp affects endodermal-EMT through a downregulation of junctional dE-Cadherin (dE-Cad) protein, without a block in its transcription. Moreover, the relocalization of dE-Cad is achieved through the direct repression of crumbs (crb) by Srp. Finally, we show that hGATA-6, an ortholog of Srp, induces a similar transition in mammalian cells. Similar to Srp, hGATA-6 acts through the downregulation of junctional E-Cad, without blocking its transcription, and induces the repression of a Crumbs ortholog, crb2. Together, these results identify a set of GATA factors as a conserved alternative trigger to repress epithelial characteristics and confer migratory capabilities on epithelial cells in development and pathogenesis.This work has been supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) and its Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program to J.C., X.F.-M., and E.B. We also acknowledge support from the Programa Juan de la Cierva (K.C.) and the European Research/nCouncil (ERC-FP7) (E.B.