285,224 research outputs found

    Nuclear particle detection using a track-recording solid

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    The design of the nuclear particle detector located in Purdue University's Get Away Special package which was flown aboard STS-7 is detailed. The experiment consisted of a stack of particle-detecting polymer sheets. The sheets show positive results of tracks throughout the block. A slide of each sheet was made for further analysis. Recommendations for similar experiments performed in the future are discussed

    Complete and incomplete spin transitions in 1D chain iron(II) compounds.

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    The synthesis and characterisation of two new octahedral iron(II) SCO coordination polymers [FeL1(bimm)] (1) and [FeL2(bppa)](MeOH)0.5 (2) (L1 = [3,30]-[1,2- phenylenebis-(iminomethylidyne)bis(4-phenyl-,4-butanedionato)(2-)-N,N0,O2,O20], L2 = [E,E]-[{diethyl 2,20-1,2- phenylenebis(iminomethylidyne)bis(3-oxo-3-phenylpropanato)}(2-)-N,N0,O3,O30], bimm = bis(1H-imidazol-1-yl)methane and bppa = 1,3-bis(pyridine-4-yl)propane) is presented. Results from X-ray structure analysis at different temperatures revealed in the case of 1 that the transition from a gradual to a cooperative SCO with a 5 K wide hysteresis is due to an increase of the short intermolecular contacts, which exceed a certain threshold for the cooperative effect. In the case of compound 2 an incomplete spin transition with a 4 K wide hysteresis was observed. The low temperature wMT product remains constant at a value typical for a mixed HS/LS state in stepwise spin transitions. A quantitative correlation between the cooperative effects of 12 monomer and polymer iron(II) SCO complexes and their structural properties derived from X-ray structure analysis, the so-called crystal contact index, CCI, is introduced

    Ambedkar and the Hindu culture

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    The Indian Neo Buddhism has aroused a movement since the 50s, which propa-gates Buddhism as the top form of the Indo-genous dharma. - The vast majority of that new religious movement belongs to the Dalits [1], people whose en-dogamous communities have been excluded from the varna system [2a] since centuries. The varna system is the traditional hierarchic structure of the relation-ships of those Indian communities who mutually acknowledge themselves as constituent members of their society. These varna jatis established a social class of people devoid of any basic social right. Declared as 'Untouchables' these peo-ple lost all human substance in the eyes of the varna jatis. Yet, that social degra-dation didn't primarily spring from racial, religious or even cultural reasons but from economic ones. When the old Indian agrarian production became a little more productive the division of labour was established as basic structure of the society; but in India the productivity remained on a low level during centuries so that the new non-productive jatis had to keep down the costs of the material pro-duction and the necessary services; they needed cheapest labour.Die indischen Neo-Buddhisten, die auch Ambedkariten genannt werden, haben seit den 50er Jahren eine Bewegung entfacht, die den Buddhismus ihrer Deutung und Praxis als Höchstform der indogenen Kultur, des Dharma, versteht. Wegen der AktualitĂ€t der Dalitfrage [1] spielen diese Neo-Buddhisten in der gegenwĂ€r-tigen Politik Indiens eine gewichtige Rolle; und fĂŒr den indischen Buddhismus haben sie nicht nur wegen ihrer politischen AktivitĂ€ten an Bedeutung gewonnen, sondern einfach auch deshalb, weil sie, ĂŒberwiegend der Mahar-Jati [2] zugehö-rig, inzwischen die Mehrheit der indischen Buddhisten bilden. Die Neo-Buddhisten gehen auf den sog. 'Vater der Indischen Verfassung' Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Sakpal, gen. Ambedkar (1891-1956) [3] zurĂŒck. Dieser indische Politiker entstammte der Mahar Jati [4] Maharashtras, die zu den höherrangigen Kasten der UnberĂŒhrbaren zĂ€hlt. Im Gegensatz zur Masse seiner Jati-Genossen war es Sakpal mit Hilfe seines brahmanischen Schullehrers Ambedkar, der ihm auch seinen Namen lieh, gelungen, eine akademische Karriere zu beginnen. Auf Grund eines Stipendiums des Maharajas von Baroda konnte er 1912 in Bombay den Grad eines Bachelor of Arts erlangen. Ein Staatsstipendium des FĂŒrstentums Baroda ermöglichte ihm ein Studium an der Columbia UniversitĂ€t in New York, wo er 1915 den Grad eines Masters of Arts erwarb. In London erlaubte ihm ein Stipendium des Maharajas von Kolhapur Jura zu studieren und als Barrister-at-Law abschließen. Außerdem erwarb er noch den Doktorgrad in Ökonomie. Am-bedkar hatte damit auf Grund brahmanischer und fĂŒrstlicher Protektion eine bei-spiellose Karriere begonnen, die ihn befĂ€higte, sofern moralisch gefestigt, die Lage der Dalits zum öffentlichen Thema in Indien zu machen

    Exploring narrativity in data visualization in journalism

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    Many news stories are based on data visualization, and storytelling with data has become a buzzword in journalism. But what exactly does storytelling with data mean? When does a data visualization tell a story? And what are narrative constituents in data visualization? This chapter first defines the key terms in this context: story, narrative, narrativity, showing and telling. Then, it sheds light on the various forms of narrativity in data visualization and, based on a corpus analysis of 73 data visualizations, describes the basic visual elements that constitute narrativity: the instance of a narrator, sequentiality, temporal dimension, and tellability. The paper concludes that understanding how data are transformed into visual stories is key to understanding how facts are shaped and communicated in society
