725 research outputs found

    Research on the Risk Control of Stocks Pledged Repo of China Merchants Securities Co. Ltd.

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    上海、深圳证券交易所于2013年6月共同上线了股票质押式回购交易业务,相对于其他股权质押融资业务,该业务具有参与主体及出资方多样性、标的证券广阔性等业务优势。 作为目前主力的质押融资业务,股票质押业务丰富了证券公司融资业务范围,并且在一定程度上解决了部分中小企业融资难的困境,切实做到了“金融服务实体经济”。而业务发展3年多以来,开展此项业务的证券公司逐渐发现其可能面临的诸多风险,如市场风险、合规风险、信用风险、政策风险等等。 在收益与风险并存的情况下,面对证券市场逐渐扩容带来的市场机遇,如何继续发展股票质押业务成为了证券公司共同思考的问题。 本文以招商证券股份有限公司开展的股票质押式回购...In June 2013, Shanghai Stock Exchange together with Shenzhen Stock Exchange launched Stocks Pledged Repo, which has some advantages against other financing pledged repo, namely: diversity of business participants and stake holders, extensity of underlying securities. As the main business of pledged financing, Stocks Pledged Repo enriches the financing scope of security companies. To some extent, ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115098

    How university students in Hong Kong shop via SNS? An analysis of online consumers’ intention in Instagram

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    随着电子商务和移动设备的兴起,社交网站(SNS)除了满足用户可以交流、沟通、分享资讯之外,更发展出了在社交网站上实现购物。在此环境下,可以说,社交网站不断挑战着传统购物模式,在线上购物行为中逐渐扮演重要角色。本研究经由305个Instagram社交网络使用者,并重点关注社交网络的特性,对消费者接受社交网络购物意向的影响因素进行考察。 本研究通过香港大学生进行问卷调查收集数据,根据技术接受模型(TAM)中的关键因素,从传播学的角度出发,注重社交网络特性,把香港大学生在社交网络的网络互动、网络使用经验以及感知社交网络风险联系起来,建构出本研究的概念模型。数据收集采取线上和线下两种方式,通过SPS...With the rise of e-commerce and mobile devices, social networking services (SNS) satisfied the users not only in communicating, exchanging and searching for information, but also in providing the users platforms to shop online. In this case, online shopping challenges the traditional way to purchase and gradually influence customers’ shopping behaviors. In this study, an online survey of more tha...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_传播学学号:3362013115437

    Impact Analysis of the Change of Social Security Contribution Rate on Urban Residents’ Consumption and Saving Behaviors

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    当前我国经济结构调整和经济增长方式转变的主要目的是让居民消费扩张成为经济增长的主要引擎。长期以来,伴随着高速经济增长,居民消费占GDP的比重不断下降,经济结构持续失衡。社会保障制度的设计,作为一种福利制度会改变居民的预算约束以及对将来收入的预期,对一国居民消费储蓄行为将产生深远影响,从而协调经济发展,维护社会稳定。由于我国城乡居民的社保制度尚未统一,因此本文选取统筹层次较高的城镇作为研究对象。主要研究在现有统账结合的社保制度下,缴费率的变化对居民消费储蓄行为以及经济资本积累、继而经济结构调整的影响。 为了缓解人口老龄化带来的问题,现阶段我国社保制度采用的是统账结合的模式,由企业和个人共同缴纳...The purpose of changing economic restructuring and economic growth model in our country is turning the residents' consumption expansion into the main engine of economic growth. For a long time, the proportion of residents’ consumption has been declining with the rapid economic growth, which results in continuous imbalances of economic structure. As a kind of welfare system, the design of social se...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1722012115205

    A research into game playing of subjects of Fuzhou real estate market

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    结合日前颁布的“榕十一条“限购令,分析福州市房价居高不下原因,探究房市各主体态度,并提出个人见解。政府应继续保持紧缩性货币政策,保证和扩大保障性安居工程,积极探索物业税的实施;房产企业应通过各种方式扩大融资比例,制定合理的房价,以免陷入“囚徒困境“;不同收入层次的市民群体宜依据自身条件应对“限购令“背景下的房市变化。The cause of a rapid rise of houses purchase price in relation to the current situation of Fuzhou real estate market is analysed.Views on curbing the purchase price are presented with respect to the policy of "Eleven governmental items of Fuzhou property-purchase limitations".Attitudes of the major subjects of the real estate market are reviewed.It is suggested that Fuzhou municipal government continue to maintain strict monetary policy to enhance and ensure affordable housing and start the practice of property taxation;that real estate enterprises increase their own money-raising proportions and set reasonable housing price to avoid "prisoner dilemma";that customers of diversified incomes deal with the property market change in the background of the enactment of governmental limitations tailored to the their personal conditions

    Responses of photosynthesis, respiration and calcification of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi to ocean acidification -a preliminary study

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    工业革命以来,人类活动导致大气中二氧化碳浓度不断升高。海洋作为碳的一个重要储库吸收CO2,导致海水酸度增加、pH值降低,并引起碳酸钙饱和度不断降低,这种现象被称为“海洋酸化”。颗石藻是海洋浮游钙化生物中的主要类群,它通过光合、呼吸及钙化作用对海洋调节大气CO2的两类生物泵过程均有贡献,颗石藻的这些生物过程对海洋酸化的响应因而也成为研究大气CO2升高对海洋碳循环影响的核心问题之一。本论文通过对Emilianiahuxleyi颗石藻进行批次(Batchculturing)与半连续培养(Semi-continuousculturing),探讨了不同培养方式下大气CO2浓度对E.huxleyi颗石藻的...Atmospheric CO2 concentration has been increasing due to antropogenic CO2 emissions since the industrial revolution. Ocean as an important “sink” of atmospheric CO2 has uptaken roughly 30% of the anthropogenic CO2. One of the consequences of the penetration of anthropogenic CO2 into the ocean is the increase in the acidity of the ocean, and the reduction in pH and the saturation state of calcium c...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:2262007115238

    The Word Formation of the Sememic Morphemes in the Textbooks for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

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    本文以对外汉语教材语料库以为依托,以强构词能力语素及它们在教材中所覆盖的词为主要分析对象,考察语素项(语素+义项)的类型、独立成词能力、构词能力、构词位置,并且探讨了同一语素下,主要语素项的存在情况,研究主要语素项与其他语素项的意义联系、语素义和词义的关系,以及上述属性在教材词汇系统的分布情况和梯度呈现等方面的问题。具体内容如下:第一,本文考察了不同类型的语素项在不同等级教材中的分布情况,并根据语素项在“教材词汇”中的地位,探讨教学的难点和重点。从语素项的基本类型来看,自由语素项在独立成词和参与构词两方面都比其他类型的语素项活跃,它们是语素教学的主体。第二,从同一个语素的不同义项来看,同一语素...Via analyzing the morphemes with high word-forming ability and the words with such morphemes in the data-base of textbooks for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, the thesis makes an analytical research on the types, independency ability, word-forming ability, and the location in words of Sememic Morphemes (morpheme plus Sememic). The thesis also deals with the instances of the same morpheme i...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_语言学及应用语言学学号:2005130001

    Responses of photosynthesis, respiration and calcification of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi to ocean acidification -a preliminary study

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    工业革命以来,人类活动导致大气中二氧化碳浓度不断升高。海洋作为碳的一个重要储库吸收CO2,导致海水酸度增加、pH值降低,并引起碳酸钙饱和度不断降低,这种现象被称为“海洋酸化”。颗石藻是海洋浮游钙化生物中的主要类群,它通过光合、呼吸及钙化作用对海洋调节大气CO2的两类生物泵过程均有贡献,颗石藻的这些生物过程对海洋酸化的响应因而也成为研究大气CO2升高对海洋碳循环影响的核心问题之一。本论文通过对Emilianiahuxleyi颗石藻进行批次(Batchculturing)与半连续培养(Semi-continuousculturing),探讨了不同培养方式下大气CO2浓度对E.huxleyi颗石藻的...Atmospheric CO2 concentration has been increasing due to antropogenic CO2 emissions since the industrial revolution. Ocean as an important “sink” of atmospheric CO2 has uptaken roughly 30% of the anthropogenic CO2. One of the consequences of the penetration of anthropogenic CO2 into the ocean is the increase in the acidity of the ocean, and the reduction in pH and the saturation state of calcium c...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:2262007115238

    The Policy Network Theory and Its Application

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    随着全球化、国际化、信息化的不断发展,政府的责任范围不断拓展,公共事务日趋复杂。而传统的多元主义和统合主义又无法解释和解决这一政治现象,政策网络理论从中观层面的角度弥补了宏观研究方法和微观研究方法的裂痕。政策网络理论以政策共同体为核心,通过结构、网络、组织互动以及人际互动等分析法,展现了政策过程中政策主体之间竞争与合作的互动行为,更清晰地展现了当代政策过程的真实画面。作为一个新视角的研究方法,政策网络理论具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。文章可以分为如下五部分:第一部分,导论。阐述了文章的研究背景、研究意义以及国内外研究现状、研究价值和局限性等;同时指出了本文的研究方法、论文框架和论文的创新点。第...With the globalization, internationalization, the continuous development of information, the scope of government responsibility becomes expand. Country's politics tending to disaggregation, decentralization and fragmentation, more interest groups or policy community are admitted into the policy arena, making the increasing complexity of public affairs. While the traditional pluralism and corporati...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392006115072

    The Material Life of Soldier in English Civil War

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    内战是英国历史的转折点,英国社会和军事结构经历了从传统到现代的重大转变。士兵作为军队的主体,也经历了从传统的散兵游勇式的民兵体制到职业士兵的转变,逐渐成为社会中的一个职业群体。物质生活随之也发生了重大变化。本文着重探讨了英国内战时期的士兵物质生活,旨在窥察英国在这次社会转型期普通士兵的生活情状。 文章分为四部分,第一部分综述英国内战前后经济发展情况和民众的物质生活水平,为研究士兵的物质生活提供经济背景。以此为基点,第二、三、四部分分别描述了内战士兵入伍前,战争时期及其遣散复员后的经济生活状况。本文着重探讨了内战士兵在这个特定的社会时期呈现的诸多变化的趋势:首先,选拔体制上,散兵游勇式的民兵体...In English history, Civil war was a turning point,its social and military structure has changed from traditional style to modern condition. The soldier, as the main body of the army, has also gone from the militia soldier to the professional ones, and became a group gradually. Significantly,its material living conditions changed a lot. This paper focuses on material life of soldiers in English Civ...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_世界史学号:1032007115161