3,160 research outputs found

    PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

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    Offers survey findings including Californians' views of proposed tax plans such as raising the sales tax and high earners' income taxes, pension reforms, elected officials, the fiscal outlook, and the "Occupy" movement, as well as their personal finances

    PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and the Environment

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    Presents survey results on Californians' views of the federal Gulf of Mexico oil spill response, offshore drilling, the effects of global warming, the impact of emissions regulation on the economy, and other energy and environmental policy issues

    Critical Breakdown of Discourse Categories in Relation to (Preschool) Teacher’s Oral Performance

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    The discussion presents an attempt of a critical breakdown of discourse categories in relation to the (preschool) teacher’s oral performance in class and during activities related to school or kindergarten. We established that during the educational process, (preschool) teachers find themselves in different situations and circumstances of oral performances. Since they use discourses in their communication rather than individual sentences or even words, they must, among other things, be familiar with the characteristics of different discourse categories in order to be efficient. When researching the discourse categories we have, in compliance with different scientific definitions, somewhat modified the Toporišič Žagar classification in accordance with communication methods and functional varieties and limited ourselves to the discourse categories that are directly or indirectly related to a (preschool) teacher’s oral performance in class. During the discussion, we focused on whether the (preschool) teacher already starts his or her oral performance when entering the classroom and whether at least a part of class is an oral performance


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    The paper presents the course of the seventh relapse of a 25 years old female patient, further-on referred to as ‘I. O.’ The impact on the therapeutic group of which ‘IO’ was a part is described


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    In this article a small qualitative-quantitative study of 5 cases of occupational therapy intervention is described. In co-operation with VSZ, during their practical training in the field of mental health, 12 third year students of the Occupational Therapy Department with their mentors and their tutor tried to continue with occupational therapy of individual clients in their immediate and broader home environment. Apart from other necessary rating methods each client was rated also with COPM and AMPS, both at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. This enabled the statistical comparison of the treatment results that confirmed the hypothesis that continuous treatment following the discharge into the home environment positively influenced the client’s independent functioning in everyday life as well astheir and their family members’ active participation in overcoming illness-related problems. As a novelty a non-standardised questionnaire was used to obtain the clients’ view of this kind of treatment

    'Heykeli yaşamak gerek'

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: Nazım Hikmetİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Estetika klasičnega obdobja islamskega Mogulskega imperija v Indiji skozi portret Abūja al-Fatha Jalāla al-Dīna Muhammada Akbarja

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    The reign of Abū al-Fath Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Akbar (1556–1605) was a fruitful period of the political, cultural and spiritual synthesis of Persian, Indian, and European tradition, as well as an artistic and aesthetic renaissance. This cosmopolitan, universal and charismatic ruler strived for the external, political, material and spiritual well-being of his colourful empire. In search of a balance between the external and internal, and in his endeavours for the unification and uniformity of India he gradually created a completely new style of Mughal arts, which is a stunning reflection of his personality’s transformations, principles, insights, interests, and spiritual growth.The paper focuses on a psychological portrait of the ruler, who dictated aesthetics and the style of the classical period of Mughal arts which consists of the three basic developmental phases of Akbar’s enigmatic character. The thesis on the parallel development of Akbar’s personality and Mughal arts is supported by research on the influence of certain European and Persian aesthetic elements, and mainly on the influence of Indian philosophical-religious tradition (the doctrines on rasa, bhakti, yoga, and tantra). The early period of Mughal arts, with predominantly realistic elements, coincides with the ruler’s dynamic, youthful enthusiasm and immense curiosity to acquaint himself the most varied aspects of external events and appearances. The second, the mature period, which enriches this earlier realism by means of mystical elements and the symbolism of Indian pre-Mughal painting, is marked by the shift into the interior and by searching for the harmony between the material and spiritual. In the late period of Mughal painting, however, reflexive and lyrical works prevail, which are a reflection of completion of Akbar’s spiritual quests, and the unique project of multifaceted synthesis that he undertook and promoted. Plodovito obdobje vladavine Abūja al-Fatha Jalāla al-Dīna Muhammada Akbarja (1566– 1605) je bilo čas politične, kulturne in duhovne sinteze perzijske, indijske in evropske tradicije ter umetniške in estetske renesanse. Svetovljanski, vsestranski in karizmatični vladar si je namreč prizadeval za zunanje, politično in materialno, ter hkrati duhovno blagostanje svojega raznovrstnega imperija, v iskanju ravnovesja med zunanjim in notranjim ter v svojih prizadevanjih po združitvi in poenotenju Indije pa je postopoma ustvarjal povsem nov slog mogulske umetnosti, ki je osupljivi odraz njegovih osebnostnih preobrazb, nazorov, uvidov, interesov in duhovne rasti. Članek se osredotoča na analizo psihološkega portreta vladarja, ki je narekoval estetiko in slog klasičnega obdobja mogulske umetnosti, ki sestoji iz treh temeljnih razvojnih faz Akbarjevega enigmatičnega značaja. Teza o paralelnem razvoju Akbarjeve osebnosti in mughalske umetnosti je podprta s preiskavo vpliva določenih evropskih in perzijskih estetskih elementov ter predvsem vpliva indijske filozofsko-religijske tradicije (doktrina o rasah, bhakti, yoga, tantra). Zgodnje obdobje mogulske umetnosti s pretežno realističnimi elementi sovpada z vladarjevim dinamičnim mladostniškim zanosom in neizmerno vedoželjnostjo po spoznanju najrazličnejših plasti zunanje pojavnosti. Drugo, zrelo obdobje, ki realizem obogati z mističnimi elementi in simboliko indijskega predmogulskega slikarstva, je zaznamovano z obratom v notranjost in iskanjem harmonije med materialnim in duhovnim, v poznem obdobju mogulskega slikarstva pa prevladujejo refleksivna in lirična dela, ki so odraz dovršitve Akbarjevih duhovnih iskanj in edinstvenega projekta večplastne sinteze

    Kje so pesmi doma? Značilnosti prostorske razporeditve zapisov izbranih tipov slovenskih ljudskih pesmi

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    V članku je predstavljena prostorska analiza razporeditve 619 zapisov 10 izbranih tipov slovenskih ljudskih pesmi. Zapisi so različno razporejeni po slovenskih pokrajinah. Petina vseh je bila zapisana na Gorenjskem, po številčnosti pa sledijo tisti z Dolenjske, celjskega območja Štajerske in mariborskega območja Štajerske. *** The paper presents a spatial analysis of the distribution of 619 versions of ten selected types of Slovenian folk songs. The versions are variously distributed across Slovenia’s regions. A fifth of them were found in Gorenjska, followed numerically by Dolenjska, the Celje region of Štajerska, and the Maribor region of Štajerska