535 research outputs found


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    U radu se daje psihodinamika i sociodinamika razvoja čovjeka od rođenja do zrelosti. Jedni idu u zrelost postupno i sigurno i stječu sposobnost objektivnosti, ljubavi i vjere u mogućnosti, a drugi su zaustavljeni patnjama koje prate zavist, ljubomoru, pohlepu i mržnju i mogu postati opasni po zajednicu kada ove emocije poprime ekstremne oblike destruktivnih strasti. Obiteljski uvjeti razvoja povezani su sa širim društvenim i uopće kulturnim uvjetima, pa utječu na oblikovanje i kvalitetu, kako osobnog tako i društvenog karakternog sustava. U kontekstu ovih spoznaja, autori pokušavaju pronaći uzroke antagonizma između srpske i hrvatske nacionalne zajednice, posebno u sadašnjoj agresiji Srbije i Jugoslavenske armije na Hrvatsku. Otkrivanjem etiologije iracionalnih postupaka agresora, autori nude i terapijski postupak.The paper is concerned with the psycho- and sociodynamics of human development from birth to maturity. Some people approach maturity gradually and steadily, acquiring a potential for objectivity, love and faith in possibilities, while others are thwarted by sufferings associated with envy, jealousy, greed and hate which may eventually, should these emotions assume the extreme forms of destructive passions, become dangerous for the community. Circumstances affecting development within the family are closely associated with broader social and cultural relationships and are therefore essential for shaping of both individual and social character traits. In the light of these facts, the authors have attempted to discover the causes of antagonism between the Serbian and Croatian national communities, especially within the context of the present aggression of Serbia and Yugoslav Federal Army against Croatia. By establishing the etiology of the aggressor’s irrational acts, the authors have suggested possible therapeutic approaches

    An essay on man\u27s behaviour during the war in Croatia in the years 1991/92

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    Na dan Uskrsa 1991. godine Hrvatska je napadnuta, čime je započeo brutalan rat. Povijest ne bilježi takav tip stradanja i razaranja Europe od invazije Skita i Turaka. Težina zločina osupnjuje promatrača, zbog čega je teško razmišljati o duhovnoj fiziologiji napadača. Autor pokušava u mitskom mišljenju nači mentalnu podlogu agresorskog ponašanja. Mitsko se miš­ljenje može definirati kao fenomen funkcije čovjekova mozga, koji proizvodi jaku samousmjerenu energiju, s apriorističkim otklanjanjem drugih miš­ljenja. Razumsko promišljanje, kao odvaga različitih koncepata i probir najpogodnijeg , uznapredovala je razina intelektualnih funkcija. Potreban je napor u bavljenju mnoštvom mogućnosti zbog čega se javlja unutarnja nesigurnosrt. Zbog toga se javlja sklonost retrakciji prema mitskom mišljenju i prividnoj sigurnosti. Takvo je suženje začeta točka ideologija, koje mogu dovesti do aberantnog individualnog i kolektivnog ponašanja. Mitsko mišljenje pokazuje jaku udružnu energiju među ljudima. Tako sinkronizirana snaga može proizvesti vrlo destruktivno ponašanje čovjeka. Jednom kada je ustanovljena mitska rezonancija duha množnine, potrebna je enormna intelektualna energija za proboj rigidnog okvira demonizirane opsesije. U urušavanju komunizma neki navodi nisu uspjeli probiti mitski duhovni koncept, zbog čega su se javili odskoči u teško destruktivno ponašanje. Rat u Hrvatskoj je proizvod takve mitske tautologije u duhovnom svijetu agresora. Taj rat je najtragičniji primjer dubine stradanja kojeg je u padu proizveo raspad komunizma. Autor analizira odnos pravnih i moralnih odrednica ponašanja čovjeka. Sučeljene su kulturalne i tradicijske odlike agresora i branitelja, kao i njihovo ponašanje u raspadu komunizma i ratu. Zdravstvena služba Hrvatske otkrila je novu dimenziju profesionalne medicinske etike. U direktnoj životnoj ugroženosti liječništvo je održalo etičke norme ponašanja u kantovskom smislu značenja moralnog. Arbitri rata, Europska zajednica i Ujedinjeni narodi pokazali su dvoličnost u svojem shvaćanju demokratskog i pravde, što je perpetuiralo divljačko ponašanje agresora. Autor pokušava naći pozitivnu dimenziju ratnog razaranja Hrvatske. On ističe daje narod napadnute zemlje započeo i proživljava latentnu nacionalnu renesansu, u mnogim pogledima, svim stradanjima usprkos.Starting with the Easter Sunday of 1991 the Republic of Croatia has been thrown into a brutal war, the sort of which has not been experienced since the time of Scytnian and Turkish invasions into Europe. Brutality and bestiality overwhelms the capacity of mankind to understand the underlying mental concepts. This text is an attempt to give a comprehensive approach to the problem. The author tries to interpret the behaviour of the aggressors through the mythical spiritual phenomena. Mythical thought is described as a primordial phenomenon of human brain function, which gives a very strong self-centered energy, with the aprioristic rejection of others people"s thoughts. Reasnonig, as weighing of various concepts against each other and selection of the most suitable one, is an advanced faculty of the human brain. It takes an intellectual effort to deal with the plethora of possibili Due to that, there is a tendency of mental retraction to mythical self contained spiritual comfort. Such narrowed horizons are the starting points of ideological adherence to the collective behaviour level, which might be quite abessant. Mythical thought exerts a strong aggregative power among the people. Such synchronized power might produce very destructive human behaviour. Once mythical resonance has been established it is difficult to defrom it. Very demanding intellectual effort is required for braking the rigid conceptual framework of collective demonized obsession. The last four years of the communist world desintegration have witnessed several examples of mental inability to step out of the mythical spiritual tautology. Due to such mythical obsession, aggressors have performed the harshest military attacks against Croatia, with the most tragic consequences of such destructive behaviour. The author analyzes the judicial and moral determinants of human behaviour. The cultural and traditional features of the aggressors as well as of the defendors of invanded country, have been briefly outlined. Their behaviour in the war has been compared. Human Health Service of Croatia has established a new dimesion of professional ethics. The priciples of ethics have been maintained in literary Katian sense, even under the harshest direct attacks of the raging invading wariors. The politicians of the Europian Community and the United Nations have demonstrated a transparent hypocrisy in their understanding and interpretation of democracy. Their hesitation to recognize the self-determination rights has encouraged the aggressors. The author attempts to extract a positive dimension from the atrocities of the war. He thinks that the people of the invanded country have entered into the historical cycle of renaissance, both spiritual and economic

    Problemi u ponašanju i obrasci ponašanja u sukobima kod učenika osnovne škole

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    Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati različite aspekte zaštite i rizika za probleme u ponašanju kao i obrazaca ponašanja u sukobima. Samoprocijenjeni rizici i zaštite grupirani su u tri dimenzije: omiljenost u društvu vršnjaka, internalizirani rizik školske fobije zbog ispitivanja i eksternalizirani rizik destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima. U istraživanju su sudjelovali učenici i roditelji iz 3 osnovne škole u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji. Suglasnost za provođenje istraživanja dao je 271 roditelj, te je ukupno 271 učenika i njihovih roditelja pristupilo istraživanju. U svrhu prikupljanja podataka korišten je Upitnik za roditelje i Upitnik za učenike. Upitnikom za roditelje ispitivale su se procjene obrasca ponašanja učenika u sukobima, a Upitnikom za učenike ispitivali su se samoprocijenjeni rizici i zaštite kod učenika osnovne škole. Prema osnovnim rezultatima istraživanja utvrđeno je kako učenici procjenjuju da se zaštitna dimenzija omiljenosti u društvu vršnjaka skoro gotovo uvijek odnosi na njih, dok se internalizirani rizik fobije zbog školskog ispitivanja odnosi rijetko na njih, a eksternalizirani rizik destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima vrlo rijetko. Dječaci više iskazuju destruktivnost prema ljudima i stvarima nego djevojčice. Također je utvrđeno kako postoji niska negativna povezanost između omiljenosti u društvu vršnjaka i destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima. Utvrđeno je što je učenik mlađi to se više osjeća omiljenim u društvu vršnjaka. Roditelji su procijenili kako njihova djeca u sukobima ponekad do uglavnom prihvaćaju obrazac suradnje u sukobima, dok se obrazac pobjeđivanja i izbjegavanja uglavnom ne odnosi na njihovu djecu. Roditelji su ujedno procijenili kako kod djevojčica vide više obrasca suradnje u sukobima nego od dječaka. Utvrđena je niska pozitivna povezanost između zaštitne dimenzije omiljenosti u društvu i suradnje u sukobima, niska i negativna povezanost između zaštitne dimenzije omiljenosti u društvu vršnjaka i pobjeđivanja u sukobima, niska i pozitivna povezanost između internaliziranog rizika školske fobije zbog ispitivanja i učenikovog izbjegavanja u sukobima te niska pozitivna povezanost između eksternaliziranog rizika destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima i obrasca pobjeđivanja u sukobima. Doprinos ovog rada je u širenju mogućnosti pravovremenog identificiranja učenika koji imaju potrebu za dodatnom podrškom u školskom okruženju kao i predlaganje elemenata preventivnog programa.The main goal of this thesis was to determine the self-assessed risk and protection factors for behaviour problems and their correlation with conflict behaviour patterns of elementary school students. The self-assessed risk and protection factors were grouped along three dimensions: popularity among peers, the internalised risk of school refusal for fear of examination, and the externalised risk of destructive behaviour toward people and things. Students and their parents from three elementary schools in the Sisak-Moslavina County took part in the study. Consent for participation in the study was given by 271 parents and a total of 271 students and parents participated in the study. The data were collected with two questionnaires, one for the parents and one for the students. The Parent questionnaire elicited evaluations of students' conflict beahviour patterns, while the Student questionnaire elicited the students' self-assessed risk and protection factors. The results indicate that the protective dimension of popularity among peers is almost always perceived by the students as pertaining to themselves, while the internalised risk of school refusal for fear of examination and the externalised risk of destructive behaviour toward people and things are rarely and very rarely perceived as such respectively. Boys act more destructively toward people and things than girls. Also, there is a low negative correlation between popularity among peers and destructiveness toward people and things. The younger the student is, the more he/she believes to be popular among peers. The parents reported that in conflicts their children sometimes to most of the times accept the cooperation conflict pattern, while the avoiding and winning patterns do not pertain to their children. The parents also reported that girls display the cooperation conflict pattern more often than boys. A low positive correlation between the protective dimensions of popularity among peers and conflict cooperation, a low negative correlation between popularity among peers and winning in conflicts, a low positive correlation between the internalised risk of school refusal for fear of examination and conflict avoidance, and a low positive correlation between the externalised risk of destructive behavious toward people and things and the winning conflict pattern have been established. This thesis expands on the possibilities of timely identification of students in need of additional support at school and it provides suggestions for preventive programmes

    Problemi u ponašanju i obrasci ponašanja u sukobima kod učenika osnovne škole

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    Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati različite aspekte zaštite i rizika za probleme u ponašanju kao i obrazaca ponašanja u sukobima. Samoprocijenjeni rizici i zaštite grupirani su u tri dimenzije: omiljenost u društvu vršnjaka, internalizirani rizik školske fobije zbog ispitivanja i eksternalizirani rizik destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima. U istraživanju su sudjelovali učenici i roditelji iz 3 osnovne škole u Sisačko-moslavačkoj županiji. Suglasnost za provođenje istraživanja dao je 271 roditelj, te je ukupno 271 učenika i njihovih roditelja pristupilo istraživanju. U svrhu prikupljanja podataka korišten je Upitnik za roditelje i Upitnik za učenike. Upitnikom za roditelje ispitivale su se procjene obrasca ponašanja učenika u sukobima, a Upitnikom za učenike ispitivali su se samoprocijenjeni rizici i zaštite kod učenika osnovne škole. Prema osnovnim rezultatima istraživanja utvrđeno je kako učenici procjenjuju da se zaštitna dimenzija omiljenosti u društvu vršnjaka skoro gotovo uvijek odnosi na njih, dok se internalizirani rizik fobije zbog školskog ispitivanja odnosi rijetko na njih, a eksternalizirani rizik destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima vrlo rijetko. Dječaci više iskazuju destruktivnost prema ljudima i stvarima nego djevojčice. Također je utvrđeno kako postoji niska negativna povezanost između omiljenosti u društvu vršnjaka i destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima. Utvrđeno je što je učenik mlađi to se više osjeća omiljenim u društvu vršnjaka. Roditelji su procijenili kako njihova djeca u sukobima ponekad do uglavnom prihvaćaju obrazac suradnje u sukobima, dok se obrazac pobjeđivanja i izbjegavanja uglavnom ne odnosi na njihovu djecu. Roditelji su ujedno procijenili kako kod djevojčica vide više obrasca suradnje u sukobima nego od dječaka. Utvrđena je niska pozitivna povezanost između zaštitne dimenzije omiljenosti u društvu i suradnje u sukobima, niska i negativna povezanost između zaštitne dimenzije omiljenosti u društvu vršnjaka i pobjeđivanja u sukobima, niska i pozitivna povezanost između internaliziranog rizika školske fobije zbog ispitivanja i učenikovog izbjegavanja u sukobima te niska pozitivna povezanost između eksternaliziranog rizika destruktivnosti prema ljudima i stvarima i obrasca pobjeđivanja u sukobima. Doprinos ovog rada je u širenju mogućnosti pravovremenog identificiranja učenika koji imaju potrebu za dodatnom podrškom u školskom okruženju kao i predlaganje elemenata preventivnog programa.The main goal of this thesis was to determine the self-assessed risk and protection factors for behaviour problems and their correlation with conflict behaviour patterns of elementary school students. The self-assessed risk and protection factors were grouped along three dimensions: popularity among peers, the internalised risk of school refusal for fear of examination, and the externalised risk of destructive behaviour toward people and things. Students and their parents from three elementary schools in the Sisak-Moslavina County took part in the study. Consent for participation in the study was given by 271 parents and a total of 271 students and parents participated in the study. The data were collected with two questionnaires, one for the parents and one for the students. The Parent questionnaire elicited evaluations of students' conflict beahviour patterns, while the Student questionnaire elicited the students' self-assessed risk and protection factors. The results indicate that the protective dimension of popularity among peers is almost always perceived by the students as pertaining to themselves, while the internalised risk of school refusal for fear of examination and the externalised risk of destructive behaviour toward people and things are rarely and very rarely perceived as such respectively. Boys act more destructively toward people and things than girls. Also, there is a low negative correlation between popularity among peers and destructiveness toward people and things. The younger the student is, the more he/she believes to be popular among peers. The parents reported that in conflicts their children sometimes to most of the times accept the cooperation conflict pattern, while the avoiding and winning patterns do not pertain to their children. The parents also reported that girls display the cooperation conflict pattern more often than boys. A low positive correlation between the protective dimensions of popularity among peers and conflict cooperation, a low negative correlation between popularity among peers and winning in conflicts, a low positive correlation between the internalised risk of school refusal for fear of examination and conflict avoidance, and a low positive correlation between the externalised risk of destructive behavious toward people and things and the winning conflict pattern have been established. This thesis expands on the possibilities of timely identification of students in need of additional support at school and it provides suggestions for preventive programmes

    Cross-validation of amorality scale and dark triad scales

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    U nastojanju da istraže strukturu psihopatije i razviju instrumente koji bi bili upotrebljivi u kliničkom i istraživačkom kontekstu, referentni autori su produkovali značajan broj ček-lista, dijagnostičkih kriterijuma i upitnika. Naše istraživanje je imalo za cilj da unakrsno validira dve savremene operacionalizacije unutrašnjih dispozicija antisocijalnog ponašanja. Paulus i Vilijams (2002) smatraju da se „crna trijada“ ličnosti može opisati putem tri povezana, ali nezavisna konstrukta: makijavelizma (merenog putem MACH-IV skale), psihopatije (SRP) i narcisizma (NPI). Ekstremni skorovi na pomenutim instrumentima, tvrde autori, odlikuju socijalno malevolentnu ličnost. Sa druge strane, skala amoralnosti Kneževića i Radovića (1998) mapira dispozicije koje se nalaze u osnovi amoralnog ponašanja. Konstrukt amorala je strukturalno prikazan putem devet dimenzija, koje se grupišu oko tri faktora drugog reda. Bliskost dve operacionalizacije najpre je proveravana pomoću Pirsonovih koeficijenata linearne korelacije. Nalazi svedoče o povezanosti (1) makijavelizma sa (MACH-IV) sa dimenzijama resentimana (r=.44, p<.01), destruktivnosti (r=.40, p<.01) i sadizma (r=.30, p<.01); (2) narcisizma (NPI) sa resentimanom (r=.47, p<.01) i makijavelizmom (r=.42, p<.01); (3) psihopatije sa resentimanom, niskom kontrolom i destruktivnošću (.39, .38., .35, datim redosledom; p<.01). Rezultati kanoničke korelacione analize sugerišu da „crna trijada“ ne uključuje one apsekte dispozicija za amoralno ponašanje koji se odnose na agresivnost iz brutalnosti, a koji su predstavljeni u modelu amorala. Drugim rečima, čini se da je Kneževićev model komprehenzivniji, odnosno da obuhvata širi raspon ličnosnih dispozicija za devijantna ponašanja.In an effort to explore the structure of psychopathy and to develop instruments which could be applied in both clinical and scientific context, a significant number of check-lists, diagnostic criterias and questionnaires have been developed by relevant authors (Hare, 1985, 1991, 1997, 2003; Edens et al., 2006; Coid & Yang, 2008). The aim of this research was to cross-validate two contemporary operationalizations of internal dispositions of antisocial behavior. Paulhus and Williams (2002) assumed that the „dark triad“ of personality can be described through three combined, but independent constructs: Machiavellianism (measured by MACH-IV scale), Psychopathy (SRP) and Narcissism (NPI). Extreme scores on above mentioned instruments characterize a socially malevolent personality. In addition, a scale of amorality (Knezevic and Radovic, 2003), maps dispositions which are in the core of amoral behavior. The construct of amorality is structurally presented through nine dimensions which are grouped around three second order factors. The overlapping of the two operationalizations is firstly checked by Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. Results suggest connection of: (1) Machiavellianism (MACH-IV) with dimensions of resentment (r=.44, p<.01), destructiveness (r=.40, p<.01) and sadism (r=.30, p<.01); (2) narcissism (NPI) with resentment (r=.47, p<.01) and machiavellianism (r=.42, p<.01); (3) psychopathy with resentment, low control and destructiveness (.39, .38., .35, respectively; p<.01). Results of canonic correlation and multiple regression analyses suggest that „dark triad“ does not include those aspects of dispositions for amoral behavior which regard aggression driven from brutality and which is proposed in the model of amorality. In the other words, Knezevic’s model is more comprehensive in the matter that it involves a wider range of personality dispositions for deviant behavior

    Utjecaj lova na razvoj čovjeka. Pokušaj ekohistorijskog uvida

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    Psihički razvoj djeteta od rođenja do 12. godine

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