27 research outputs found

    Chemical constituents of Mosla dianthera and their utilization

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    【中文文摘】对不同产地的小鱼仙草全草精油主要化学成分 :香荆芥酚、百里香酚、β 石竹烯、侧柏酮、异胡薄荷酮、1 ,8 桉叶油素的含量进行对比分析。研究结果表明 :不同地域间植物精油的化学成分存在一定的遗传相似性及差异性 ;不同产地精油含量在不同生育期有一定变化规律。此外 ,种子含丰富的氨基酸 (1 3 .96% )和种类齐全的矿质元素 ;种子油含大量人体必需的亚麻酸 (67.3 6% )和亚油酸 (1 5 .1 2 % )等不饱和脂肪酸 ;全草总黄酮含量为 1 .76%~ 4.1 5 %。为此 ,小鱼仙草的种子和种子油具有较高的营养价值和药用功效 ,其植物资源在食品、香精香料和医药领域具有潜在开发利用的前景。 【英文文摘】Chemical constituents of Mosla dianthera Maxim essential oil were studied. Experimental results showed that its main constituents are: carvacrol, thymol, β-caryophyllene, thujone, 1,8-cineole, and isopulegone. The chemical constituents of essential oil among different growth areas have hereditary similarity and difference, and the content of essential oil in different areas has some rules in different growth seasons. In addition, the content of amino acids reaches 13.96%, and the kinds of mineral elements in seeds are abundant . The contents of unsaturated fatty acids in its seed oil are as follows : linolenic acid (67. 36 %) and linonic acid (15. 12 %) , which is necessary for hu2 man. The content of total flavones from its plant was from 1.76 % to 4.15 %. The seed and its oil are high nutritional ingredients. Therefore , the plant resources have promising prospects in food , essence , medicine and perfume.福建省自然科学基金项目 ;; 国家中医药管理局和福建省卫生厅基金项目 (2 0 0 0 J P 4 0


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    NMR Studies on Interactions between Oxalate-oxodiperoxovanadate and Arginine

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    【中文文摘】应用多核 (1H ,13 C ,15N和51V)NMR、二维扩散排序谱 (2DDOSY)、变温NMR以及电喷雾质谱 (ESI MS)等谱学方法研究草酸双过氧钒配合物与精氨酸 (Arg)的相互作用 ,发现该相互作用体系可生成以氨基配位的新过氧钒物种[OV(O2 ) 2 Arg] -,研究结果表明综合利用上述谱学方法有助于揭示此类相互作用体系的反应过程和配位机制 【英文文摘】Coordination interactions between oxalate-oxodiperoxovanadate {K 3[VO(O 2) 2(C 2O 4)]·H 2O, abbr. bpV~(oxa)} and arginine (abbr. Arg) in solution were studied by 1D multinuclear ( 1H, 13C, 15N, and 51V) NMR, 2D diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY), variable temperature NMR, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Spectroscopic results indicated that a new peroxovanadate species [OV(O 2) 2Arg] - was formed in which Arg coordinates to vanadium through amino group. It is proved that these methods are useful for analyzing and characterizing the reaction processes and coordination modes in this kind of the interaction systems.国家自然科学基金 (Nos.1 0 2 340 70,1 0 0 0 50 0 6 ,1 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 );固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室资助项


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    以聚乙二醇与马来酸酐的双酯化产物(MAh-PEG-MAh)、丙烯酰胺(AM)为单体,N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(BIS)或对二乙烯基苯(DVB)为交联剂,通过原位自由基共聚法合成了一种复合水凝胶。利用FT-IR、1H-NMR、SEM、TEM表征了凝胶结构和形态;利用XRD研究了凝胶的结晶性;研究了单体用量、分子链段长度、交联剂等因素对凝胶力学性能的影响。研究表明,柔性链段MAh-PEG-MAh以一定尺寸的聚集微区分散于PAM连续相,增强水凝胶的结晶性,且分散相与连续相之间有良好的作用力,当MAh-PEG1K-MAh与AM的物质的量比为1∶8,复合水凝胶的压缩强度达到18.2 MPa左右,力学性能最佳


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    Landfill leachate treatment by nanofiltration process

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    采用集成膜技术对城市垃圾渗沥液进行处理,探讨了预处理方法、膜组件、操作压力等因素对渗沥液处理效果的影响。经混凝沉淀和管式膜超滤等预处理的渗沥液经过二级纳滤处理,质量分数为85%—90%转化为符合国家一级排放标准的透过液,可直接无害排放;仅10%—15%成浓缩污液,可返回垃圾池或经脱水干燥后焚烧。The hybrid technology of flocculent sedimentation2tubular UF2NF2NF was app lied to treat city landfill leachate. The influence of different operating conditions, such as p retreatment method, membrane modules and operating p ressure, on landfill leachate treatmentwas investigated. After thismembrane treatment, around 85% — 90% of permeate solution was comp lied to China national ClassA discharge standard. Only around 10% —15% of the permeate solution remained as the concentrated leachate, which may return to landfill pond or be incinerated after dehydration.福建省科技项目(98-Z-33);建设部科技项目建科([1998]210号);福建省青年科技人才创新项目(2001J056)