24,441 research outputs found

    Gambaran Histopatologi Hati Tikus Wistar Yang Diberikan Boraks

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    : Borax is an ingredient that is widely used for industrial or antiseptic cleaning agents that are toxic, but borax is used as an additive ind foods and any experience accumulated in the liver that can cause liver disfumction. Methods: The aim of research is to see macroscopic and microscopic of live wistar rats were given different doses of borax. Rats were used as much as 10 animals were divided into 4 groups. The control group (K1) 1 rat, K2 ( borax 20mg), K3 (borax 30 mg), K4 (borax 40 mg) each of 3 rats by administration for 1,5 and 10 days. Result: The result showed the rats had grossly enlarged liver size, liver weight gain and blackish brown in the group given 40 mg of borax and microscopically, the cells were exposed to borax liver showed hydropic degeneration, proliferation fibrolas and fibrosis. From this study it can be concluded that the administraion of borax 20mg, 30mg, 40mg for 10 days caused fatty liver and mild fibrosis

    Effect of boron on growth, nutrition and fertility status of large cardamom in Sikkim Himalaya, India

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    Field experiment was conducted at Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Spices Board Kabi research farm North Sikkim to find out the effect of Boron nutrition on growth, nutrient content and soil fertility status of large cardamom. The experiment was laid out in RBD comprising seven treatments (T1 soil application of [email protected] kg ha-1 ,T2 soil application of [email protected] kg ha-1, T3 foliar application of [email protected]%, T4 foliar application of borax @0.5%, T5 foliar application of [email protected]%+ soil application of [email protected] kg ha-1, T6 foliar application of [email protected]%+ soil application of [email protected] kg ha-1 and T7 control). Results reveal that foliar application of [email protected]%+ soil application of [email protected] kg ha-1 recorded the maximum values of immature tillers per clump (2.98 and 3.95) and mature tillers per clump (2.99 and 3.11) during both September, 2013 and March, 2014 and vegetative buds per clump (2.90 ). With regards to nutrient content in leaf of large cardamom among the treatments, foliar application of [email protected]%+soil application of [email protected] kg ha-1 recorded highest nutrient acquisition However, its effect was statistically non significant on K, S, Ca, Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe content and significant on N(2.59%), P (0.18%), Mg (0.39%) and B (15.45 ppm) content in leaf

    Pengaruh Pemberian Boraks Dengan Dosis Bertingkat Terhadap Perubahan Makroskopis Dan Mikrokskopis Ginjal Tikus Wistar Selama 4 Minggu Dilanjutkan 2 Minggu Tanpa Paparan Boraks

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    Background : Borax or sodium tetraborate decahydrate is a mineral with low toxicity. Borax is generally used in various products such as the product insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and borax can also be dissolved in water and used to clean gold and silver . However now many are using borax as a food preservative,it is contrary to the minister of health regulations. Borax contained in foods with excessive doses can cause poisoning. However,to date research on the influence of borax in oral histopathological kidney remains unclear.Objective: This study aimed to verify the effect of graded doses of borax orally for 4 weeks followed 2 weeks to changes in macroscopic and microscopic picture of Wistar rat kidney.Methods : The research laboratory with an experimental post -test only control group design. Sample of 21 Wistar rats that have met the inclusion and exclusion criteria,adapted for 7 days. After a period of adaptation,Wistar rats were divided by simple random sampling into 3 groups. K is a control group without borax given orally. Borax P1 given orally 300 mg / kg /day ( 100 mg / cc / day ) and P2 borax was given orally 600 mg / kg / day ( 200 mg / cc / day).Results : The results of the Kruskal - Wallis test for kidney macroscopic found no significant differences between the 3 groups ( p = 0.083 ) and then proceed Mann Whitney Post Hoc Test for kidney weight was not found significant differences in the K - P1 ( p = 0.482 ), obtained difference K - P2 significant ( p = 0.041 ),and found no significant difference P1 - P2 ( p = 0.085 ). Kruskal - Wallis test results for the microscopic kidney obtained significant differences between the 3 groups ( p = 0.000 ).Conclusion : Delivery of oral doses of borax stratified for 4 weeks followed 2 weeks without exposure to borax no macroscopic changes ( kidney weight ) in Wistar rats as well as a change in the microscopic ( histopathological ) Wistar rat kidney. Changes seen in the form of lumen narrowing,and loss of brush border protein cast ( lumen contains )

    Pembuatan Teskit Boraks dalam Upaya Efisiensi Penggunaan Bahan dan Alat Laboratorium

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    Borax is a carcinogenic compound which is dangerous to the body. The flame method is one of the qualitative laboratory testing that usually used to determine the Borax compound in food. The method not only needs H2SO4, methanol, furnace equipment which is prices, but also needs long time because of the graying process. The research aims to make a simple borax test kit (simple method) by extracting anthocyanin substances on the skin of purple sweet potatoes and testing the borax compound in food samples. Materials and tools used are purple sweet potato skin, 96% ethanol, filter paper, knives, cutting boards, measuring cups, beaker glass, food scales and petri dishes. The results of the borax test kit that have been made are then tested using the borax standard as the gold standard and it showed that there was color changing of the test kit, i.e from pink to blue. The borax test kit was also tested on four food samples that possibly contained borax, i.e gendar crackers, white tofu, meatballs and noodles. Gendar crackers was the only food sample that contain borax. Therefore, it was concluded that the borax test kit made from filter paper containing anthocyanin can be used as an alternative tool in qualitatively testing of borax in foo

    Pengaruh Pemberian Boraks Dengan Dosis Bertingkat Terhadap Perubahan Makroskopis Dan Mikroskopis Ginjal Tikus Wistar Selama 4 Minggu

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    Background :Borax or Natrium Tetraborat is a chemically compund which widely used in industries and research field mainly for preservative, buffer, and disinfectant. However nowadays many used borax as additive for food, this issue is a violation againts the BPOM regulation. Many research have conducted experiment on the effect of swallow borax towards kidney, but they are slightly any research about effect of oral formalin towards histopatological image of kidney.Aim: This research aimed to proof the effect of 4-weeks administered gradual dose of oral borax to the macroscopic and microscopic or wistar rat's kidneyMethod: Experimental study with post test only control group design. The sampel were 15 wistar rats which have already met and fullfulled inclusion and exclusion criteria were adaptefd for 7 days. After adaption wistar rats divided using simpel random sampling into 3 groups. K (control group) was not given borax, P1 was given 300mg/KgBW/day oral Borax; P2 was given 600mg/KgBw/day oral borax. After 4 weeks all kidney sample were taken to identified any changes in macroscopic and microscopic image of wistar rat's kidney. Data was described in table, picture, and statistical analyze using SPSS for windows 15.0Result : P2 showed the highest of total kidney tubulus cell damage. From Mann-Whitney test showed there are no significant difference on first landmark between K-P1 (p=0.086) and 2nd -3rd landmark between P1-P2 (p<0.05). On the Organ Weight Test showed no significant difference in all groups.Conclusion : There are microscopic changes on kidney tubulus that was given with 300mg/KgBW/day and 600mg/KgBw/day oral borax, and then on the control group found no pathological effect. The Weight test Showed no effect with giving oral borax, no macroscopic effect

    Penambahan Boraks Dalam Bakso Dan Faktor Pendorong Penggunaannya Bagi Pedagang Bakso Di Kota Bengkulu

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    The research of using borax in meatballs which was undertaken in the Bengkulu City in 2011 showed that 10% from 100 samples of meatballs containing borax. Considering the dangers of borax for the consumer if consume continuously and increasing the number of meatball traders until 2013, it is necessary to study with more meatballs samples and widely area. The aim of the study was to detect the presence of borax in meatballs, borax content after heating, storability meatballs which containing borax and determine the factors that support the meatball traders to use borax. The study was designed using cross sectional study using two types of data, they were data of meatball sample test in the laboratory and interview data to meatball traders in the BengkuluCity. Total of 160 meatball samples from traders and five meatball samples from grinders were collected and examined with qualitative test using turmeric paper. The qualitative test showed that 165 samples (100%) takenfrom meatball traders and grinders didn't contain borax. Knowledge and attitudes level of traders were at a good level. There were significant relationship between education level with knowledge, information source fromtelevision with attitude, and knowledge with attitude of traders in Bengkulu City (p < 0,05)

    Kemampuan Reagen Curcumax Mendeteksi Boraks dalam Bakso yang Direbus

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    Borax is a harmful compound to human health but sometimes was used illegally as preservative in meatball. Curcumax reagent is a compound which developed from the previous borax detector base on tumeric extract. This reagen was developed as an easy kit to apply in the field. This study aims were to determine accuracy of sight obesrvation and spectrophotometer to detected borax in boiled meatballs which tested by Curcumax and to determine the effect of boiling on the borax presence in the meatballs. This study was using meatballs groupas a control and another meatballs group preserve with borax 0.5%. Each treatment group was boiled in 0, 5, 10, and 15 minutes and each treatment unit had three replications which consist five meatballs each of them. Boraxdetection was done by mixing 1ml Curcumax reagent into 1 ml meatball extract. Qualitative examination of borax presence in the meatballs was known based on the color changing of tested meatball\u27s extract from yellow became orange (direct sight with eyes). The Quantitaive analysis was done by measured using spectrophotometer base on wave-length (λ) at 570 nm. Data was analyzed with ANOVA and continued by Least Significant Difference (LSD) analysis. Borax detection using curcumax based on sight sense against color change giving an inconsistence result. Meanwhile quantitative measurement by spectrophotometer more accurate than one. Curcumax had been detected borax in meatball which boiled for 15 minutes

    Analisis Kandungan Boraks Sebagai Boron Pada Gendar Yang Diproduksi Oleh Industri Rumah Tangga Di Daerah Ambarawa

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    Gendar is a type of food produced by adding bleng, which is a chemical compound containing borax asboros. This research was intended to find out (1) the borax contents in the gendar taken from Ambarawa areas and(2) whether there were significant differences in borax levels contained in fresh gendar, dry gendar, gendar fried infresh vegetable oil and gendar fried in used vegetable oil.This was a non-experimental research with the data analyzed descriptively and analytically. The variablesmeasured were borax levels, acting is boros, contained in fresh gendar, dry gendar, gendar fried in fresh vegetableoil and gendar fried in used vegetable oil. The samples for this research were taken randomly from three householdindustried of gendar in Ambarawa areas. The contents of borax were measured using spectrophotometri UV-Vis.The analyses on the borax content in the four types of gendars (fresh gendar, dry gendar, gendar fried in freshvegetable oil and gendar fried in used vegetable oil) used Kruskall-Wallis non-parametric statistical tests followedby Mann-Whitney tests.The analyses showed that all of the four types of gendars really contained borax, as boros, but in diffirentlevels among the diffirent gendars borax contents in the four different gendars taken from Bandungan andSumowono had significant values 0,182 and 0,643 respectively (P > 0,05), contents in the four different gendarstaken from Ambarawa areas also had a significant value of 0,004 (P < 0,05), meaning also that there werestatistically significant differences in the borax contents

    Effect of borax on immune cell proliferation and sister chromatid exchange in human chromosomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Borax is used as a food additive. It becomes toxic when accumulated in the body. It causes vomiting, fatigue and renal failure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The heparinized blood samples from 40 healthy men were studied for the impact of borax toxicity on immune cell proliferation (lymphocyte proliferation) and sister chromatid exchange in human chromosomes. The MTT assay and Sister Chromatid Exchange (SCE) technic were used in this experiment with the borax concentrations of 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.6 mg/ml.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>It showed that the immune cell proliferation (lymphocyte proliferation) was decreased when the concentrations of borax increased. The borax concentration of 0.6 mg/ml had the most effectiveness to the lymphocyte proliferation and had the highest cytotoxicity index (CI). The borax concentrations of 0.15, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.6 mg/ml significantly induced sister chromatid exchange in human chromosomes (<it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Borax had effects on immune cell proliferation (lymphocyte proliferation) and induced sister chromatid exchange in human chromosomes. Toxicity of borax may lead to cellular toxicity and genetic defect in human.</p

    Sosialisasi Penggunaan Kunyit Sebagai Bahan Uji Deteksi Borak Di Desa Padang Kuas

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    The socialization activity on using turmeric as a borax detector in Padang Kuas Village is significant because food safety is vital to maintaining the community's health and quality of life. This activity aims to increase public awareness and knowledge about the dangers of borax in food and teach the use of turmeric as a natural and safe borax detector. The activity method involves the delivery of comprehensive materials and the practice of testing borax using turmeric and is accompanied by a question-and-answer session and evaluation. This activity showed a significant increase in community knowledge about borax and awareness of its dangers, as well as an increase in the practice of testing borax with turmeric in their daily environment. The follow-up of this activity will involve periodic evaluations to monitor the effectiveness of the outreach program, ongoing assistance, and dissemination of information about using turmeric as a borax detector regularly to ensure continued awareness and community participation in maintaining food safety and creating a safer and healthier environment
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