18,367 research outputs found

    Cognitive Cliches

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    This paper is an exploration of a wide class of mental structures called cognitive cliches that support intermediate methods that are moderately general purpose, in that a few of them will probably be applicable to any given task; efficient; but not individually particularly powerful. These structures are useful in representation, learning, and reasoning of various sorts. Together they form a general theory of special cases. A cognitive cliche is a pattern that is commonly found in representations and, when recognized, can be exploited by applying the intermediate methods attached to it. The flavor of the idea is perhaps best conveyed by some examples: TRANSITIVITY, CROSS PRODUCTS, SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION, CONTAINMENT, ENABLEMENT, PATHS, RESOURCES, and PROPAGATION are all cognitive cliches.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator


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    Розглянуто особливості використання кліше у конструкціях з комунікатив-ним завданням «відповідь на питання» – респонсивних реченнях. Респонсиви, що є шаблонними висловлюваннями в англійській мові, досліджено у семантичному, лексичному та структурному аспектах. У теоретичному плані вказані синтаксичні одиниці аналізуються як такі, що мають свої диференційні ознаки та відрізняються за комунікавною метою від інших. Простежено взаємозв’язок між адресованим реченням (розповідним, питальним чи спонукальним) та реченням-реакцією (відповіддю). Наведено приклади вживання різноманітних кліше-респонсивів. Розглянутоспецифіку клішованих респонсивних речень – відповідей на привітання, прощання, звертання тощо. Особливу увагу звернено на загальні ознаки кліше-респонсивів та їх відмінності від інших типів респонсивних речень. Синтаксичні одиниці, що розглядаються, досліджено як такі, що належать до нефункціонального респонсиву, тобто представляють собою речення, що не дають прямої відповіді на поставлене запитання. Клішовані елементи діалогу є мовними формулами, що сприяють полегшенню процесу комунікації та є легко відтворюваними у певних умовах та контекстах. Респонсивні речення, що представлені кліше, мають значне функціональне навантаження: вказані комунікативні одиниці використовуються практично в усіх сферах людської діяльності. Кліше-респонсиви також є невід’ємною частиною процесу вивчення інозеної мови та пов’язані з отриманням навичок усного мовлення,опануванням граматичних та лексичних особливостей мови.Ключові слова: респонсивне речення, клішовані елементи діалогу, синтаксична одиниця, лексичний матеріал, семантичний аспект.Рассмотрены особенности использования клише в конструкциях с коммуни-кативным заданием «ответ на вопрос» – респонсивных предложениях. Респонсвы, являющиеся шаблонными выражениями в английском языке, исследованы в семантическом, лексическом и структурном аспектах. В теоретическом плане указанные синтаксические единицы анализируются как имеющие свои дифференциальные признаки и отличающиеся от других единиц. Прослежена связь между адресованной фразой (повествовательной, вопросительной или побудительной) и предложением-реакцией (ответом). Приведены примеры использования разнообразных клише-респонсивов. Рассмотрена специфика клишированных респонсивных предложений – ответов на приветствие, прощание, обращение и т.п. Особенное внимание обращено на общие признаки клише-респонсивов и их отличие от других типов респонсивных предложений. Рассматриваемые синтаксические единицы исследованы как относящиеся к нефункциональному респонсиву, т.е. они представляют собой предложения, не дающие прямого ответа на поставленный вопрос. Клишированные элементы диалога являются языковыми формулами, которые облегчают процесс коммуникации, и, кроме этого, легко воспроизводятся в определенных обстоятельствах и контекстах. Респонсивные предложения, представленные клише, имеют значительную функциональную нагрузку: указанные коммуникативные единицы используются практически во всех сферах человеческой деятельности. Клише-респонсивы являются также неотъемлемой частью процесса обучения иностранным языкам и связаны с получением навыков устной речи, усвоением грамматических и лексических особенностей языка.Ключевые слова: респонсивное предложение, клишированные элемеенты диалога, синтаксическая единица, лексический материал, семантический аспект.The article deals with the peculiarities of clichés usage in the constructions with the communicative task «the answer to the question» – responsive sentences. Responsives, which are stereotyped expressions in the English language, are investigated in semantic, lexical and structural aspects. In theoretical aspect the above-mentioned syntactic units are analyzed as the ones having their differential features and different from other ones according to the aim of communication. The article traces the relationship between the sentence addressed (declarative, interrogative or imperative) and the sentence-response(answer). Examples of the usage of various clichés-responsives are presented. The specificity of clichés-responsive sentences – answers to the greeting, saying good-bye, addressing and so on is considered. Special attention is paid to common features of cliché-responsives and their difference from other types of responsive sentences. Syntactic units under review are investigated as belonging to the non-functional responsives, which are sentences thatdo not give a direct answer to the question. Cliché dialogue elements are linguistic formulas that contribute to facilitation of the communication process and are easily reproducible in certain circumstances and contexts. Responsive sentences that are clichés have significant functional loading: these communication units are used in practically all spheres of human activity. Clichés-responsives are also an integral part of foreign language learning and they are connected with the obtaining of oral communication skills, mastering grammatical and lexical features of the language.Keywords: responsive sentence, cliché elements of dialogue, syntactic units, lexical material, semantic aspect

    Gender and Videogames: The political valency of Lara Croft

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    The Face: Is Lara a feminist icon or a sexist fantasy? Toby Gard: Neither and a bit of both. Lara was designed to be a tough, self-reliant, intelligent woman. She confounds all the sexist cliches apart from the fact that she’s got an unbelievable figure. Strong, independent women are the perfect fantasy girls—the untouchable is always the most desirable (Interview with Lara’s creator Toby Gard in The Face magazine, June 1997)

    Ethics and TV: common ground, cliches and some doubts

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    Ethics and TV: common ground, cliches and some doubt

    Programming Cliches and Cliche Extraction

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    This paper is a revision of an earlier Bachelor's thesis.The programmer's apprentice (PA) is an automated program development tool. The PA depends upon a library of common algorithms (cliches) as the source of its knowledge about programming. The PA can be made more usable if programmers not familiar with its implementation can add programming knowledge to the PA's library. This paper describes cliches and a technique for adding them to the library. Because cliches often do not correspond to complete code, the library can not simply be a collection of programs. Instead, a plan representation is used. The approach taken for adding knowledge to the library is one of cliche extraction. A program containing a particular cliche is converted to its plan. The plan is pruned, with the results of the pruned plan being displayed in a code-like form. Eventually, only the cliche remains. The cliche is then added to the library.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator

    New Frontiers In Christian Fiction

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    Christian fiction must strive for a new quality of writing and be willing to go beyond what is safe if it is going to have an impact outside the church. Although such fiction may include language and situations that are not acceptable among Christians, it will glorify God by presenting the world as he sees it and grappling with deep spiritual issues rather than using cliches to brush over them. Librarians should support quality Christian fiction by purchasing it, recommending it and praying for those in the publishing industry

    Space Communications Artificial Intelligence for Link Evaluation Terminal (SCAILET)

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    A software application to assis end-users of the Link Evaluation Terminal (LET) for satellite communication is being developed. This software application incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and will be deployed as an interface to LET. The high burst rate (HBR) LET provides 30 GHz transmitting/20 GHz receiving, 220/110 Mbps capability for wideband communications technology experiments with the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS). The HBR LET and ACTS are being developed at the NASA Lewis Research Center. The HBR LET can monitor and evaluate the integrity of the HBR communications uplink and downlink to the ACTS satellite. The uplink HBR transmission is performed by bursting the bit-pattern as a modulated signal to the satellite. By comparing the transmitted bit pattern with the received bit pattern, HBR LET can determine the bit error rate BER) under various atmospheric conditions. An algorithm for power augmentation is applied to enhance the system's BER performance at reduced signal strength caused by adverse conditions. Programming scripts, defined by the design engineer, set up the HBR LET terminal by programming subsystem devices through IEEE488 interfaces. However, the scripts are difficult to use, require a steep learning curve, are cryptic, and are hard to maintain. The combination of the learning curve and the complexities involved with editing the script files may discourage end-users from utilizing the full capabilities of the HBR LET system. An intelligent assistant component of SCAILET that addresses critical end-user needs in the programming of the HBR LET system as anticipated by its developers is described. A close look is taken at the various steps involved in writing ECM software for a C&P, computer and at how the intelligent assistant improves the HBR LET system and enhances the end-user's ability to perform the experiments

    God Talk: The Triteness and Truth in Christian Cliches (Book Review)

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    Reviewed Title: God Talk: The Triteness and Truth in Christian Cliches, by Randall Vander Mey (Downers Grover, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993). 193 pages

    Misconceptions of culture in cross cultural business and management studies

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    In this paper, I critique the cliched representations of culture in the general context of cross-cultural business and management studies. My primary objective is to demonstrate how a lack of conceptualisation of culture has resulted in the proliferation of misconceptions and cultural stereotypes. I identify some possible causes for the creation and acceleration of these cliches. Then, using the example of 'global culture', I seek to question some of the underpinning assumptions about the very essence of culture. I intend to create awareness about the potential risks of oversimplification of certain terms and concepts and call for more in depth treatment of culture in the broad area of business and management context

    Gian Lombardo\u27s \u3cem\u3eSky Open Again\u3c/em\u3e

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