1,408 research outputs found

    FrÄn koja till plan

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    This thesis concerns questions regarding how children’s perspectives on the outdoor environment can be approached in a planning context. Attention is drawn to the general understanding of childhood and the definition of outdoor environment as variables in different planning contexts. Together these variables define in which way children become visible in the planning context. Children’s participation is emphasized in contemporary planning. This thesis argues that understanding and insights concerning children’s experiences and understanding of their own places can create complementary lines of communication. The first article provides the empirical and methodological point of departure. Through walkabouts with children, questions are developed concerning children’s use and experiences of outdoor environments. These questions are compared and related to problems, insights and experiences that planners have concerning environments for children. Parts of two perspectives are described in order to elucidate some of the problems that can arise due to differences between a child’s perspective and a planner’s perspective. In the second article children’s own places is the pivot. Through in depth studies of children’s dens it is shown that finding a suitable place, collecting, sorting and manipulating with environment and accessible materials are crucial parts of starting a den making process and appropriating a place as one’s own. Specific examples are put forward which show the close relationship between children’s experience and understanding of the outdoor environment and their construction and design of dens. Children’s dens are used to exemplify and clarify the difference between children’s perspectives and planner’s perspectives. The last article is concerned with the theoretical and practical analysis of these questions. Through interviews, studies of planning documents and reflections on my own planning experience an analysis is made of the importance of maps and plans as tools in the planning process. It is argued that the bias of these tools emphasizes and reinforces the visual point of departure to the physical environment and outdoor places, while children’s multi-sensuous and acting oriented point of departure is difficult to handle and process in maps and plans. A practical contribution is suggested on how to improve insights and understanding of children’s perspectives in planning contexts

    Children's and youth’s perspectives and participation in park management : a case study of Swedish municipal park management units

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    Kommuner har ett viktigt uppdrag i att inkludera barns och ungas perspektiv och delaktighet i samhĂ€llsutvecklingen. I och med att Barnkonventionen blev svensk lag i januari 2020 har barns och ungas rĂ€tt att höras och vara delaktiga vid beslut som rör dem stĂ€rkts. Det hĂ€r medför en stor utmaning för bland annat de som ansvarar för förvaltningen av utemiljöer, dĂ„ deras arbete har en stark koppling till barns och ungas behov och direkt inverkan pĂ„ deras livsvillkor. Parkförvaltningar har identifierats som en viktig aktör för att förvalta och utveckla barnvĂ€nliga miljöer, dock finns det en osĂ€kerhet om hur detta ska tillĂ€mpas. Den hĂ€r studien har haft som syfte att studera hur parkförvaltningar arbetar med dessa frĂ„gor idag och identifiera viktiga faktorer. En fallstudie med parkförvaltningar frĂ„n tre olika kommuner genomfördes, de valdes baserat pĂ„ att de visat att de aktivt arbetat med barns och ungas delaktighet. Metoden inkluderade semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt fyra informanter frĂ„n fyra olika avdelningar pĂ„ kommunernas parkförvaltningar, samtliga med erfarenhet av dialogprocesser med barn och unga. Resultaten visar att det finns etablerade arbetsmetoder och strategier pĂ„ förvaltningarna i de undersökta kommunerna. Studien tar upp ett antal exempel pĂ„ hur förvaltningarna arbetar strategiskt för att utveckla lösningar och möta barn och ungas behov. Förvaltningarna möter liknande utmaningar i sitt arbete som utgörs av: begrĂ€sningar i budget, tid, kunskap och personal. Resultaten indikerar att bristande resurser försĂ€mrar barns och ungas möjligheter att vara delaktiga vid förvaltningen och utvecklingen av utemiljön. Förvaltningarnas styrkor definierades som: korta ledtider, projekt som rör barn och unga och samarbeten med skolor, förskolor och fritidsgĂ„rdar för att nĂ„ barn och unga i kommunen. De har Ă€ven etablerade rutiner kring dialogprocesser av varierande form och storlek som inkluderar barns och ungas perspektiv under olika faser av byggprocessen. Behovet av Ă„terkoppling identifieras som en del av erfarenhetsöverföringen inom organisationerna men ocksĂ„ som en viktig aspekt av dialogen med barn och unga. Ett annat förbĂ€ttringsomrĂ„de Ă€r utvecklingen av anpassade kommunikationsvĂ€gar för barn och unga, mer delaktighet pĂ„ policy och operationell nivĂ„ samt implementera olika former av samstyrning frĂ€mjar delaktighet och skapa mer engagemang.Municipalities have an important mission in including children's and young people's perspectives and participation in urban planning. Since the Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law in January 2020, the right of children and young people to be heard and involved in decisions concerning them has been strengthened. This poses a major challenge for, among others, those responsible for the management of outdoor environments, as their work is strongly linked to the needs of children and young people and has a direct impact on their living conditions. Park administrations have been identified as an important factor in managing and developing childïżœfriendly environments, but there is also uncertainty about how this will be applied among managers. This study aims to study how park administrations work with these issues today and identify important factors. A case study with park administrations from three different municipalities was conducted, selected based on the fact that they actively worked with the participation of children and young people. The method included semi-structured interviews with four informants from four different departments of municipal park administrations, all with experience in dialogue processes with children and young people. The results show that there are established work methods and strategies in the administrations of the municipalities examined. The study presents a number of examples of how the administrations work strategically to develop solutions and meet the needs of children and young people. Administrations face similar challenges in their work: budgetary, time and staff limitations. The results indicate that a lack of resources impairs the ability of children and young people to be involved in the management and development of the outdoor environment. However, short lead times and specific projects that concern childrenÂŽs and youthÂŽs places were seen as a possibility for involving children and youth in decision making. The park management reaches children and young people in the municipality mainly through existing collaborations with schools, preschools, and youth centers. They have established routines regarding dialogue processes of varying shape and size that include children's and young people's perspectives during different phases of the construction process. The need for feedback is identified as part of the transfer of experience within organizations but also as an important aspect of dialogue with children and young people in the municipality. Another area of improvement is the development of suitable channels of contact for children and youth to be able to make themselves heard in issues regarding the management of outdoor spaces. They also need to develop adapted communication paths for children and young people, enable more participation at the policy and operational level, and implement different forms of co-governance to promote participation and create more engagement among children and youth

    The conception of children’s place-making in municipal planning : a case study of how two Swedish municipalities plan for and with children in an urban environment

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    Platsskapande syftar pĂ„ processen dĂ€r individen bygger en relation till den fysiska miljön av en plats. Barns sĂ€tt att se och skapa platser pĂ„ Ă€r flexibelt och mjukt i sitt uttryck, till skillnad frĂ„n vuxenvĂ€rldens strikta konstruktioner av plats, och platsskapande Ă€r en vĂ€sentlig aspekt för barn att upptĂ€cka och förstĂ„ sin omvĂ€rld. Utomhuslek Ă€r en av de mest grundlĂ€ggande aspekterna av barns platsskapande, tillsammans med variation av miljöer, och barn skapar platser dĂ„ de fritt fĂ„r utforska och upptĂ€cka möjligheter i sin omgivning pĂ„ sina egna villkor. Under barndomen Ă€r platserna barn leker pĂ„ en del av deras identitetsskapande dĂ„ vardagsmiljön utgör en arena för aktivitet och kunskap. Vuxnas barnperspektiv inom planering har en direkt inverkan pĂ„ utformningen av miljöer som planeras med avsikten att frĂ€mja barns nĂ€rvaro, och det finns idag ingen tydlig bild av hur barns platsskapande beaktas i planering. UtifrĂ„n en fallstudie av tvĂ„ svenska kommuner undersöks dĂ€rför hur barns platsskapande uppfattas och uppmĂ€rksammas inom planering av offentliga miljöer, med mĂ„let att lyfta vĂ€rdet av barns platsskapande som en del av hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling. Resultatet visar att det finns en förstĂ„else för barns platsskapande bland tjĂ€nstepersoner som arbetar med barn i planering, och de framhĂ€ver barns förmĂ„ga att kreativt skapa och leka efter sin egen fantasi som grunden till barns platsskapande. Planering kan frĂ€mja barns platsskapande genom att planera för rörelsefrihet, nĂ€ra tillgĂ„ng till grönytor och miljöer med varierande innehĂ„ll. Men Ă€ven genom att lĂ€mna plats för oprogrammerade miljöer och okodat material dĂ€r barns skapande av platser fĂ„r fri möjlighet att uttryckas. Samtidigt understryker resultatet att barns platsskapande sĂ€llan ges utrymme att uttryckligen arbetas med inom planering och att det huvudsakligen Ă€r formellt platsskapande som behandlas i de fall dĂ€r det arbetas med. Utrymmet för att arbeta med barns platsskapande begrĂ€nsas i stor mĂ„n av fyrkantiga planeringsstrukturer och onyanserade synsĂ€tt dĂ„ det saknas konkreta officiella strategier för hur ett sĂ„dant arbete ska gĂ„ till vĂ€ga, och det Ă€r vanligt att arbetet drivs av engagerade tjĂ€nstepersoner.Place-making refers to the process where an individual builds a relationship to the physical environment of a place. Children’s way of understanding and creating places is flexible and soft, in contrast to the strict construction of place adults maintain, and place-making is an essential aspect in children’s ability to make sense of their surrounding world. Outdoor play is one of the most fundamental aspects of children’s place-making, along with a variation in the environment, and children create places when they get to freely explore and discover opportunities in their surroundings on their own terms. During childhood the places where children play is a part of their identity making as the everyday environment provide an arena for activity and knowledge. The child perspective that adults have in planning directly influences the design of environments planned to promote the presence of children, and today there is no clear understanding of how children’s place-making is considered in planning. Based on a case study of two Swedish municipalities this study examines the conception and attention of children’s place-making in urban planning of public spaces, with the intention to emphasize the value of children’s placeïżœmaking as a part of sustainable urban development. The results show an understanding of children’s place-making among civil servants who work with children in planning, as they describe children’s creative ability to create and play using their own imagination as the foundation for children’s place-making. Planning can promote children’s place-making by planning for freedom of movement, close access to green spaces and a diversity in environments. But also, by reserving space for unprogrammed environments and uncoded material where children’s making of place can be freely expressed. However, the results also emphasize that children’s place-making rarely gets enough room to be worked with within planning, and that the cases that do work with it mainly do so through formal place-making. The room to work with children’s place-making is largely limited by inflexible planning structures and approaches without nuances as there are no concrete official strategies for that line of work, and it is common that the existing work is driven by civil servants engaged in the subject

    Children’s perspective at riding school : a qualitative interview study through focus groups with younger children

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    Tidigare var det vanligt att ridskolor hade en grĂ€ns pĂ„ sju Ă„rs Ă„lder för att fĂ„ börja rida. Ridlekis Ă€r ett nytt fenomen pĂ„ svenska ridskolor och idag saknas det forskning om hur de yngsta barnen upplever ridlekis pĂ„ ridskolan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka barns perspektiv pĂ„ ridlekisverksamhet. Studien genomfördes genom att besvara frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna: Vad upplever yngre barn som roligt pĂ„ ridlekis? Vad Ă€r det som fĂ„r yngre barn att börja och fortsĂ€tta pĂ„ ridlekis? Metoden som anvĂ€ndes var fokusgruppsintervjuer. Fem intervjuer genomfördes pĂ„ tvĂ„ olika ridskolor. Totalt 31 barn i Ă„ldern tre till sex Ă„r deltog i studien. Det insamlade materialet transkriberades, analyserades genom innehĂ„llsanalys och fyra teman kom att fokuseras. De fyra teman resultatet landade i var: Motiv till deltagande, Roligast pĂ„ ridlekis, Första dagen pĂ„ ridlekis och RidlĂ€raren och hĂ€starnas betydelse. Resultatet visade mĂ„nga likheter och olikheter i barnens uttalanden. I motiv till deltagande svarade de flesta barnen att det var för att de tycker om att rida eller att de började för att det Ă€r roligt. Under temat roligast pĂ„ ridlekis tyckte majoriteten att trava och galoppera var det allra roligaste medan en del av barnen tyckte mest om att klappa och ge godis till hĂ€starna. Första dagen pĂ„ ridlekis upplevde flest barn som ”lĂ€skigt” och att de var blyga. Andra barn tyckte Ă€ven att det kĂ€ndes roligt och pirrigt. BetrĂ€ffande ridlĂ€raren och hĂ€starnas betydelse sĂ„ uppgav majoriteten av barnen att en bra ridlĂ€rare ska lĂ€ra barnen saker samt vara snĂ€ll och glad. Även hĂ€starna ska vara snĂ€lla, men ocksĂ„ söta, gulliga, fina och gosiga. Slutsatsen blev att det Ă€r av stor vikt att ta reda pĂ„ barnens perspektiv för att göra barnens upplevelse pĂ„ ridlekis sĂ„ bra som möjligt. Variation i verksamheten Ă€r viktigt och resultatet visade att ridningen inte ensam Ă€r central för barnen. Barnen i studien tyckte att det var minst lika roligt att vara med hĂ€starna i stallet och att fĂ„ rosetter. För att barn ska fortsĂ€tta pĂ„ ridlekis Ă€r snĂ€lla och positiva ridlĂ€rare samt trygga hĂ€star nĂ„got ridskolor bör prioritera i ridlekisverksamhet.In the past, it was common for riding schools in Sweden to have a limit of seven years of age to start riding. Therefore, ”ridlekis” is a new phenomenon in Swedish riding schools and today there is a lack of research on how the youngest children experience ”ridlekis” at the riding schools. The purpose of the study was to find out childrens’ perspective on riding school. The concept ”ridlekis” means a more playful version of the usual riding school activities for children aged three to six years. The study was done by answering the following questions: What do younger children experience as fun at riding school? What makes younger children start and continue on riding school? Five focus group interviews were conducted at two different riding schools. A total of 31 children aged three to six years participated in the study. The collected material was transcribed and analyzed through content analysis and four themes came to focus. The four themes the result landed in were: Motives for participation, Funniest activities at ”ridlekis”, First day at ”ridlekis” and The importance of the riding teacher and the horses. The results showed many similarities and differences in the children's statements. In motive for participating, most children answered that it was because they like riding or that they started because it was fun. Under the theme most fun at “ridlekis”, the majority thought trotting and galloping was the most fun while some of the children liked to pet and give sweets to the horses. The first day at ridlekis, most children experienced it as "scary" and that they were shy. Other children also found it fun and tantalizing. Regarding the importance of riding teacher and horses, the majority of children, expressed that a good riding teacher should teach the children things and be kind and happy. The horses should also be kind, but also sweet, cute, nice and cuddly. The conclusion was that it is important to find out the children's perspective in order to make their experience at “ridlekis” as good as possible. Variation in the activity is important and the results showed that riding is not the most important thing for the children. The children in the study thought it was at least as fun to be with the horses and get price rosettes. The riding teacher and the horses play an important role in the activities and to get the children to continue riding

    Förskolor pÄ tak

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    Trots omfattande forskning kring vikten av goda utemiljöer för barn har flera kommuner börjat aktualisera takgÄrdar som lösning för förskolemiljöer till följd av den rÄdande platsbristen i stÀder. Samtidigt verkar det finnas ett glapp i forskningen kring hur vÀl dessa utemiljöer fungerar för barnen. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att förstÄ och sprida kunskap om barns utemiljöer pÄ tak och vidare att förstÄ möjligheter och hinder med att placera barns utemiljöer pÄ tak. Detta har gjorts genom att studera takgÄrden Molnet genom ett barnperspektiv. I uppsatsen har vidare en litteraturstudie och en exempelstudie genomförts. Inom exempelstudien har flera insamlingstekniker anvÀnts dÀr studiens största empiriska material utgörs av en intervjustudie. Inom exempelstudien har Àven en dokumentstudie och ett platsbesök genomförts. Till hjÀlp för att analysera takgÄrden har Malmö stads analysverktyg lekvÀrdesfaktor anvÀnts. Det kan utifrÄn studiens resultat konstateras att flera aspekter som forskning visar pÄ Àr viktiga bestÄndsdelar i barns utemiljöer Àr svÄra att genomföra pÄ tak och att de positiva aspekterna kopplade till takförskolor Àr nyttor som inte rör barn specifikt.Despite extensive research on the importance of good outdoor environments for children, several municipalities have begun to implement roof yards as a solution for preschool environments as a result of the prevailing lack of space in cities. At the same time, there seems to be a gap in research on how well these outdoor environments work for children. The purpose of the essay has been to understand and spread knowledge about children's outdoor environments on roofs and further to understand opportunities and obstacles in placing children's outdoor environments on roofs. This has been done by studying the roof garden Molnet through a child perspective. In the essay, a literature study and an example study have also been carried out. In the example study, several collection techniques have been used where the study's largest empirical material consists of an interview study. Within the example study, a document study and a site visit were also carried out. To help analyze the rooftop schoolyard, the City of Malmö's analysis tool LekvÀrdesfaktor has been used. Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that several aspects that research shows are important components in children's outdoor environments are difficult to implement on roofs and that the positive aspects linked to roof preschools are benefits that do not concern children specifically

    Urban planning – a child of its time? : the modernistic and neo-liberalistic view on children’s outdoor spaces in the city

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    SamhĂ€llsplanering har alltid prĂ€glats av ideologier. Uppfattningen om hur staden ska planeras och formas har samtidigt varit allt annat Ă€n enig. Under de modernistiska Ă„ren frĂ„n 1930-talet fram till omkring 1970-talet decentraliserades staden. Staden skulle byggas utifrĂ„n ledorden ljus, luft och grönska, detta i kontrast till den tidigare trĂ„nga och mörka kvartersstaden. BostadsomrĂ„den i den modernistiska staden skulle vara gröna och luftiga, separerade frĂ„n bĂ„de arbetsplatser och handel. De nya omrĂ„dena blev snabbt populĂ€ra bland barnfamiljer, och bilismen fick i och med detta sitt stora genomslag. Efter drygt 40 Ă„r av decentralisering vĂ€cktes dock kritik mot denna form av samhĂ€llsplanering. OmrĂ„den som byggdes under denna tid ansĂ„gs bidra till bĂ„de segregation och ett kraftigt ökat bilberoende, vilket inte ansĂ„gs hĂ„llbart. Samtidigt valde allt fler mĂ€nniskor att bosĂ€tta sig i staden och bo kvar Ă€ven efter de fĂ„tt barn, vilket kom att stĂ€lla höga krav pĂ„ planeringen och utformningen dĂ„ den behövde beakta fler gruppers behov och intressen. Idag har vi istĂ€llet en nyliberal samhĂ€llsplanering som till stor del bygger pĂ„ förtĂ€tning och effektivisering av stadsrummet. Men Ă€ven detta sĂ€tt att planera pĂ„ har gett upphov till kritik och debatt. Kritiken grundar sig bland annat i att de miljöer som skapas i den tĂ€ta staden verkar hĂ€mmande för barns rörelsefrihet och att de inte tillhandahĂ„ller de miljöerbjudanden som barn behöver. Oavsett ideal har barn alltid haft samma behov nĂ€r det kommer till utevistelse och rekreation. Den fysiska miljön har makten att forma uppvĂ€xtmiljöerna för framtidens mĂ€nniskor men resultatet av hur en viss typ av miljö har pĂ„verkat oss ser vi först i efterhand. DĂ€remot kan vi dra slutsatser baserat pĂ„ forskning kring barns behov vad gĂ€ller förutsĂ€ttningar för den fysiska, mentala och sociala hĂ€lsan. Barn behöver vistas i barnvĂ€nliga utemiljöer och dagens samhĂ€llsplanering har i och med en stark tilltro till förtĂ€tning svĂ„rt att hantera det. Denna fallstudie undersöker hur samhĂ€llsplaneringen under modernismen och under dagens nyliberala planering har pĂ„verkat barns utemiljöer, samt vad detta har haft och kan komma ha för konsekvenser. Undersökningen tog plats framförallt genom en fallstudie av tvĂ„ skĂ„nska stĂ€der, Malmö och Landskrona, dĂ€r ett antal omrĂ„den i dessa sedan studerats nĂ€rmare. Studien visar genom resultat frĂ„n platsbesök, studier av plandokument och tidigare forskning samt intervjuer med planerare att det finns stor skillnad mellan omrĂ„den planerade under modernismen och nyliberalismen, framförallt dĂ„ det kommer till friyta och trafik. Barn i nyliberala omrĂ„den har inte den rörelsefriheten som barn i modernistiska omrĂ„den har vilket medför konsekvenser bĂ„de för samhĂ€llet men Ă€ven för barnet som individ.Urban planning has always been marked by ideologies. The general perception of how the city should be formed meanwhile has been all but unanimous. During the years of modernism circa 1930-1970 the city was decentralized. The modernistic neighborhoods would be built bright, light, green and spacious, built in separated units from places of work and commerce. The new residential areas quickly became popular amongst families with children. The usage of cars for commuting and transportation also became more widespread during this period. After about 40 years of continuous decentralization the critique towards this form of urban planning resulted in a change. The modernistic areas were seen as contributors to segregation and the great rise in car-dependency, something that was seen as unsustainable. Meanwhile more people moved back into the cities and chose to stay there once they had children, which put great strain on the city planning. Today we have an urban planning which mainly focuses on the densification and rationalization of the city. This new way of planning is not unchallenged however. The criticism is partly based on the way the neo-liberal city is constructed; in a way which hinders children’s independence of mobility and with insufficient affordances provided by small greens spaces. Despite any ideals of urban planning, children has always had the same needs in regards to their outdoor environment and recreation. The physical environment has the power to shape the environment in which the following generation of people grow up in, but the result of decisions taken is seen only in hindsight. We can however make predictions, based on research on children’s needs and prerequisites for physical, mental and social health. Children need child friendly environments and the urban planning of today, with its trust in densification, has difficulty in realizing and accommodating this. In this study the aim is to investigate how the urban planning, during the modernist period and the neo-liberal planning today, has affected children’s outside spaces and the consequences this has brought and will continue to bring. This case study investigates how urban planning during the modernist era, as well as the neoliberal planning of today, has affected children’s outdoor spaces and what consequences this has had and might have in the future. The investigation was executed as a case study of two Scanian cities: Malmö and Landskrona. In these cities six residential areas was chosen for closer study. The case study, through the use of field studies, interviews with planners and a review of previous research and official plan documents, shows a major difference between areas planned in the modernist and neo-liberal periods, mainly regarding open spaces and traffic. Children in neo-liberal residential areas does not have the freedom of movement that children in modernist areas have which has consequences for society, but also for the child as an individual

    The tiny schoolyard : design in relation to childrens’ physical activity

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    Fysisk aktivitet Àr en förutsÀttning för hÀlsa och vÀlmÄende, men faktum Àr att vÀrldens befolkning rör sig allt mindre. Studier visar att fÄ barn Àr tillrÀckligt fysiskt aktiva i förhÄllande till de rekommendationer som finns vilket kan ge mÄnga negativa konsekvenser för enskilda individer sÄvÀl som för samhÀllet i stort. FrÄgan om hur barn kan aktiveras Àr dÀrmed ett viktigt Àmne. I Sverige spenderar majoriteten av barnen en stor del av sin tid i skolan, vilket gör skolgÄrden till en plats med stor potential att starkt pÄverka hur aktiva eleverna Àr. Trots detta Àr trenden att skolgÄrdarnas yta blir allt mindre, vilket medför att viktiga funktioner och kvaliteter som bidrar till fysisk aktivitet, sÄsom grönytor, riskerar att utebli. Landskapsarkitekter som arbetar med gestaltning av skolgÄrdar har en viktig roll i att tillfredsstÀlla behoven om fysisk aktivitet och begrÀnsningen i yta kan bli en betydande svÄrighet. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att bÀttre förstÄ hur gestaltningen av en liten skolgÄrd kan pÄverka elevernas fysiska aktivitet och hur landskapsarkitekter kan förhÄlla sig till befintlig vÀgledning kring detta. Genom en fallstudie, dÀr Katarina Norra skolgÄrd i Stockholm har undersökts, exemplifieras den lilla skolgÄrden och genom platsbesök sÄvÀl som semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma landskapsarkitekter har material till studien samlats in. UtifrÄn resultaten, och med Katarina Norra skolgÄrd som exempel, diskuteras komplexiteten i frÄgan tillsammans med problematiken kring minskande skolgÄrdsytor. Studien visar att en alltför liten skolgÄrd kan leda till att flera viktiga kvaliteter och funktioner som bidrar till elevernas fysiska aktivitet, sÄsom grönytor och varierande zoner anpassade efter olika behov och Äldrar, blir svÄrare att inkludera.Although physical activity is a prerequisite for health and wellbeing, the general population of the world is increasingly inactive, and studies show that few children are active enough in relation to the existing recommendations. This contributes to numerous consequences that could have negative impacts on both individuals as well as the society at large, which makes the topic on how to activate children an important matter. The vast majority of children in Sweden spend a large amount of their time in school, which makes the schoolyard a place with great potential to strongly influence how active the students are. Despite this, a growing trend is that the surface area of the schoolyards tends to decrease in size, which means that important functions and qualities that contribute to physical activity, such as vegetation, are at risk of being excluded. Landscape architects who work with designing schoolyards have an important role in satisfying the needs for physical activity, but the limited area can be a significant difficulty. The purpose of this essay is to better understand how the design of a small schoolyard can affect the students' physical activity and how landscape architects can work with to existing guidance regarding this. Material for the study has been collected by means of a case study, where Katarina Norra schoolyard has been investigated as an example of a small schoolyard in Stockholm, as well as semi-structured interviews with professional landscape architects. Based on the results, the complexity of the issue is discussed together with the problem of decreasing schoolyards. The study shows that a schoolyard that is too small can lead to difficulties in including several important qualities and functions that contribute to students' physical activity, such as green areas and varying zones adapted to different needs and ages

    Barnperspektivet i den sociala barnavÄrden

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    Huvudansvaret för barns fostran och vÄrdnad ligger hos förÀldrarna. Trots detta sÄ har samhÀllet en skyldighet att trÀda in dÄ en förÀlder inte kan full-följa sin vÄrdnadsplikt. Detta ansvar Äterfinns i den sociala barnavÄrden. Mycket har hÀnt inom den sociala barnavÄrden det senaste Ärhundradet, delvis pÄ grund av en förÀndrad syn pÄ barn och inte minst har Förenta nationernas konvention om barnets rÀttigheter (Barnkonventionen) fÄtt samhÀllet att göra barnen mera synliga. Det har skett Ätskilliga lag-förÀndringar och det har arbetas fram modeller för ett stÀrkt barnperspektiv. Barnets bÀsta och barnets rÀtt att komma till tals tas allt mer i beaktande vid utredningar och beslut. Trots detta ökade barnperspektiv sÄ riktas det ofta kritik mot den sociala barnavÄrden. Kritiken rör inte sÀllan brister i barnperspektivet. Denna kritik kan sÀgas ligga till grund för mitt arbete nÀr jag utforskar hur barn-perspektivet ser ut inom den sociala barnavÄrden. I barnskyddsutredningen som utkom 2009 lades det fram ett förslag om att de bestÀmmelser som rör barn i socialtjÀnstlagen (SoL) och lagen om vÄrd av unga (LVU) skulle slÄs samman till en ny gemensam lag. Denna lag skulle fÄ namnet Lag om stöd och skydd för barn och unga (LBU). Utredningen fann att det ur ett barnperspektiv vore bra att samla dessa lagar i en och samma. Ett par Är efter barnskyddsutredningens förslag utkom Barnombudsmannen (BO) med en rapport dÀr han instÀmde med utredningen om att införa en ny barnalag men han gick Àven steget lÀngre och föreslog en reform av socialtjÀnsten sÄ att dess arbete med barns skydd skulle samlas i en sÀrskild organisation. Det norska barnevernet sÄg BO som förebild för denna organisation. FrÄgan Àr om det pÄ annat sÀtt Àn genom reformer genom lagstiftning eller organisations-förÀndringar kan Ästadkommas ett starkare barnperspektiv. Exempelvis sÄ forskas det och tas fram olika modeller och arbetsverktyg som skulle kunna leda till ett förstÀrkt barnperspektiv. En modell som delvis har till syfte att ge ett stÀrkt barnperspektiv Àr Barns behov i centrum (BBIC). Eftersom BBIC idag praktiseras av majoriteten av Sveriges social-tjÀnster sÄ undersöker jag just denna modell i mitt arbete. I mitt arbete sÄ vÀger jag dessa olika tillvÀgagÄngsÀtt för ett stÀrkt barn-perspektiv inte bara mot varandra utan Àven i förhÄllande till den kommunala sjÀlvstyrelsen.The main responsibility for the child's upbringing and custody lies in the hands of the parents. However, society has an obligation to step in when the parents canŽt fulfill their duty of care. This responsibility is called the child welfare. Much has happened in the area of child welfare during the last century, partly because of a changed view of the child, but also because the United NationŽs Convention on the Rights of the Child has forced the society to make children more visable. There has been several legislative changes, and several different models for strengthening the child's perspective has been presented. The best interest of the child and the child's right to be heard are given greater consideration when it comes to investigations and decisions. Despite this increasing childperspective the social services are often criticized. The criticism often concerns gaps in the childperspective. This criticism, in a way, forms the basis of my thesis, as I look into how the childperspective plays out in the child welfare. The child protection investigation, published in 2009, proposed that the rules regarding children in the Social Services Act and the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) would be unified into a new law. This law would be named Law for support and protection of children and young people (LBU). The investigation found that, from a child's perspective, it would be a good idea to unify these two laws. A couple of years after the child protection investigationŽs proposal, the Childrens Ombudsman (BO) issued a report in which he not only concurred with the proposal of introducing a new Child Act, but also went even further and proposed that the social services should be reformed in order to make it possible to handle issues regarding childprotection, ie a specialized organisation. BO found the Norwegian barnevernet to be a good role model for such an organization. The question is whether, instead of reforms, it is possible to accomplish an enhanced childprotection through legislation or organizational changes. For example, research is being conducted and different models and working tools are being presented, all of which could lead to an enhanced childperspective. One model, partly intended to give an enhanced childperspective is Children's needs at the center (BBIC). Since BBIC today is practiced by the majority of Sweden's social services I will investigate this particular model in my thesis. In my thesis I weigh these different approach for a strengthened childperspective, not only against each other but also in relation to the local self-government

    "Att se ur barnets ögon" : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas tolkning och tillÀmpning av begreppen barnets bÀsta och barnperspektivet

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    The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within the social services in four different municipalities in northwest of SkĂ„ne, defined and applied the concept of the best interests of the child and the child perspective, when they encounter children who have experienced domestic violence. Our study was based on a qualitative method and we have chosen to interview six professionals, which are working with children who have experienced domestic violence. In the analysis we applied two different theories. The first one, childhood sociology, is focusing on considering the children’s competence as social actors in the society. The second theory, street-level bureaucracy, is explaining the professional’s discretion and difficulties, when working with clients in human service organizations. The result of the study showed that the concept of the best interests of the child was interpreted in various ways by the professionals and that they also related the concept to the parent’s obligations towards the children. When working with a child perspective, the professionals stated that the concept contained a complexity in applying the concept in their practical work. We also found that the professionals encountered different factors, within their organizations, which limited their discretion

    Health-promoting factors in interventions for treatment of children and adolescents with overweight and obesity

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    Overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is now a serious public health problem that has led to this population has increased. Studies show that overweight and obesity affect both the physical and mental health. The consensus is that we need both preventive and intervention strategies that have good effects on the health of these children and adolescents. For the design of these strategies requires more knowledge and thus further research. Aim: Where to describe health-promoting factors in interventions for the treatment of children and adolescents with overweight and obesity. Method: Literature study based on 15 articles from different countries were included, the quality was reviewed and analyzed by an inductive approach. Result: Three categories emerged in the results; program structure, lifestyle changes and multimodal structures. The study showed that intervention programs should have a duration of up to two years with regular frequent meetings. The programs included lifestyle changes where the whole family was included by an interactive approach. The importance of a multidisciplinary team was seen as an important basis. Conclusion: Intervention programs that went on over a longer period of time, where the whole family involved resulted in improved lifestyle changes. Motivational Interviewing (MI) and the multidisciplinary team was a force in health promotion with children and adolescents who are overweight or obese.Övervikt och fetma bland barn och ungdomar Ă€r idag ett allvarligt folkhĂ€lsoproblem. Studier visar att övervikt och fetma pĂ„verkar bĂ„de den fysiska och psykiska hĂ€lsan. Enighet rĂ„der om att det behövs bĂ„de preventiva och interventiva strategier som har goda effekter pĂ„ hĂ€lsan för dessa barn och ungdomar. För utformning av dessa strategier krĂ€vs det mer kunskap och dĂ€rmed vidare forskning. Syfte: Var att beskriva hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande faktorer vid interventioner för behandling av barn och ungdomar med övervikt och fetma. Metod: Litteraturstudie som baserades pĂ„ 15 artiklar frĂ„n olika lĂ€nder inkluderades, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades med en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Tre kategorier framkom i resultatet; programstruktur, livsstilsförĂ€ndringar och multimodala strukturer. Studien pĂ„visade att interventionsprogrammen bör ha en varaktighet upp mot tvĂ„ Ă„r med regelbundna tĂ€ta trĂ€ffar. Programmen innefattade livsstilsförĂ€ndringar dĂ€r hela familjen inkluderades genom ett interaktivt arbetssĂ€tt. Vikten av ett multidisciplinĂ€rt team sĂ„gs som en viktig grund. Slutsats: Interventionsprogram som pĂ„gick över en lĂ€ngre tid, dĂ€r hela familjen involverades resulterade i förbĂ€ttrade livsstilsförĂ€ndringar. Motiverande samtal (MI) och multidisciplinĂ€rt team var en styrka i det hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbetet med barn och ungdomar som har övervikt eller fetma
