860 research outputs found

    Studies of cerebral venous circulation and coagulation function in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    目的:1.利用全脑血管造影技术(DSA)和磁敏感加权成像(SWI)观察动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(aSAH)患者脑静脉循环的变化,并探讨其对患者病情的判断价值。 2.利用血栓弹力图(TEG)研究aSAH患者凝血功能的变化,旨为评估患者凝血及纤溶系统的改变提供新的思路。 方法:1.收集南京军区福州总医院57例aSAH患者、48例未破裂动脉瘤患者及45例非动脉瘤患者(正常对照组),利用DSA观察并比较三组患者脑微循环时间(mCCT)及脑静脉循环时间(vCCT)及脑微血管及皮质静脉的显影特征。 2.对经开颅动脉瘤夹闭手术的34例aSAH患者术后一周行SWI检查,观察脑深部静脉的形态学变化,进行脑深...Objectives: 1. To observe the change of cerebral venous circulation in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage(aSAH) by using digital subtraction angiography(DSA) and susceptibility weighted imaging(SWI), and then investigate its value in judging the patients' condition. 2. To study the change of coagulation function in patients with aSAH by using thrombelastography (TEG) and to provide ...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452013115350

    Comparison Study on Project Value Criteria of Project Sponsors

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    传统项目管理通常指的是由项目团队承担外部客户发起的项目,而越来越重要的企业项目化管理将传统项目管理向前延伸到项目定义过程,项目发起往往是企业本身甚至项目团队。价值标准决定着行动方案,采用实证研究方法,对两种类型的项目在发起依据的价值标准进行探索性研究。结论表明虽然这两种不同发起人的项目价值标准因素的重要性各有侧重,但不存在明显的差异。研究将从侧面支持目前流行的项目管理知识体系的应用范围,即项目管理的跨行业通用性;同时为项目定义提供借鉴标准。In traditional project management context,the project is usually sponsored by the client outside project base organization. The booming enterprise project management extends the life cycle forward to project definition stage,and the project is sponsored by the base organization or project team. The value criteria determines future management and action plan. Are there any differences between two sponsors in value criteria? The paper adopts empirical study to explore the value factors for project definition and deviations by sponsored groups. The results indicate that there is some incongruity in the priority order of project value factors,but no significant difference for overall. This paper supports the current application of Project Management Body of Knowledge,that is,the generalization of project management across industries,and provides valuable reference for project definition.国家自然科学基金项目(71272078

    Research on the Relationship between the Ancient Academy and the Imperial Examination

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    书院是出现于晚唐五代时期的一种独特的教育组织形式,宋代以后逐渐形成了完善的制度,并发展成中国古代的教育中心和学术中心。科举制度自隋代产生以来,地位不断上升,不仅被统治者视为“抡才大典”,而且也成为读书人仕进的最主要阶梯。 书院与科举的关系十分密切,唐末五代士人为获得参加进士科所需要的诗赋文学知识,纷纷隐居山林读书,逐渐衍生出书院这种新的教育组织,可以说书院因科举而生。在官方无力兴学的背景下,北宋书院成为官学的替代机构,承担了培养科举人才的重任。庆历四年(1044年)之后,书院被排斥在科举教育体系之外,书院与科举的关系变得相对疏远了。南渡之后,书院成为新儒学的传播基地,新儒家们不仅通过培养人才...Ancient Academy(Shu-yuan书院) , a unique form of educational organization , which came forth in the late Tang Dynasty and grew up into the educational and academic center with perfect systems established after Song Dynasty. Since Imperial Examination(Ke-ju科举) came into being in Sui Dynasty , it had been increasingly important and was regarded as the chief system by the government for selecting offi...学位:教育学博士院系专业:高等教育研究所_高等教育学学号:B20011700


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    通过对高等学校培养高级专门人才、发展科学和直接为社会服务三大职能内涵的剖析 ,为高等教育发展的宏观决策和管理、为高等学校自身角色的定位与内部管理提供了理论依据

    Studies on the Well-dispersed, Sinter-resistant and Size-controlled Pd/SiO2 Catalysts Prepared by Impregnation Method

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    本文的主要目的是探索一种通过简单的浸渍步骤制备高分散、抗烧结且粒径 可控Pd/SiO2催化剂的方法,并对催化剂的制备机理进行考察,为研制粒径可控 且具有良好抗高温烧结性能的负载型纳米金属催化剂提供科学基础。 在论文的第一部分工作中,通过浸渍法制备了一系列以不同Pd化合物 (PdCl2,(NH4)2PdCl4,Pd(NO3)2,(NH3)4Pd(NO3)2,Pd(OAc)2和Pd(acac)2)为前 驱体的Pd/SiO2催化剂。采用BET、XRD、O2和CO化学吸附、TEM等实验技 术对相关催化剂进行了表征,并采用原位XRD、原位Raman光谱以及TPD-MS 等实验技术对不同Pd...This thesis focuses on the studies of the technique that can be used to prepare sinter-resistant and well-dispersed Pd/SiO2 catalysts with controllable particle size by simple impregnation steps and the formation mechanisms of the catalysts in order to provide the scientific foundation for developing thus palladium nanocatalysts. In the first part of the thesis, a serial of Pd/SiO2 catalysts w...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052006015324


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    Design and Implementation of the Municipal Civil Servant Portal Platform

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    随着我国政治、经济建设不断取得新的进展,公民对政府的行政管理能力、效率、透明度都提出了更高的要求,尤其是新一届党中央领导班子,将廉洁、为民作为执政的最高目标。因此,政府的政务管理能力,面临着一个极大的考验,除了政府工作人员转变思维,提升服务的意识,还必须应用现代化的信息手段,通过搭建政务平台,运用科技的手段提高公务员办事能力。 众所周知,公务员队伍既是政务管理的具体执行者,也是政务平台软件的操作者,在传统的电子政务平台软件中,公务员往往是面对本岗位具体的业务细节进行操作,但对公务员本人的一些日常办公管理、便捷性操作、沟通协调等功能,仍然比较弱化。因此,在面向行政服务的政务软件基础上,有必要关...As China's political、 economic construction has made new progress, people have put forward higher requirements on transparency in administrative management ability, efficiency, government, especially the new Party Central Committee leadership, will clean, as the highest goal, ruling for the people therefore, government management ability, facing a a great test, in addition to government workers to...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123096

    Project Management of Aircraft Maintenance C Check for Xiamen Airlines

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    随着我国国民经济的持续增长,我国航空运输业也取得了令人瞩目的成就。但是,国际原油价格飞速上涨,给我国的民用航空公司带来了巨大的经营压力,降低运营成本成为各航空公司竞争的关键。航空公司的成本,主要包括飞机租购、保险、油料、航材和人工,其中成本控制的关键是航材成本和人工成本。 飞机维修管理直接关系到飞机的维修航材成本和人工成本。因此必须对飞机维修进行系统、科学和有效的管理。本文从厦门航空有限公司具体的飞机维修C检的进程控制方面来论述降低维修成本的途径,利用项目管理软件把飞机C检维修作为一个整体运作,以便有效的利用现有资源,减少无效劳动,提高维修效率,节约维修成本。为了达到上述目标,需要通过项目管...With the sustained growth of China's national economy, China's air transport industry has made remarkable achievements. However, the rapid growth of international crude oil price brings tremendous pressure to China's civil airlines, thus to reduce the operating cost becomes the key to competition for all airlines. The costs of airlines mainly include aircraft hire and purchase, insurance, fuel, ai...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_项目管理学号:X200515303


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