1 research outputs found

    Surface waters of the NW Iberian margin: upwelling on the shelf versus outwelling of upwelled waters from the RĂ­as Baixas

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    A set of hydrographic surveys were carried out in the RĂ­a of Vigo (NW Spain) at 2–4 d intervals during four 2–3 week periods in 1997, covering contrasting seasons. Residual exchange fluxes with the adjacent shelf were estimated with a 2-D, non-steady-state, salinity–temperature weighted box model. Exchange fluxes consist of a steady-state term (dependent on the variability of continental runoff) and a non-steady-state term (dependent on the time changes of density gradients in the embayment). More than 95% of the short-time-scale variability of the exchange fluxes in the middle and outer rĂ­a can be explained by the non-steady-state term that, in turns, is correlated (R2>75%) with the offshore Ekman transport. Conversely, 96% of the variability of exchange fluxes in the inner rĂ­a rely on the steady-state term. The outer and middle rĂ­a are under the direct influence of coastal upwelling, which enhances the positive residual circulation pattern by an order of magnitude: from 10 2 to 10 3 m3s−1. On the contrary, downwelling provokes a reversal of the circulation in the outer rĂ­a. The position of the downwelling front along the embayment depends on the relative importance of Ekman transport (Qx, m3s−1km−1) and continental runoff (R, m3s−1). When Qx/ R>7±2 the reversal of the circulation affects the middle rĂ­a. Our results are representative for the ‘RĂ­as Baixas’, four large coastal indentations in NW Spain. During the upwelling season (spring and summer), 60% of shelf surface waters off the ‘RĂ­as Baixas’ consist of fresh Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) upwelled in situ. The remaining 40% consists of upwelled ENACW that previously enters the rĂ­as and it is subsequently outwelled after thermohaline modification. During the downwelling season (autumn and winter), 40% of the warm and salty oceanic subtropic surface water, which piled on the shelf by the predominant southerly winds, enters the rias