35 research outputs found

    A Study of A Fifth Century Poet:Xie Hui-lian

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    谢惠连是南朝刘宋时期著名文学家,其创作在当时及以后都有一定的影响,形成所谓“谢惠连体”。族兄谢灵运与其交谊甚深,并为之揄扬,其行为、思想等对谢惠连的人生道路影响深刻。南朝梁简文帝萧纲对谢惠连的诗歌也很看重,并心摩手追,有若干仿作,这对谢惠连作品的流传产生了积极作用。此外,历代诗评家、诗选家对谢惠连作品也较为重视。本论文着力于分析谢惠连生平家世及创作情况,对关于谢惠连的相关研究成果进行梳理,对相关争议问题进行初步辨明,并探讨谢惠连作品在中国文学史上的地位影响。本论文由五部分组成:第一章考察谢惠连生平、仕履、交游情况,并重点分析谢惠连与谢灵运交谊。第二章考察谢惠连个性、才艺、政治态度,论述谢惠连儒...The essay is mainly about an outstanding poet in China named Xie Hui-lian(407-433). He was a noted poet in the Liu Song Dynasty. His poetry is collected in the most prestigious and influential anthologies in the Southern Dynasty: Wenxuan and Yutaixinyong. With the purpose of getting insight into the extraordinary poet Xie Hui-lian and his poetry, this essay tries to put forward new views through d...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国古代文学学号:2005130004

    On Ideal Heroine Mode in Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio

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    《聊斋志异》的爱情小说中塑造了大量的女性形象。这些女主人公,寄寓了作者的理想,具有一些共同特点和相似特征,这就构成了一定的模式,可称之为理想女主人公模式。该模式凸现了女性对爱情婚姻的主动追求和超凡的才干,突破了封建礼法对女性的樊篱,有必要加以探讨。The love stories in Strange Stories from a Lonely Studio portray a number of female images.These heroines,on whom the author placed his ideals possess some common characteristics and similar traits,form a certain mode that could be called ideal heroine mode.These ideal heroines,breaking through feudal ethical code,reflects spirit that women pursue love and marriage on their own initiative,and outstanding capability they have got which makes them handle affairs freely.Hence it is necessary to probe the mode

    The Manipulation of Alien Force and Man's Powerlessness to Real Life——On the Embodiment of Alienation Theory in Liu Zhenyun's Officialdom Novels and The Mobile Phone

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    刘震云一直关注被权力、金钱异化了的人性,这是对马克思异化理论的遥远的响应。刘震云有相当一部分小说囊括了官场万象,关注官场中异化了的人性,如《新兵连》、《头人》、《单位》、《官场》、《一地鸡毛》、《官人》、《新闻》等。这种讽刺、批判精神一直延续到《手机》之中。渗透在“官场小说”中的对人性异化的批判锋芒,正是使刘震云作品在当今文坛别具一格的所在。Liu Zhenyun's focus on the human nature which is alienated by money or power is a distant response to Marx's Alienation Theory.A number of novels written by Liu Zhenyun attach more importance to officialdom,paying more attention to alienated human nature,such as New Soldiers Company,Village Ruler,Unit,Officialdom,Trifle,Officials and News.The satirical spirit also lies in The Mobile Phone.Permeating the officialdom novels,the critical spearhead which criticized the alienated human nature is the very character that makes Liu Zhenyun unique in the contemporary literary world

    Sanyan and Suzhou——An Understanding Based on Suzhou Chronicles Published in Guangxu

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    “三言”与苏州、“三言”的作者冯梦龙与苏州有着十分紧密的联系。《苏州府志》等地方志集中地反映了这种关联,并在商贸业、蚕桑业、释道、世风等方面体现了地域与文学、市民社会与市民文化的关系。Sanyan and the author,Feng Meng-long,both had a close relation with Suzhou.The local chronicles of Suzhou published in the Guangxu years of Qing Dynasty strongly indicate the relation,and show the links between region and literature,urbanized society and urbanized culture in the perspectives of commercial industry,silkworm breeding and mulberry growing industry,Buddhism and Taoism,and public morals


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    一、问 题 人们通常所说的客观事物的大小,是指其相对关系而言。离开客体间的绝对尺寸的比较,也就无所谓大小了。所以没有比较就没有对客体大小属性本身的认识,因而也就不能对它们之间的关系进行概括。格式塔心理家认为在辨别学习中被试是学习了刺激物之间的关系。在特定的试验中,被试不是对绝对刺激值进行反应,而是根据刺激的相对属性,在辨别学习中是如此,在泛化测验中更是如此。因此,被试在这里已经摆脱开具体对象的绝对属性,而将这些属性的关系作为线索,并作出正确的反应。刺激物的绝对属性是可能不断改变的,但它们之间的关系则往往是稳定的,于是被试就能够排除其它因素的干扰而对这种关系作出较稳定的反应。这种关系之所以能同具体的绝对属性具有等值作用,无疑是得力于动物的初级概括能力。西方行为灵长类学家们把灵长动物


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    利用3种不同类型的表面活性剂反胶团体系制备SiO2超细颗粒,并与传统的Stober制备方法进行了对比. 在阴离子表面活性剂AOT和非离子表面活性剂TritonX-100两类体系中,得到了单分散的SiO2超细颗粒.在AOT体系中颗粒粒径随体系水含量w。的增大而增大;而TritonX-100体系中,颗粒粒径随w。的增大而减小;在阳离子表面活性剂(如CTAB,TOMAC)体系中无法得到SiO2超细颗粒.对不同体系所得颗粒的粒径标准偏差及粒度分布进行了对比,结果表明制备粒径小于100 nm的SiO2颗粒,反胶团法明显优于Stober方法,粒径相对标准偏差较低, 而对粒径大于100 nm的颗粒,Stober方法仍不失为一种很好的制备途径


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