18 research outputs found

    Musical Expertise Has Minimal Impact on Dual Task Performance

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    Studies investigating effect of practice on dual task performance have yielded conflicting findings, thus supporting different theoretical accounts about the organisation of attentional resources when tasks are performed simultaneously. Because practice has been proven to reduce the demand of attention for the trained task, the impact of long-lasting training on one task is an ideal way to better understand the mechanisms underlying dual task decline in performance. Our study compared performance during dual task execution in expert musicians compared to controls with little if any musical experience. Participants performed a music recognition task and a visuo-spatial task separately (single task) or simultaneously (dual task). Both groups showed a significant but similar performance decline during dual tasks. In addition, the two groups showed a similar decline of dual task performance during encoding and retrieval of the musical information, mainly attributed to a decline in sensitivity. Our results suggest that attention during dual tasks is similarly distributed by expert and non-experts. These findings are in line with previous studies showing a lack of sensitivity to difficulty and lack of practice effect during dual tasks, supporting the idea that different tasks may rely on different and not-sharable attentional resources

    Suunnittelunohjaus metallilasirakenteiden hankinnassa

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsitellään suunnittelunohjausta rakennuskohteiden julkisivuihin asennettavien metallilasirakenteiden hankinnassa. Työn tilaajana toimi NCC Suomi Oy. Metallilasirakenteiden lisääntyvä ostovolyymi rakennushankkeissa tarvitsee kriittistä tarkastelua rakenteiden ominaisuuksien lisääntyessä ja monimutkaistuessa. Asiaa tutkittiin yhdessä metallilasitoimittajien kanssa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää lasirakenteiden suurimmat kustannustekijät. Tutkimus suoritettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Syvähaastattelujen kohteena olivat NCC Suomi Oy:n yhteistyöyritysten edustajat, jotka vastaavat metallilasirakenteiden myynnistä yrityksessä. Kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen lisäksi opinnäytetyön teoria-osiossa hyödynnettiin metallilasirakenteisiin liittyviä ohjeistuksia, määräyksiä ja muita tutkimuksia. Työn tuloksena selvitettiin metallilasirakenteiden merkittävimpiä kustannustekijöitä. Metallilasirakenteiden profiilien materiaali, lasien ruutukoko, lasin ominaisuudet sekä rakenteen värisävy vaikuttavat merkittävästi valmiin rakennustuotteen hintaan. Optimoimalla näitä ominaisuuksia rakennusliike pystyy tuottamaan kokonaisedullisen rakenneratkaisun tilaajan, suunnittelijoiden sekä metallilasitoimittajien kanssa yhteistyössä.This thesis discusses the design management of metal glass structures installed in building facades. The increasing purchase volume of metal glass structures in construction projects needs critical examination with the structures and their properties becoming more complex. The examiner's task was to investigate the matter together with metal glass suppliers with the aim to find out the major cost factors for metal glass structures. The study was conducted as a qualitative research. The interviewees were representatives of the partner companies of NCC Suomi Oy who are responsible for the sale of metal glass structures. In addition to the qualitative research, the theory section contains information relating to studies about the topic as well as guidelines and regulations for the use of the metal in glass structures. The examination resulted in finding out the most important cost factors of metal glass structures. The material of the profiles, the size of the glass panel, characteristics of the glass and the color tone of the structure significantly affect the cost of the finished metal glass structure. By optimizing these properties of the structural solution, construction companies will be able to produce affordable solutions in cooperation with the client, designers and as well with metal glass suppliers


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    胶体粒子聚集速率常数实验值远低于理论值一直是被普遍关注的问题.聚集速率常数的理论推导是基于粒子的几何半径来考虑的,但决定粒子扩散速率及聚集速率的应该是粒子的流体力学半径(大于几何半径),因而它是使聚集速率常数实验值低于理论值的因素之一.影响流体力学半径的因素很多,其中,带电粒子在溶液中因表面存在双电层,会明显增大流体力学半径,造成聚集速率减慢.而双电层的厚度又随溶液中离子强度的不同而改变.本工作在聚集速率的公式中引入了修正因子,即几何半径与其流体力学半径之比,以修正由于用几何半径代替流体力学半径带来的误差.其中几何半径和流体力学半径可以分别用扫描电镜(SEM)和动态光散射(DLS)来测定.以两种粒径的聚苯乙烯带电微球为例,考察了在不同离子强度下,该误差的大小.结果发现,对于半径为30 nm的微球,用流体力学半径计算的慢聚集速率常数比理论值偏低约8%.该误差随离子强度增加而减少.对于快聚集情况,流体力学半径对聚集速率基本没有影响

    Effect of the Hydrodynamic Radius of Colloid Microspheres on the Estimation of the Coagulation Rate Constant

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    胶体粒子聚集速率常数实验值远低于理论值一直是被普遍关注的问题.聚集速率常数的理论推导是基于粒子的几何半径来考虑的,但决定粒子扩散速率及聚集速率的应该是粒子的流体力学半径(大于几何半径),因而它是使聚集速率常数实验值低于理论值的因素之一.影响流体力学半径的因素很多,其中,带电粒子在溶液中因表面存在双电层,会明显增大流体力学半径,造成聚集速率减慢.而双电层的厚度又随溶液中离子强度的不同而改变.本工作在聚集速率的公式中引入了修正因子,即几何半径与其流体力学半径之比,以修正由于用几何半径代替流体力学半径带来的误差.其中几何半径和流体力学半径可以分别用扫描电镜(SEM)和动态光散射(DLS)来测定.以两种粒径的聚苯乙烯带电微球为例,考察了在不同离子强度下,该误差的大小.结果发现,对于半径为30 nm的微球,用流体力学半径计算的慢聚集速率常数比理论值偏低约8%.该误差随离子强度增加而减少.对于快聚集情况,流体力学半径对聚集速率基本没有影响

    Kinetics Study of Crystallization with the Disorder-bcc-fcc Phase Transition of Charged Colloidal Dispersions

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    Structure transformation (disorder–bcc–fcc) in charged colloidal dispersions, as a manifestation of the Ostwald’s step rule, was confirmed by means of reflection spectrum (RS) measurements in our previous study. By taking advantage of a reflection spectrum containing plenty of information about the crystallization behaviors, time-dependent changes of parameters associated with the crystal structure and composition during the disorder-bcc-fcc transition are reported by treating the data from RS in this article. In addition, Avrami’s model is adopted to analyze the transition process and investigate the transition rate. On the basis of the above investigations, associated kinetic features of crystallization with the disorder-bcc-fcc transition are described


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