532 research outputs found

    Bioactive compounds glucosinolates and polyphenols in florets, leaves and stems of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.)

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    Brokula (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.) je povrće koje se smatra izvornim oblikom cvjetače, a uzgaja se zbog zelenih cvjetnih izdanaka smještenih na razgranatoj mekanoj stabljici. Brokula je bogata bioaktivnim spojevima, glukozinolatima i polifenolima te se uvelike istražuje radi njihova korisnog djelovanja na ljudsko zdravlje. U literaturi je mnogo više radova o sastavu i udjelima bioaktivnih spojeva u cvatu nego u listovima i stabljici biljke. U ovom radu analizirani su ukupni i pojedinačni glukozinolati, ukupni polifenolni spojevi te njihov antioksidacijski kapacitet u svim jestivim dijelovima brokule (cvat, listovi, stabiljka). Utvrđeno je da je količina glukozinolata najveća u listu brokule pri čemu udio indolnih prevladava nad alifatskim spojevima što vrijedi i za cvat. U stabljici je veći udio alifatskih spojeva. Udio polifenolnih spojeva u uzorcima u rasponu je od 9,70-16,11 mg GE g-1 s. tv. u stabljici, od 17,65-31,08 mg GE g-1 s. tv. u cvatu i od 22,27-34,02 mg GE g-1 s.tv. u listu brokule. Veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost pokazuju uzorci s većom koncentracijom polifenola. Ti rezultati upućuju da ne samo cvat brokule već i ostali dijelovi biljke mogu biti vrijedan izvor bioaktivnih spojeva te ih se preporuča također koristiti u prehrani. Nadalje, nusproizvodi nakon berbe, stabiljke i listovi mogli bi se koristiti kao sirovina za njihovu izolaciju te eventualnu uporabu kao dodataka prehrani.Broccoli is rich in bioactive compounds, polyphenols and glucosinolates, and as such considered as functional food and great experimental material. Previous scientific attention had mostly been focussed on composition and amounts of phytochemicals in florets rather than leaves and stem. In this research, content of total and individual glucosinolates, total polyphenols and antioxidative capacity were studied in broccoli florets, leaves and stems. Leaves showed to be the most abundant in glucosinolates with indolyl predominating aliphatic as was also the case in florets. In contrast, stem contained more aliphatic than indolyl glucosinolates. Polyphenol quantity ranged from 9.70-16.11 mg GE g-1 DW in stems, from 17.65-31.08 mg GE g-1 DW in florets and from 22.27-34.02 mg GE g-1 DW in leaves and was the highest in leaves irrespective of extraction method. It was determined that samples containing the highest amounts of polyphenols also had the highest antioxidant activity

    Cultivation of broccoli

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    Svjetska proizvodnja brokule (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) je u stalnom porastu zbog povećanog zanimanja za ovu namirnicu visoke hranidbene vrijednosti ali i dokazanog kemoprotektivnog djelovanja. U Hrvatskoj raznolikost klimatskih prilika pruža veliki potencijal za uzgoj brokule, te se odgovarajućim izborom kultivara, rokova uzgoja i proizvodnog područja može osigurati kontinuiranost opskrbe tržišta i prerađivačke industrije tijekom cijele godine.The world production of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is constantly increasing as a result of increased interest for this highly nutritious food and evidencebased chemoprotective effect as well. In Croatia, a continuous supply of fresh broccoli to the processing industry and the market can be realized by selecting a suitable hybrid broccoli cultivars, optimal growing periods and production area

    Cultivation of broccoli

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    Svjetska proizvodnja brokule (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) je u stalnom porastu zbog povećanog zanimanja za ovu namirnicu visoke hranidbene vrijednosti ali i dokazanog kemoprotektivnog djelovanja. U Hrvatskoj raznolikost klimatskih prilika pruža veliki potencijal za uzgoj brokule, te se odgovarajućim izborom kultivara, rokova uzgoja i proizvodnog područja može osigurati kontinuiranost opskrbe tržišta i prerađivačke industrije tijekom cijele godine.The world production of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) is constantly increasing as a result of increased interest for this highly nutritious food and evidencebased chemoprotective effect as well. In Croatia, a continuous supply of fresh broccoli to the processing industry and the market can be realized by selecting a suitable hybrid broccoli cultivars, optimal growing periods and production area

    Effects of Hot Water Immersion on Storage Quality of Fresh Broccoli Heads

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    Freshly harvested broccoli heads were immersed for 0, 1, 4 or 8 min into hot water at 45 °C, and then were hydrocooled rapidly for 10 min at 10 °C. Following these treatments, the broccoli were air-dried for 30 min, then packed in commercial polymeric film bags, and, finally, stored for 16 days at –1, 1, and 12 °C. The samples treated with hot water maintained high contents of chlorophyll concentrations, their yellowing rate was delayed, and fungal infection and chilling or freezing injury were inhibited markedly. Compared to non-heat-treated broccoli, a lower level of peroxidase activity with a relatively higher chlorophyll concentration was observed when broccoli were treated with hot water. Among these heat treatments, immersion in hot water for 4 min at 45 °C was the most effective for maintaining the quality of harvested broccoli heads


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    Glukozinolati su jedinstvena i važna skupina sekundarnih metabolita u nekim vrstama biljaka. Ubrajaju se u specifičnu skupinu kemijskih spojeva tzv. \u27fitokemikalija\u27 koja je zastupljena u 16 botaničkih porodica reda Capparales. Za prehranu ljudi najznačajnija je porodica Brassicaceae u koju se ubrajaju kupus, brokula, cvjetača, prokulice, roktvica, repa, gorušica. U ovom radu obuhvatiti će se svi parametri koji vladaju u različitim stadijima od uzgoja do prerade povrća iz porodice Brassicaceae, na biodostupnost glukozinolata i njihovih razgradnih produkata, i na zdravlje ljudi. Glukozinolati su kemijski stabilni sve dok ne dođu u kontakt s enzimom mirozinazom (β-tioglukozid glukohidrolaza; EC Hidroliziraju se u niz biološki aktivnih tvari (izoticijanati, indol-3-karbinol). Osim što se konzumira svježe, povrće se vrlo često procesira, te ovisno o uvjetima prerade, prisutni glukozinolati se mogu razgraditi što može imati za posljedicu promjenu njihove biološke aktivnosti. Mnogobrojna epidemiološka istraživanja dokazala su i potvrdila pozitivan učinak konzumiranja povrća iz porodice Brassicaceae, a time i unosa glukozinolata u ljudski organizam. U radu će biti obrađen mehanizam njihovog pozitivnog djelovanja (antifungalno, antibakterijsko, antioksidativno, antimutageno, antikancerogeno djelovanje). Osim što imaju pozitivan učinak u ljudskom organizmu, glukozinolati i njihovi razgradni produkti mogu imati i antinutritivni učinak, što je također potrebno uzeti u obzir, međutim, potrebno je provesti još istraživanja u tom smjeru.Glucosinolates are unique group of secondary plant metabolites. They are specific chemical compounds i.e. phytochemicals occurring in about 16 botanical families of the order Capparales. For the human diet, the most important are representatives of the Brassicaceae like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, mustard. In this review, we will elaborate all the relevant steps in the food supply chain of Brassica vegetables and their influence on intake and bioavailability of glucosinolates and bioactive breakdown products in relation to human health. Plants possessing glucosinolates also contain an enzyme, myrosinase (β-thioglucoside glucohydrolase; EC When glucosinolates and myrosinase come in contact with each other in the presence of water, the enzyme immediately causes the hydrolysis of the glucosinolates. Those breakdown products of glucosinolates are also biologically active. Except consuming fresh, vegetables are often processed. Depending on conditions during processing, degradation of glucosinolates can occur resulting in change of their bioavailability and biological activity. Numerous epidemiological studies have proven positive influence of consumption of Brassica vegetables on human health. Glucosinolates and their enzymatic hydrolysis products have the potentially beneficial activities as antioxidants, antifungal, antibacterial, bioherbicidal, biopesticidal, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic agents. Next to their positive effect on human health, the antinutritional effects and the possible toxicity of glucosinolates were also observed. Those effects should also be taken in account and there is a need for further investigation of these effects


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    Kemijski sastav hrane se ne može reducirati isključivo na makronutrijente i mikronutrijente, budući da hrana sadrži veliki broj drugih spojeva koji također utječu na zdravlje. Baze podataka za fitokemikalije su trenutno nedovoljno razvijene, a njihovo je korištenje u istraživanjima potrebno kako bi se istražila veza između unosa i metabolizma fitokemikalija, fizioloških, ili zdravstvenih ishoda, te omogućila bolja procjena dokaza o zdravstvenim učincima fitokemikalija i olakšalo trenutno onemogućeno definiranje prehrambenih preporuka za unos fitokemikalija. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate pretraživanja analitičkih podataka o nenutritivnim komponentama hrane biljnog podrijetla istraživača s Prehrambeno-biotehnološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za period 2007-2015. U ovom pretraživanju radova u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji je ukupno nađeno 53 nenutritivne komponente hrane sa preko 600 analitičkih podataka za 27 vrsta hrane biljnog podrijetla. Podaci su se razlikovali po sljedećim parametrima: metodologija pribavljanja uzoraka, informacija s obzirom na sortu, boju i način obrade, komponenta koja je mjerena, mjerna jedinica i statistička obrada.The composition of foods isn’t solely the sum of macronutrients and the essential micronutri-ents, because food contain a large number of other compounds that also influence health. Da-tabases for phytochemicals are currently underdeveloped, but their use in researches to further explore links between intake and metabolic, physiological, or health outcomes, that will allow better evaluation of the evidence on health effects of phytochemicals needed to define the still missing quantitative recommendations for phytochemicals intake. This work presents the results of overview of analytical data for non-nutritive compounds in food of plant origin done by researchers of the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnolo-gy, University of Zagreb for the period 2007-2015. Croatian Scientific Bibliography was ex-amined database and a total of 53 phytochemicals was found for 27 plants i.e. more than 600 analytical data. Data were distinguished according to: the methodology of obtaining samples, information concerning the variety, color and finish, a component that is measured, units of measurement and statistical analysis

    Važnost vitamina u prehrani djece mlađe školske dobi

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    Vitamini su tvari organskog podrijetla raznovrsne strukture, potrebni su za zdravlje i život u malim količinama te su nužno potrebne za normalno funkcioniranje organizma, a to bi značilo da vitamini čovjeku služe za rast, razvitak i jačanje njegova organizma. U tijelo se unose prehranom ili dodatcima prehrani jer su to tvari koje se ne mogu sintetizirati u čovjekovom tijelu u dovoljnim količinama. Svi poznati vitamini klinički su ispitani i primjenjuju se danas kako u terapijske tako i u preventivne svrhe. Vitamini se dijele u dvije osnovne skupine: a) vitamini topljivi u mastima (Vitamin A, D, E, K) b) vitamini topljivi u vodi (Vitamini B i vitamin C) U dječjoj i mladenačkoj dobi veoma je značajna pravilna prehrana. Upravo radi njihovog ubrzanog rasta i razvoja, djeci i mladima potrebna je raznovrsna prehrana koja može zadovoljiti njihove povećane potrebe za energijom i nutrijentima. Pomanjkanje hrane te nepravilna prehrana mogu privremeno ili trajno ugroziti zdravstveno stanje, a u djece i mladeži nepovoljno utjecati na rast i razvoj. Potrebno je kontinuirano poticati djecu na usvajanje pravilnih prehrambenih navika, a za pravilne prehrambene navike ključna je potrošnja raznovrsnih namirnica jer smanjuje mogućnost prekomjernog unosa jednog nutrijenta. Ovaj rad usmjeren je na utvrđivanje znanja o vitaminima te na utvrđivanje važnosti vitamina usmjerenih na prehranu kod djece mlađe školske dobi. U okviru rada proveden je anketni upitnik, u svibnju 2017. godine. Upitnik su ispunili učenici prvoga razreda Osnovne škole Ivana Kozarca u Županji. Cilj ovog istraživanja je dobiti od učenika povratnu informaciju kako i koliko poznaju sadržaje o vitaminima te koliku važnost pridaju vitaminima u prehrani.Vitamins are substances of organic origin and various structures, needed for health and life in small quantities, and indispensably necessary for the normal functioning of the organism, which would mean that people use vitamins for growth, development and strenghtening of their organism. The body obtaines vitamines through the diet and dietary supplements, because the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities. All recognized vitamins are clinically tested and are used for therapeutic, as well as preventive purposes nowadays. They are classified into two major groups: a)fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, K) b)water-soluble vitamins (vitamins B and C) Proper nutrition is of great importance in childhood and adolescence. Accelerated growth and development of children and youth requires diverse diet that can settle their increased need for energy and nutritiens. Lack of food and improper diet can endanger health condition, temporary or in the long term, and have adverse effect on child and youth growth and development. It is necessary to continually encourage the children to adopt proper nutrition habits, and consumption of diverse food is the key way to achieve that since it reduces the possibility of excesive intake of only one nutritient. This paper focuses on determining the knowledge about vitamins and importance of vitamin-oriented nutrition in children of younger school age. A survey was conducted within this paper in May 2017. It was completed by students of the first grade of Ivan Kozarac Primary School in Županja. The aim of this study is to get feedback from students about how and how much they know about vitamin-related contents and what importance they attach to vitamins in their diet

    The effect of growing media on yield and nutritive value of vegetable and sunflower microgreens

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    Mladi izdanci, poznatiji kao 'microgreens', konzumiraju se u fazi kotiledona i nepotpuno razvijenih prvih pravih listova. Sadrže veću količinu minerala i bioaktivnih spojeva, a manje nitrata od biljaka u kasnijoj fenološkoj fazi. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj tri supstrata (komercijalni supstrat za uzgoj presadnica, mješavina komercijalnog supstrata i perlita, juta) na prinos i mineralni sastav mladih izdanaka brokule, cikle, poriluka, graška i suncokreta. Prosječno najveći prinos mladih izdanaka utvrđen je pri uzgoju na supstratu (1128 g/m2), a najmanji u uzgoju na juti (673 g/m2). Primjena mješavine supstrata i perlita rezultirala je najvećom prosječnom količinom N (7,02 % N/ST), sirovih proteina (43,85 % SP/ST) i K (394,41 mg K/100 g st) u mladim izdancima cikle. Najveća prosječna količina suhe tvari (8,04 % ST), fosfora (77,96 mg P/100 g st), kalcija (65,15 mg Ca/100 g st) i magnezija (40,57 mg Mg/100 g st) mladih izdanaka utvrđena je pri uzgoju na juti.Young shoots, known as 'microgreens', are consumed in the cotyledon stage and the incompletely developed first true leaves. They contain more minerals and bioactive compounds and less nitrates than plants in the later phenological phase. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of three substrates (commercial seedlings substrate, a mixture of commercial substrate and perlite, jute) on the yield and mineral composition of microgreens of broccoli, beetroot, leek, pea, and sunflowers. On average, the highest yield was found in cultivation on the substrate (1128 g/m2) and the lowest in cultivation on the jute (673 g/m2). Use of substrate and perlite resulted in the highest average amount of N (7.02 % N/DW), crude proteins (43.85 % CP/DW) and the highest amount of K (394.41 mg K/100 g fw) in beetroot microgreens. Jute-grown shoots had the highest average amount of dry matter (8.04 %), P (77.96 mg/100 g fw), Ca (65.15 mg/100 g fw) and Mg (40.57 mg/100 g fw)

    The effect of growing media on yield and nutritive value of vegetable and sunflower microgreens

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    Mladi izdanci, poznatiji kao 'microgreens', konzumiraju se u fazi kotiledona i nepotpuno razvijenih prvih pravih listova. Sadrže veću količinu minerala i bioaktivnih spojeva, a manje nitrata od biljaka u kasnijoj fenološkoj fazi. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj tri supstrata (komercijalni supstrat za uzgoj presadnica, mješavina komercijalnog supstrata i perlita, juta) na prinos i mineralni sastav mladih izdanaka brokule, cikle, poriluka, graška i suncokreta. Prosječno najveći prinos mladih izdanaka utvrđen je pri uzgoju na supstratu (1128 g/m2), a najmanji u uzgoju na juti (673 g/m2). Primjena mješavine supstrata i perlita rezultirala je najvećom prosječnom količinom N (7,02 % N/ST), sirovih proteina (43,85 % SP/ST) i K (394,41 mg K/100 g st) u mladim izdancima cikle. Najveća prosječna količina suhe tvari (8,04 % ST), fosfora (77,96 mg P/100 g st), kalcija (65,15 mg Ca/100 g st) i magnezija (40,57 mg Mg/100 g st) mladih izdanaka utvrđena je pri uzgoju na juti.Young shoots, known as 'microgreens', are consumed in the cotyledon stage and the incompletely developed first true leaves. They contain more minerals and bioactive compounds and less nitrates than plants in the later phenological phase. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of three substrates (commercial seedlings substrate, a mixture of commercial substrate and perlite, jute) on the yield and mineral composition of microgreens of broccoli, beetroot, leek, pea, and sunflowers. On average, the highest yield was found in cultivation on the substrate (1128 g/m2) and the lowest in cultivation on the jute (673 g/m2). Use of substrate and perlite resulted in the highest average amount of N (7.02 % N/DW), crude proteins (43.85 % CP/DW) and the highest amount of K (394.41 mg K/100 g fw) in beetroot microgreens. Jute-grown shoots had the highest average amount of dry matter (8.04 %), P (77.96 mg/100 g fw), Ca (65.15 mg/100 g fw) and Mg (40.57 mg/100 g fw)

    Allelopathy in organic production of vegetables

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    U alelopatske odnose uključeni su svi dijelovi biljke i u ovom radu su objašnjeni načini na koje se alelokemikalije stvaraju u biljnom organizmu te kako se ispuštaju u okoliš. Osim međusobnog odnosa s drugim biljkama, važni su i odnosi s mikroorganizmima u tlu, a obrađeni su zajedno s ekološkim faktorima čijem utjecaju su alelopatski odnosi također podložni (tlo, oborine, temperatura, osvjetljenje). Uz to su navedene podjele alelokemikalija i alelopatije, ovisno o načinu djelovanja i tipovima. Također se iznosi pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja te čemu se teži u daljnjima. Alelopatija i kompeticija su usko povezane u prirodnim uvjetima i teško ih je razdvojiti, ali postoje brojne razlike među njima koje su navedene u radu. Nadalje, iznosi se uvid u matematički model kao teoretsku disciplinu o mehanizmima alelopatije. Prikazana su istraživanja alelopatskog djelovanja povrtnih kultura na korove, navedeni su primjeri iz već ustaljene prakse združivanja biljaka i smjera njihovog međusobnog djelovanja. U radu se na kraju skreće pažnja na klimatske promjene za koje se očekuje da će utjecati na učinkovitost alelopatskih odnosa.In allelopathic relationships all parts of the plant are involved and in this paper are explained the ways in which allelochemicals are produced in the plant organism and released into the environment. In addition to the interrelationships with other plants, the relationship with soil microorganisms is also important, which are analysed together with ecological factors that affect allelopathic relationships (soil, precipitation, temperature, illumination). In addition, divisions of allelochemicals and allelopathy are listed, depending on the mode of action and the types. An overview of the current research is also addressed and what is being sought in further research. Allelopathy and competition are closely related in natural conditions and they are difficult to separate, but there are numerous differences among them which are listed in the paper. Furthermore, an insight into the mathematical modelling is given as the theoretical discipline of the mechanisms of allelopathy. The studies of the allelopathic effects of vegetable crops on weeds are presented, examples of companion planting from the already established practice are given and the directions of their interaction are outlined. At the end of the paper, attention is drawn to the climate changes that are expected to affect the effectiveness of allelopathic relationships