48 research outputs found


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    This research is based on the urgent need to safeguard the continuation of local cultureswhen faced to any foreign culture’s existence which can easily turn invasive in the midst of 4.0 industrial era and modernization. The balian songs have their own roles and functions that can be recorded as digital-archieve as one of concrete ways to safeguard local cultures in this 4.0 industrial era. The balian welcoming song is sung as both the expression of joy and honor to all the guests attending and walking down the aisle to the bridegrooms. Its common functions are, among others: 1) opening the wedding ceremony while parading the groom to the bride’s house; 2) guarding or protecting the groom from various potential misfortunes and or dangers coming from outsider parties; and 3) showing that the groom belongs to higher, or mid to upper, social and economic classes. The balian song of advice is sung to accompany the groom walking down the aisle. The role is to help the groom steeling his heart and thus readying him to make any lovesake’s sacrifice for his future wife. The advice song functions, among other: 1) to open the pantun (local couplets equivalent to those of traditional English) to intentionally put off the upcoming groom, for such delay is deemed necessary to show the couple’s readiness to make common sacrifice in their later household and 2) to better prepare the future husband’s perseverance to overcome any oncoming difficulties. Thus, the digital recording and archieving of balian songs require both the government and society’s utmost cares and immediate acts as that digitalization of cultural assets can help protecting various Maanyanese Dayak’s cultural heritage, especially the balian songs, to all future generations

    Kajian Tembang Dolanan Dan Implikasinya Dalam Pendidikan Budi Pekerti Anak Bangsa Pada Pendidikan Dasar Dan Menengah

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    Gameful tembang (tembang dolanan), including folksong, is one of the folkloric genres constructed upon lyrics and melodies, orally transmitted within specific members of a communion, using traditional verse form, and having almost unaccountable variants. This research aims at describing gameful tembang along with its useful implication for educating this nation youths' morality. Data tracking on tembang dolanan almost accounts for 224 (two hundreds and twenty four) variants available. Data analysis is based on the purposive selection that stresses on the familiarity and intimacy of the tembang itself to our own day-to-day senses. The analysis is also oriented to illuminate the inherent aspects of the tembang's morality. Based on analysis of some gameful tembangs as selected data can be described that various gameful tembangs are, by themselves, constructive media to nurture children ethical senses such as fostering sportiveness, solidarity, (social) togetherness, cooperativeness, social intimacy, fraternity and tolerance; preserving social agreement, friendship, and brotherhood; and putting forth social togetherness, patience, and honesty. Those ethical senses are imperative to construct, cultivate, and foster children's morality in real-life and real-time situation


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    Study on language and culture put language as an act and means to fulfill the act. As an act and the means, language conveys many functions. Ideology functions are one of language function resulted from an assumption that particular language feature conveys ideology dimension of a society, in Santoso (2007). Ideology is a reflection of social values which are a consensus. Jidor Sentulan is a literary performance done through dialogic narrating through which tradition and culture are held firmly. This study aimed at describing ideology function of Jidor Sentulan in Jombang. Ethno linguistic analysis describes some language features to reveal values of Javanese cultural wisdom as the ideology of people in Jombang. Results of the study found several language features that represent the values of Javanese cultural wisdom found in Sentulan Jidor of Jombang, they are: (1) lexical process includes (i) lexicalization, (ii) less lexical, and (iii) more lexical; and (iv) modalities, implicature, and terms of address. (2) Awareness functions include (i) function of friendship and brotherhood, (ii) function of the spirit and hard work, (iii) function of social care for the environment, and (iv) function of ideology and religious. The results of the study might be useful to preserve values of local wisdom

    Kreativitas Siswa dalam Menulis Puisi

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    This study describes the creative process of students in writing poetry text and creativity of students in poem text. This study used a qualitative approach with case type of study. Data were collected by interview and document study. The instrument used was a guide of data collection and data analysis. Checking the validity of the data was performed using perseverance of observation and triangulation. Result this study is the creative process of student in finding ideas was generally listening to music and student use three until six language irregularities in their poetry.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses kreatif siswa dan kreativitas dalam puisi siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara dan studi dokumen. Instrumen yang digunakan panduan pengumpulan data dan panduan analisis data. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan teknik ketekunan pengamatan dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses kreatif siswa ketika tahap pencarian ide secara umum mendengarkan musik dan siswa menggunakan tiga sampai enam bentuk penyimpangan bahasa dalam puisinya


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    This study aims to provide a problem-solving about students’ reluctance in speaking activities to express thoughts and feelings in SD Insan Amanah. There were several problems that inhibit the students’ speaking skills, namely fear of expressing, difficulties in facing many people (stage fright), wrong perceptions, and lack of contextual understanding. The drama method is impressive since it attracts people, which may encourage an unpredictable power when people perform it together. During the process, the students were expected to increase speaking skills; namely, the students are capable of speaking with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expressions. The research data source was the students’ work in the form of structural cards and drama scripts. The data collection in this study was employed through observation format, field note format, structural cards, and drama scripts. Meanwhile, the data analysis was implemented through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Peer observation and examination were conducted to test the data validity. Based on the research findings, in general, it can be concluded that the speaking skills learning through drama method of the fifth graders in SD Insan Amanah Malang were proved to increase. In Cycle I, only 35% of students succeeded. However, in Cycle II, there was an increase in 90% of students who succeeded in Basic Competence of "playing the drama role with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expression," meanwhile 10% of students had not succeeded

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Memproduksi Teks Cerpen Bersumber Dari Majalah Remaja Untuk Siswa Sma/smk

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    The purpose of this study, the learning module generates a text producing stories for SMA/SMK. The specific objectives of this study are (1) to develop products in the form of text materials producing short stories, short story text example, training, evaluation, and reflection and (2) describe the results of the test result validity and effectiveness of the product. This type of research is the development of research development model modified Borg & Gall. Modules developed in three parts. The first section contains text comprehension of short stories, the second part contains the steps to write short stories, and three short stories edited text.Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu menghasilkan modul pembelajaran memproduksi teks cerpen untuk siswa SMA/SMK. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini, yaitu (1) mengembangkan produk berupa materi memproduksi teks cerpen, contoh teks cerpen, latihan,evaluasi, dan refleksi dan (2) mendeskripsikan hasil validitas dan hasil uji keefektifan produk. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan modifikasi Borg & Gall. Modul yang dikembangkan terdiri atas tiga bagian. Bagian pertama berisi tentang pemahaman teks cerpen, bagian kedua berisi langkah-langkah menulis cerpen, dan ketiga menyunting teks cerpen

    Wujud Pengakuan Adanya Norma-norma Mutlak dari Tuhan dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi Karya A. Mustofa Bisri

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    Characters in the short story is the bearer of the mandate want delivered author. From the collection of short stories "Lukisan Kaligrafi", transcendental attitude as the implications of believing in God is reflected from the recognition of the existence of absolute norms of the God by the characters in the stories. These norms are divided into (a) taubatan nasuha (repentance undertaken on the awareness deepest heart with a determination not to repeat the sin), (b) wara' (away or leave everything unclear about the haram and halal), and (c) ridha or rida (accept what has been decreed by God, either painful or pleasant).Tokoh dalam cerpen merupakan pengemban amanat yang ingin disampaikan pengarang. Dari kumpulan cerpen Lukisan Kaligrafi, sikap transenden sebagai implikasi beriman kepada Tuhan tergambar dari pengakuan adanya norma-norma mutlak dari Tuhan oleh tokoh dalam cerita. Norma-norma tersebut terbagi menjadi (a) taubatan nasuha (tobat yang dilakukan atas kesadaran hati terdalam disertai tekad tidak mengulangi perbuatan dosa), (b) wara' (menjauhi atau meninggalkan segala hal yang belum jelas haram dan halalnya), dan (c) ridha atau rida (menerima apa saja yang telah ditetapkan Tuhan, baik yang menyusahkan maupun menyenangkan)

    Pemanfaatan Buku Cerita Bergambar sebagai Sumber Bacaan Siswa SD

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    This research was conducted in order to determine how to use picture books as a source of reading students learning Indonesian in elementary students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research design. The data collection was done by using participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Activity data analysis starts from the reduction of the data (data reduction), presentation of data (data display), until the conclusion / verification (conclusion drawing / verification). Based on data analysis, obtained 3 conclusion of the study as follows: (1) the use of picture books was quite effective interest students in learning. (2) The problem faced by teachers, availability of picture books are still a few, as well as the lack of variety bukucerita display, (3) a solution to overcome existing obstacles teachers reproduce themselves by means of picture books and teachers look for variations replicate their own stories on the internet.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pemanfaatan buku cerita bergambar sebagai sumber bacaan siswa pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Kegiatan analisis data dimulai dari reduksi data, penyajian data, hingga kesimpulan/verifikasi. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh 3 kesimpulan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) pemanfaatan buku cerita bergambar sudah cukup efektif menarik minat siswa dalam pembelajaran, (2) kendala yang dialami oleh guru yaitu ketersediaan buku cerita bergambar yang masih sedikit, serta kurangnya variasi buku cerita bergambar, (3) solusi untuk mengatasi kendala yang ada guru memperbanyak sendiri buku cerita bergambar dengan cara menggandakannya yaitu guru mencari variasi cerita lain di internet

    Pengembangan Multimedia Cerita Rakyat sebagai Penumbuhan Karakter Siswa

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    This study was aimed to test feasibility multimedia appreciation folklore charged character education for student junior grade VII. The approach that was undertaken use qualitative and quantitative reseach. Subject pilot this reseach is one expert learning, one person media expert learning, practitioner, 5 (six) student on trial small group, and 30 (thirty) student on trial a large group. The trial court implemented in Junior High School 1 Praya Lombok Middle east. The data was undertaken through observation, charging chief, and guide documentation. Analysis quantitative data done by counting the percentage feasibility the product of the people of learning, media experts, practitioner, the results of the small group and results of the test a large group. The results of data qualitative presented in the form of exposure to. The research results show multimedia learning on all the step of experiment try is at the percentage very reasonable to be used as a media learning.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan multimedia apresiasi cerita rakyat bermuatan pendidikan karakter untuk siswa SMP Kelas VII. Pendekatan yang dilakukan menggunakan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Subjek uji coba penelitian ini adalah satu orang ahli pembelajaran, satu orang ahli media pembelajaran, satu orang praktisi, enam siswa pada uji coba kelompok kecil, dan tiga puluh siswa pada uji coba kelompok besar. Uji coba lapangan dilaksanakan di SMPN 1 Praya Timur Lombok Tengah. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi, pengisian angket, dan panduan dokumentasi. Analisis data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menghitung persentase kelayakan produk dari ahli pembelajaran, ahli media, praktisi, hasil uji kelompok kecil dan hasil uji kelompok besar. Hasil data kualitatif disajikan dalam bentuk paparan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan multimedia pembelajaran pada semua tahap uji coba berada pada persentase sangat layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran


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    This study aims to provide a problem-solving about students’ reluctance in speaking activities to express thoughts and feelings in SD Insan Amanah. There were several problems that inhibit the students’ speaking skills, namely fear of expressing, difficulties in facing many people (stage fright), wrong perceptions, and lack of contextual understanding. The drama method is impressive since it attracts people, which may encourage an unpredictable power when people perform it together. During the process, the students were expected to increase speaking skills; namely, the students are capable of speaking with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expressions. The research data source was the students’ work in the form of structural cards and drama scripts. The data collection in this study was employed through observation format, field note format, structural cards, and drama scripts. Meanwhile, the data analysis was implemented through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Peer observation and examination were conducted to test the data validity. Based on the research findings, in general, it can be concluded that the speaking skills learning through drama method of the fifth graders in SD Insan Amanah Malang were proved to increase. In Cycle I, only 35% of students succeeded. However, in Cycle II, there was an increase in 90% of students who succeeded in Basic Competence of "playing the drama role with proper pronunciation, intonation, and expression," meanwhile 10% of students had not succeeded