512 research outputs found


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    V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno soočanje Republike Slovenije z različnimi migracijskimi tokovi od njene osamosvojitve do danes. Opravili smo analizo raziskav javnega mnenja o migrantih in begunci od leta 1991 do 2016. Podrobneje smo primerjali javno mnenje o migrantih in beguncih v 90. letih, ki so prihajali iz držav nekdanje Jugoslavije, z javnim mnenjem o migrantih in beguncih danes, ki prihajajo iz neevropskih držav. Prav tako smo na podlagi zbranih podatkov ugotavljali, ali na odnos do migrantov in beguncev vplivajo različni dejavniki kot so spol, izobrazba in politična usmerjenost. Rezultati analize javnega mnenja kažejo na to, da se javno mnenje v 90. letih o migrantih in beguncih, ki so prihajali iz držav nekdanje Jugoslavije, v primerjavi z javnim mnenjem do migrantov in beguncev danes, ki prihajajo iz neevropskih držav, ni občutno spremenilo. Pričakovano rezultati kažejo na to, da so ženske, visoko izobražene osebe ter podporniki levo usmerjenih političnih strank bolj naklonjeni migrantom in beguncem kot moški, osebe s poklicno izobrazbo ter podporniki desno usmerjenih političnih strank.This thesis presents the confrontation of the Republic of Slovenia with different migration flows from its independence until today. We performed analyses of the research of public opinion on migrants and refugees from 1991 to 2016 and compared the public opinion on migrants and refugees who migrated from the countries of the former Yugoslavia in the nineties with the public opinion on migrants and refugees who are migrating from non-European countries today. Based on the collected data we also examined if different factors such as gender, education, and political orientation affect the attitude towards migrants and refugees. The results of the analyses of public opinion show that the public opinion on migrants and refugees who migrated from countries of the former Yugoslavia in the nineties compared with the public opinion on migrants and refugees who are migrating from non-European countries today has not changed significantly. As expected, the results are showing that women, well educated people, and the supporters of leftist parties are more inclined to migrants and refugees than men, less educated people, and the supporters of right-wing parties

    Istrski begunci: Gradivo in raziskovalni nastavki

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    Avtorici v prispevku obravnavata v slovenski etnologiji manj raziskane istrske begunce. V prvem delu poiščeta vzroke za povojne migracije prebivalstva iz slovenske Istre, predstavita glavne naselitvene valove in pojasnita rabo termina »istrski begunci«. V nadaljevanju opišeta naseljevanje v barakarska naselja, graditev begunskih naselij v tržaškem zaledju in življenje v njih. Nato pa se osredotočita na odzive lokalnega prebivalstva ob naselitvi istrskih beguncev in na to, kako se v vsakdanjem ravnanju kaže njihova (ne)sprejetost. *** Refugees from Istria have not been frequently examined by Slovenian ethnologists. Discussed are the reasons for their emigration after the Second World War, principal waves of emigration, and the origin of the term »Istrian refugees«. The authors examine the refugees’ barrack camps, the building of refugee settlements in the hinterland of Trieste, the life in these settlements, and the reactions of the local population to the newcomers

    Družinske vezi, odvisnost žensk in mreženje v izgnanstvu

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    Little attention has been paid to the problems refugees and their families face while they try to reconstruct their social life and networks in exile. In this paper, refugees’ migration biographies and social integration in Norway is linked to broader issue of family membership and gender roles. Drawing on qualitative data and interviews with refugees, paper show how refugees’ family situation influence refugees’ social integration in exile, their perspectives on mainstream society and home country, inclusive their attitudes toward repatriation. It is argued in the paper that single refugees are more exposed to feelings of loneliness and social marginality in relation to the mainstream than refugees who are in exile together with their families and children. The paper maintains that in some cases, family members may facilitate integration into Norwegian networks. Among other things, family members may appear as family networking teams who simultaneously reproduce ties along the lines of a common family affiliation and bridge across ethnic groups. As members of such a team, family members will help to expand each other’s personal networks through joined networking activities. Finally, the findings also indicate that certain categories of refugee women who come to Norway through procedures for family reunion may be strongly dependant on their husbands, ending up in traditional gender roles and segregated social networks. The presented findings have potential implications for repatriation schemes and integration policies.Težavam s katerimi se spopadajo begunci in njihove družine pri rekonstrukciji družbenega življenja in mreženja v izgnanstvu, se posveča malo pozornosti. V tem prispevku so migracijske biografije beguncev in družbena integracija na Norveškem postavljeni v kontekst družine in spolnih vlog. Na podlagi kvalitativnih podatkov in opravljenih intervjujev z begunci bo predstavljeno, kako družinska situacija beguncev vpliva na njihovo družbeno integracijo v izgnanstvu, njihove poglede na večinsko družbo in državo izvora, in na odnos do repatriacije. Ugotovljeno bo, da so samski begunci bolj izpostavljeni občutkom osamljenosti in družbeni marginalnosti v odnosu do večinske družbe kot tisti, ki so v izgnanstvu skupaj s svojimi družinami in otroki. V nekaterih primerih lahko družinski člani namreč olajšajo integracijo v norveška družbena omrežja. Družinske člane med drugim lahko razumemo kot pripadnike družinske skupine mreženja, ki simultano reproducirajo vezi na ravni skupne družinske pripadnosti in na ravni vzpostavljanja povezav z etničnimi skupinami. Kot člani takšne skupine, družinski člani drug drugemu pomagajo širiti osebna omrežja skozi skupne aktivnosti mreženja. Izsledki raziskave tudi pokažejo, da so nekatere kategorije begunk, ki se priselijo na Norveško na podlagi procedure ponovne združitve, močno odvisne od svojih zakonskih partnerjev in ostanejo vpete v tradicionalne vloge in segregirana družbena omrežja. Ugotovitve raziskave lahko potencialno vplivajo na sheme repatriacije in integracijsko politiko

    Evropski migracijski procesi - refleksije preteklosti in dileme prihodnosti

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    Esodi dalla Venezia Giulia

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    Digitalni begunci

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    The smartphone has become one of the main tenets of contemporary spatial as well as digital migration routes that are increasingly determined by technologies, platforms and networks. Such routes have become increasingly dangerous and uncertain, which testifies of structural criminalisation and control of people on the move, but also raises important questions about autonomy and agency of individuals as a response to restrictive migration and border policies. The monograph explores such transformations by focussing on the movement of refugees across the borders of nation-states through a rethinking of the notion of vulnerability (especially of women and children), the examination of perceptions of refugees and migrants by the public and a reflection of the notions of climate change and climate refugees that all challenge the main classificatory mechanisms constructing more or less “legitimate” groups of migrants. In this vein, the authors argue for more solidarity throughout the movement of individuals through the “gates” and “violent borders” of contemporary nation-states.Pametni telefon je postal eden od glavnih označevalcev prostorskih kot tudi digitalnih migracijskih poti, ki jih vedno bolj določajo tudi tehnologije, platforme in omrežja. Tovrstne poti postajajo vedno bolj nevarne in negotove in pričajo o strukturni kriminalizaciji in nadzoru oseb na poti, a hkrati odpirajo pomembna vprašanja o avtonomiji in delovalnosti posameznikov in posameznic kot odzivu na vedno bolj omejevalne migracijske in mejne politike. Monografija s poudarkom na gibanju beguncev in begunk čez meje nacionalnih držav analizira tovrstne transformacije. Gre zlasti za premislek o konceptu ranljivosti (predvsem žensk in otrok), za analizo percepcij migrantov in beguncev s strani javnosti in za refleksije podnebnih sprememb in ideje podnebnih beguncev, ki postavljajo pod vprašaj temeljne klasifikacijske mehanizme konstruiranja bolj ali manj ‘legitimnih’ skupin migrantov in migrantk. V tem oziru se avtorici zavzemata za več solidarnosti pri gibanju posameznikov skozi ‘pregrade’ in ‘nasilne meje’ sodobnih nacionalnih držav.;The smartphone has become one of the main tenets of contemporary spatial as well as digital migration routes that are increasingly determined by technologies, platforms and networks. Such routes have become increasingly dangerous and uncertain, which testifies of structural criminalisation and control of people on the move, but also raises important questions about autonomy and agency of individuals as a response to restrictive migration and border policies. The monograph explores such transformations by focussing on the movement of refugees across the borders of nation-states through a rethinking of the notion of vulnerability (especially of women and children), the examination of perceptions of refugees and migrants by the public and a reflection of the notions of climate change and climate refugees that all challenge the main classificatory mechanisms constructing more or less “legitimate” groups of migrants. In this vein, the authors argue for more solidarity throughout the movement of individuals through the “gates” and “violent borders” of contemporary nation-states.Pametni telefon je postal eden od glavnih označevalcev prostorskih kot tudi digitalnih migracijskih poti, ki jih vedno bolj določajo tudi tehnologije, platforme in omrežja. Tovrstne poti postajajo vedno bolj nevarne in negotove in pričajo o strukturni kriminalizaciji in nadzoru oseb na poti, a hkrati odpirajo pomembna vprašanja o avtonomiji in delovalnosti posameznikov in posameznic kot odzivu na vedno bolj omejevalne migracijske in mejne politike. Monografija s poudarkom na gibanju beguncev in begunk čez meje nacionalnih držav analizira tovrstne transformacije. Gre zlasti za premislek o konceptu ranljivosti (predvsem žensk in otrok), za analizo percepcij migrantov in beguncev s strani javnosti in za refleksije podnebnih sprememb in ideje podnebnih beguncev, ki postavljajo pod vprašaj temeljne klasifikacijske mehanizme konstruiranja bolj ali manj ‘legitimnih’ skupin migrantov in migrantk. V tem oziru se avtorici zavzemata za več solidarnosti pri gibanju posameznikov skozi ‘pregrade’ in ‘nasilne meje’ sodobnih nacionalnih držav

    Od beguncev do priseljencev: izzivi preseljevanja Slovencev v Argentino v času po drugi svetovni vojni

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    The author examines a historical case of forced migration that is well documented in national migration research but still lacks specific insight into the conditions of entrance for post-World War II Slovenian refugees and their settlement in Argentina. The author explores the refugee path of Bara Remec and her family, from exile in May 1945 to their settlement in Argentina in 1948. The subjective experience is juxtaposed to the official Argentinean immigration policy of that time, especially conditions of arrival and settlement, with a focus on political, ideological, and religious factors, as well as Argentina’s then-central political decision-maker, Juan D. Peron.Avtorica obravnava zgodovinski primer prisilnih migracij, ki je sicer dobro dokumentiran v nacionalnih migracijskih študijah, a še vedno nimamo natančnejšega vpogleda v pogoje vstopa za slovenske povojne begunce in kasnejše priseljence v Argentini. V članku so v ospredju položaj in izkušnje posameznika z orisom begunske poti Bare Remec od njenega bega maja 1945 do naselitve v Argentini leta 1948. Subjektivna izkušnja je postavljena nasproti uradni argentinski priseljenski politiki tistega časa, zlasti z vidika pogojev prihoda in naselitve. V ospredju analize so politični, ideološki in verski dejavniki, pa tudi osrednji politični odločevalec tistega časa v Argentini, Juan D. Peron

    Securitization of refugees through parliamentary discourse in the Republic of Slovenia

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    Magistrsko delo proučuje diskurzivni vidik varnosti izražen skozi parlamentarni diskurz poslancev, ki so delovali v slovenskem parlamentu v obdobju t. i. begunske krize, od septembra 2015 do marca 2016. Skozi mikrodiskurzivno in jezikovnostilno analizo poskuša prikazati, ali so poslanci begunce obravnavali skozi prizmo varnosti, torej vprašanje beguncev sekuritizirali. Z analizo parlamentarnih sej je prikazan proces sekuritizacije kopenhagenske šole, ki sekuritizacijo opisuje kot govorno dejanje, ki referenčnemu objektu predstavi vprašanje kot eksistenčno grožnjo in s tem zahteva izredne ukrepe, ki odstopajo od \u27običajne\u27 politike. Če občinstvo to sprejme je sekuritizacija uspešna. V parlamentarnem diskurzu so analizirana jezikovna sredstva, kot so vršilci dejanj, metafore in druge stilno zaznamovane besede, pomembna pa je tudi ustrezna raba terminov beguncev in migrant. V ozadju je predstavljena t. i. begunska kriza na ravni EU, zahodnobalkanski poti in v Sloveniji. Opisan je tudi slovenski parlament ter politični oziroma parlamentarni diskurz, ključne pa so varnostne študije, znotraj katerih je kopenhagenska šola predstavila teorijo sekuritizacije, ki jo proučuje magistrsko deloThe master\u27s thesis examines the discursive aspect of security, expressed through the parliamentary debates, which took place in the Slovenian parliament during the \u27refugee crisis\u27 in Slovenia, September 2015 – March 2016. Through micro-discursive and linguistic analysis, this work seeks to show whether refugees were securitized, treated by the members of Parliament as a security issue. The analysis of parliamentary debates tries to show the process of securitization initially outlined by the Copenhagen School, which focuses on the speech act, that presents an issue to the referent object as an existential threat and demands extraordinary measures outside of normal politics. If the audience accepts this, securitization is successful. The use of linguistic means is analysed in the parliamentary discourse, such as agents, metaphors and other expressive words, and the correct usage of terms refugee or migrant. The master\u27s thesis background is presented by the \u27refugee crisis\u27 in the European Union, on the Western Balkan Route and in Slovenia. The emphasis is also on the Slovenian parliament and parliamentary discourse, but the most important are security studies, within which the securitization theory is presented by the Copenhagen School, which is analysed in the master’s thesis

    Refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina: Reactions of the United Nations and Europe

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    Avtorica kritično obravnava reakcije Združenih narodov in Evropske skupnosti na probleme beguncev iz Bosne in Hercegovine kot prepočasne in premalo učinkovite. Predlaga uporabo vseh razpoložljivih mehanizmov za končanje vojne v tej državi ter več ukrepov, ki naj bi pomagali beguncem in državam, v katere se jih je zateklo največ.Autorica kritički obrađuje reakcije Ujedinjenih naroda i Evropske zajednice na probleme izbjeglica iz Bosne i Hercegovine smatrajući ih presporima i premalo učinkovitima. Predlaže uporabu svih raspoloživih mehanizama za okončanje rata u toj zemlji kao i primjenu mjera koje bi pomogle izbjeglicama u državama u kojima ih se zateklo najviše.The author critically treats the reactions of the United Nations and the European Community to the problems of refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which she considers as having been too slow and too ineffective. She suggests the use of all available mechanisms to end the war in that country, as well as application of measures which would help the refugees in the countries where the largest numbers of them have found themselves