718 research outputs found

    Vaikų, sergančių disleksija, rišlusis pasakojimas: metodiniai tyrimo klausimai

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    The paper presents the methodology of narrative elicitation of dyslexic children. The experimentwas conducted in Saint Petersburg (Russia) testing 9–10 year old children. The experimental group consisted of 12 children with dyslexia, and a control group contained 12 peers without any developmental disorders. Each of the subjects performed two tasks: storytelling according to a picture sequence and retelling another picture sequence. The narrative elicitation procedure was controlled from the perspective of story complexity,task order and story mode. The descriptive statistical analysis evaluated the impact of particular types of narrative elicitation on a quality of narrative in the experimental and control groups. A statistically significant difference of the impact of task order, narrative mode, and story complexity on the narrative of dyslexic children encourages to study the methodology of narrative analysis even more comprehensively and be especially careful in selecting visual stimuli for populations with atypical language development.Straipsnyje pristatomas rišliojo pasakojimo metodikos tyrimas1, atliktas Sankt Peterburge (Rusija) testuojant 9–10 metų vaikus. Eksperimentinę grupę sudarė 12 vaikų, sergančių disleksija, kontrolinę grupę – 12 vaikų, neturinčių jokių raidos sutrikimų. Kiekvienas vaikas atliko dvi užduotis: kūrė pasakojimą pagal paveikslėlių seką ir atpasakojo tyrėjo perskaitytą pasakojimą pagal kitą paveikslėlių seką. Rišliųjų pasakojimų išgavimo procedūra buvo subalansuota pasakojimo tipo, sudėtingumo ir eiliškumo atžvilgiu. Statistinės aprašomosios analizės metu ištirtas kiekvienos rišliojo pasakojimo išgavimo schemos poveikis eksperimentinės ir kontrolinės grupės pasakojimų kokybei. Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas vertinant pasakojimo eiliškumo, tipo ir sudėtingumo poveikį disleksija sergančių vaikų pasakojimams skatina atidžiau pažvelgti į rišliojo pasakojimo analizės metodiką, ir atsargiai rinktis vaizdinius stimulus, padedančius išgauti rišlųjį pasakojimą

    Glazba i djeca s posebnim potrebama

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    Djeca s posebnim potrebama su djeca kojima je potrebna dodatna podrška u procesu njihovog odgoja i obrazovanja. U ovu skupinu djece ubrajamo djecu s teškoćama, koja mogu imati prisutne različite teškoće u određenim područjima, te darovitu djecu, koja mogu imati izražene posebne potrebe u zadovoljavanju njihovih znanja, želja i interesa. Glazba može imati ulogu sredstva komunikacije u radu s djecom s posebnim potrebama. Glazba ujedno odražava dječje misli, osjećaje i doživljaje, ali služi i kao pomoć u razvoju sposobnosti i psihičkih funkcija djece. Glazboterapijom zadovoljavaju se djetetove fizičke, psihičke, emocionalne i socijalne potrebe. Glazboterapija je postala metoda koja se koristi kao veliki motivator koji ima značajan terapeutski učinak na djecu s posebnim potrebama.Children with special needs are children who need additional support in the process of Early Childhood Education and Care. In these group we include children with disabilities who may have different difficulties in certain areas, and gifted children who may have special needs in satisfying their knowledge, wishes and interests. Music can play the role of communication in working with children with special needs. Music also reflects children's thoughts, feelings and experiences, but also serves as an aid in the development of child's abilities and mental functions. Music therapy meets the child's physical, mental, emotional and social needs. It has become a method used as a major motivator that has a significant therapeutic effect on children with special needs

    Developmental Coordination Disorder, Historical Beginnings and Development

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    This article contains theoretical analysis about Developmental Coordination Disorder historical evolution. Studies include a wide variation in terminology and criteria to describe . Developmental Coordination Disorder. Developmental Coordination Disorder is a complex neurological condition, which affects muscle coordination and perception

    Improvement of Visual and Spatial Conceptions in Students with Dyslexia

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    Article is devoted to reveal how to improve visual and spatial conceptions in students with dyslexia. Theoretical framework of notions is presented and some practical activities are revealed. Basic concepts of dyslexia are presented and significance of visual and spatial development is described. Some practical aspects are described and stated. There are offered correctional developmental action models and the principles of selection and use of the tasks. The continuity and gradual increase of the difficulty degree is essential for the success of the adjustment and achievement of sustainable results.The latest researches in the neuropsychology have made major contribution to the understanding of the visual-spatial development and its importance during the learning process of reading literacy.They also provide insight into the relationship with specific reading disabilities and justify the necessity and possibilities of correction of visual-spatial perception disorders and deficiencies


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    The article is devoted to evaluate the correlation among dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia in students with learning dysabilities. There is a point of view that students with learning dysabilities mostly have dyspraxia, but not all of them have dyscalculia or dyslexia. There is a necessity to have theoretical findings and state criteria for evaluation to carry out empirical research. Students with learning dysabilities have difficulties in many areas, but it is not possible to assure that all of them meet the same problems


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    The paper describes research on the situation in the primary education classrooms of Latvian educational institutions regarding the detection and correction of reading disorders and dyslexia in the framework of the Erasmus + K2 project "Dyslexia Assessment Protocol (DAP)" (2019-1-LV01-KA201-060355). The results of research showed that the behaviour of primary school teachers in situations, when reading disorders are identified, varies, but most of the correction work and support in educational institutions is provided by the speech therapist. It is important to carry out the professional development of primary school teachers by providing an understanding of the terms "reading disorders" and "dyslexia", knowledge of further actions in reading disorders and dyslexia cases, support opportunities for pupils and parents, as well as collaboration with a speech therapist. Teachers recognize the need for a common methodological material for native language teachers for work with children with reading disorders or dyslexia in order to ensure that teachers, regardless of professional experience or knowledge, work as homogeneous as possible. It would also serve as a good argument for talking to pupils' parents

    Dyslexia and dysgraphia in younger school-age children

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    U radu se predstavljaju promišljanja o teoriji i praksi u kontekstu disleksije i(li) disgrafije u djece mlađe školske dobi. Polazi se od problematike definiranja i označavanja navedenih pojava te se razmatraju suprotstavljene strane njihovih obilježja. U tome se kontekstu razmatraju i odrednice te smjernice u nacionalnim obrazovnim dokumentima kao i individualizacijski pristupi s obzirom na dobre i loše strane obilježja tih dviju pojava. Osim toga, u obzir se uzima istraživanjem utvrđena činjenica o razlikama u procjeni ispitanika i svjetskih stručnjaka o broju učenika kod kojih (ni)su detektirane te jezične teškoće. S tim se u vezi promišlja o statusu, posljedicama i opravdanosti određenih individualizacijskih pristupa tim učenicima te nužnosti promjene društvene percepcije prema disleksiji i(li) disgrafiji.The paper deals with reflections about theory and practice in the context of dyslexia and dysgraphia in children of younger school age. The starting point is defining and denoting the mentioned phenomena and discussing the opposing sides of their features. In this context, the entries and guidelines in national educational documents are also considered, as well as the individualization approaches taking into account the good and bad aspects of these two phenomena. Additionally, overall picture of established differences in assessment of respondents and world experts on the number of students with (non)detected language difficulties is taken into account. With regard to this, one considers the status, consequences and justification of certain individualization approaches to these students, as well as the necessity of changing the social perception of dyslexia and (or) dysgraphia

    Correlations between Reading Disabilities and Learning Disabilities

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    The article is devoted to reveal correlations between reading disabilities and learning disabilities. These problems need to be explained and teachers need to have reasonable solutions. Number of school-children with learning disabilities is increasing and teacher is not able to find the best and most precise ways of diagnostics and treatment/intervention. Causes of learning disabilities are different: brain damage or distorted functioning of it; auditory or visual perception and operating problems; language acquisition or processing problems etc. Symptoms are mostly noticed in the main areas – reading, writing and mathematics. Reading disabilities are one of the most obvious and serious problems which are to be noticed and taken into account in teacher’s actions. It is necessary to diminish dropouts and to promote success of school-children. Main ideas of dyslexia are mentioned the same as findings in learning disabilities. Early warning signs of learning disabilities are mentioned and some suggestions for intervention are stated in this article


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    Early detection of dyslexia in school

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    Disleksija je jedna od teškoća vezana uz učenje. Prvenstveno se očituje kod čitanja i pisanja, ali je moguća pojava i drugih simptoma poput zbunjenosti u vremenu i prostoru, nesigurnost pri obavljanju automatskih radnji ili zaboravljanje nekih događaja. Sve veći problem predstavlja rano otkrivanje simptoma iz razloga što odgajatelji i učitelji nisu kompetentni u tom području te nemaju dovoljno znanja i iskustva s takvom djecom da bi prepoznali disleksiju te na vrijeme reagirali. Iz tog razloga ovaj rad stavlja naglasak na edukaciju kadra koji radi s djecom, prilagodbu nastavnog gradiva, načina ocjenjivanja i praćenja rada učenika s disleksijom, ali i prilagodbu materijala te komunikaciju roditelja i školskog sustava. U okviru toga, prikazani su najčešći simptomi povezani sa čitanjem, pisanjem i matematikom te najefikasnije metode poučavanja. Dio rada posvećen je testovima za otkrivanje disleksije, ali i problematici nestandardiziranih testova. Veliku ulogu u poboljšanju načina edukacije učenika s disleksijom ima i u uvođenje asistenata u nastavu te zapošljavanje većeg broja logopeda u vrtiće i škole. Na kraju su navedene organizacije koje se u Hrvatskoj i svijetu bave ovim područjem, njihov način rada, stručnjaci, ali i problematika rada vezana uz procjenjivanje ove teškoće. Osnovni cilj rada je upoznati čitatelje sa važnošću prilagodbe sustava obrazovanja učenicima s teškoćama, ali i važnosti što ranije intervencije, provođenja radionica i edukacija te pružanja psihološke podrške