1,852 research outputs found

    Tahap kemahiran insaniah dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan tahun akhir di Politeknik KPM

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    Dalam dunia yang semakin berkembang dengan pesat, majikan tidak hanya mementingkan kemahiran teknikal sahaja tetapi juga kepada kemahiran insaniah agar pelajar mereka dapat menyesuaikan dan melengkapkan diri dengan semua jenis pekerjaan dan dalam masa yang sama memiliki pelbagai kemahiran. Sehubungan dengan ini, kajian ini dilaksanakan adalah mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran insaniah dari segi komunikasi, menyelesaikan masalah secara kritis dan kerja berpasukan dalam kalangan pelajar kejuruteraan tahun akhir di Politeknik Premier Malaysia. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 350 orang pelajar diploma tahun akhir sesi 2013/2014 dari bidang kejuruteraan yang ada ditawarkan di Politeknik Ungku Omar, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah dan Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan. Kajian yang dijalankan adalah kajian kuantitatif berbentuk tinjauan dimana untuk menjawab setiap persoalan kajian. Instrumen kajian yan digunakan adalah satu set soal selidik yang mengandungi maklumat diri dan item elemen kemahiran insaniah. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis secara diskriptif dan inferensi. Hasil dapatan kajian mendapati tahap kemahiran insaniah pelajar Politeknik Premier Malaysia berada pada tahap tinggi dengan nilai min keseluruhan adalah 4.16, dimana aspek kemahiran komunikasi adalah 4.17, kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah secara kritis adalah 4.15 dan kemahiran kerja berpasukan adalah 4.16. Untuk melihat perbezaan tahap kemahiran insaniah berdasarkan jantina, Ujian-t tidak bersandar digunakan dan hasil dapatan menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan tahap kemahiran insaniah bagi pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Secara keseluruhannya, tahap kemahiran insaniah pelajar kejuruteraan tahun akhir di Politeknik Premier adalah tinggi berdasarkan persepsi dan ini telah membuktikan setiap pelajar menitikberat kemahiran insaniah agar mereka dapat bersaing di pasaran


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    Abstrak - Pemasaran bukan lagi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan, namun sudah menjadi filosofi usaha termasuk pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). MSegmentasi pasar merupakan langkah awal dalam menyusun bauran pemasaran yang terkenal dengan 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan segmentasi dan target pasar sebagai dasar merencanakan bauran pemasaran produk UMKM sektor perikanan di Kota Kupang. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematika, factual, dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan observasi.   Tahapan analisis data antara lain: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan UMKM sektor perikanan belum menerapkan strategi segmentasi dan target pasar yang sistematis serta belum menjadikan strategi segmentasi dan target pasar sebagai pedoman dalam menyusun bauran pemasaran. Aktivitas usaha UMKM sektor perikanan di Kota Kupang masih berorientasi pada volume penjualan, sehingga produk-produk yang dihasilkan sulit bersaing                   di pasar. Kata Kunci : Segmentasi Pasar, Target Pasar, Bauran Pemasaran   Abstract - Marketing is no longer a science, but has become a business philosophy including in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Market segmentation is the first step in crafting a well-known marketing mix with 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). This research aims to find out the application of segmentation and target market as a basis for planning the marketing mix of MSME products in the fisheries sector in Kupang City. This research method is qualitative descriptive, which describes systematically, factually, and accurately the facts based on interviews and observations.   The stages of data analysis include: data reduction, presentation of data, and withdrawal of conclusions.  The results showed that fisheries sector MSMEs have not implemented systematic segmentation and target market strategies and have not made segmentation strategies and target markets as guidelines in compiling the marketing mix. The business activities of MSMEs in the fisheries sector in Kupang City are still oriented to sales volume, so the products produced are difficult to compete in the market. Keyword s: Market Segmentation, Target Market, Marketing Mi

    Development Of In Vitro Regeneration System For Capsicum Annuum And Transformation With Cucumber Mosaic Virus Coat Protein Gene

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    Chilli is one of the most important crops grown worldwide. It ranks as the most popular fruit vegetable and occupies the highest hectarage among the fruit vegetables in Malaysia. However, like any other crop of economic importance, chilli production is hampered by various virus diseases, especially Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) disease. Genetic engineering seems to be the most important technique for the development of novel chilli cultivars with virus resistant property, since other conventional controls were highly ineffective. This study was carried out in three stages: first, to establish an efficient in vitro regeneration system for a local chilli cultivar Cilibangi-4 (CB4); second, to obtain a transforming vector containing Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) Coat Protein (CP) gene; and third, development of transgenic chilli plants with CMV resistant. The investigation was initiated to study the in vitro regenerative ability of seven local chilli cultivars (Capsicum annum cv. CB2, CB3, CB4, CB6, MC11, MC12 and Kulai) and to select the most responsive cultivar for subsequent experiments. Explants (hypocotyls and cotyledonary leaves) were collected from 10-12 day-old seedlings and subjected to differentiation medium (DM). Genotypic differences for the in vitro regeneration ability were observed in this study. Of all the genotypes tested, cultivar CB4 was found to be the most responsive for both hypocotyls and cotyledonary leaves tested. Hence, subsequent experiments were carried out by using CB4. BA and IAA concentrations have been optimised for DM. Five concentrations of both PGRs were tested, 5 mg/l(w/v) BA and 0.5 mg/l(w/v) IAA were only found to be the most suitable for bud induction. Up to 87.5% of the cultured hypocotyls formed buds in the induction medium and cotyledonary leaves with a lower percentage of 65%. Effects of other cytokinins and auxins were investigated as well for bud induction in DM. Kinetin and zeatin were found to be less effective on bud induction compared to BA. While, Thidiazuron (TDZ) showed an extremely high percentage of bud formation, yet the buds induced were mostly stunted buds due to its high cytokinin activity. For auxins, Phenylacetic acid (PAA) was tested. PAA has shown some encouraging results among the concentrations tested. However, the buds seemed likely to form a rosette of distorted leaves and refused to develop further. Elongation of shoot buds was examined. Treatment DMM (Buds were induced in DM and elongated on MS with 3% sucrose) was found to be the best among all the treatments applied. The leaves formed expanded as normal, shoots elongated well and the roots developed vigorously at the basal part of the explants. Shoots elongated were excised and allowed to root in PGR-free MS medium. A construct of a plant expression cassette with CMV CP gene has been successfully cloned. The cloned CMV CP fragment was 655 bp and exhibited more than 90% similarity to those published CMV CP gene sequences. The effectiveness of kanamycin in selecting transformed tissue has been investigated based on the minimal kanamycin concentration was that capable to thoroughly inhibit and/or kill all the non-transformed tissues. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of kanamycin were 100 and 200 mg/l(w/v) for cotyledonary leaves and hypocotyls, respectively. Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harbouring the CMV CP construct was used to transform the chilli hypocotyls and cotyledonary leaf explants. The putative transformants were screened by subjecting to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers. Unfortunately, no positive result was obtained

    The Divine Viscera: Medicine and Religion in the Islamic Golden Age

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    Islamic medicine is largely ignored in Western tradition, but in an era when Western European medical practice relied more on mysticism than science and had lost the advances made by Classical Greece, the Islamic Empire entered a golden age of scientific thought. The impetus for the Golden Age medicine that developed can be partially attributed to the Islamic religion itself. This paper explores the role of Islam as both a unifying force and a set of broad cultural values in creating that atmosphere that allowed for the study of medicine, within the context of the scientific-religious duality that characterized discovery in the Islamic Empire

    Optimization of Processing Parameters for the Production and Storage of Drum-Dried Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) Powder

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    This study concerns with the optimization of formulation and processing parameters of drum-dried jackfruit powder using response surface methodology (RSM). In formulating the jackfruit powder, various concentrations of soy lecithin and gum arabic ranging from 1 to 5% and 5 to 15 %, respectively were tested. The optimum formulation for jackfruit powder contained 2.65% of soy lecithin and 10.28% of gum arabic with 40% v/w water. Soy lecithin and gum arabic significantly (p<0.05) affected the moisture content, bulk density, Hunter L, a, b values and hedonic scores of jackfruit powder with each response following the second-order polynomial model. Optimum processing parameters for drum drying were found when drum clearance of drum dryer was set at 0.01 inch, pool level at 10 cm, and drum rotation speed of 1 to 3 rpm with 3.0 to 4.4 bars of steam pressure. The results showed that the moisture content, water activity, solubility, Hunter L, a, b value, and sensory attributes of jackfruit powder were significantly (p<0.05) influenced by both steam pressure and rotation speed of the drum dryer. The optimum steam pressure and rotation speed of drum dryer were 3.36 bars and 1.2 rpm respectively with predetermined drum clearance of 0.01 inch and 10 cm of pool level. Total colour difference (ΔE), moisture sorption rates and sensory attributes of drum-dried jackfruit powder packaged in aluminum laminated polyethylene (ALP) and metallized co-extruded biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP/MCPP) pouches stored at accelerated storage (38oC, with 50, 75 and 90% relative humidity (RH)) were determined over 12 weeks period. The changes in total colour followed zero order reaction kinetics. Packaging materials, storage temperature and RH values significantly (p<0.05) influenced the moisture sorption rates of jackfruit powder. There was a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the intensities of the fruity odour, taste and increase in the lumpiness of the jackfruit powder stored at 38oC with 90% RH. The shelf life of jackfruit powder stored at 38oC and 90% RH was limited by both overall acceptability and the three sensory attributes intensities at week 8 of storage. Jackfruit powder stored at 28oC remained stable and acceptable throughout the storage period for all RH values. The powder packaged in ALP significantly (p<0.05) reduced total colour change, moisture sorption rates, lumpiness intensity of jackfruit powder and was rated higher in terms of overall acceptability over BOPP/MCPP. Results of this study suggested that ALP packaging with storage conditions of 28oC and RH less than 75% was better suited for keeping jackfruit powder

    Process algebra approach to parallel DBMS performance modelling

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    This study aims to determinate the significance of the simultaneous influence ofpromotion mix (advertising, sales in promotion, personal sales, publicity, and direstmarketing on the position Stik Tulang Ikan product on UKM Al Ijtihad in the Kupang cityand find out the promotion mix variables that have the most dominant influence on thepositioning of Stik Tulanng Ikan products on UKM Al Ijtihad in Kupang city.Research model with field research and library research. Field research in the formof primary data obtained by observing and interviewing the manager of U KM. Libraryresearch by reading books the relate to and the problem under study the results of otherstudies that can support this research. Data analysis used is multiple regression analysis, Ftest and t test. Multiple regression is used to describe the model of the relationship betweenthe independent variable and the dependent variable. F test is used to simultaneously testthe effect of all independent variables on the dependent variable. T test is used to determinethe effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable.Results the research on the UKM Al Ijtihad shows that the overall promotion mixhas a very real impact on the product positioning of Stik Tulang Ikan. The influence of themost dominant promotional mix on product positioning is advertising


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    Penelitian ini berawal dari rendahnya tingkat pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA materi Alat Pencernaan Manusia di SD Negeri 6 Cakranegara. Metode yang digunakan guru dalam kelas kurang inovatif dan pemanfaatan alat peraga yang kurang dimaksimalkan oleh guru pada saat pembelajaran. Guru hanya menggunakan metode ceramah pada proses pembelajaran, sehingga hasil belajar siswa kurang maksimal hanya 62,5% siswa yang nilainya di atas KKM. Berdasarkan hal tersebut guru perlu menginovasi pembelajaran yang baru dan meningkatkan penggunaan alat peraga, sehingga mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menerapkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan alat peraga pada mata pelajaran IPA materi alat pencernaan manusia sehingga membantu siswa mempermudah dalam memahami dan mengingat materi yang diajarkan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: 1) mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan alat peraga dalam meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA materi alat pencernaan manusia pada siswa kelas V di SD Negeri 6 Cakranegara. 2) mendeskripsikan peningkatan keberhasilan penerapan pembelajaran menggunakan alat peraga dalam&nbsp; meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA materi alat pencernaan manusia pada siswa kelas V di SD Negeri 6 Cakranegara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model Kurt Lewin terdiri dari 2 siklus yang setiap siklusnya memiliki 4 tahapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di &nbsp;SD Negeri 6 Cakranegara dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 32 orang. Data penelitian didapat dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan menjadi lebih baik. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan: 1) penerapan penggunaan media alat peraga dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru dari siklus I 80% pada siklus II menjadi 88%. Aktivitas siswa dari siklus I 66% pada siklus II menjadi 78%. 2) Peningkatan prosentase ketuntasan belajar siswa saat prasiklus 62,5%, siklus I 84,21% dan pada siklus II 89,47%